Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 100: Chu Yuzuo


Tie Butian was silent for a while, then raised his eyebrows suddenly, and said, "How about Liucui Lake...?"

"Very good." Chu Yang showed a smile, but said in a meaningful way: "What do you think about the reward and recruiting I mentioned?"

Tie Butian smiled mischievously: "Very good."

Chu Yang also laughed, and both of them laughed meaningfully.

"I've already told Cheng Ziang that you have full authority over Butian Pavilion." Tie Butian looked at Chu Yang seriously: "Brother Chu, but I need to know the news here, I can't be deaf."

Chu Yang was slightly moved in his heart. When Tie Butian spoke to this point, he was very clear and sincere.

"I understand, so I just beat it, but didn't clear it." Chu Yang said, "But there is one thing I don't understand: why do you trust me so much?"

Tie Butian stared at him for a while, then slowly smiled, and said: "Intuition! I think you are worthy of my trust, it's that simple."

Chu Yang suddenly discovered that Tie Butian's smile was full of charm. His smile first started from the eyes, slowly curved up, then the tip of the nose moved slightly, the corners of the mouth slightly parted, and finally both cheeks burst into a smile at the same time.

But when his eyes just started to bend, it made people who saw him feel very happy. Tie Butian, who smiled like this, not only lost that "natural born king" temperament, but felt extremely cute and cute!

Chu Yang was taken aback by the thought that rose in his heart, and reminded himself twice in a row: Chu Yang, this is a man! This is a man!

Seeing Chu Yang staring at him blankly, Tie Butian suddenly turned his face away and said, "I'm leaving." Standing up, he hastily started walking like a dragon or a tiger, striding forward without waiting for Chu Yang to see him off. Quickly disappeared.

It's like escaping!

Chu Yang crooked his mouth and said to himself: "When I came here, I didn't see him walking so imposingly. When he left, he actually stepped out of the steps of the king's land. If you don't walk like this, aren't you a prince? Are you really pretending?" Compared to the extreme."

Tie Butian walked out of Butian Pavilion and walked a long way before he remembered: "Oops, I forgot to mention the movement on the border..." He wanted to turn back, thought for a while, and then gave up. Xindao: This guy always looks into other people's eyes when he talks, it always makes me nervous...

Tie Butian, as the crown prince, has become more and more powerful in the past few years. In the entire Tieyun Kingdom, except for Tielong City, no one dares to look up into his eyes and speak; exception!

When Chu Yang talks, he has a habit: he likes to look into other people's eyes when talking.

Tie Butian didn't know, but it was caused by Chu Yang's underworld force, because Chu Yang was always ready to use the underworld force to test the truth of what the other party said. This is indeed a matter of habit; don't talk about men, even if it is women, Chu Yang still looks into the eyes and talks...

Because, when a person is telling lies or thinking, there will be something strange in his eyes. Really being able to cultivate to the point where telling a lie without panic or blinking is the same as telling the truth... After all, it's rare...

In the next few days, Chu Yang became busy at both ends.

Then, in the afternoon of the same day, Tie Butian sent someone to bring Wu Qianqian over for some unknown reason, saying that she was to be an assistant to Chu Yuzuo.

Chu Yang was rather dumbfounded about this decision. Naturally, Wu Qianqian's unparalleled beauty also caused a group of rough men in the Butian Pavilion to glow greenly, secretly envious of the throne's love luck, and at the same time, they were staggered by the degree to which Chu was favored: Such a beautiful beauty, the prince was willing to send it here... It can be seen that the trust and reliance on the Chu throne has reached a certain level.

And the action of Butian Pavilion has really started in the past few days!

After the new throne cleaned up Butian Pavilion, he immediately started to act. He didn't show up very often, only the female officer Wu Qianqian who had just been transferred from the Prince's Mansion handed out a note.

Every piece of paper is an official's reminder! He was arrested first, and was interrogated by Emperor Chu himself, and then a large series of evidence was produced, and then handed over to Tie Butian, and then an imperial decree was copied and executed.

It is often associated, and several places and several companies will be involved.

Chu Yuzuo personally set up the costumes of the three brigades, but when performing tasks, they were all dressed in black. Under the leadership of Captain Cheng Ziang, the bloody team ransacked homes, arrested people, and killed people day and night...

Under the personal leadership of Chu Yuzuo, the Jagged team interrogated around the clock to capture evidence...

Under the leadership of Chen Yutong, the Tianji team analyzed intelligence day and night, picked up clues from every possible possibility, and then reported it to Queen Chu for a decision.

After half a month in a row, the capital was full of blood, and the existence of Butian Pavilion basically completely replaced the Ministry of Criminal Justice; only the prison belonged to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and it was completely taken over by Butian Pavilion.

The efficiency of Butian Pavilion is operating like never before. Everyone didn't even have the energy to complain, they came and went in a hurry all day long, even if they were free occasionally, they were forced to practice.

Because Chu Yuzuo said: Butian Pavilion needs masters and talents; if the practice fails to meet the requirements, just commit suicide. To avoid being killed by others, quit? That is absolutely impossible. As long as you join in, you are not allowed to quit except for death and being disabled during the mission. Well, even if you are disabled, you will also be given a mission to analyze intelligence...

Under such rigor, everyone is training in pain. It seems that there is a steel knife hanging over his head anytime and anywhere.

But Chu Yuzuo was stern and selfless, a buddy who didn't practice hard, after being discovered by Chu Yuzuo, he was knocked down on the spot, and he was beaten by two hundred army sticks!

Four of the law enforcement sticks were broken, and the blood was dripping.

While beating, Chu Yuzuo sat in his office and listened, and sent out a note: Beat to death! If you are beaten to death, you deserve it. If you can’t be beaten to death, just keep practicing!

Under the pressure of such a life crisis, everyone was silent.

Such high pressure made everyone breathless; but nine days later, a third-level martial artist suddenly announced in a morning of surprise: I have broken through the fourth level! Under such pressure, he actually broke through the first level!

Who doesn't know the difficulty of breaking through in practice? Now that there is such a surprise, naturally everyone has to go and have a look. After seeing it, everyone's jealous eyes are blue: under such busyness and oppression, they have actually broken through...

A few days later, a few people were also pleasantly surprised to find that they had hit the bottleneck that had not made any movement for several years. During this period of time, there was a sudden tendency to loosen, and it seemed that they were about to break through...

Under the impetus of these few examples, everyone does not even need to supervise, and the energy of practicing is more powerful. You can't be pulled embarrassing? Besides, the higher the skill level, the more certain the meritorious deeds you do will be. The conferment of a wife, a cute son, a prince, and a general is right in front of you...

So everyone seemed to suddenly understand Chu Yuzuo's painstaking efforts, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively from the dullness of the previous period.

Chu Yuzuo is for our own good!