Training Players

Chapter 114: being attacked


Just when he was about to go over to see what was going on with that thing, that guy rushed towards Qin Zheng directly.

Did you expect this guy to play so dryly? He was a little stunned for a while. He stared at this thing in a daze, then reacted quickly, and then hid to the side.

This guy didn't succeed, but he didn't give up either. He continued to attack Qin Zheng again and again, and his fighting power was very strong.

Because this thing was a surprise attack, Qin Zheng was suppressed by him for a while, until after a while, Qin Zheng used tactics to go around behind him, and gave him a shot when he was not paying attention. reversed.

"That day, can you tell me what you mean by that?"

While avoiding this guy's attack, he tried to talk to him. He really didn't know that the arrow pointed him here just to fight this guy

What the hell is this

But the guy in front of him obviously didn't answer Qin Zheng's intention, but continued to take this attack as much as possible, getting smoother and more fluent.

But at this moment, Qin Zheng has already reacted. He is the most responsive person in the entire server and is also very high on the ranking list. How could he be afraid of this guy

After getting acquainted with him, Qin Zheng was able to take normal measures with him. At this time, Qin Zheng's movements were very brisk and neat, and it didn't take long to suppress this guy.

"Then I won't let you go if you don't plan to say it. I think you should have a number. You are not my opponent."

The guy who was crushed under Qin Zheng gave Qin Zheng a cold look, his eyes were full of resentment, then he gritted his teeth and shot again.

Qin Zheng didn't care, and continued to suppress this guy, and then tried to talk to him. After a long time, Qin Zheng realized that this was just an ordinary player controlled by lava.

No wonder, Qin Zheng felt before that things like lava are very powerful in combat. He didn't understand why the guy in front of him was so slow and didn't show his true strength at all.

It was because the lava occupied his body, which caused this situation. This player is just an ordinary player, and there is no way to use such a large amount of energy.

He was restricted everywhere because of his behavior, Qin Zheng smiled knowingly after knowing it.

If this is the case, then just find a way to break this guy out of the control of the lava. This is not a difficult task for Qin Zheng, he has already done similar things before.

When Li Ran's consciousness was controlled in the submarine palace before, Qin Zheng also used some methods to pull Li Ran's consciousness back, and now he just needs to do the same as he did at that time.

This process went very smoothly, this guy's fighting power was not as high as Li Rangao, after Qin Zheng got used to it, this guy was no longer Qin Zheng's opponent, Qin Zheng easily pulled him out of Lava's body.

At that moment, the player in front of him stopped moving and fell into a coma.

Qin Zheng placed the player next to him, then found a place to sit down, and waited quietly for the player to wake up. After about twenty or thirty minutes, the player finally woke up.

After coming back, the first person he saw was Qin Zheng, and he was stunned for a while.

How could they be here, and what kind of place is this place

"Who? Why am I here? Where am I?"

Qin Zheng smiled and explained the situation to the player. Qin Zheng didn't mean to make the player appreciate him, but just wanted him to know what happened just now.

But Qin Zheng never thought that after he told him, this player not only did not accept his love, but was very angry.

"Are you crazy? What's your business? Who told you to meddle in your own business?"

Qin Zheng didn't expect this player to have such an attitude, and was speechless for a while.

"If I remember correctly, when I just came here just now, you started to attack me violently. If I didn't do this, I might be injured by you."

He shrugged, and didn't take this player's words to heart. Anyone could see just now that it wasn't his fault.

Although Qin Zheng couldn't understand why the player in front of him had such an attitude.

After hearing Qin Zheng's words, this player was very angry, because he couldn't find a word to refute Qin Zheng at this time, but he was holding his breath in his heart.

"I tell you this is none of your business, I hope you don't meddle in your own business here! Do you know that I was using that guy to cultivate at that time, and now that you destroy it, all my previous efforts will be gone! "

Qin Zheng was completely pissed off by this guy's putting the cart before the horse. Was he joking? Want to practice with the help of lava.

"I have to interject, do you really not know how harmful that thing is? If you want to use that guy, you will only be used by that guy instead."

Qin Zheng knew very well that if he hadn't done anything just now, then this player would probably not be far away from being insane. He was already unconscious when he was possessed by that thing just now.

If the possession time is longer, he may completely lose his will, and it will be really over at that time, so it is the first time Qin Zheng has heard such unimaginable words.

It seems that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. There are as many people in this world with as many ideas. Although this player's ideas are a bit too extreme, they are indeed unparalleled in the world.

Qin Zheng smiled and said, "I don't know if you still remember the scene when you were possessed by that thing just now, do you really think it's a good thing?"

Hearing Qin Zheng's words, he was speechless for a while, but he didn't want to admit it, instead his attitude became more intense.

"Even if I'm controlled by that guy, so what? Do you know how much effort I've put in to practice this, and now it's all ruined by you!"

Qin Zheng seems to have saved the player's life, but from the player's point of view he ruined him, Qin Zheng shook his head helplessly, what else is he planning to do

"Then maybe our two opinions are a bit inconsistent, but I don't think most people can understand your kind of thinking. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"