Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 101: Chu Yan Wang


The guy who was beaten with two hundred military sticks practiced especially hard, and his hatred for Chu Yuzuo disappeared without a trace and turned into gratitude.

Although Chu Yuzuo's heart is a bit dark and his hands are a bit ruthless, he is guiding us on a bright road.

During this period of time, the efficiency of the three brigades has also been greatly improved. The dozens of officials above the fifth rank marked on the small note handed out by Chu Yuzuo from the room have been sacked one after another. The traitor of the Zhao Empire.

After the news was confirmed, Prince Tie Butian was greatly shocked. In order to avoid manslaughter, he interrogated himself and confessed. The butcher's knife is back!

For a moment, the nobles of Iron Cloud City were all in danger!

The notice posted on the official wall of Iron Cloud City has new content every day. Every new content indicates the fall of a high-ranking official, and the execution of the whole family!

What's more, these cases, under the handling of Chu Yuzuo, each one has ironclad evidence! Iron case! No one can question it!

For a time, the name of Butian Pavilion was in full swing in Iron Cloud City! Everyone of the common people is cheering, and all the officials are in danger. Although he is now a spy and a traitor under investigation, who knows that one day the legendary throne will wield a butcher knife against corruption and bribery

This is something that can't be said for certain.

Which of us officials has a clean ass? Which one can't be wiped off with a shit? The real honesty... His grandma, how can there be such a good official

So, everyone has been honest together, and try to show a good performance first; in case the Lord of the Throne has made a move on himself, it is better to say: I have corrected my evil and returned to the right, and it started from a certain day... The Emperor’s Mingjian.

There is another point that everyone does not know: all the valuable materials, such as elixir and rare metals, that were copied after the house raid, mysteriously disappeared immediately after the operation of the Blood Hall, and no one knew about it. , where did these things go...

The three brigades of Butian Pavilion, Iron Blood, Lie Xue, and Tianji, were also changed to Iron Blood Hall, Lie Xue Hall, and Tianji Hall respectively. Because under the temptation of gold and silver treasures and high officials' rich salary, the manpower of Butian Pavilion is growing day by day. It slowly snowballed and grew stronger.

It's only been half a month, and the number of left-behind people in Butian Pavilion has changed from the original 80 to 130, an increase of almost half.

And Chu Yuzuo became more and more mysterious. At first, when there were only old subordinates, Chu Yuzuo would occasionally go out for a stroll, but after a few days, only Wu Qianqian came out to pass notes.

The original "old people" were given a gag order, and no one was allowed to disclose any information about Chu Yuzuo; and the newcomers had never seen what Chu Yuzuo looked like.

Just from other people's mouths, I found out such a small and half-claw: Chu Yuzuo, young and promising, looks very weak on the surface, seems to know no martial arts, but his wisdom is as high as the sky, and he has no plans, and no one in Butian Pavilion refuses to accept...

It was just such rumors that added a layer of mystery to this mysterious Chu Yuzuo out of thin air.

However, the several great families and officials in Iron Cloud City slowly began to call the throne of Chu the "King of Hell of Chu". This "King of Hell of Chu" just gave an order, and then his own little ghosts went to seduce the soul. As long as the king of Hell of Chu gave the order to seduce the soul, then he would never be able to escape for a moment!

For a while, there was a saying in Tieyun City: The King of Hades wants you to die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch? This sentence is very popular, that is to say, Chu Yuzuo.

This rumor spread, and everyone who heard it nodded their heads one after another. Everyone felt that this sentence really spoke to their hearts...

Chu Yan Wang... It is indeed Yan Wang Ye! Even if the real Lord Yama issued an order to seduce the soul, if there is a doctor and medicine by his side, he can stay for a day or two longer, but if King Chu Yan orders, can't delay it for a quarter of an hour!

Chu Yan Wang is much more powerful than Yan Wang Ye...

This kind of rumor was very fast, and the people in Butian Pavilion heard this title almost immediately, everyone thought, I am afraid! Who came up with such an apt name

Chu Yuzuo stayed in his room every day, and then from time to time, a piece of ecstasy order was sent out. The names of people written on it were basically dead or alive. Lord Yan's soul seduction order only arrested one person, but Chu Yuzuo's soul seduction order was copied and beheaded by the whole family. Moreover, there are implicated...

That door... Even when everyone looked at it in broad daylight, they felt eerie. Someone once commented on the gate of Chu Yuzuo in this way: one step out is the world, and the next step is the nether world. Everyone agrees that this statement is too good to say...

The room where Chu Yuzuo works is definitely the mysterious Palace of Hades!

Ever since, inside Butian Pavilion, when everyone talked about the throne in private, they also called him "Yan Wang Ye" one after another. Everyone believes that Chu Yuzuo will never insult this title, but carry forward this title...

"Hey, did you see Lord Yan today?"

"No, Lord Yan rarely comes out."

"Then, Lord Yan's Soul Seduction Order..."

"It came out early in the morning, and the soul-hunting Raksha took it, and I gave it to Hei Wuchang a long time ago..." Well, to explain, Hei Wuchang is the original master of the Butian Pavilion, the captain of the Jinlie Blood Brigade, and the current Lie Wuchang. Master of the Blood Hall, Lord Cheng Ziang!

Well, even Wu Qianqian, who is a stunning beauty, has been called a "spirited Rakshasa" because of passing notes from King Chu Yan back and forth... When it became more and more sensational, wherever this Erotic Rakshasa went, he was actually trembling...

"Damn, it seems that Lord Yan hasn't killed enough?"

"Can Lord Yan kill enough? Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, what does Lord Yan look like?"

"Yan Wangye... Do you want me to die, boy? The password is sealed..."

"A brief introduction..."

"All in all, if ordinary people see Lord Yan, it would be easy to die of fright on the spot..." The person who spoke had never seen the real face of "King Yan of Chu", but he boasted vigorously.

"Knocked out of breath... or light? What if it was heavy...?"

"Heavy... I was scared out of my wits on the spot, and I couldn't be reborn, that's a common thing..."

"My day! So ugly?"

"That's it, Lord Yan..."

Ever since, based on false rumors, Lord Yan's reputation became more and more vicious, and his reputation spread far and wide. In less than a month, King Yan of Chu became truly famous--famous in Iron Cloud City!

Faced with these rumors, King Chu Yan naturally couldn't sit idly by. He took measures almost as soon as the rumors came out: sending people out to fan the flames, so that the impact of such rumors must be greater, and no matter how widespread the rumors are, A few; the more people who know about it, the bigger the reputation, the better...

Then King Chu Yan made a hideous and terrifying mask himself, and began to show his face in Butian Pavilion for a few days. With a blue face and fangs, it has a ghostly aura, and if you see it in broad daylight, it will scare you to pee your pants...

Over time, except for a few people, even the "old people" who had met Chu Yang before began to get confused. They forgot what King Chu Yan looked like back then, and only knew him as a cold-blooded and bloodthirsty king of Chu Yan. …