Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 103: There are doubts everywhere!


If there is a problem with this person, then his problem lies in: he is too clean, too clean! It's too pretentious!

Chu Yang always likes to do things in the opposite direction.

There is a saying that he always remembers: being an official for thousands of miles is only for money! If people are not for themselves, heaven and earth will perish! In his previous life, he wandered all over the world and wandered around in the next three days. Wherever he went, he scolded officials for being greedy.

Even those officials with excellent reputations live in big houses and eat delicacies from mountains and seas. The poorest ones are much better than ordinary rich people's houses.

No one can live in poverty. Even ordinary people are hoping that there will be a few more stones of rice in the fields so that the family can eat better.

To put it bluntly, the recipients of Tang Xin Sanctuary's relief are all well-fed and well-dressed than his family!

"There's something wrong with this person!" Chu Yang was thinking, and with one finger, he focused heavily on Tang Xinsheng's information: "Check!"

"Ah?" Although Wu Qianqian came to Iron Cloud City not long ago, she also knows that Tang Xinsheng, Master Tang, who "helps the community with green blood and clean wind with two sleeves is only for the people"!

Tang Xinsheng has indeed become the ruler of Iron Cloud City officials! A model of morality!

Would such a person be a traitor? Chu Yang couldn't have burned his head, right

"Don't doubt it, let Tianjitang check it immediately! I want to see the information before the afternoon. If Tang Xinsheng's information is missing a little bit before the afternoon, Tianjitang will take the board as a whole! Tell Chen Yutong exactly what I said!"

Wu Qianqian wrinkled her nose, wrote a note, and walked out.

Immediately there was a flutter of chickens and dogs jumping outside, people shouting and neighing; everyone in the Tianji Hall waited, and almost ran out at the speed of putting out the fire. Chu Yanwang's plank is not easy to bear.

Chu Yang smiled, and said slowly: "You have to remember that in this world, everyone has weaknesses. It is impossible for a saint like this to exist!" He pointed at Tang Xinsheng's name with his fingers, his nose cold He snorted coldly.

There was a sentence in Chu Yang's mind, which he remembered clearly. "Is there a saint in this world? Let's assume that there is, then, do saints need to eat and wear clothes? Do they need to spend money? Do they need to find a wife? Do they need to have sex with men and women?... If it is necessary, then he is not a saint !Because he asked for something! Therefore, it can be deduced from this that there is no saint in this world!"

The person who said this was Mo Tianji! Chu Yang hated Mo Tianji to the bone now, but he had to admit that there was some truth in what Mo Tianji said.

Since the establishment of the three halls, King Chu Yan has always managed them very strictly; but the most strict among them is the Tianji Hall. The hall master of Tianji Hall was called in by Chu Yuzuo almost every three days, scolded his head and covered his face, and then came out with a dark face, grabbed his subordinates and practiced harder...

King Chu Yan cursed people, naturally he had evidence, and he would only curse people if he did something wrong. Chen Yutong who scolded didn't have the slightest temper: it was indeed wrong, shouldn't she be scolded? Chu Yuzuo is in charge.

Therefore, Chen Yutong could only vent his anger on his subordinates every time, and did not dare to vent his anger on Chu Yuzuo. This also led to Tianjitang's rigorous style of work to the extreme, and in the end, it basically made no mistakes...

The hall master who wrote a wrong word and caused trouble was scolded. Then the whole class suffers, let alone a principled mistake, who dares to make a mistake

Naturally, Chen Yutong and the others didn't know about it, they had completely taken advantage of Mo Tianji; if they knew, these people might swallow Mo Tianji alive...

Before noon, Tang Xinsheng's information was placed on Chu Yang's desk in detail. All kinds of materials add up to a thickness of half a foot. This kind of efficiency, Wu Qianqian immediately clicked her tongue...

so fast.

Chu Yang opened it, read it carefully, and finally smiled.

These materials are also clean. However, in the eyes of Chu Yang, these quiet materials, and under his preconceived mentality, he found too many unusual things.

"This man became an official ten years ago. At that time, he was twenty-seven years old, a poor boy, a descendant of a mountain farmer, his parents died at the age of ten, and at the age of twelve, his village was looted by Da Zhao. There was no one in the village. Survived, only he was left hiding in the secret cellar."

