Transcendent David

Chapter 64: basement


In David's feeling, Shadow Waiter passed through the ground smoothly, but then it was as if a diaphragm appeared in front of him, blocking the direction of Shadow Waiter's dive.

Fortunately, this diaphragm was forcibly passed after Shadow waiter squeezed down hard.

This is the first time that David has encountered such a situation when manipulating Shadow Waiter. In the various environments that David has tested before, no matter it is building materials such as steel and stones, or various decoration materials such as glass and wood, it cannot Block Shadow Waiter's penetration.

He always thought that Shadow Waiter's penetrating ability was omnipotent, but today he discovered that this unknown diaphragm restricted Shadow Waiter. There is no other way.

Shadow Waiter appeared in a basement that was larger than the upper room, and such a basement should never appear in this kind of mid-range community.

On the walls of the basement, there are some strange patterns drawn.

These patterns are connected into one piece, enclosing the entire basement.

Through Shadow Waiter, David can clearly perceive that there seems to be some kind of power contained in the strange patterns. This is not a common security system of the Star Federation, and even David's knowledge of electronic countermeasures cannot explain these weird patterns.

But after going through the diaphragm just now, David estimated that the diaphragm was probably produced by these weird patterns.

David also saw Trainer Jeremy, who was standing in front of an altar at the moment. On the altar was a statue of a god who was completely black. This statue had no face, and even its body was wrapped in a wide cloak.

Trainer Jeremy looked at the identity bracelet on his wrist, as if checking the time.

Shadow Waiter was also floating on the top of the basement, waiting quietly. David was also very curious about what Jeremy trainer was going to do in this weird basement at this time.

Just when the time reached 9:30, black mist suddenly began to appear on the altar, and then a white light glowed faintly in the black mist.

The white light became stronger and stronger, breaking through the black mist, and it turned out to be a figure.

Shadow waiter's line of sight can see that the figure is somewhat illusory. This figure is like a virtual image when using an identity bracelet to communicate with people via video.

"My lord, may the great Lord bless you!" Jeremy's trainer's greeting was very strange, as was his etiquette, which was a complicated and humble one.

At least in David's memory, he has never heard of such etiquette. This kind of etiquette that draws a strange arc in the air while bowing, and then retracts his chest, is out of tune with this world no matter how you look at it.

"Jeremy, the Lord will protect you too!" The old voice of the figure responded, and at the same time returned a slightly simpler but equally weird etiquette.

Even if the two are not face to face, this complicated meeting ceremony makes this meeting very formal.

"My lord, the 'National Scholar' project is not going well, I will make my own apology in the work report!" Trainer Jeremy didn't get up, he bowed his body and continued.

"Jeremy, you are alone in Perrin City, and the organization can't help you much. If there is a problem with the 'National Scholars' plan, the organization will speak for you." The figure said with some emotion.

"Thank you sir!" Trainer Jeremy thanked obviously with a sigh of relief.

"Your side is one of the important transportation points of the connection organization. The smooth transportation must be guaranteed. There will be a batch of important supplies arriving tonight. You will personally deliver these supplies to the transportation point!" The voice of the figure carried an orderly tone.

"Yes, my lord, I will definitely protect the safety of the supplies!" Trainer Jeremy responded loudly.

"Jeremy, come back after the 'National Soldier' project is successful. You should also be promoted. The organization needs a strong fighter like you!" After the figure finished his business, his voice softened.

"I would like to play for adults!" Jeremy trainer's voice was full of excitement.

"Okay, let's end this contact!" the figure said with a hint of fatigue.

Then the white figure became smaller, and the black mist wrapped the white figure, and the black mist slowly returned to the altar.

Trainer Jeremy was obviously a little excited. He waved his hand vigorously in the air, bringing out a white light, and there was a tearing sound in the air.

David in the next door swallowed lightly. Fortunately, he came to check Jeremy's trainer's skills in advance. He thought that he had the combat power of an ordinary soldier at most. David held a second-level double sword and launched If it is a sneak attack, there is still a high possibility of killing it.

But Jeremy's trainer's unintentional and excited wave just now revealed the information that surprised David.

From David's point of view, after experiencing the fusion of many battle knowledge light spheres and the baptism of various battle phantoms, he has a general judgment on the combat power of the soldiers.

From ordinary soldiers to peak-level soldiers like Sirius Mercenary Commander Ferroman, he can judge their strength.

But David was unable to judge the strength of Jeremy's trainer, who had exposed a little bit of strength, and even David doubted whether Jeremy's trainer's strength could match Galen's.

Shaking his head violently, David dismissed this guess. If he was really that powerful, he wouldn't use any tricks and tricks, and he would be killed if he shot directly.

Just like Galen, in the face of seemingly extremely powerful soldiers, he can handle everything with one hand.

If Jeremy's trainer was really that powerful, David's first thought was to tell his father Hans and Galen that he would never be ready to solve it by himself.

"It should be some kind of special fighting technique!" David explained to himself.

Trainer Jeremy bowed to the statue, and whispered something softly, even with Shadow Waiter's hearing, he couldn't hear the content clearly.

After a while, he straightened up and left the basement.

Shadow Waiter struggled through the diaphragm again, returned to the ground, and saw that Jeremy trainer walked out of the house almost without stopping.

David let Shadow Waiter try his best to fly in the air, watched Jeremy trainer get on the suspension vehicle and leave, then left the house where he was, and restored the security system.

At this moment, David couldn't help but secretly sighed that he was unprofessional. If he had a tracker, he could have installed one on Jeremy's trainer's suspension vehicle. How could he be in a hurry to find a public transportation suspension vehicle like he is now.

Fortunately, the public transportation service in Perrin City is still good, but after a delay of about ten seconds, an empty public transportation suspension car passed by and was stopped by David.

At this time, Shadow Waiter could only vaguely see the rear of Jeremy's trainer's suspension vehicle. Fortunately, Jeremy's trainer was not in a hurry, and the suspension vehicle maintained a leisurely speed.

David feels that he can be a detective. Since he has Shadow Waiter, he can monitor and track targets at a distance of hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters.

Although he almost missed Jeremy's trainer this time, David still kept up.

Trainer Jeremy is heading towards the north of the city this time. Unlike the other directions, the north of the city is an industrial area, where almost all the factories are concentrated.

Due to traffic restrictions, although Perrin City has aircraft connected to the outside world, due to transportation costs and certain risks, a large number of living materials still rely on local self-sufficiency.

This is almost very common on Rock Star, just like on the commercial street in Perrin City, most of the goods are produced locally, only high-end luxury goods, some particularly high-end electronic equipment, or other items that Perrin City cannot produce Commodities will only be transported from outside.

The jobs generated by these factories also support more than half of the people in Perrin City.

Jeremy's trainer's suspension vehicle drove into a gate. David watched from a distance, and at the same time called up the map, and found that it was a garbage disposal plant.

David frowned. This garbage disposal plant is a municipal enterprise, so how could it be related to Jeremy's trainer

At the same time, he was unable to enter the garbage disposal factory. It wasn't that he couldn't crack the security alarm, but that it was working hours, and municipal vehicles would come in and out of the garbage disposal work from time to time, and many workers were working inside.

"Could it be that the contact point is in this garbage disposal plant?" David was full of doubts, and the weirdness of the organization gave him an urge to withdraw.

But thinking about the 'National Scholar' plan mentioned by Jeremy's trainer, there is no need to guess that it is related to Hans' 'National Scholar' title.

PS: Guazi asks for a recommendation ticket!

(end of this chapter)