Transcendent David

Chapter 45: plan


When David returned home, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. He was playing with a small mimic monitor in his hand, thinking about how to deal with the situation he faced.

In fact, as long as he handed over the video image in his hand to the police, or sent it to Galen, Mr. Ster and Jeremy's trainer were all over.

But what David needs now is a period of dormancy. His strength is improving rapidly. As long as he is given time, with the help of Shadow Servant, and with a lot of credits and resources, he believes that he can become a soldier as soon as possible.

When he becomes a soldier, he will have the ability to protect himself.

Of course, he also has another choice, which is to kill Mr. Sturt by himself.

When thinking of this plan, David's eyes were murderous.

Today's David is no longer the one who just came to this world, let alone the predecessor who was easily deceived. After many battle knowledge light ball fusions, his mind has experienced thousands of dangerous battles.

In the phantom, he was injured nearly a hundred times, and experienced more than ten near-death experiences, and the number of Zergs and armored soldiers he killed was even more uncountable.

Although they were illusions, those were all real experiences in the soul, which brought David not only the mastery of combat knowledge and ability, but also had incidental effects.

At least when he thinks of killing people now, he is not as afraid as before, but has an urge to do it immediately.

Of course, this change can also make him more adaptable to living in this world.

"For father, for little Edie, and for stepmother Bertha, Sturt cannot live!" David was determined in his heart, and after thinking of this plan, he made a decision.

Mr. Sturt wants to kill him, kill Hans, control Little Edie, make Bertha lose her husband, and Little Edie lose her father. No matter what Mr. Sturt is, David will not allow Mr. Sturt to destroy himself lives, and hurt their loved ones.

It is not an easy task to kill Mr. Sturt who has two bodyguards at all times.

But David has an advantage that others do not have, that is, he has mastered Mr. Ster's daily travel plan.

As long as he seizes one chance, David can make Mr. Ster regret it for the rest of his life.

David called up the recent travel plan of Mr. Ster again, looking for such an opportunity.

It seems to be a pity that Mr. Ster has recently discovered that he is starting to age and has more wrinkles on his face, so he has reduced his travel plans. Basically, he has almost no plans to go out except to stay in Ster Hotel for office work.

As for entering the Ster Hotel, David gave up without even thinking about it.

He summoned Shadow Waiter, put his hands on Shadow Waiter, and asked Shadow Waiter to open his attribute panel.

Name: David Kerr

Strength: 3.07 (1)

Agility: 1.9 (1)

Constitution: 3.07 (1)

Spirit: 3.4 (1)

Literature (3% proficient), mathematics (5% proficient), comprehensive (51% entry), physical arts (1% proficiency), sword mastery (5% entry), electronic countermeasures (98% proficiency), warhammer mastery (83% % proficiency), sniping (20% proficiency), shield mastering (50% proficiency), heavy ax mastering (70% proficiency)

If a large number of abilities are seen by others, they can almost blind their eyes.

In particular, each of these combat abilities requires ordinary people to go through years of honing and continuous growth in life and death before they can be achieved.

He can currently threaten Mr. Ster's ability, needless to say, only sniping.

Although the sniper is only 20% proficient level, but in the phantom, he understands that the reason why the sniper soldier is called a special existence among the soldier is that its attack power is the most terrifying.

As long as you distance yourself from the sniper soldiers, it will be the enemy's nightmare.

Of course, once a sniper soldier is approached, it becomes a nightmare for a sniper soldier.

Although he is not a sniper soldier, nor can he get a special sniper rifle, but he knows that somewhere there is a sniper weapon that is as powerful as the sniper rifle dedicated to a sniper soldier, or even higher.

That is the city defense weapon on the city wall of Perrin City. As the city wall to protect the safety of Perrin City, the officials installed a variety of powerful city defense weapons on it.

Heavy laser cannons, anti-aircraft rapid-fire guns, Gauss cannons, and energy shields, and of course a more conventional weapon, long-range sniper guns.

