Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 53: Su Lin is here


() "What's going on? Teacher Lin, where is that Su Lin in your class? The swearing-in ceremony is about to start, why haven't you seen him yet? He is going to give an important speech this time!"

Behind the rostrum, the teaching director Li Jianhua asked Lin Qingxue seriously.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute... Director Li, Su Lin will be here soon."

Lin Qingxue was also anxious! On such an important day, the school leaders all came on time or even in advance, but Su Lin was late and has not shown up yet.

"Teacher Lin! Look! This student named Su Lin has a big problem. He dares to be late for such an important occasion. It's almost nine o'clock. Not only the school leaders are here today, but even Mayor Fang is here Yes. I heard that Su Lin had many stories of being late and leaving early. I really don’t understand how Principal Li would let such a student give a public speech at the swearing-in ceremony. Where is the transcript of his speech? I’ll read it first to avoid saying too much. Things you shouldn’t say.”

Li Jianxing reached out to Lin Qingxue to ask for Su Lin's speech, but where did Lin Qingxue have Su Lin's speech? She asked Su Lin to go back and write it in the evening yesterday and deliver it early today so that she could review it and revise it. However, until now, there is no sign of Su Lin. Where can Lin Qingxue find the speech script

"Director Li, I... I asked Su Lin to give an impromptu speech. Su Lin's Chinese scores are good, and his literary talent and eloquence are also very good. Therefore, I think it will be easier for him to prepare and give an impromptu speech to inspire the students. Confidence and morale for the college entrance examination.”

Unable to produce a speech, Lin Qingxue had to quickly find an excuse to stall Li Jianxing. But she was also anxious! It was she who personally recommended Su Lin to the principal to give the swearing-in speech. If Su Lin was really absent, wouldn't she be the most embarrassed

"Nonsense! How can such an important speech be given impromptu? Teacher Lin, have you ever thought that Su Lin is not a good student to begin with. What a bad impact it will have if he talks nonsense about the content of his speech? According to my opinion, such students who have repeatedly violated school disciplines and rules should be punished with demerits... "

Immediately, Li Jianxing began to use the topic to express his hatred for Su Lin.

"Director Li, what are you talking about? Why isn't Su Lin a good student? In addition to being late occasionally, what other school rules did Su Lin violate? Please name them! As Su Lin's homeroom teacher, Su Lin I have the most say in what kind of student he is. Although Su Lin’s grades have not been good before, he has caught up now. If you have any objections to Su Lin’s speech this time, please tell me Go to Principal Li, Principal Li said this personally. Otherwise, Director Li, please stop talking to me."

Lin Qingxue was also angry. Originally, Lin Qingxue was a good-tempered person, but she couldn't help but Li Jianxing said this. Especially, Lin Qingxue might not have realized that she would be so angry when she heard Li Jianxing say bad things about Su Lin. .

"Okay, okay... Teacher Lin, since you want to defend Su Lin like this, I have nothing to say. I want to see if Su Lin can come to give a speech on time, and see what tusks his dog can spit out. !”

Li Jianxing was humiliated by Lin Qingxue, so he reluctantly left without saying a word, and went to prepare some other matters. The flag raising was about to begin. After the flag raising, there were speeches by the principal and grade director, and then the outstanding Speech by the student representative.

"Su Lin, Su Lin! Teacher Lin even contradicted the dean for you this time. Why are you so worrying? There's still no trace of you yet?"

Although Li Jianxing left, Lin Qingxue's worry still did not lessen. She kept looking at the watch on her hand. It was almost nine o'clock. Why didn't Su Lin come

On the other hand, on the playground of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, all the teachers and students of the third grade of high school, as well as the parents of all students, had already stood in a certain square formation. At this time, the sound of the radio march also stopped abruptly, and the teachers Director Li Jianxing's voice rang on the radio.

"Dear school leaders, teachers, parents and classmates, today... is the swearing-in meeting on the penultimate day of the college entrance examination for our senior high school students in Jian'an No. 1 Middle School. In three days, the senior students in high school will rush to the battlefield that determines your destiny. Now, let’s start the first part of the swearing-in ceremony—raising the national flag! Everyone, stand up!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the March of the Volunteers rang out, and the national flag was raised just like every Monday. However, it was also the last time these juniors saw the national flag raised in their high school careers.

As the march of the volunteers ended abruptly, the bright red five-star red flag was raised to the top of the flagpole. The swearing-in meeting entered the second agenda, which was a speech by Li Weimin, the principal of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, to cheer for the third-grade students.

"Students, I am honored to be the principal of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School. This high school is the best high school in Jian'an, even ranked in the entire province. Likewise, you who study here are also Very excellent…”

It is a very official but practical speech. I believe anyone who has gone to school can understand the principal's speech. It is so long, has no practical meaning, and is full of false and empty words. However, the students below still wanted to give the principal some face, and there was a burst of warm applause at the place where the principal paused deliberately during his speech.

The classroom was filled with stools that students had brought out of the classroom. Parents and their children were sitting on the stools, listening to the principal's long and stinky speech. They were impatient but had to listen patiently. In the area of Class 2, Grade 3, Su's father and Su's mother felt very uncomfortable. Because everyone else was accompanied by their own children, but they were sitting alone on the bench without Su Lin, which was very unpleasant.

