Transcendent David

Chapter 1: newborn


On the morning of December 23, 20412, half of the gray land and half of the blue ocean on the Panshi star was illuminated by the Kia star, and the atmosphere surrounding the planet was changing in various colors.

Even if you look at the land from space, you can see the devastation on the land. Many years of fighting have left too many traces here. The land is rarely covered with green, and most of it is dead gray.

Only when you see the blue ocean, it means that this is a planet with water, the most basic resource of life.

Although the ever-changing colors of Panshi Star look like a dream from a distance, in fact this planet is only an administrative planet with a low quality of life in the Interstellar Federation.

An administrative planet with a low quality of life is the lowest standard among all planets where humans can live. It provides the necessary conditions for human survival, such as oxygen, fresh water, and food. However, a low quality of life means that the environment is harsh and it is difficult for humans to survive in the wild.

In a part of the sky on Panshixing, the originally calm sky with no wind, no clouds and bright sunshine was broken by a sharp sonic boom.

Then a dazzling light spot appeared in the sky, and the light spot drew closer. It was several aircrafts that were chasing.

At the front is the silver-white personal flying shuttle, followed by the four blocker drones of the Planetary Defense Skynet system.

In the solo flying shuttle, Abbott manipulated the flying shuttle with a gloomy expression. The pilot was constantly moving left and right in his hands. The large change of direction was already the limit of this personal flying shuttle.

He has a feeling that if such a large change of direction is made again, this personal flying shuttle used for space flight will probably collapse even without the attack of the interceptor drone, but he dare not have the slightest hesitation , the acceleration and direction change in his hands remained uninterrupted.

He wanted to get rid of the blocker drones behind him by accelerating and changing directions, but the four blocker drones seemed to be stuck behind a personal flying shuttle, and he couldn't get rid of them at all.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have come here with this crap!" Abbott cursed.

Abbott is an interstellar mercenary who belongs to the notorious Sirius mercenary group and is also a wanted criminal of the Interstellar Federation.

Dozens of civilians died at his hands. Just in the previous mission, the Sirius mercenary group successfully robbed an interstellar cruise ship. The mercenaries got a generous reward and went to have some fun.

Abbott also got a lot of credit points, so he used a fake identity to come to Rock Planet to relax.

Originally, he thought that there should be no problems on this remote planet, so he didn't bring any weapons and equipment, but just sneaked in with his personal flying shuttle.

This kind of infiltration is often done by interstellar wanted criminals. No matter how emulated the identity bracelet is, it cannot withstand the inspection of the official checkpoint. The fake identity bracelet can only support simple credit point consumption.

What he didn't expect was that he was discovered by the blocker drone when he first entered the planet.

"These garbage don't care about the Zerg, what are you doing after me!" Abbott continued to curse while looking at the blocker drone on the central control screen.

These blocker drones are part of the planet's Skynet defense, mainly to find and attack the Zerg flying in the air, not for infiltrators.

If a powerful Zerg is found, the Blocker drone will report to Skynet and monitor it. If it is only a weak Zerg, it will directly attack.

Abbott was also unlucky. He happened to meet a team of blocker drones on a mission and was targeted.

If he had weapons and equipment, these four blocker drones would not be in his eyes, but with his personal flying shuttle, it was very difficult to escape.

"Warning, stop flying immediately, accept inspection! Warning, stop flying immediately, accept inspection!" This is the warning issued by the staff who monitor the blocker drone through Skynet.

Although the Blocker UAV is unmanned, there will always be relevant personnel monitoring it in real time at the far end of Skynet.

At this time, Abbott's situation has been reported, and the attack will start at any time.

Fortunately, the target set by the Blocker drone is the Zerg, otherwise there will be no warning and it will attack directly.

Abbott ignored the warnings from the Blocker drone. He had seen too many drones like the Blocker, and had a detailed understanding of its performance.

Don't look at him being unable to get rid of the pursuit of the blocker drone at this time, but usually, the blocker drone is only forced to land an illegal aircraft, and will not attack directly.

Commands to launch attacks on humans can only be issued by humans with corresponding authority. This is an iron law, and it is also the final solution after numerous problems with artificial intelligence.

Abbott saw the map next to the pilot of the personal flying shuttle, and found that Perrin City was not far ahead. The first criterion must be to protect the lives of citizens.

The personal flying shuttle accelerated and flew in the direction of Perrin City, while the four blocker drones at the rear continuously issued warnings, and at the same time turned on the high-power scanner to scan the personal flying shuttle.


"David, didn't you have breakfast, hurry up!" Jessica with short brown hair urged David who was behind.

Although Jessica is not particularly beautiful, but at the age of seventeen, she has a unique youthful atmosphere.

David could tell from her attitude towards him that she was not too willing to ask him to go with him.

Jessica also knew in her heart that if it weren't for the fact that she couldn't find anyone to go with her on the morning of the winter vacation, she wouldn't have invited someone with a withdrawn personality like David to go with her.

"Okay!" David said in a short voice.

When he said the word 'good', he had an unspeakable strange feeling in his heart, because he could use this language instinctively, but he was extremely unfamiliar with this language.

This happened because he came to this world only yesterday, and he did not receive the memory of this body. Fortunately, he inexplicably received the language and characters mastered by this body.

His name in the previous life was David Li, a "successful" it engineer, the reason why he put quotation marks on his success was because he was just an IT elite in a fourth-tier city, and in a first- and second-tier city, he would be a scumbag. Scum-like existence.

The place where he was hit was a downhill road called Fangong Bridge. He neither drove his small-displacement car nor rode the battery car with a dead battery, but walked.

He was on the sidewalk with several passers-by when the heavy truck lost control and rushed towards him.

The heavy trucks did not choose the heavier cement tank trucks on the road, but rushed towards the more vulnerable people.

David didn't want to guess the heavy truck driver's thoughts with the greatest malice, but now that he thought about it, he was extremely suspicious of it.

When facing the out-of-control heavy truck, David was surrounded by pedestrians, especially some students who had just finished school.

At that time, he didn't have time to think, and when there were pedestrians on the left and right, he couldn't dodge at all. At that time, he made an action that he couldn't even imagine at this time, and he suddenly pushed away the pedestrians beside him.

Then there were heavy impacts. He didn't know how many people died, but he clearly remembered that he successfully pushed away a few students around him.

When David woke up, he appeared in the body's home, in a basement with a very strange layout, and occupied the body at the same time.

The damaged altar, the scorched pieces of unknown meat, the old books in strange scripts that were opened, and him naked all over, it was a scene of an evil ritual.

If he hadn't seen the entire area of lighting on the top of the basement, as well as the high-tech fitness equipment in the basement, and the basement walls made of metal, he would have thought that he had come to a ignorant and barbaric world.

It took David nearly an hour to slowly accept the fact that he had changed from a yellow man to the tall young white man he is today.

It took another hour to find a way to get out of the basement. Although it was just a simple palm verification, for him who has not received any memory of this body, everything needs to be tried.

But after walking out of the basement, he didn't need to worry about the unfamiliar environment at all.

Because of the smart housekeeper of this house, a humanoid housekeeping robot is waiting outside the basement where David is.

David was surprised to see a huge underground vegetable cultivation base outside the basement, and then led by the smart housekeeper, he returned to the bedroom on the ground.

(end of this chapter)

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