Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 56: For one person


() What a coincidence that the young woman he rescued in the hotel that day turned out to be Qin Yanran's mother

Su Lin found that when he looked at Qin Yanran's mother, Fang Liping, she was also looking at him, and actually nodded towards him with a smile. This actually made Su Lin feel a little embarrassed. That day in the hotel room, he had a relatively intimate relationship with her.

But now that I think about it carefully, Qin Yanran and her mother Fang Liping are really similar. Su Lin feels that he should have thought of it a long time ago!

With a different speech, Su Lin achieved the desired effect, which aroused the reflection of teachers, students and parents present. However, this is just the beginning. His speech is not over yet. Next, he will continue to talk about what he is studying for.

"Classmates, there is no doubt that we are the new masters of the 21st century. Our future life depends on our own efforts, but we don't want to always follow the path arranged by others. This kind of forced hard work Are you willing to feel like this?"

As soon as the conversation changed, Su Lin started to change to the topic and continued to speak into the microphone, "Yes! We don't want to. We are students and need to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, even if it is not for exams or to go to college, but just for us to be more To live a good life and better understand this society, we must also study hard. However, many of us do not understand what we are studying for. What I want to tell you in my speech today is not to Let everyone give up studying hard, but find their own motivation to learn, and fundamentally understand the meaning of learning. Only in this way can we work hard and learn from the bottom of our hearts."

Yu Yang Xian Yi, Su Lin's speech, from the beginning, devalued learning, questioned the meaning of learning, and raised questions about life, set up a barrier in everyone's mind, and now, this barrier is suddenly pushed away. open.

Yes, that's it. We must understand the true meaning of learning, which is not to study blindly or blindly. Studying with purpose and motivation is the truly correct path.

"I don't know how you feel. But when I see my parents working so hard every day and coming back exhausted at night, just to give me a stable family life. What else do I have? An excuse not to study hard? Maybe, many of you have good family conditions and don’t need to worry about money now. But what about the future? When your parents get old, when the people you love encounter difficulties and achieve nothing. What can you do? It’s just that the market is standing by and watching. I don’t want to be the one who is cared for and raised by others forever. I want to use my own efforts to give back and take care of the people I love and who love me... "

"For a person, for the person I love, so I have to work hard, I have to study hard, this is the motivation for my study, this is the direction of my struggle. Maybe everyone can say these truths, but you don't know that I have already How many times have you heard it. But if you haven’t experienced it personally, you don’t know how difficult it is. Please think back in your mind, is there such a person who will become your motivation to study? Thinking of her, you will spend 120,000 yuan on it. Try your best to study and repay her... "

After saying such a long words, Su Lin was filled with emotion. He thought of his parents, Sister Zhu, Teacher Lin Qingxue, Qin Yanran...

Work hard for one person! This person can be your parents or someone you admire.

After hearing what Su Lin said, there was a wave of excitement among the people. In fact, everyone had thought about this issue before, but no one explained it as thoroughly as Su Lin. No matter what kind of life, what kind of struggle, in the end, isn’t it to give the people you love a good life and give back to your parents and loved ones

"Su Lin! Could it be said that you really study hard for me?"

Qin Yanran, who was sitting on the playground, had complicated eyes and was fighting fiercely in her heart. Yes, she was moved by Su Lin. Although there are many, many boys pursuing her, which boy can make such a change as Su Lin for his own sake

There was no one except Su Lin. He kept his promise and confessed to himself in public that he could be admitted into the top fifty of his grade. Sure enough, he was admitted into the tenth place in his grade.

This person is Su Lin. For some reason, he quietly entered Qin Yanran's heart during the last period of her high school life and could never get out again.

"This Su Lin! He always speaks so amazingly. Is he studying so hard all for one person? For...for that Qin Yanran in our class?"

Previously, Lin Qingxue also witnessed Su Lin's confession to Qin Yanran outside the English examination room. At that time, Su Lin was so impassioned. With his achievements, he said such words just for Qin Yanran. No one believed that he could do it and they all made fun of him. But in the end! Su Lin just did it. Is this... really the power of love? Can a person move forward and unleash all his potential

I don't know why, but thinking of this, Lin Qingxue felt an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart. hehe! yes! Su Lin worked hard for Qin Yanran, not for himself...

After coming to her senses, Lin Qingxue shuddered again. How could she be jealous of Qin Yanran? no! no! Su Lin and Qin Yanran are both his students. What happened to him

Looking at Su Lin standing upright on the rostrum, Lin Qingxue was also confused in her heart.

"This little brat seems to have really grown up. Lao Su! Our Xiao Lin is awesome!"