"Hey! Aizhen, your Su Lin really doesn't have the face to accompany his parents? Ouch! Today's children! They are so unfilial, even if their grades are poor, it doesn't matter! Other parents have children to accompany them, You are the only one who doesn’t have one, how shameless does it look like? But fortunately, there are only a few children like this. If you look at our family, Yang Chen is much better behaved, and he is very filial to us and his wife at home."

Liu Lanfeng was sarcastic and sarcastic. Her son Yang Chen happened to be in Class 3 next door, so she specially picked a seat on the edge and squeezed in, right next to Su Guorong and Liu Aizhen, in order to seize everything. An opportunity to mock Liu Aizhen.

"You... stop talking sarcastically. My Su Lin's grades are not bad. He ranked tenth in his grade. I don't know how much better than your son..."

Liu Aizhen was so angry that she started arguing with Liu Lanfeng again and again.

At the same time, in the front section of Class 2 (Grade 3), Qin Yanran was sitting on a stool obediently, accompanying her mother Fang Liping.

"Yanran, why didn't you go to the last pledge meeting for outstanding student representatives to give a speech? My mother was busy with work in the past and didn't have time to come to your school to attend such a parent-teacher meeting. She couldn't see your speech. It's hard to come this time. Why? Isn’t it you who is giving the speech?”

Fang Liping seemed to be born with a strong aura of a strong woman. Even when facing her own daughter, she was only slightly restrained. However, Fang Liping is still very relieved about her daughter Qin Yanran. Although her husband died young, Qin Yanran has been growing up in such a single-parent family. However, Qin Yanran has been very sensible since she was a child. Especially under the influence of Fang Liping's momentum, she is self-reliant and strives to be the best in everything. To be a strong woman.

"Mom! I used to give a speech almost every time, and I was afraid that the students would get tired of hearing it. So this time when Principal Li asked me if I wanted to go on the stage to give a speech, I couldn't say anything and gave this opportunity to other students. . This time the person speaking on stage is a boy in our class who has made great progress. He... His name is Su Lin... "

I don't know why, when Qin Yanran introduced Su Lin to her mother with the last sentence, she suddenly became nervous.

"Su Lin? Why does this name sound familiar?"

Hearing this name, Fang Liping frowned and tried her best to recall it. She seemed to have heard this name somewhere, otherwise why would it be so familiar? However, as the mayor of Jian'an City, she dealt with government affairs every day and came into contact with so many people. For a moment, she never thought that Su Lin was the high school student who saved her in the hotel that day.

"Mom, his name should be quite common. It may be the same name you have heard before."

Qin Yanran didn't believe that her mother would know Su Lin before this! As the mayor of Jian'an City, Fang Liping is extremely busy every day. Even Qin Yanran himself doesn't get to see her every day, let alone Su Lin, who is out of reach of Fang Liping.

"Maybe! But how much progress has this Sulin made? That he can replace you on the stage to give a speech? The college entrance examination will be held in a few days, and your swearing-in meeting this time is to cheer you students up."

Fang Liping knew very well that her daughter Qin Yanran had never finished second in the three years she had attended Jian'an No. 1 Middle School. And if Su Lin can replace her as an outstanding student representative and give a speech on stage, the improvement should be huge.

"It's really big. Mom, this time Su Lin was over a hundred from the bottom of the grade, and suddenly passed the exam to the tenth grade. And this was after finishing the first English test, and there were still three subjects that were not tested. , he had already boasted in Haikou that he could be admitted into the top fifty in his grade, and in the end he was admitted into the tenth place all at once."

Speaking of Su Lin's progress, Qin Yanran actually smiled and talked proudly to her mother, and she was even more excited than talking about her own achievements.

"Is it really that powerful?"

This was the first time that Fang Liping heard her daughter Qin Yanran praise someone so much. The person who could be praised by her daughter was her male classmate. Based on her mother's understanding of her daughter and the sensitivity of women, Fang Liping knew that this person was Su Lin. The relationship between the boy and his daughter Qin Yanran must not be simple.

"Really! Mom, just yesterday... I lent my notebook to Su Lin, and he actually memorized it all in one night. He even knew what the page number was and what the content was, corresponding one to one."

The grade director of the third grade of high school was speaking above, while below, Qin Yanran was talking happily about Su Lin's glorious deeds in front of her mother.

"... Finally... I wish all our senior high school students to perform exceptionally well in the college entrance examination, achieve satisfactory results, and be admitted to the university of their choice!"

There was a round of applause, and the speech of the grade director was over. Now it was the turn of the outstanding student representatives to give everyone a pep talk.

However, at this time, Lin Qingxue had not seen any sign of Su Lin.

"Teacher Lin, where is Su Lin from your class? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Li Jianxing had a straight face, but he was gloating in his heart and said, "Su Lin, you are asking for your own death this time!"

"Su Lin... Su Lin... where are you?"

Just when Lin Qingxue was about to despair, Su Lin panted and fought straight from the school gate. After entering the classroom, he went straight to the podium.

"Teacher Lin... I... I'm sorry, I... I'm late..."

Out of breath, Sulin finally arrived at the last moment.

"Thank God, Su Lin, you're finally here. It's your turn to give a speech. Hurry up and get on the podium..."

When Lin Qingxue saw that Su Lin had finally arrived after being late for so long, she wanted to scold Su Lin, but there was no time to scold him now. She quickly grabbed Su Lin and pushed him to the podium.