Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 104: Dark Challenger


Wu Qianqian's heart was shaken. She never expected that Chu Yang could find so many suspicious points just by looking at the information on such a good and honest official!

Some of them, although they are somewhat unreasonable conjectures, but the gathering of so many doubts is too deliberate! If these were all coincidences... now even Wu Qianqian did not believe in such a coincidence.

"If this person is really a spy, then it is very likely that our Butian Pavilion caught the first big fish!" Chu Yang said solemnly.

Wu Qianqian trembled violently. She understood what Chu Yang meant by 'big fish'. If this was the case, then the number of people implicated from top to bottom would probably be at least hundreds of people!

Another blood flowed like a river!

"Chu Yang, even if he is a spy, can't just kill him casually." Wu Qianqian said: "This person has a good reputation and has a high prestige among the people of Tieyun. turmoil."

During this period of time, Wu Qianqian followed Chu Yang, analyzing Tie Yun's political affairs and people's livelihood every day, thinking much deeper than when she was in Tianwailou.

"Oh? In your opinion?" Chu Yang smiled. Wu Qianqian's learning ability is excellent, and these days, she has gradually become more and more capable. I'm afraid it won't take too long for this talented girl to become her right-hand assistant.

Chu Yang didn't understand what Tie Butian meant by sending Wu Qianqian over, but he didn't refuse. One of the reasons was: Wu Qianqian was from Tianwailou. If one day she is not around, Wu Qianqian can replace her and take charge of Butian Pavilion.

This was also the biggest gift Chu Yang gave to his teacher. Because my goal, after all, is not the next three days.

So from the very beginning, he has been guiding Wu Qianqian's mind to change into a qualified leader, consciously or not.

"Let's assume that he is really a spy; but all these years, his dedication to his duties is obvious to all, and all the things he has done are beneficial to Tie Yun. Killing him is not justified, and it will cause criticism and turmoil." Wu Qianqian pondered, and said: "Even if there is evidence that he was a traitor, whether the public believes it or not is still a matter of opinion."

"I think this matter should be discussed with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Wu Qianqian said: "We must find a way to solve it, but we must also think about what to do after it is resolved. How to calm down everything that may happen."

"That's right, we really can't do this matter recklessly; Tie Butian must know about it!" Chu Yang praised. While talking, he pondered for a while, and said: "Notify Tie Butian about this matter, you do it! See what he has to say, and then you add; make an action plan for me. Now I want to go out."

After speaking, Chu Yang took off the black cloak on his body, and even the mask on his face, and put them on the table.

"Are you going out again?" Wu Qianqian was a little speechless.

These days, Chu Yang only stayed here for a short time every day, and then disappeared without a trace. Even she didn't know where Chu Yang went.

Chu Yang's whereabouts were mysterious to a certain extent. Wu Qianqian couldn't believe it, how did Butian Pavilion accomplish such a heavy workload? Just watching and thinking requires a huge amount of time, right

But Chu Yang didn't seem to be struggling at all, and he did all of this.

"Well, it's too boring here. Go out for a stroll." Chu Yang said casually, stretched his hand back a little, and a portal appeared on the wall behind him. Chu Yang's body flashed and disappeared into the portal.

The portal slowly recovered without any trace. In the eyes of outsiders, this is still a complete wall.

Wu Qianqian sighed helplessly, put on Chu Yang's cloak and mask, and sat in Chu Yang's seat. These days, when Chu Yang was not around, Wu Qianqian was here to "pretend".

Or, Chu Yang made it so mysterious just to be lazy? Wu Qianqian thought about it, and shook her head with a wry smile. I wrote down a note as quickly as possible, imitating Chu Yang's voice, and said lightly: "Come here! Send this to the crown prince immediately. I have important matters to discuss with His Highness the crown prince..."

Chu Yang made it so mysterious, of course it was not for laziness.

Naturally, laziness in Butian Pavilion is one aspect. The second aspect is to simply keep it mysterious; and then develop the Tianbing Pavilion secretly. The construction over there is in full swing, so we can't neglect it.

Of course, the most important thing is that Chu Yang has to improve his own strength! That day, since he realized the soft power of water, Chu Yang felt that his kung fu was slowly undergoing a qualitative change. Many, many fields that I hadn't considered before, and I didn't even think about it at all, seemed to be gradually opening up in front of me.

This kind of temptation from the palace of martial arts is Chu Yang's biggest motivation!

In these days, Iron Cloud City has not only appeared a "Chu Yan Wang", but also a "Dark Night Challenger".

In Iron Cloud City, almost all famous masters are being harassed by one person at any time. There are indeed quite a few martial arts escorts in Iron Cloud City. Located in the north, the folk customs are tough, so there are naturally many master warriors. Although there are a small number of peak masters after all, in terms of personnel ratio, there are quite a lot of warriors in Iron Cloud Country.

The challenger of the night is acting strangely, and seems to change his appearance every day. But she pretended not to be serious, she was in her twenties today, in her thirties tomorrow, she had a fair face the day after tomorrow, and then a red face, and a mole appeared on her face every few days. All in all every day is different.

But it seems that he is practicing a poor disguise technique. It seems that this dark night challenger is trying hard to make himself look the same but can't do it...

This is the truth. Chu Yang really wanted to dress up in the same way every day, but he was short on time, and he was not serious. Every time he changed his appearance, he rushed out... Anyway, no one recognized him. come out with him. Later on, I don’t care anymore, even after today’s challenge, tomorrow I will forget how I dressed today…

But no matter what he looks like, everyone knows: Well, this is the guy, he is the Dark Night Challenger, and I know him even in ashes!

This dark night challenger's skill is not high, he seems to be at the level of a warrior, but he seems to improve every day. Moreover, his behavior is very regular.

In nearly twenty days, he has challenged more than thirty martial arts masters. If someone with a heart can count according to his itinerary, he will find that this dark night challenger definitely did not challenge randomly.

The one he challenged at the beginning was definitely the weakest among the famous people in Iron Cloud City. Then they gradually became stronger one by one, and they came over one by one... in an orderly manner, without any chaos. Level 1 is higher than level 1.

If he ranked the warriors in Iron Cloud City according to the order he challenged, it would be absolutely correct.

He hurts most, and the injuries are never serious, and he never kills; but you can't beat him, he doesn't swear, and he doesn't do any vulgar things, he just plays a rogue. But his rogue methods made it unbearable for anyone.

If you say no, fine. He just sat down at your gate, and no one would let him out. Go out to buy groceries? no! Going out to visit friends? no! out to play? Even worse.

No matter who it is, it is forbidden to go out!

You come out to stop it? Just right, let's play a game first.

If you let someone else come out, he won't fight over there, he will argue with you, and after a while, it will be as lively as a vegetable market. There are hundreds of spectators around the gate... Can't this day be over

So except for the first ten days or so, when the Dark Night Challenger walked to someone's door, whoever would simply jump out and play with him.

Anyway, he can fight whatever he wants, but he is very measured in his strikes. Not your opponent, he ran away after a fight, not his opponent, he will not come next time...

Later, among the warriors of Iron Cloud City, a competition was started because of this: to see who could last the longest under this Dark Night challenger. If one day the Dark Night Challenger suddenly stops coming while they are fighting with you... well, you are behind. This proves that you are no longer a member of the expert circle...