Transcendent David

Chapter 53: Imitation


"David, although there are not many people here, there are really good things here!" Myron explained to David with a smile when Jim went to get the equipment.

Of course, David can understand that with the backing of the city defense brigade, in such a small town, Jim only engages in some light thermal weapons. As long as the heavy equipment is not used, no one will bother.

In the theater-wide administrative planet of a battle star like Panshi Star, weapon control is not too strict.

Sometimes even the military encourages people to practice various thermal weapons so that they can be used when needed.

In fact, the military is not worried about thermal weapons. Only soldiers need to be controlled. The destructive power of civilian soldiers is much more terrifying than these light thermal weapons.

"Here's what you want!" Jim came back, holding a rectangular box in one hand and an ammunition box in the other.

From the strength of his arm, it can be seen that the weight of the rectangular box is not light.

The rectangular box was placed on the ground, making a dull sound.

"David, I'll try it first, and you'll get started later!" Myron said to David while opening the rectangular box.

David nodded and looked at the box as well.

After Myron opened the box, a sniper rifle body was exposed inside, and he took out the barrel and buttstock from the box and assembled them.

"This is?" David looked at the familiar sniper rifle and asked with some uncertainty.

If the gun was longer and the gun body was bigger, he would have thought it was a special sniper rifle for sniper soldiers.

"This is an imitation version of the 'Eye of Death'. Although it is not as powerful as the 'Eye of Death', it is proportionally weakened according to the 'Eye of Death'. Many sniper soldiers use this imitation Version training!" Jim proudly introduced the sniper rifle.

David was also taken aback. The special sniper rifle he saw in the phantom of the sphere of knowledge turned out to be called the "Eye of Death". A handful of imitations.

As for the sniper soldiers training with the imitation version of 'Death Eye', this is also conceivable.

With the terrifying recoil of the 'Eye of Death', if it is used in daily practice, the practice efficiency will be too low, and the physical consumption will also increase greatly.

Myron had already taken a set of ammunition from the ammunition box and inserted it into the sniper rifle.

David saw that this imitation did not have the switch between the two types of ammunition of the real 'Death Eye', so he thought about it, this imitation does not need to fire the first-level ammunition, so there is no need to switch.

"Jim, get some fixed targets!" Myron yelled at Jim, lying on the ground in a prone position.

Jim operated on the identity bracelet, and at a distance of more than 300 meters, a row of ten fixed targets descended from the top.

"David, look at my marksmanship!" Myron signaled David to pay attention to his performance.

Then the imitation of the 'Eye of Death' in his hand fired, with an average firing speed of once every five seconds, which showed that he had practiced sniper rifles on weekdays. More accurate, so his grades are naturally better.

As the imitation of the 'Eye of Death' in Myron's hand sounded, the five people practicing short spears over there also stopped and walked towards this side.

"Jim, how's your grade?" Myron asked while stroking the body of the gun.

"99 rings!" Jim glanced at his identity bracelet, and then reported the result.

"Haha, I should have a talent for sniping, right?" Myron asked with a proud expression on his face.

"Myron, in this windless indoor environment, at a distance of 300 meters, you can't hit 100 rings with the imitation 'Death Eye', you still have a talent for sniping!" Jim sneered.

"I think the result is pretty good!" Myron didn't continue. Although the 'Death Eye' imitation was not genuine, the recoil felt extremely strong, and he needed to rest.

"Wait until you hit 100%, and then set a higher level for you, and you will know the difficulty!" Jim did not let Myron go, and said again.

"David, try it!" Myron didn't care what Jim said, he came here just to be better than David.

David couldn't wait any longer. When he came to the imitation of 'Death Eye', as soon as his hand touched the sniper rifle, he felt a sense of integration with his body.

With his fingers in the ammunition box next to him, he took out a set of ammunition, and then pressed it gently to load the ammunition.

The fly in the ointment is that there is no 'T3 sniper assist device' on the imitation of 'Death Eye', it is just an ordinary scope.

But the environment here is not that kind of complicated environment. After loading the ammunition and looking forward from the scope, David fired directly without even having time to aim.

Ten gunshots in a row almost joined together.

"Jim, how's David's grades?" Myron looked at David's disheveled hair, couldn't help but feel secretly happy, he turned his head and asked.

But what he saw was Jim's strange expression.

"100 rings, David, have you practiced sniper rifles before?" Jim asked curiously after reporting the results.

"What? Such messy hair is worth 100 rings?" Before David could respond, Myron called out in disbelief.

He grabbed Jim's hand and looked at the grades displayed. The absence of a single error spoke for itself.

"I knew I shouldn't compare with you!" He said to David with some resentment, and then he turned to Jim and said, "David has never touched a sniper rifle, he can learn everything quickly."

"How is this possible?" Not only Jim didn't believe it, but even the five people beside him didn't believe Myron's words.

"David, are you interested in making it harder?" Jim asked David.

"No problem!" David nodded indifferently.

He really wanted to play with the 'Eye of Death' imitation in his hand for a while longer, as long as he was given a chance, he could use the 'micro-scanner' on his body to scan the imitation of 'Eye of Death'.

At that time, he will be able to restore the imitation of the 'Eye of Death' in the virtual world of the medium-sized server at home, and he can also slowly debug the real 'Eye of Death' through the feeling in his memory.

"David, I'll give you 20 seconds to prepare. The next one will be more difficult. Get ready." Jim didn't make a request. He believed that as long as it was the first time he came into contact with the following items, being able to hit the target was already very important. It's not easy, let alone anything else.

David pressed five sets of ammunition in a row, filling up the imitation's magazine.

Twenty seconds later, Jim operated on the identity bracelet, and then ten fixed targets appeared on the farthest wall of the shooting range, and at the same time, the wind began to blow in the field.

David's eyes moved slightly, and the experience he had been studying told him that the distance of the farthest fixed target was 600 meters, the wind force was 3.7, and the temperature and humidity were judged. Only two seconds later, the imitation of the 'Death Eye' in his hand Fire again.

There were ten consecutive gunshots, and David ended the shooting.

At the same time, his body trembled slightly in the wide clothes, eliminating all the recoil force he received.

"100 rings!" Jim glanced at the score again, and there was more disbelief in his voice.

In this environment, if he fires slowly, he can still achieve the score of 100 rings, but if he is allowed to fire continuously like David, the recoil alone will make him lose weight after the first bullet is fired. The rest of the bullets flew to nowhere.

"David, if you complete the following items, I will give you this imitation 'Death Eye'!" Jim said again, his eyes moving slightly.

"Jim, you and David are my friends, don't make trouble for yourself just because of your anger!" Myron quickly reminded.

"Myron, don't worry, I know it!" Jim waved his hand and said, his eyes looked at David, waiting for David's response.

"Okay!" David said with heat in his heart.

Before he became a sniper soldier, he probably only had this chance to get the imitation of 'Death Eye'. He didn't know why Jim did this, but he was not polite.

Jim is the son of the chief officer of the military in Perrin City. He is not an ignorant person to be able to build such a large shooting gallery here. He can say that, and he has his own plans.

Thanks to "Cute Yuchen" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "Drab Wood" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "Book Friends 20170518001944892" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "lan001" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "White Hot" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "belcheri" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !

(end of this chapter)