Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 60: legend


The steam train of the White Eagle Federation has been speeded up several times, and now it has reached a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour.

The long train drove through a vast expanse of wilderness, and the fragrance of grass and trees seemed to come from the open windows.

Sulu rubbed his eyes, yawned, covered the magazine on his face, and looked up as if he had fallen asleep.

With this cover, he began to use the professional skill of [psychic medium]—spirit out of body!


As if falling from a height in a dream.

As soon as his body twitched, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Everything in the carriage lost its color, everyone's expressions became numb, and the world was covered with a hazy veil.

Sulu turned his head, and could see his 'body' strangely, and the magazine just covered up his rolling eyes.


[Psychic medium] When the soul is out of the body, the expression of rolling the eyes is exactly the same as the magic stick seen on TV before! It made Sulu very embarrassed.

He glanced around and made another discovery.

"Didn't throw me straight off the train... Does that represent an out-of-body spirit, anchored by its own body?"

Because of his unfamiliar skills, he didn't dare to explore rashly, so he could only wander around his body.

He first stood beside the girl next door, looked at her, and found that she didn't notice at all.

Immediately, he waved again in front of the old couple on the opposite side, but got no response at all.

With the expansion of the scope of exploration, he gradually became more courageous, passing through the barriers of the carriages, and peeking into the next door.


At this moment, a black cat squatting at a certain woman's feet suddenly raised its head, and made a protesting cry at Sulu.

'Animals, especially cats and crows, are very sensitive to spirits...but that's all! Thinking of a certain record, Sulu didn't wait in panic.

"Domi, my dear Domi!"

A fat woman next to her picked up the black cat and stroked it gently: "What's wrong with you?"

The pupils of the black cat were puzzled, and as it was being stroked, it made a contented sound, as if it had completely forgotten what happened before.

'Appears to detect only changes, but cannot directly observe the source...'

Sulu nodded, walked through the wooden wall again, and came to the third workshop.

The atmosphere inside is very weird, there are a few strong men sitting there with fierce eyes.

'Don't be a robber? '

Surprised, Sulu got into their luggage bags and found that there was no murder weapon, so he left in peace and returned to his compartment.

With the prolongation of his out-of-body time, he has already felt a lot of bad news.

For example... The surrounding objects are getting more and more old and weathered, and the steel products are covered with rust, which is a bad omen.

'The danger of the soul going out of the body is not only because of any dangerous spirit body, but also because once the distance is too far, or the time of traveling in the spirit world is too long, there will be a risk of being affected and assimilated! '

Compared with the body, the soul is too fragile.

Sulu returned to his compartment, ready to return to his body.

At this moment, his eyes froze.

Among the old couple opposite him, the old man who had been dozing off was not in the right state.

A trace of scattered spirit seemed to want to get out of his eyes, nostrils and other seven orifices.

It wasn't that he was about to cast a spell, but it seemed that his life was about to come to an end!

"Aging and death...these are the inevitable horrors of mankind!"

Sulu's soul returned to his body, and he quietly looked at the old couple in front of him with complex expressions in his eyes.

From the outside, they are very loving and healthy.

But only he knew that the old man's body was reaching its limit, and he almost couldn't maintain his soul.

'I hope he can last longer, I don't want to see him die in front of me! '

Sulu looked very helpless.

Although there is no such thing as Pengci in this world, if someone died in the carriage, he and the other passengers would definitely be called in by the railway police officers to interrogate him, which is very troublesome, very troublesome.

He wishes to avoid as much trouble as possible.


He took the initiative to speak and chatted with the old couple on the opposite side: "Are you going to Posey Port?"


After looking at each other, the more energetic wife replied: "My husband and I are from there, but we haven't been back for a long time. This time, we want to settle there."

"Return... hometown?"

Sulu muttered to himself, obviously the old man already had some hunch. His own spirit knew something, so he urged him to fulfill some wishes.

"Hi, I'm Dora!"

The girl next to Sulu seemed to be unable to bear the quiet atmosphere in the car before. When she saw Sulu speak, she immediately took the initiative to chat: "I am a reporter, and I want to go to Posi Port for an interview!"

"I just graduated, and I'm going to have an interesting graduation trip!" Sulu said with a straight face.

"So it's a college student?"

Dora's eyes lit up, and she felt a little more awe out of thin air.

In this era, college students are very cherished talents, they can be regarded as high-level intellectuals, reserve soldiers of the upper class, and they are widely respected no matter where they go.

It seems that she, just because she came out of an ordinary grammar school and can write manuscripts, got a job as a reporter, and the income is not bad.

"Well... St. George's University!"

Sulu chatted a few words casually: "Although the city of Niah is not too far from Posey Port, it is still several hours away by train. Why do you want to interview?"

He subtly wanted to ask, did something major happen in Posey Port recently

"There is no way..." Dora's face collapsed: "Newspapers need sales, and journalists like us are driven to all the places that can be driven. Without good, first-hand, exciting enough news, it is difficult to get Leisurely... "

"About newspapers... I remember when I was a child..." The old man on the opposite side seemed to be reminded of something: "At that time...the Federation didn't have newspapers, and there were only stories passed down by word of mouth... In Posey Port, there was a legend about the bird-beaked monster."

"Bird-beaked monster?"

Sulu frowned, obviously interested.

Well, during the twilight period of the gods, the extraordinary power is hidden, and the deeds of some extraordinary people have become ghost legends.

And now, it's entirely possible that they could actually be staged.

"Yes, the bird-beaked monster..." The old man came to talk about sex, and his cheeks became slightly rosy: "This is a strange story from my hometown, Posey Port. It is rumored that the bird-beaked monster is not just one person, but a group! Their faces are It has the appearance of a crow, moves in the dark, and brings ominous wherever it passes! It is also called 'the bird of death'!"


Dora habitually took out a pen and paper: "Why do I hear that they are miraculous doctors who can cure many diseases?"

"hehe… "

The old man shook his head: "This is also one of the sayings, but what I heard when I was a child was horror stories. It is rumored that there must be diseases and plagues in the places they pass by, and they like to cruelly dismember corpses..."