Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 10: fighting


'genius! Could it be that there is really a fighting genius in this world? Learn it after teaching it once? '

Angelia fell into a daze.

"Coach, how are you?"

After playing a set, Sulu asked excitedly.

The feeling of mastering the power by himself is really good. At this time, he is confident to beat the original two of himself.

Of course - if you encounter the mysterious shadow before, the end is still not optimistic.

"Not bad, very good!"

Angelia recovered from the sluggishness, calmed down and said, "I think you can enter actual combat training."

"Oh, is it real fighting?"

Sulu was a little excited: "Who is the opponent?"

"Novices are most likely to lose control of their strength, so I'm the only one!" Angelia walked to a ring and did a few warm-up moves. Her beautiful body stretched to the fullest, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"It's Angelia, she wants to fight someone!"

Seeing this, several students around them immediately dropped the training at hand and gathered around the ring.

More and more people gathered, and in the end, even the other two coaches were alarmed.


Sulu came to power and took a long breath.

Although there were only dozens of people watching, it still made him a little nervous.

'Sure enough, practicing alone is not the same as a formal competition, let alone actual combat... But this is also an opportunity to exercise. I also want to explore the source of experience points. '

So far, Sulu has gained nothing except for fifty experience points from that page of the magic book. After several attempts, he found nothing, which made him a little depressed.

'It seems that it must be a book with special power. For the first time, it can provide experience. What about fighting monsters? Is it defeated? Or do you have to... kill? '

Sulu felt a little heavy in his heart.

"Do you need armor?"

On the opposite side, Angelia cast a kind smile.

"Thanks, but I don't need it! Let's get started."

Sulu put on a posture, and the whole person's momentum changed suddenly.

Angelia's face became serious, and she began to move slowly, circling around.

Suddenly, the soles of her feet slammed, and she rushed forward like a leopard, circled behind Sulu, and pierced the back of her head with her right hand like a knife.

This is a vital part of the human body mentioned in martial arts, it is easy to cause fainting, if the strength is not mastered properly, there is a possibility of death, in the regular competition, it is a forbidden part to attack.

Of course, Angelia's subordinates have a sense of proportion and are sure to keep their hands at critical moments.

The next moment, Sulu seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He turned around suddenly, and with a flick of his hand, his right arm turned into a whip, piercing the air and making a cracking sound: "Fifth Form - Turn around!"

After Maga martial arts became a skill, every movement really became an instinct. Once the body was stimulated, it immediately reacted without thinking.

In the past, Sulu still needed to feel the strong wind first, and then he had this idea in his mind, decided to defend, and his body reaction had to keep up, and he lost a lot of time all at once.

But at this moment, he didn't even think about it. He felt the strong wind behind his head, and his body immediately made defensive movements.


Seeing this scene, the two male coaches who were on the sidelines were in shock.

Fighting skills have reached the step of instinctive reaction, which can be regarded as a real introduction, and there is no problem in dealing with a few ordinary people.


The two palms intertwined in mid-air, Angelia stepped back quickly, and flicked her right hand: "Your strength..."

She was just probing, but she didn't expect that this Sulu had really learned martial arts, and his strength was beyond her imagination.

"Coach, do you want to continue?"

Sulu also shook his palm to relieve the previous numbness.

"Come again!"

Unconvinced, Angelia rushed forward again, this time in a frontal assault, and quickly inserted her fingers into Sulu's eyes, with a fierce and mighty aura.

Maga fighting style is so fierce, ordinary opponents will lose a lot of momentum when they see this scene.

But Sulu was very calm in his heart, and typed out the eight forms rigidly, which was on par with Angelia.

This scene left many students stunned.

It's impossible for a rookie who has only practiced for two days to have a relationship with the coach!

"Hoo hoo..."

Sulu panted heavily, feeling excited and knowing that his limit was approaching.

Although the strength and agility are similar to those of Angelia, but the physique is still a little bit worse. Once they enter a stalemate, they will immediately fall into a disadvantage.

But he wants to win!

Either way, it's a great opportunity to try and gain experience points!

"Angelia is a girl after all, her physique should be between 0.8 and 0.9, her agility is about the same as mine, and her strength is worse than mine... But she is a coach, and she has been playing with a rookie for so long, so I am impatient... "

After defending several attacks, a sense of enlightenment suddenly appeared in Sulu's mind: "It's now!"

Taking advantage of Angelia's retreat, he lunged forward, hugged Angelia's waist, and fell hard.


The two fell to the ground at the same time, and his thigh took the opportunity to wrap around like a python, locking Angelia.

"Eighth Form - Body Locking Technique!"

This is the only way to subdue the enemy softly in Maga martial arts. Other methods such as inserting eyes and hitting the throat are not suitable for this kind of occasion.


Angelia was locked up, unable to move, and looked dazed.

The previous few times, she was the one who attacked, and Sulu defended passively. Unexpectedly, the opponent suddenly counterattacked, which made her flustered and defeated the enemy with one blow.

More importantly, with this entanglement technique, the two people inevitably made physical contact, fell to the ground and entangled, and Sulu's hands and feet touched sensitive parts, making her face even redder.

"Don't let go yet!"

She blushed and said quickly.

"Feel sorry!"

Sulu got up, and only then did he feel that it was not appropriate to use the body lock technique just now, especially under the gaze of so many onlookers.

"Well done, brother!"

"Is this the haunting technique? I want to learn it too!"

The students onlookers had already exploded, many of them were whistling, and their eyes were red with jealousy.

With so many people staring at him, this kid still dares to blatantly profiteering, it's really... envious, jealous and hateful! Ahh... why is this person not me!

"You are very powerful, and you are very proficient in all kinds of skills... I lost!"

Angelia stood up, brushed her hair, and said calmly.

She still couldn't believe it. Yesterday she laughed at Sulu as a weak chicken, but she didn't expect to be crushed and slapped in the face the next day.

"Thank you coach!"

Sulu shook hands with Angelia, but he sighed in his heart.

The victory just now did not bring him any experience points.