Transcendent David

Chapter 63: track


"David, why didn't you tell me what happened?" From the image of the identity bracelet, Hans asked angrily.

"Father, nothing happened to me, it was just a small accident, and the military promised to deal with it!" David explained softly, feeling Hans' concern.

"You live alone and have independent ideas, but you should tell me about this kind of thing as soon as possible. This is not the first time someone has targeted you. I will exert influence on the military and hope to find out who is behind the scenes. People, solve this trouble!" Hans said in a deep voice.

David has been attacked many times this month. Although Hans has used various relationships and even searched for relevant clues inside the Ster Hotel, he has not found any clues about the person behind the scenes.

Just when Hans thought that after Mr. Ster's death, the people behind the scenes would stop their actions against David, but this happened again.

"Thank you father!" David thanked.

Hans almost never asked for help, but Hans continued to break his behavior for his affairs, including Galen, including using his own influence to track down mercenaries, etc. David saw it in his eyes and was moved in his heart.

"Don't go out again recently. Until the military finds out the results, you should stay at home. School will start in a few days, and you should read more books!" Hans ordered again before hanging up the communication.

David looked at the dissipated figure on the identity bracelet. This figure merged with his father in the previous life, and a strong family affection flowed in his heart.

He couldn't help laughing, and his laughter made the empty room feel warm.

The love of his father, Hans, also convinced him to get rid of Jeremy's trainer in his heart.

Although the organization does not know how large it is, the trainer Jeremy is definitely an important person in Perrin City.

The next morning, David put on the hooded coat again. Since the scabbard was too eye-catching, he would not do it in broad daylight, so he was not behind him, but only brought some small items.

Before going out, he habitually manipulated Shadow Servant to fly out of the house to check the situation outside.

It seemed that due to the military's investigation, or that the organization did not monitor his movements directly, there was no one on the street outside the door who could arouse suspicion.

David was still a little worried. He took out the small toy 'signal isolator' sent by Lixin Security Company, and set it to the smallest range of one meter, which just wrapped his whole body in the signal isolating barrier.

There are no more than two ways to monitor people, one is manual, that is to send people to monitor, and the other is electronic, through various monitoring and scanning probes to monitor.

David had some doubts about whether the organization used the second method to monitor him. The mysterious organization made him have to be careful.

The advantage of the 'signal isolator' is that most electronic scanning probes cannot detect his existence, and as long as he is careful not to let the video surveillance probes capture his face, he does not have to worry about monitoring.

When he came out of the house, the shadow waiter was ten meters above his head, and he devoted himself to observing the situation around him all the time.

Since his spiritual improvement, he has gone through a long period of practice and adaptation, and now he can easily separate some of his mind from Shadow Waiter without affecting his own actions.

Of course, if it is a fierce battle or doing complicated things, he must still concentrate and dare not be distracted.

He still can't master the real dual-use method. It's just a way of focusing on himself and supplementing a small part of his mind.

David is like a student running and exercising during the holidays. In fact, he is, but the purpose is not pure.

The gym where Jeremy's trainer is located is not far from David's home, and David chose it for this reason at the time.

After 20 minutes of jogging, David approached the fitness room, which was located in a commercial street, and it was very lively.

David kept jogging and didn't stop. Although he had no experience in surveillance, he still knew the basic points of attention.

He lowered his head and only looked forward. The hood blocked his face, so that no one would notice anything unusual about him, but in fact, the shadow waiter above his head was checking the surroundings of the fitness room.

Soon he realized that what he had thought before was too simple. Although there were many people in this commercial street, there were no people staying at the door of the fitness room. People were passing by or directly entering the fitness room.

If this is really a secret stronghold of the organization, then as long as he stands at the door of the fitness room for a while, he will probably be noticed by the people in the fitness room.

He ran past the fitness room unhurriedly, and continued to move forward. He wanted to see where else could approach the fitness room.

After passing the fitness room, he found that he seemed to pay special attention to something when choosing the fitness room. The left and right two are membership-only high-end stores and will not accept any strangers.

David was jogging while thinking about how to investigate the fitness room. At this moment, he saw a strong figure coming out of the gym door.

Almost instantly, he recognized that this person was Trainer Jeremy through Shadow Waiter's vision.

He regretted not bringing out the two swords. It was obvious that Jeremy trainer was going out, and it was easier for David to have a chance to deal with Jeremy trainer himself.

As soon as Trainer Jeremy came out, a suspension vehicle stopped in front of him. Trainer Jeremy jumped into the driving seat, and the suspension vehicle drove unhurriedly in the center of the street.

David wasn't in a hurry. Shadow Waiter's observation range was too large. Perrin City didn't have many tall buildings, which allowed Shadow Waiter to see very far from a height of ten meters.

After the suspension vehicle driven by Jeremy's trainer went two hundred meters away, David stopped a public transportation suspension vehicle.

David did not specify a target, but chose to control the direction by voice, and the public transportation hover vehicle maintained the most standard speed and followed in the direction where Jeremy's trainer left.

The distance between the two suspension vehicles was nearly 300 meters. Normally, even professionals could not guarantee that they would not be lost in this situation, but David followed him all the way through Shadow Servant.

Jeremy's trainer's suspension car is parked in front of a house, which is a mid-range urban residence, unremarkable, which fits Jeremy's trainer's identity very well.

David also got off the car 300 meters away from Jeremy's trainer. He already knew the opponent's target, and the next step was how to get close.

He approached all the way to about 100 meters, and took out a small toy 'micro-scanner' also given by Lixin Security Company.

He didn't dare to scan the house that Jeremy's trainer entered, but chose the one on the left.

Although the 'miniature scanner' is compact, its capabilities are not weak at all, and it quickly scanned the entire house.

The security system was on at the residence and no one was home.

David had already prepared for the security system, and took out the 'K2 military electronic countermeasure device' from the bag on his waist, and sent out a signal.

Fortunately, this residence uses the security system of Lixin Security Company, and it is still a low-level security system.

For David, who has studied the updated version of Lixin Security System and owns the main server of Lixin Security Company, he has a 98% proficient electronic countermeasure capability. The security system was broken by him in only 20 seconds. opened.

He looked around, but he didn't see anyone paying attention to him. He carefully moved away from a few public surveillance cameras, and when he came to the gate of the house, the gate opened automatically, as if welcoming the real owner.

David took a pair of gloves and put them on, then put on the shoe covers before entering the house.

He didn't touch the items in the house, but walked quickly to the wall next to the next door.

Fortunately, this is only a mid-range community, and there is no distance between houses, they are all closely connected.

David sat on the ground, fully focusing on Shadow Waiter, and then Shadow Waiter passed through two walls and entered the house that Jeremy's trainer had just entered.

Since the shadow waiter can only be ten meters away from David, the shadow waiter in this house can only observe most of it, but surprisingly, there is no trainer Jeremy here.

Shadow Waiter's hearing is also very good, and he didn't hear a sound, and the whole house was very quiet.

If David hadn't seen Jeremy's trainer enter the house, he would have thought it was an empty house.

"Basement!" In an instant, he judged the reason, and Shadow Waiter's body went directly through the ground and dived down.

Thanks to "Tom2017" for rewarding 2,000 starting coins! ! Thanks to "Cute Yuchen" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "Jiahaoho" for rewarding 2500 starting coins! ! Thank you "Don't make trouble for me" for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thanks to "White Hot" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !

(end of this chapter)