Chu Yang spoke slowly in a slow tone. Wu Qianqian held a brush and quickly wrote down what he said: "Whether it is the family members or the villagers, they all died too clean. This is one of the doubts. Moreover, since his family If there is a cellar, then according to the general rural customs, even if every family can’t say that every family has a cellar, most of them should have one; only his family’s was left out? And when everyone else died, he was just fine hiding in the cellar as a child. The second doubt."

"Since the soldiers of Dazhao slaughtered the village, looting is indispensable. After the looting, burning it with fire is the safest and the same way. No matter which army, after looting and slaughtering the village, the fire is Unavoidable. If it was really in the cellar, even if he was not found, even if the fire could not burn him, he would be suffocated to death if he was suffocated, and he would be suffocated to death! He could not have survived, but he survived. The third doubt. "

"Escaped from the mountain village and went to Jinguan City. Jinguan City is not far from the mountain village, fifty miles away. This distance is not too close for a twelve-year-old child... Forget it, this doubt is a bit far-fetched, let's not talk about it for now Well, in Jinguan City, and then worshiped under the famous Confucian scholar Kong Guanren, well, a child from a mountain village, who can I find someone to recommend? No one recommends, and Kong Guanren took such a beggar as a disciple? Does he have such a saint? Doubt four."

"Well... Tang Xinsheng was a scholar at the age of sixteen. He got married. He was promoted at the age of nineteen. He was a Jinshi at the age of twenty-six. He was a candidate for half a year and became an official at the age of twenty-seven. Hehe, even a top scholar needs to relax and study for a better life. The way of an official is the way of politics, and he has only been on the waiting list for half a year, and then he is released to a real job. This is doubtful point five."

"This experience is clear and clear, and there are witnesses. But it is not well-known. Generally, it is a big deal to be promoted to a Jinshi! Wherever it is, it is something that is talked about. But Tang Xinsheng passed the imperial examination all the way. Under normal circumstances, he is a child prodigy, a gift from heaven. But he has always been very low-key, and before that, his reputation was not obvious. This does not conform to the psychology of the Chinese people."

"Psychology?" Wu Qianqian questioned after pausing for a moment while holding the pen.

"Such a person, no matter where he is, is a man of the hour. He is also a role model, a good example for urging his own children to work hard. Obviously, this Tang Xinsheng did not set a good example. Name, this doubt six."

Chu Yang said: "Based on this, with his low-key personality, he would not be able to publicize anything. But since he became an official, no matter what good he did, he would do it in a very short period of time. Spread the word. Moreover, it’s not just where he served as an official; it won’t work if there are fewer people to fuel the flames, but it seems that someone is sparing no effort to build momentum for him.”

"When I came to Tieyun Capital, it was even more publicized. Almost everyone knew that this Mr. Tang was a very upright official! This one, who has only been an official for ten years, and his official position is not prominent, but has such a reputation. It's unusual. And it doesn't match my personality, this is the seventh doubt."

"Too strict with oneself and tolerant of others; moreover, after ten years as an official, there is not a single enemy! Everyone is friendly with him... This is the eighth doubt!"

Chu Yang smiled softly: "Everyone praises him for being a good man, but in the officialdom, it's like being in the rivers and lakes. You can't help yourself. You have to stand in line. If you stand on one side, you will offend the other side. This is a fixed number! This is how the imperial court moves forward while striking a balance in the struggle between the two factions."

"Excellent ability, but never strives for merit; but it should be his political achievements, but he has never been short." Chu Yang chuckled, and said: "This world has never been so fair, but it has appeared in him. He No money, no power, no background, how can you get such fairness? This question nine!"

"More than ten years ago, Fifth Qingrou just started to gain power, and the implementation of the blacksmith desert plan on Tie Yun began; the timing is too coincidental. This is doubtful point ten."

"Although the achievements are not small and the political achievements are remarkable, but within ten years, from the ninth-rank official to the fourth-rank official... it is almost more than once a year. This kind of promotion is too fast. This is the eleventh doubt."

"My son is talented, but he doesn't become an official. It's called avoiding suspicion, but he doesn't have the experience of being an official in Tieyun. What suspicion is he avoiding? Moreover, his son has little contact with the outside world under his own care, so it is difficult What kind of undying loyalty to Tie Yun’s common enemy arises? How many meanings does this most inexplicable behavior seem to have? My son has always been farming, but he has never stopped writing. Since he doesn’t want to be an official, what do he learn? Who will make the preparations?" Chu Yang's smile gradually turned cold: "This question is twelve!"

"With these twelve doubts, even if he is a real saint, I will kill him!" Chu Yanwang's eyes revealed a ghostly sharp brilliance.