Training Players

Chapter 99: Engine off


The mysterious player saw that it was impossible to defeat Qin Zheng, so he yelled at the shop owner: "How is it? Shall we open the mechanism?"

The two of them came to the Valley of Evil, and it seems that they also know the mechanism here like the back of their hands.

The store owner nodded immediately after hearing what the mysterious player said, and then pressed something unknown, and the surrounding area began to darken.

Horn couldn't help but gasped, the surrounding atmosphere seemed a bit wrong, "My God, what's around here? Why does it feel a little wrong?"

After hearing this, Qin Zheng felt a little speechless, saying that it was an organ, and he would definitely react.

However, after Qin Zheng said a few simple words to comfort Horn, he began to look at the surrounding environment. The laser in this place does not seem to be simple.

After pressing that mechanism, the map of the entire area was actually able to shake. This is the first time Qin Zheng has seen this posture.

But then they didn't have the energy to observe the surroundings anymore, because a huge hole opened up in the sky, and then sucked them all in.

That's right, the reason why the mysterious player didn't want to use this mechanism before was because the mechanism used indiscriminate treatment, even he and the shop owner would be attracted by this hole.

But he also knew that if he hesitated any longer, he would really lose, so even so, he could only open this mechanism.

After the hole sucked a few of them in, they were thrown into a cave-like place. The surroundings were so dark that they couldn't see anything clearly.

Horn had never been to this place before, and felt that it was a little strange. He looked around, but couldn't see anything clearly, but only vaguely saw something with green light inside.

"My God, where is this? There is such a map in this game?" He couldn't help but say.

Qin Zheng nodded, his eyes were better than Horn's, and he could tell right away that there seemed to be the light from the eyes of beasts in the cave.

After he lit the fire folder, he said in a cold voice, "Be careful, there are wild beasts here."

The mysterious player laughed out loud after hearing this. He and the shop owner had already run to a higher position in the dark when they came in, and they were looking down at Qin Zheng and the others.

"I didn't expect that Qin Zheng, you also found out. Isn't your ability quite great? If that's the case, let's try to fight those beasts."

After finishing speaking, the wild beasts rushed out and immediately surrounded Qin Zheng and the others.

It turned out that they planned to take them into this mechanism with this idea, and then rely on the beasts here to kill themselves and Horn.

He couldn't fight by himself, so he relied on these beasts to fight. What kind of skill is this, Qin Zheng sneered.

"At first, I thought that you guys could still make it through, but now it seems that it's just average. Do you have to rely on these things if you can't beat yourself?"

Hearing Qin Zheng's mocking voice, the mysterious player didn't feel angry, but said coldly: "If you really have the ability to defeat these beasts, then the two of us can naturally compete!"

"I'm not interested in competing with you. Let's compete with each other, shall we? Let you see and see today—"

After Qin Zheng finished speaking, he went straight to those wild beasts. His movements were very happy, and he killed two wild beasts in an instant.

There are about fifty or sixty of them around here. It seems that there are a lot of them. It would take a lot of trouble to hit them one by one. The high platform where the mysterious player and the others were standing has gone.

Those two people didn't expect that Qin Zheng would startle at them, and hurriedly took a step back, but they didn't expect that the knife didn't hit them, but just demolished the stone they stepped on.

Those two people fell to the ground after such a jump, and were soon surrounded by those ferocious beasts.

Seeing that his plan had succeeded, Qin Zheng smiled lightly and grabbed Horn's neck with one hand, then jumped up lightly, and also jumped onto another high platform.

The situation at this time was immediately reversed.

Just now these two people stood on a high place to watch the fun, but now it has become Qin Zheng and Huo En, watching the two of them fight those wild beasts.

The most important thing is that when Qin Zheng beat those beasts just now, he had already raised the anger value of those two beasts.

At this moment, the two beasts kept attacking the mysterious player and the store owner, and they didn't give them a chance to escape.

The two of us planned very well. Qin Zheng and the others who wanted to use these beasts to solve it did not expect that the situation would have changed in an instant.

When these two people fought with Qin Zheng just now, they had already consumed a lot of energy points. How could they be the opponents of these beasts at this time? It didn't take long for the blood gauges of the two of them to drop rapidly.

From the looks of it, it could be emptied at any time.

Horn couldn't help laughing, "Qin Zheng, I found that you are really bad enough to come up with such an idea!"

"No matter how bad I am, I'm not as bad as these two people. The two of them have bad intentions, otherwise they wouldn't be like this."

At best, Qin Zheng's actions were called using his own way to deal with his own body. Seeing that those two people were about to be dealt with by these beasts, Qin Zheng took action.

He only used one big move, and the fifty or sixty beasts around him fell under Qin Zheng's big move instantly, and the entire cave was illuminated by the energy light at this time.

Qin Zheng took him down under Horn's shocked gaze, and then slowly stood in front of the two of them. At this moment, the two of them had realized that the gap between them and Qin Zheng was absolutely impossible to defeat Qin Zheng. .

The mysterious player didn't say anything to the store owner, he just knelt down and begged for mercy, and by the way, told all about the mysterious transaction he had with the player just now.

"We are here to exchange some special equipment with each other, because this method is not allowed in the game, so we secretly hide it. If you like, you can take it at will, as long as you spare me!"

The owner of this store is also a person who is afraid of death. Qin Zheng smiled lightly. Such a good thing was brought to him. If he didn't need it, he would feel sorry for the owner of the store.

This can be regarded as prostitution for nothing, and it was nothing bad. Qin Zheng was in a good mood and took them all out.