Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 102: Too clean, no way!


"King Chu Yan, giggling... Chu Yang, you are really capable!" Wu Qianqian covered her small mouth, and laughed wildly in front of Chu Yang.

Thinking of Chu Yang's nickname, Wu Qianqian was overjoyed. At the same time, deep in Wu Qianqian's heart, there was also a faint sense of frustration and deep admiration.

Chu Yang is one year younger than himself, but he has achieved a level that he never dreamed of. With the strength of one person, and with the identity of a person of unknown origin, he actually became the throne of Butian Pavilion!

You know, this is the position that his father, Wu Yunliang, dreamed of getting, but he failed after several years of hard work; and it took only half a month for Chu Yang to achieve all this!

Of course, his father's sect background is different from Chu Yang's solitary body, Tie Butian will not take risks; but... Isn't Chu Yang also from Tianwailou? Isn't the prince afraid that Chu Yang is an invisible person in Tianwailou

He was wary of his father, why not Chu Yang

These are all doubts in Wu Qianqian's heart, but she can't say them out.

Ever since she knew about Chu Yang's arrival, she heard people talking about Chu Yang, saw Chu Yang again, and went to invite Chu Yang in person, and with the etiquette of a state guest... At that time, Wu Qianqian felt like a dream , I really admire this former junior junior.

Although Wu Qianqian could clearly see Chu Yang's every step, it was only an after-the-fact analysis. If it was someone else, Wu Qianqian would never believe that there is anyone in this world who can do better than Chu Yang!

But what happened afterwards was even more beyond Wu Qianqian's expectations. He actually became the throne in one night, from the moment he entered Butian Pavilion! Then the Butian Pavilion was integrated more smoothly. Let everyone, including several Wu Zun, be submissive!

Others don't know Chu Yang's strength, but how can Wu Qianqian not? Chu Yang, only warriors can cultivate!

Warriors, leading a large group of martial artists, Wu Zong and Wu Zun... No one is dissatisfied, and they have become objects of worship...

Things like this made Wu Qianqian dazzled. Moreover, after Chu Yang's deliberate and low-key exaggeration, he never showed his strength, leaving everyone with the impression of a 'weak scholar who doesn't know martial arts'!

But what is even more outrageous is: Which of these warriors is not a rebellious generation? He even allowed this 'weak scholar' to surpass them, and the aura of admiration increased instead of diminished, and he was obedient to him.

Until recently, even more outrageous. This guy turned out to be the "King of Hell of Chu" whose name even the children were too scared to cry out at night!

Wu Qianqian was really dizzy.

"Huh? You should call me Chu Yuzuo." Chu Yang rolled his eyelids. He could only roll his eyelids, because even in the room, he still wore that hideous mask.

Doing this is not for being cool, but for ulterior motives.

I am not strong enough now, and a sense of mystery is necessary. You know, sometimes the combination of mystery and authority is a great power. Everyone in the world worships God, but who has seen God? If God meets with people every day... then he is not God...

And Chu Yang is making gods now. Make yourself a god!

Moreover, Chu Yang tried his best to spread the rumors that 'King Chu Yan doesn't know martial arts'. Although he didn't know how effective it would be, it could paralyze the enemy to a certain extent. Then, if you encounter danger, the possibility of getting out safely will be very high...

"Chu Yuzuo? I'll call you King Chu Yan." Sitting opposite him, Wu Qianqian tilted her head and smiled, as if she was very interested in Chu Yang's hideous mask.

In fact, Wu Qianqian knew in her heart that every time she was in front of Chu Yang, if Chu Yang was in a good mood, then she would feel more relaxed. Even if he wore this weird mask, she would feel like a spring breeze. But if Chu Yang's heart was heavy, then Wu Qianqian would be nervous unconsciously even when she was breathing.

Wu Qianqian didn't know why she had such... such a feeling.

"Whatever you want. What you call it is up to you." Chu Yang lowered his head and continued to look at the file in front of him. In front of him was a beautiful beauty like no other in the world, exhaling like orchids, full of the breath of orchids and musk deer, but Chu Yang Yang didn't seem to feel anything at all, and carefully looked at the documents in front of him.