The long-range sniper gun has a range of five kilometers, and it uses the same first-class ammunition as the sniper soldier, but this first-class ammunition is much larger.

The function of this weapon is to target a single Zerg that is close to the city defense, and it is controlled by optical brain and professional snipers.

Unlike the sniper soldiers fighting in the wild, the city defense long-range sniper gun has a fixed gun position, and the city wall bears all the reaction force. The attack only needs the operator to control it through the optical brain at a safe position a little far away.

People who are talented in sniping but unable to become soldiers will mostly choose to become operators of long-range sniper guns.

Other weapons of the city defense attack the first-level Zerg, and it is almost impossible to save the whole body, and its benefits are also reduced.

But the long-range sniper gun is different. It uses penetration to attack, and its damage is relatively concentrated, and it will not cause too much damage to the corpse of the Zerg.

Every time a long-range sniper cannon attacks a single Zerg target, it will bring benefits to the city. In addition, the first-level ammunition fired is also recovered by a professional scanning device, which makes the long-range sniper cannon the most commonly used weapon in city defense.

If there is no sound isolation device on the edge of the city, the sound of the long-range sniper cannon can be heard by most of the people in the whole city.

The first thing David thought of was long-range sniper guns. Of course, he would never use electronic countermeasures to attack the city defense system.

Not to mention that if it is discovered, it is almost a certain death penalty, that is, to cause problems with the city defense system. Once the weapons of the city defense system cannot be used for a short time, the consequences may be disastrous.

Besides, even though his electronic countermeasures ability is as high as 98%, he is still powerless to attack such a mature military defense facility.

This is not an order of magnitude confrontation at all. The military uses the most advanced equipment. A large amount of equipment is incomparable to civilian use, and there are many technologies unique to the military.

David wants to challenge the military's defense system with only a medium-sized server, which is an act of self-defeating.

Once the military's professional electronic countermeasures division is mobilized, he will have nothing to hide.

David wants to directly control the long-range sniper gun from the physical level. In this regard, as long as he can climb the city wall, or even not climb the city wall, he can let Shadow Waiter control the long-range sniper gun within ten meters of the control light brain. sniper gun.

A bold plan rose in his heart, and he began to search for relevant information from everywhere.

After practicing the eighteen gymnastics at night, he didn't go to sleep directly, but came to the computer room.

Putting on the virtual helmet, he enters the virtual world, and manipulates and modifies the data again.

He filled the information he found into the virtual world one by one, and soon a section of the city wall appeared in the virtual world, with a height of 20 meters.

At 4.6 kilometers from the city wall, a huge building appeared.

If anyone saw this building, they would recognize it as the Hotel Stern.

David copied the blueprints of the Hotel Strauss directly from the hotel's secure server, and recreated the Hotel Lesters in the virtual world.

The highest point of the Sturt Hotel is Mr. Sturt's huge and luxurious office, which also happens to prevent any building from the city wall to Mr. Sturt's office.

In Perrin City, there are very few high-rise buildings, and the Star Hotel is one of the tallest buildings.

The next step is to retrieve the weather information. For a distance of 4.6 kilometers, he needs a good weather to be able to be accurate.

David entered all the weather forecasts for the past few days into the medium-sized server, and brought the official satellite cloud flow map with him.

In the virtual world, he calculated the daily weather conditions for the next three days, including temperature, humidity, wind and other aspects.

David also used this scene to carry out the calculation and analysis ballistic training that he had been practicing before. Although the distance is farther, the calculation method is the same.

He didn't come out of the virtual world until his identity bracelet reminded him again.

This time the identity bracelet reminded him that it was time for him to fuse the light sphere of knowledge again, and twenty-four hours had passed since the last time he fused the light sphere of knowledge.

Although there are only two unfused knowledge light spheres left, David doesn't want to waste any time.

The remaining two knowledge spheres in Shadow Waiter's body are long sword mastery (80% proficiency) and spear mastery (99% proficiency).

Thanks to "Book Friends 20171216180815991" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "Cute Yuchen" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !

(end of this chapter)