Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 72: Violent woman


[xp: 150]

The extra experience on the attribute bar is the gain from destroying the den this time.

"Those people just now seem to have their spirits destroyed... Is it because I used the spirit thorn?"

Sulu walked while thinking.

Even if they still have spirits, Sulu will kill them again!

At this time, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought: "Perhaps...the source of experience involves the soul?"

"This can explain that the book of "Rite of Death" can directly provide experience points. Could it be that the spirit is bound on it?"

"But what about the defeat? Could it be because I hit their beliefs and indirectly hit their souls?"

The mystery of the attribute bar is too great for Sulu to think clearly.

But at present, there is still one problem to be solved—Miss Dora seems to have been arrested.

She could have left three days ago, but she stayed for so long because of her own reasons. She suffered bad luck, and Sulu felt that she was responsible.

Besides... that's a lot of experience!

'But if you do this kind of thing, you must consider the aftermath! '

Since being promoted to Chaofan, Sulu felt that his mentality had changed.

From the hesitation of killing the first person, to killing a whole room of people now, I don't feel anything, as if my heart has changed a lot.

'No... I killed them because they wanted to hurt me and deserved it! '

'If I do this thing this time, there will definitely be troubles, but I may not be able to find me... The only loophole is the bartender, but I am not the only one who wants to buy items on the black market every day! '

'And... If the other party is a smart person, he will definitely pretend that he doesn't know anything, unless he wants to be revenged by me! '

In fact, in the slums, it is quite normal for a few people to die every day.

As far as the police station is concerned, the best ending is for people like black market dealers, gangsters, and gang fighters to fight to the death.

But what Sulu will face next is a real trouble.

That big businessman is a member of the real upper-class circle, and he can use a huge amount of energy, and he may even directly hire extraordinary people!

'But whatever! Something has to be done! Otherwise, I can't make it through! '

The world is as big as the heart!

After becoming a [psychic medium], Sulu realized even more that a person can deceive himself, but he cannot deceive his own spirit!

'Besides... I need their experience points! '

'The purpose of this operation is to gain experience and save Dora... As for the businessman, he may not be in the factory, or even... If some thugs died, he might be the first one to cover up! '

'After finishing this ticket, at worst, I will slap my ass and leave Posey Port to see what he can do? '

'Huh? wait a minute I seem to have a great idea! '

Thinking of this, and thinking of the possessed Mr. Kira, Sulu's eyes lit up.

He went back to the hotel first and made a disguise.

When I went out this time, I originally wanted to buy materials. Although the process was a bit tortuous, the result was much better than he thought.

As for the revolvers alone, he seized two, with a large number of bullets.

Other than that, a gallon of blood isn't a problem at all.

It's just that silverware is a little troublesome, but you can definitely buy it in an antique shop.

"In this way, let's settle everything today!"

Sulu wearing a peaked cap walked towards the meat factory.

According to the previous thug's confession, the unlucky lady reporter was imprisoned in the meat factory.


Portey Port Union Meatworks!

It belonged to Gerald, a big businessman. This butcher relied on the convenience of the port, and black-heartedly squeezed workers, reduced costs, and quickly accumulated a lot of wealth. In this way, he became a member of the upper class of Posey Port, and it was rumored that he even sponsored a member of parliament.

This factory occupies a very large area, and caravans transporting raw materials and finished products can be seen on the road.

Sulu turned around and turned in through its back door.

It was close to a livestock pen, the smell was very bad, and there were fewer people.

"Damn... this factory is too big, I'm afraid I can't find it alone!"

"Fortunately, the other party will definitely not lock Dora in a crowded place, so... What I need to focus on is the idle factory area... Even so, the place is huge!"

Sulu deftly climbed over the fence and looked at the factory area with helplessness on his face.

If it wasn't for what happened to Dora because of helping him, he wouldn't bother to care about this kind of thing.

What else is there to say at this point? find it!

"Not this one!"

"Not this one either!"

With inspiration, Sulu, like an invisible man, escaped the patrolling security guards and inspected warehouses one after another.

It was about noon, when he was about to stop for a sandwich, his eyes suddenly moved.

Turning around a certain warehouse, I saw a factory building.

From inside, there was actually the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong fighting!

While biting a sandwich, Sulu sneakily lay on the window, ready to watch a play.

It really was a good show.

First up is Dora, who is bound and dangling from a running blender.

And below, there is a tall woman who is entangled with a group of thugs.

Sulu was stunned to find that not only was the tall woman fast and powerful, but her fighting level might even be higher than that of Donald, the president of the university fighting!


He ate his lunch in two or three bites, a little surprised and uncertain.

"Sister... come and save me!"

The unlucky reporter Dora was suspended in mid-air, looking at the huge mouth of the blender blade spinning rapidly below, with a cry in her voice.

"That's my sister? It's not like it at all, one has such a good figure, and the other has nothing..."

Sulu complained secretly.


Seeing that violent woman knocked down a lot of people, the last few thugs seemed to be unable to bear it, and threatened: "If you dare to do it again, we will cut your sister's rope and turn her into a pile of meat paste!"

"you… "

Anger appeared on the tall violent woman's face: "If you dare to do this, I swear! I will screw your heads off one by one!"

"Don't move, if you move again, I will be cut!"

"you dare!"

Then, the scene entered a pointless deadlock.

Sulu was yawning boredly, preparing to join, when he suddenly saw a sneer on the violent woman's face.

The thugs looked at each other in astonishment, their hands and feet were numb, and they fell to the ground.

"How does my narcotic feel?"

The violent woman stepped forward, her high leather shoes stepped on the face of the thug who yelled the loudest just now: "You said... what are you going to do?"

'Depend on! It turns out that this woman is so insidious... She secretly poisoned her? The coercion was all disguised before, in order to buy time? '

Sulu, who was about to rush in, was shocked, feeling that he had learned a lesson.