Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 11: I'm a victim, right?


Seeing the other party's panic-stricken look, Li Jianyin was relieved, thinking that this guy is really a waste, and he became so frightened as soon as he drew his sword... He couldn't help but feel relieved, and his momentum became more and more like a rainbow.

Wu Qianqian on the side opened her mouth wide and forgot to stop it. His eyes were full of disbelief; this Chu Yang... Even if he was worthless, he wouldn't be like this, would he? Not only did he not dare to fight, but he was overwhelmed with fear...

Judging by his previous performance, he doesn't look like this kind of person.

It was too late to say it, but Chu Yang suddenly yelled: "Help!" Immediately afterwards, his legs seemed to weaken from fright, and he sat down on his buttocks...

But at this moment, Li Jianyin stepped into a strange-shaped hole in the ground. The ground was obviously flat, but for some reason, when Li Jianyin stepped on it, a hole appeared.

The hole was the same shape and size as Li Jianyin's sole. When he stepped into it, he found it was very deep, and the direction below was completely opposite to the hole...

With a scream, Li Jianyin was already sprinting with all his strength, and the sprint was too fierce. In addition, he was complacent and unguarded, and his center of gravity was all on his upper body. Under this strong inertia, he suddenly fell to the ground! I only heard a click, and actually broke my ankle...

With Chu Yang's foresight and experience, he could see Li Jianyin's weaknesses in kung fu and character at a glance. Even though the traps he set up were simple, they seized the best time. If Li Jianyin can escape, then...he is not Li Jianyin anymore.

With a puff, Li Jianyin jumped forward close to the ground, using a very standard dog-eating posture, unexpectedly got under Chu Yang's crotch by no coincidence... The movement was very fast and smooth!

And Chu Yang just sat down "scared" at this time, so his butt, which was still somewhat fleshy, just sat firmly on Li Jianyin's neck...

Li Jianyin let out another muffled scream, and with a puff, he opened his mouth and gnawed hard into the mud...

When ordinary people scream, their mouths are opened very wide. Li Jianyin was spoiled and spoiled, and he was most afraid of pain, so he opened his mouth even wider, exposing almost thirty teeth.

This mouthful of soil is extremely solid, and it is estimated that even half of the throat can be blocked...

Sitting on Li Jianyin's neck, Chu Yang straightened his neck and raised his face, screaming loudly: "It hurts so much... It hurt my ass to death..."

Li Jianyin was almost dead now, and he was the one who should have uttered such screams the most. But before Li Jianyin could make a sound, this man who was not injured at all actually cried out in hysterics.

If judging from the severity of the scream, Chu Yang's injury must be ten times more serious than Li Jianyin's!

Wu Qianqian on the side rubbed her eyes in shock, feeling that it was still unreal, she couldn't help but rub her eyes again...

What happened just now was ups and downs. It was too late to react, and the curtain was over.

It's just that this result, but after thinking about it, I can't figure out why it happened

The one who was triumphant and arrogance couldn't even moan now, and the one who kept retreating was also crying out for pain.

No matter how clever Wu Qianqian was, she was still just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with a small cherry mouth, big pretty eyes, stretched out slender fingers trembling, and was actually speechless.

So speechless... How could this happen

How could there be such a weird hole in such a flat ground? And how could Li Jianyin be so unlucky to step in by such a coincidence? Seeing that the hole is not deep, how could he fall down and fall so hard and so embarrassingly with Junior Brother Li's skill and skill

At this time, Chu Yang was crying out for pain, while supporting his waist and trying to stand up with difficulty, it looked like he was seriously injured...

I didn't see him injured just now... Wu Qianqian was puzzled, but she still ran over: "Junior Brother Chu, don't move around, I'll help you up."

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Yang let out another long scream. It was extremely miserable. It seemed that his waist was twisted so badly that he couldn't stand up at all. Just as he raised his buttocks and pouted Lao Gao, he suddenly sat down again...

Sitting on the neck again... well, it's still in the original position. This time it's even more ruthless!

Li Jianyin at the bottom finally waited until this guy raised his butt, stretched his neck and raised his head just now, wanting to take a breath, but who would have thought that the butt that had just left fell down again with a thunderbolt...


Very tragic. Li Jianyin's head that had just been raised was smashed into the ground again. There is a crisp "click" sound...

Fortunately, there are not many stones here, otherwise, I really don't know what will happen. But if so, the bridge of the nose is also broken...

Just as Wu Qianqian stretched out her hand, she was stunned again. She kept her forward posture, dumbfounded... Poor girl, her brain just short-circuited at this moment...

As a result, there were two people on the ground, and Chu Yang rushed to sit on the other person's neck, screaming in pain while twisting his buttocks... almost twisting Li Jianyin's neck below into a twist...

Down below, Li Jianyin's mouth was completely buried in the soil, and he couldn't utter a cry. He just let out a dull moan of "wuwu..." from his throat—the eyes of his throat were full of dirt, and the sound could not be transmitted.

One right leg was still in the narrow pit from the ankle, while the ones on the ground were parallel to the ground... One can imagine how thorough the judgment was.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the ankle swelled like a balloon...

The other leg was kicking, twitching, and convulsing irregularly...

After being stunned for a while, Wu Qianqian hurried over to "help" Chu Yang up, only to see that Chu Yang's face was pale, sweating profusely, his body was still shaking, and he kept complaining: "Senior Sister Wu, You can see, this Li Jianyin is too much, right? Zongmen strictly forbids disciples to fight each other, yet Li Jianyin actually wanted to kill me! My life just now was in his mind... Fortunately I'm lucky. Senior Sister Wu, you didn't come here to kill me, did you?"

As he said that, Chu Yang suddenly became "vigilant", looking at Wu Qianqian fearfully as if facing an enemy, and hurriedly said: "Senior Sister Wu, I didn't do anything bad, you, you can't, this, this is In broad daylight, amidst the bright universe..."

Three black lines rose clearly on Wu Qianqian's pretty face...

This guy yelled like this, as if he was about to be raped...

"How could it be? We are here just following my father's order to send a message to Uncle Meng, asking him to discuss something in the past... Uh?..." Wu Qianqian patted her forehead and rolled her eyes speechlessly. Just remembered the purpose of this trip.

"But I'm very scared..." Chu Yang leaned on Wu Qianqian, his body seemed to be limp from fright, and his whole body weight was leaning on the girl's body, and he still cried, "I... I have no right or power Yes, the skill is not high, and you are at the bottom of the sect, but you Juyunfeng and Suoyunfeng have a lot of disciples, what if... how can I provoke you..."

"No." Wu Qianqian comforted: "This matter is nothing serious..." The poor little girl didn't know that Junior Brother Li's leg was broken, and the bridge of his nose was also broken, and he was still lying on the ground waiting Go to the rescue yourself..."

"Then... if the sect blames me, Senior Sister Wu, you can make the decision for me and testify impartially." Chu Yang continued to stall for time, trying to maximize Li Jianyin's pain, begging: "What happened just now, did you You can see it from the beginning to the end. This Li Jianyin scolded my master when he came, right? Then when I came out, he scolded me as a waste, right? Then he wanted to compete with me. But he wants to kill me, right... Pulling out such a sharp, bright and murderous long sword, my god... Chasing me to kill me is relentless pursuit... Right? I was almost killed by him... Right?"

His series of right and wrong, although his tone was pitiful, was full of persuasiveness. Wu Qianqian naturally followed what he said and began to recall, thinking about it scene by scene, and nodded frequently involuntarily. What Chu Yang said was an iron-like fact, which is not bad at all. Can't help feeling dissatisfied: this Li Jianyin is too much...