This gave Wu Qianqian a feeling: No matter where this man is, as long as he wants to calm down, he can definitely do it!

Chu Yang's eyes flicked across the information quickly, then fixed on it, and remained motionless.

This usually means that after reading an official's information, Chu Yang began to think about the loopholes in it. Every time this happens, he always has to think about it for a long time.

Ordinary spies do their best. There are so many people in Tie Yun Country, but no one has discovered it; it can be seen that it is deeply hidden, but Chu Yang wants to find loopholes where countless people can't find loopholes, so as to strike.

The reason behind it is simple to say, but in practice, it is as difficult as climbing the sky!

Wu Qianqian sat on the side calmly, quietly watching Chu Yang thinking. This is a smart girl, she knows when to tell a joke to let Chu Yang relax, and when to not disturb and need to be quiet. Although she is not deeply involved in the world, relying on this woman's intuition alone, she has done this perfectly.

This was also one of the reasons why Chu Yang allowed her to stay here.

Even if there is no charming idea, the principle that men and women can work together without being tired is common to all planes. In front of her is a beautiful and lively beauty, which indeed has a certain motivating effect.

No one wants to lose face in front of a beautiful woman, and neither does Chu Yang.

Tang Xinsheng, thirty-seven years old, Zhongshu Minister, Tieyun City Governor, is an upright and upright official. He became an official at the age of nineteen and was promoted steadily. He was... During his tenure, he had a very good reputation...

Wu Luozhi, thirty-eight years old, minister of the Ministry of Rites... a little greedy, but a hard-working official...

Qian Qishu, thirty-seven years old, Minister of the Ministry of War...Excellent perseverance, a former general, has a history of leading soldiers under his command to plunder the Pingding Pass of Dazhao...

Zhou Zhijun,... the official voice is acceptable...

After reading one official's profile, Chu Yang pondered for a while, then took another official's profile...

After a long time, he put away the dozen or so documents he had read, and felt that there seemed to be no problem with these few people. I wanted to put it aside, but felt vaguely that I had missed something, so I looked it over carefully, but still didn't find it...

Chu Yang raised his chin and thought deeply, but he was at a loss and had no idea. Can't help but let out a long sigh.

"Chu Yang, how many officials can you find if you just check them one by one? In your eyes, there is not a single good official in the world?" Wu Qianqian was also looking at the ones that Chu Yang checked. Seeing that Chu Yang seemed to have come to an end with these materials, he couldn't help asking.

When Chu Yang heard these words, his brows twitched suddenly. Looking at Wu Qianqian fixedly, the expression in her eyes collapsed...

"Yes!" Chu Yang finally remembered what the problem was. Wu Qianqian just reminded him with one sentence!

"Is there not one good official in the world?" Chu Yang repeated in a murmur, with a smile on his face: "Yes, Senior Sister Wu, you really reminded me and did me a big favor!"

"Do you a big favor?" Wu Qianqian asked blankly, not knowing how she helped him.

"Officials of the world, what's so good there?" Chu Yang snorted coldly, his eyes fixed on the information of Tang Xinsheng. The problem is: this Tang Xinsheng is really too clean!

Too clean, no!

As an official, he is diligent and conscientious, no matter whether he is promoted or relegated, he has no complaints or regrets as before, and he is upright, with a clear style in his sleeves, from the official to the Minister of Zhongshu, and the governor of Tieyun Fu, he actually farms for a living by himself. , All the money saved went to the poor...

As a senior official of the fourth rank, his wife is still weaving, and his son is still farming! The son has the ability to obtain fame, but he thinks that "the father is an official, and if the son is also an official, he is neither greedy nor greedy, and he is not self-deprecating; for the welfare of the people, one person in the family is enough." ' reason, put an end to his son's road to fame!

It means that if your father and I are high-ranking officials, if you go to the exam to obtain fame, even if you have real skills, others will not look at you and admit you directly. Such fame is worse than nothing. As an official, I will be fine with your father, you should avoid suspicion...

This man is simply a saint!

But, do saints exist in reality? Or some people believe it, but Chu Yang absolutely does not believe it!