Transcendent David

Chapter 33: information


From the very beginning, sparring became a duel, and it was a close match, at least on the surface.

Galen's mastery of Warhammer was much higher than David's back then, but this kind of teaching practice made it difficult for him to use some ultimate moves. At the same time, David's response was almost error-free. It was very difficult to defeat David.

After fighting for three minutes, Galen's eyes became more and more appreciative, but at this moment he also remembered the original intention of sparring, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the warhammer in his hand suddenly doubled in speed. Hit the hammer in David's hand.

David felt a numbness in his hand. Although he tried hard to grasp the war hammer in his hand, there was a continuous force in this blow, which made him unable to resist, and the war hammer in his hand flew out.

Galen threw the war hammer casually and hit the war hammer that flew out of David's hand. The two war hammers collided in the air, but they stuck together and fell to the ground soundlessly.

This time it was David's turn to be surprised. How much control over the hammer must be achieved in order to be so light as nothing.

"That's right, David, your learning ability is very strong. If you keep practicing in the future, you will become an excellent soldier!" Galen boasted, but in fact he tried his best to keep his boast away.

This is not strong learning ability, this is abnormal learning ability.

"Uncle Galen, I will work hard!" David nodded seriously.

He will not be proud, only he knows that although his spirit has reached 3.0 and his learning speed is indeed very fast, but these alone are far from reaching the current level.

The reason why he was able to do this was all because of the fusion of the corresponding light sphere of knowledge.

At this moment, if Galen taught some other things, such as spears, he would be completely useless.

Galen felt very relieved when he saw David's attitude. Geniuses are rare, but David's attitude of being neither arrogant nor impatient is even more rare. This will allow David to go further in the future.


In a basement, four mercenaries from the Sirius Mercenary Group were sitting on the ground. They had been staying in this basement for a few days. Although they wanted to leave, the defense of the nearest Perrin City made them even go out. Don't dare.

From time to time, blocker drones can be seen patrolling in groups in the sky, which shows that Rock Star has increased the air blockade of Perrin City.

"Why don't you contact the smuggler so we can spend more credits to leave?" Ed suggested.

"The best way now is not to contact the outside world, who knows if they will sell us to stowaways!" Fischer on the side disagreed.

"But it's not a problem to continue like this, who knows when the blockade will end!" Ed said helplessly.

"Crocker, what do you think we should do?" Captain Froman asked Crocker who was silent.

"Captain, I don't feel right, we should leave immediately!" Crocker said in a deep voice.

His words made the faces of the other mercenaries tense. Although Crocker didn't speak much, he was born with a strong sense of danger. It was his ability to sense danger that allowed everyone to escape from danger many times.

No one would ignore Crocker's words, including Captain Froman.

"Get ready, bring the equipment and we will change places immediately." Captain Froman waved his hand and decided.

Just as everyone was packing up, Captain Froman's identity bracelet suddenly received a message.

This made him extremely curious, not many people knew about his identity bracelet, who would contact him at this time.

He opened the identity bracelet and saw that he had received the news, his expression changed drastically.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Ed couldn't help asking when he saw Captain Froman's face.

"Our Sirius warship parked in space and all the mercenaries on board are finished!" Captain Froman gritted his teeth and said.

"What?" Ed and Fischer suddenly stood up and exclaimed.

"Commander, where did the news come from?" Crocker asked calmly.

"I don't know, it's an anonymous message, but he told the location of the Sirius battleship, there should be no mistake!" Captain Froman replied with unwillingness in his eyes.

The Sirius Mercenary Group is his painstaking effort and also his hope for the future.

He kept accumulating wealth, just for the hope of being able to improve.

For the hope of this promotion, he can do anything, he led the mercenary group to do many disgraceful things, he did all the gray and black business, just because he was unwilling.

Now that the Sirius Mercenary Corps has been destroyed, he has lost hope of promotion, and his heart is ashamed.

"What should we do?" Ed looked at Captain Froman and asked.

Although the Sirius Mercenary Corps is gone, their main force is still there. Besides, leaving Perrin City and Panshi Star is the most important thing now.

"The news said that we have been discovered, and the authorities are likely to take action at noon, dispatching at least eight soldiers and a large number of aerial drones, plus the city defense, so that we have nowhere to escape!" Captain Froman He didn't answer his words, but went on to say something worse.

"There's no way out? It's better to fight!" Fischer said in a deep voice with a fierce gleam in his eyes.

"Yes, fight, this is in the city, the four of us are prepared, it will not be easy to catch us!" Ed also nodded.

"Well, get ready, let's directly attack the last residence, take David as a hostage, and send us away with him as a threat!" Captain Froman decided to fight for a way out, decided.

Crocker hesitated. He didn't want to trouble David again, but he also knew that this was the only way to survive, so he struggled for a moment and made up his mind.

Although this safe house looks no different from an ordinary residence, in fact there is an underground passage connecting the underground pipeline network.

The four mercenaries wore exoskeleton armor and entered the underground pipeline network through a secret passage. Of course, there are sensors at each connection of the underground pipeline network, so they cannot move long distances.

However, the four mercenaries didn't think about moving too far, all they needed was to reach a cargo suspension vehicle parked a hundred meters away from the safe house.

This is one of the retreats they have prepared long ago. As mercenaries, they will arrange some retreats everywhere.

The lower cover of the freight suspension vehicle was opened, which happened to be connected to an exit of the underground pipeline network, and the four mercenaries then entered the cargo suspension vehicle from the exit.

The exoskeleton armors of the mercenaries are all two-meter-high Black King Kong exoskeleton armor. The same material as that of high-level weapons, which ensures the safety of the exoskeleton armor user.

The core of the exoskeleton armor is an enhanced converter powered by krypton crystals, which can increase the user's power output by ten times.

That is to say, subversive soldiers like Captain Froman have a strength of 2,000 kilograms. After receiving the bonus of the exoskeleton armor, they can exert a strength of 20,000 kilograms.

This kind of power coupled with a level 1 weapon can completely achieve devastating destructive power in the city.

Of course, Peilan City also has a city defense system, coupled with the drones in the sky, and the soldiers guarding the city, under the monitoring of Skynet, very few soldiers dare to destroy the city.

If he hadn't been desperate, Captain Froman would not have taken this step. It can be said that even if he managed to escape, he would only be carrying the name of a wanted criminal in the future, and he must always be careful that he would be betrayed.

At the same time, his hatred for David was also the reason why he made this decision.

It wasn't because of David, how could his Sirius mercenary group be destroyed.

With the cargo suspension vehicle as a cover, the four mercenaries could attack David by surprise, and then catch David before Skynet found out, and leave as a threat.

I believe that the safety of the children of the 'Guo Shi' is much more important than their four mercenaries, at least on the surface.

The freight suspension vehicle was heading towards Lanka Street where David was, without attracting the attention of others.

The people monitoring the safe house did not expect that the four mercenaries under their surveillance would suddenly act.

And their arrangement will be completely leaked to the four mercenaries, and a big hand is secretly manipulating the development of the matter.

Thanks to "Tom2017" for rewarding 2,000 starting coins! ! Thanks to "Cute Yuchen" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "Looking at the Sky" for rewarding 1,000 starting coins! !

(end of this chapter)