Training Players

Chapter 6: What kind of experience is it to be kicked by an npc?


Seeing that Xinghuo Wuhen readily accepted the task, Qin Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that the reward he promised yesterday was not issued at all, and today he tricked Xinghuo Wuhen into giving him another task. Qin Zheng was really afraid that Xinghuo Wuhen would not accept the task because he would not see the benefits.

It's just that Qin Zheng somewhat underestimated the temptation of hidden professions to immortal players.

Eternal Life is a virtual game that is considered by the United Nations to change the world structure. The achievements obtained in the game can even affect reality. Therefore, the major guilds or organizations are willing to pay any price for things that can benefit in the early stage of the game.

"Oh, young man, you are full of wisdom and bravery. I believe you will be the most powerful warrior in Heishi Xinshou Village." Qin Zheng said imitating the tone of an NPC, calmly cheering Xinghuo Wuhen and moistening things Silent brainwashing.

Xinghuo Wuhen looked excited, and acted like a western gentleman, and said rather arrogantly: "Dear Mr. Harder Traveling Merchant, I will definitely complete your task quickly and strive to become the most powerful warrior in Blackstone Novice Village."

Qin Zheng completely assumed the attitude of a priest, and patted Xinghuo Wuhen's shoulder with emotion: "The most powerful warrior, go and complete your mission."

Xinghuo Wuhen stood full of ambition, and left quickly with the members of the guild in high spirits.

Little did he know that Qin Zheng's heart was already blossoming with joy.

When he left the game room to rest, Qin Zheng deliberately checked the information of the Spark Guild in the game forum.

Although Starfire Guild is a third-rate guild in other games, before entering Eternal Life this time, it has already obtained financial investment from a certain capital company, and decided to make great achievements in Eternal Life and upgrade to a well-known large-scale guild.

This is also the reason why Qin Zheng wants to issue tasks to Xinghuo Wuhen again. With a guild backed by capital, naturally there will be no shortage of money to recruit players. It is easier to handle things with more people. Isn't his task of collecting teeth, especially pig teeth, a piece of cake? a plate of.

Xinghuo Wuhen left Qin Zheng, and immediately sent a message to his guild leader, telling the guild leader of the Spark Guild that he had received the mission again.

Without any hesitation, the president of the Spark Guild issued an order to mobilize members of other Novice Villages to Blackstone Novice Village to help Xinghuo Wuhen do the task.

Because he believed that the npc in the eternal life game would not lie at all.

Although paying some manpower in the early stage will make some members fall behind in level.

However, once Xinghuo Wuhen obtains a hidden profession, one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven, this will definitely have a historic improvement for the development of the Xinghuo Guild.

It's just that no one thought that the traveling businessman Hader who issued the mission was a fake npc.

After half an hour.

A large number of members of the Xinghuo Guild gathered outside the Black Stone Novice Village. Under the leadership of Xinghuo Wuhen, they marched to the monster spawning area of Chiyouzhu.

As for Qin Zheng, he continued to look for npcs that no one cares about in Blackstone Novice Village.

He only has one hour to change his identity and become an NPC, so he must make good use of it and not waste any time.

In Blackstone Novice Village, most of the npcs are surrounded by a large number of players receiving quests.

Just when Qin Zheng hadn't found a free NPC, a heroic voice stopped him.

"Stinky boy Harder, come here quickly."

Suo Ruide, the store owner in Blackstone Novice Village, looked at Qin Zheng with a smile on his face.

Qin Zheng immediately stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look over.

Sored is a stingy shop owner, but he is not stingy with people he likes, be careful he will kick your ass.

Qin Zheng looked at the reminder that appeared in front of his eyes, with a strange expression on his face.

Could it be that the store owner Sored has some special hobbies

What the hell is a kick ass

Qin Zheng still walked towards Suo Ruide, and said with a warm smile: "Boss Suo Ruide, what can I do?"

The voice just fell.

Strong anger appeared on Sored's face, he went around Qin Zheng's back and kicked Qin Zheng's ass.

"Had, I haven't seen you for a few years and started calling me the boss, are we so strangers?" Sored said angrily.

Qin Zheng's face turned green, and sure enough, he was inexplicably kicked in the ass.

"Uncle Sored, I was just joking with you at first." Qin Zheng immediately changed another address.

Sored's face softened a lot when he heard the words, and he kicked Qin Zheng's ass again, his tone was still angry: "Had brat, I just wanted to marry my daughter to you at the beginning, you just wanted to avoid me. Because of his kindness, he ran away from home and dared not come back for several years."

Qin Zheng rubbed his nose, no wonder Sored would kick his ass, it turned out that the NPC identity he replaced had such a story.

I don't know if Sored's daughter is good-looking or not.

"Boy Hud, I really don't understand. My daughter is the most beautiful girl in Heishi Village. Why don't you like it?" Sored stared at Qin Zheng and asked.

Qin Zheng could only smile awkwardly, he didn't know why, and he wasn't really Hade.

Sored sighed helplessly, and started rambling again.

But Qin Zheng was in a hurry.

Because the time for identity replacement is coming soon, if he continues to listen to Sored's nagging, once the time is up, he will reveal his identity.

"Uncle Sored, do you have something to do?" Qin Zheng couldn't help thinking about Sored's words.

"Oh, I was only interested in chatting with you, and I forgot the important things." Sored slapped his forehead, exclaimed and continued: "Had brat, I need goblin mouse hair, I don't know do you have?"

Goblin rat

This is a level five wild monster.

Qin Zheng has just raised his level to level five, and hasn't gone out to fight monsters yet.

"Uncle Sored, I don't have the hair of a goblin mouse, but you can release this task to the players?" Qin Zheng said seductively.

Who knew that Sored shook his head like a rattle drum and said, "That's impossible, my exchange conditions are very rich, how can I make it cheaper for those outsiders."

Sure enough, the prompt I saw was correct, Thorade was not just stingy.

Qin Zheng's heart was moved, and he said tentatively: "Uncle Sored, I know a very brave warrior. He once helped me. I suggest that you can entrust this task to him."

"Alright then." Sored thought for a moment before nodding reluctantly.

Qin Zheng was overjoyed, and immediately said, "Uncle Sored, I'm going to tell the bravest warrior now."

After speaking, Qin Zheng ran away.

There is still one minute to change his identity, and if he stays any longer, he will reveal his identity.

"Had, you brat, still doesn't want to face me." Sored muttered in frustration, then turned and walked into his store.