Transcendent David

Chapter 96: Bewitching brain worms


Another two minutes passed, and David's victory had increased to forty-three tearing flying insects. As for the second-level Zerg's hard armored rock insects, they did not appear again.

"Brother David, the space wormhole will disappear in up to three minutes, and we will win this battle!" Lieutenant Elmer said to David with a smile on the channel.

"After the battle is over, call Brother David for a drink!" the injured Sergeant Gilad said with a big laugh.

He was sitting on the side resting, although his injury had to be sent back to the base for treatment, but he did not let the medics do so, he needed to stay here until the end of the battle, he felt that he could explode again, at least in space Before the wormhole is over, he will not leave the battlefield with confidence.

"Yes, Girard is right, brother David and us have a good drink!" Another soldier also said with a big smile.

All the soldiers here have forgotten that David is underage, and the law does not allow underage David to drink alcohol.

Perhaps it was David's performance in the battle that made them completely forget about it.

"There is a situation!" David was about to tell them this, but at this moment, Shadow Waiter felt another big fluctuation in the energy of the space wormhole.

He had some doubts in his heart, the energy fluctuation this time was stronger than the energy fluctuation of the tearing flying insect passing through the space wormhole, but not as good as the energy fluctuation of the armored rock insect passing through the space wormhole.

"Could it be that the strength of the Zerg who came here this time is not as strong as the Hard Armored Rock Worm?"

David didn't have time to think about it, he concentrated again, and the No. 7 long-range sniper gun aimed at the space wormhole, waiting for the Zerg to appear.

Before the Zerg appeared, a strange fluctuation was stirring within a kilometer.

Lieutenant Elmer's exoskeleton armor auxiliary system issued a frantic siren, and a set of data flashed in his field of vision.

"It's a bewitching brain worm, immediately lock the exoskeleton armor!" He roared loudly.

At this time, there are only eight tearing insects left on the battlefield, and they have already suffered multiple injuries. It takes a lot of courage to lock the exoskeleton armor at this time, because once the exoskeleton armor is locked, the soldier will lose ability to act.

All the army soldiers executed it immediately. After receiving the lock command, the land giant lion exoskeleton armor cut off all contact with the soldiers in an instant, and then the land giant lion exoskeleton armor automatically executed the lock command.

All the energy of the exoskeleton armor is converted into defensive energy, forming a mass of energy barriers outside the body.

This energy barrier can't completely block Zerg attacks like the tearing flying insects, but it can try to reduce the damage as much as possible.

The experienced soldiers among the civilian soldiers also made the same choice, and they believed in Lieutenant Elmer.

But there were still thirty-five civilian soldiers who hesitated. It was impossible for them to entrust their lives to unknown orders. They thought such orders were too ridiculous.

Locking the exoskeleton armor made it impossible for them to even escape. Some of them chose to escape, while others continued to attack the tearing flying insects.

At the moment when these civilian soldiers hesitated, a ray of light flashed through the space wormhole, and then a Zerg with a height of three meters, whose whole body was wrapped in a layer of insect shell, and without legs appeared.

Its body does not have the attacking legs of normal Zerg, and its entire body is short and fat. The only abnormality is that its head is very large, accounting for almost one-third of its entire body.

David instinctively aimed and prepared to shoot, but he found that his hands could not move, and his whole body seemed not to be under his command.

Through Shadow Waiter's perception, he even felt a strong storm-like strange energy sweeping a distance of five kilometers.

"Bewitching brain worms!" After seeing the appearance of the Zerg clearly, David immediately recognized the identity of the Zerg.

This is also due to the bewitching brain worm brain fluid splashed all over the body by the poisonous snake Lovell that day, which made him pay special attention to this second-level Zerg after returning.

The bewitching brain worm is a kind of second-level zerg that attacks mentally. Although it has no physical and energy attack capabilities, it is more terrifying than most physical and energy attack zerg.

Within its mental range, all life will be subjected to mental attacks, and under such attacks, mental judgments will appear.

