Transcendent David

Chapter 32: genius


"David, do you really remember everything?" Galen asked in the same disbelief.

He has seen many geniuses, but the storm hammer technique is not the ordinary basic technique. Although David's body has reached the practice standard of the storm hammer technique, with the complexity of the storm hammer technique, the use and conversion skills of various forces, Even those who have learned basic Warhammer techniques can hardly remember them all.

As far as Galen knew, David, like Myron, had never learned how to use a warhammer before this.

"Uncle Galen, I have memorized everything!" David replied affirmatively.

"Then practice it again!" Galen asked directly after hearing David's confirmation, but he was still skeptical.

David nodded and took the hammer from Galen.

The moment he took over the hammer, David's aura changed, and an indomitable aura erupted from him.

Feeling David's aura, Galen couldn't help being taken aback. The warhammer is a purely offensive weapon, and it needs the aura of indomitableness.

If he didn't know that David hadn't learned how to use a warhammer before, he would have thought that David had practiced a warhammer since he was a child.

But who has ever seen a person who practiced a warhammer without a warhammer at home. Could it be that he used a long sword hanging on the wall to practice a warhammer

At this moment, David ignored Galen's exploring gaze and Myron's expression of watching the show. When he picked up the warhammer, he was integrated with the warhammer in his hand, and the warhammer seemed to become a part of his body.

Although this warhammer is not his favorite style, for the mastery of a warhammer with a proficiency level of up to 82%, as long as there is a warhammer, it is enough.

When he started to practice the Storm Hammer technique, he discovered the importance of the proficient-level gymnastics before. It will make him practice the Storm Hammer technique much easier than he imagined.

Myron stared wide-eyed at David's complete practice of the Storm Hammer technique, and he began to doubt his IQ.

Why did the two people who studied together even surpass David in terms of physical fitness, but he only memorized the first six poses, while David practiced one pose without stopping, without any unfamiliarity.

Unlike Myron, Galen saw more.

David is not just imitating the Storm Hammer technique he just rehearsed at this time, but also has his own insights. In his feeling, David is like a formal soldier who has been immersed in using the War Hammer for many years.

With David's practice, a trace of tragic killing intent was added to David's indomitable momentum.

Although this killing intent was very unstable, Galen couldn't understand how David could do it.

There is only one possibility, and that is that David is a genius, an unparalleled genius both in physical skills and in the use of warhammers.

In fact, David was able to use the warhammer so quickly and proficiently. It was entirely Galen's teaching. The method of showing every detail of the powerful technique in a slow way just now is exactly what David needs most for his growth.

If David had found the video by himself, or found other low-level people to teach him, it would be impossible for him to reach such a level when using the Warhammer for the first time.

"Myron, practice the first six moves you have learned!" Galen said as he took a warhammer and handed it to Myron.

Myron glanced at David who had rehearsed. He didn't want to be in contrast with David at this time, but Galen asked him to do it.

"Get started quickly, don't compare yourself with David, just be yourself!" Galen said in a deep voice.

Myron picked up the hammer and was about to practice, but was interrupted by Galen before it started.

"Your way of holding the warhammer is wrong, it should be like this!" Galen corrected Myron's mistake while speaking.

After Myron made corrections, Galen discovered the mistake as soon as he practiced the first form, but this time he didn't remind him again, but watched Myron continue to practice.

It wasn't until Myron finished practicing the first six moves that he had memorized that Galen was sure that this situation was normal for Myron, and what David did was something a true genius could do.

"David, take that warhammer to the side and practice by yourself. I'll teach Myron for a while!" Galen said, waving at David.

Although a good student can make the teacher feel at ease, but a student who is too talented will also make the teacher feel deeply helpless.

Galen’s ability to teach David is certainly not a problem, but it is impossible to teach the use of the warhammer for the first time and reach the mastery of the warhammer at an almost proficient level. , Form your own style of using Warhammer.

David responded, picked up the hammer and came to the side, and began to practice alone.

He is like a child who got a new toy. He has been improving his familiarity with the hammer from the first exercise of the storm hammer technique that he just rehearsed. Now he needs to practice it.

Galen asked Myron to start from the first form and correct Myron's mistakes bit by bit. Fortunately, Myron is not an idiot. Mayor Bernard is willing to pay a price to send it, because he has enough talent for Myron. confidence.

From the first contact with Warhammer, Myron is slowly entering the stage of understanding.

Galen didn't need him to enter the doorstep immediately, but to give Myron a correct practice method to master the technique of the storm hammer without mistakes. In the future, as long as Myron works hard, the mastery of the warhammer will naturally be improved.

Galen had the same thoughts about David at first, but David's talent caught him off guard, and the plan he made had an accident.

Myron concentrated on learning from Galen. Whether it was the Storm Hammer technique or Galen's guidance, it was extremely rare, and he didn't want to delay it.

But when Myron was concentrating on his studies, David, who was practicing by himself, kept disturbing him.

Of course, it's not that David wants to disturb him, but that David's practice is getting deeper and deeper, and David's storm hammer skills are more and more compatible with his 82% proficient level of warhammer mastery.

When Myron practiced, from time to time he felt the sense of austerity coming from David. Myron was only a student, and although he had a strong background in Perrin City, he couldn't understand this aura of austerity.

Galen's eyes were horrified, David strengthened the original thin killing intent to the point of being exposed after less than two hours of practice.

It can be said that at this time, apart from being not a soldier himself, David's mastery of the warhammer has actually reached the level of an experienced soldier who uses the warhammer as his main weapon.

Galen looked at David, then at Myron, feeling the gap between the two.

Seeing Galen's eyes, Myron felt a deep shock.

Myron has always thought of himself as a genius. In school and in his social circle, he is a leader among the younger generation.

But today, compared with David, he has become a fool.

"Myron, watch from the sidelines!" Galen grabbed the warhammer in Myron's hand and said, and then he smiled at David and said, "David, let's spar!"

Speaking of which, Galen held the war hammer and struck David's chest. Of course, with his control, David would not be injured. He was able to hold the war hammer in his hand when it touched David's body.

He did this to put a little pressure on David, otherwise, if such a genius goes too smoothly, it will be detrimental to his own growth.

Only with fear can we grow better.

Galen thought David would be so flustered that he couldn't even deal with this simple blow.

Because no matter how talented he is, David is still in contact with Warhammer for the first time. He has just learned how to use Warhammer. No matter how good he is, there is still a big gap from actual combat.

It’s just that David’s reaction caught him by surprise. The warhammer in David’s hand drew an arc. With this force, David’s body just turned sideways to avoid Galen’s warhammer. At the same time, the warhammer in David’s hand But the warhammer circled in the air and hit Galen's arm.

Although Galen was surprised, his own strength was much higher than David's. With a slight move of his hand, the warhammer turned up and down, and at the same time, he gave way to David's warhammer.

"Okay!" Galen yelled, and he also showed some level, and started to attack David intensively.

(end of this chapter)