In fact, the most touching person at the scene was Su Lin’s mother Liu Aizhen. During this period, both husband and wife were laid off, and the family had no source of income. The person who was under the greatest pressure was Liu Aizhen. Fortunately, Su Lin is sensible now, understands the difficulties of his parents, is willing to study hard and achieves results, how can Liu Aizhen not be happy

"That's right! Can my son, Su Guorong, be a bear?"

Su Guorong is also proud of his son Su Lin.

Behind the rostrum, Li Weimin, the principal of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied and in agreement with Su Lin's speech.

"I have finished my speech. I am very grateful to the students, teachers and parents present for being willing to listen to my talk."

After bowing solemnly to the playground and behind the rostrum, Su Lin's speech officially ended.

Bang bang bang…

Unexpectedly, huge applause broke out at the scene.

This applause was not the perfunctory applause that the principal had given before. Everyone who applauded came from the bottom of their hearts. Those students who were dissatisfied with Su Lin's rapid rise in exams now completely admired Su Lin.

Especially some girls in the lower grades have become Su Lin's fans, looking at Su Lin on the podium with love in their eyes.

Even on the rostrum, Principal Li Weimin took the lead in applauding very enthusiastically. He watched Su Lin come down from the stage and smiled in praise of Su Lin.

In this way, Su Lin's unique speech ended perfectly with everyone's warm applause.

After the swearing-in ceremony, the first and second grade students returned to the classroom for normal classes, while the third grade students had their last parent-teacher conference.

The seating arrangements for parents in the classroom are based on exam rankings. This is the tradition of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School.

Fang's mother, Liu Aizhen, sat in the second seat in the first row of class 3 (2) with some anxiety. Because Su Lin got second place in the class this time, Liu Aizhen's seat for the parent-teacher meeting was the second seat.

However, this was not the reason for Liu Aizhen's panic. The real reason was that sitting right in front of her was Fang Liping, the mother of Qin Yanran, who ranked first in the class.

Fang Liping, the mayor of Jian'an City, Liu Aizhen has seen her in the city's news reports more than once. Unexpectedly, Liu Aizhen would be able to sit behind Mayor Fang at this parent-teacher meeting. How could Liu Aizhen not be flattered

Of course, like Liu Aizhen, the parents of Grade 3 (2) also discovered that Mayor Fang of this city actually attended the parent-teacher meeting with them. It turns out that his child and Mayor Fang's daughter have been classmates together for three years.

It's no wonder that Fang Liping was unable to attend every parent-teacher meeting in the past. She was too busy with things in the city and couldn't spare time. Therefore, these parents had never seen Fang Liping appear during previous parent-teacher meetings. This time was Qin Yanran's last parent-teacher meeting in high school, and Fang Liping had to put down everything and come there no matter what.

"Hello parents, I believe you are all familiar with me. I am Lin Qingxue, the head teacher of Grade 3 (2). This is the last parent-teacher meeting. First of all, I am very grateful to all the parents for their trust in me... "

The parent-teacher conference is going on in the class in an orderly manner, but the students in the third grade are free to do their activities. After the swearing-in ceremony, Su Lin's father gave Liu Aizhen a few words and hurried off to attend a recruitment interview with a company.

"Lin Zi, you are so awesome this time! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that that wonderful speech just came from your mouth!"

As soon as the swearing-in ceremony was over, Li Hao happily came to Su Lin and pulled Su Lin along while walking and joking.

"Why can't it be me? Speaking of Haozi, the college entrance examination will be in a few days. What are your plans?"

Su Lin patted his good brother on the shoulder. Now Su Lin has become a real figure in Jian'an No. 1 Middle School. From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, after this unique speech, everyone knows Su Lin. Along the way, They all looked sideways at Su Lin.

There were even some nymphomaniac little girls who blushed at Su Lin and hesitated whether to come up and have a word with Su Lin.

"Hey! What else can I do? You also know that my grades are not like yours. They have skyrocketed and are now enough to be admitted to the top universities in the country. I will just take the exam to a junior college. Anyway, our family I’m not short of money either. After I graduate from college, I’ll take over my dad’s business. I won’t starve to death anyway. Lin Zi, what city do you want to go to? Although we can’t go to the same university, it would be nice to go to the same city. Take care of me!"

Li Hao sighed, but he also thought about it. He knew that he was at this level, and his family had already prepared for him and arranged the relationship.

"This... I haven't thought about it yet. Aren't we all going to fill in the application form after the scores come out? After the college entrance examination scores come out, we can add them up... "

Su Lin's heart sank again when he thought about going to college.

yes! The college entrance examination will be held in a few days. When the time comes, I will fill out my application form and go to different universities and different cities, and just go our separate ways...

In the past, Su Lin rarely thought about filling out college application forms. After all, with his grades, he couldn't get into a good university. But now, Su Lin started to worry and speculated in his heart: "I wonder what university Yanran will apply for? It must be Qingbei and Yanjing, the two top domestic universities in the capital?"