A person with a firm mind can not be bewitched by it for a short time, but will also lose the ability to act and fall into a trance. The longer this trance lasts, the more likely it is to be successfully bewitched again.

However, people with relatively weak spirits will be directly bewitched by the bewitched brain worms, and become the subordinates of the bewitched brain worms, fighting for them.

This is also the reason why Lieutenant Elmer's exoskeleton armor scanner immediately ordered the exoskeleton armor to be locked after he discovered the mental fluctuations that bewitched the brain worm.

If the exoskeleton armor is not locked, once the soldiers are successfully bewitched, these soldiers guarding Perrin City will become soldiers who bewitch brainworms and attack Perrin City in turn.

The appearance of the bewitching brain worm is very ugly, even among the equally ugly Zerg, David can hardly accept its appearance.

The bewitching brainworm that appeared from the space wormhole fell to the ground like a rubber ball, and its body shook a few times.

It twisted its body, allowing its body to stretch and shrink to start moving.

The speed of bewitching the cerebrate was not fast, but within a range of five kilometers, no one attacked it, and even the original voice in the battlefield disappeared.

Within a range of five kilometers, including the operators in the south of the city who controlled the heavy laser cannons and Gauss cannons, the battlefield immediately became quiet.

The bewitching brain worm is as proud as a king patrolling his own territory. The tearing worm did not attack the fallen soldiers at this time, but flew towards the defensive rapid-fire cannon.

These fallen soldiers are all weapons to confuse the brain worms. The tearing insects are very clear about this, and they chose the anti-aircraft rapid-fire guns that have been threatening them.

A door of anti-aircraft rapid-fire guns was destroyed. These anti-aircraft rapid-fire guns were not affected by the bewitching brain worms because they automatically judged the attack, but they could not block the tearing flying insects either.

The forward-moving body of the bewitching brain worm suddenly stopped, and the two pairs of brown eyes on its head looked towards the direction of the No. 5 sniper control room, and even saw David in it through the defense of the sniper control room.

There is still a soul that is not controlled by it, that soul is very strong, and is constantly resisting its invasion.

The bewitching brain worm immediately became interested. For a Zerg like it that uses spirit as its attack method, the stronger the soul, the better its brain is a tonic for it.

The bewitching brainworm moved towards David, and at this moment, those civilian soldiers who had not locked the exoskeleton armor stood up from the ground one after another.

Their movements are somewhat mechanical, far less flexible than before.

These civilian soldiers who did not obey Lieutenant Elmer's orders did not have much strong will, so they became the first group of soldiers to be controlled.

Of course, in the other part of the locked exoskeleton armor on the ground, there are also bodies that are constantly struggling, but the locked exoskeleton armor will automatically judge the state of the soldier. If the state of the soldier is abnormal, the soldier will be ignored. All commands, including reactivating the exoskeleton armor.

Thirty-five armored soldiers in exoskeleton armor also did not attack the underground armored soldiers. They quickly gathered beside the bewitching cerebrate to protect the bewitching cerebrate.

The situation at this time is very ridiculous and sad. The soldiers protecting their homeland have become slaves of the Zerg.

The bewitching brainworm looked slow, but in fact it moved relatively fast, and soon came to the No. 5 sniper control room.

David's spirit as high as 3.73 is under constant impact. Strange insects are constantly ringing in his brain. These insects are sometimes sharp like needles, and sometimes seductive like a lover's whisper. Various emotions are like a tide. Washing his brain.

He has a feeling that he may be broken by these tides at any time, and the only thing that can wake him up is the mind of Shadow Waiter.

Even in the face of the special mental attack of the second-level Zerg like the bewitching brain worm, Shadow Waiter didn't feel even the slightest mental shock.

David's mind in Shadow Waiter's body is also protected by Shadow Waiter. Shadow Waiter's body is like an illusory castle, which can not only break through the mental attack of the bewitching brain worms, but also prevent the bewitching brain worms from discovering it. its existence.

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(end of this chapter)