Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 117: grim situation


"What we need to pay attention to now is, don't startle the snake; a person like Tang Xinsheng, he will have countless ways to escape from Iron Cloud City." Chu Yang pondered: "Besides, this Tang he a simple scholar? , whether he will possess peerless martial arts... It is also difficult to say. This point needs to be notified to Tianjitang and carefully investigated."

"I actually missed so many!" Wu Qianqian gasped. In Chu Yang's analysis, there were responses and counterattacks, from Fifth Qingrou to Tang Xinsheng's psychology, analyzed over and over again.

Wu Qianqian suddenly felt that if Chu Yang really caught Tang Xinsheng, it was very likely that Wu Qingrou would suffer a big loss! Of course, if Chu Yang's speculation is completely correct.

However, in Chu Yang's analysis, there was also one thing that was missed, and Wu Qianqian sensitively found out: "Chu Yang, you have said so much, but you haven't said it yet... If the enemy's king-level expert is really It's coming, how do you deal with it? How do we stop it? Or arrange it?"

Chu Yang rubbed his temples, frowned, and said, "This is the only thing I have scruples about; we don't have king-level masters in command; we have no good way to face the opponent's king-level masters."

Chu Yang sighed: "There must be one on the prince's side; otherwise, Fifth Qingrou would not replay the possibility of easily assassinating the prince and not do it; but as long as he comes to protect me, the prince's side will be in danger... and We can't take that risk."

Wu Qianqian couldn't help but turn pale, and said: "Is there no way?"

Chu Yang looked deeply, and said slowly: "I just hope...he won't come so fast..." After finishing speaking, he shook his head and said, "However, in Wu Qingrou's vigorous and resolute style, this person , it is very likely that it is already on the way at this moment... "

Wu Qianqian suddenly felt heavy in her heart, and when she looked at Chu Yang, tears almost flickered in her eyes.

She knew that Chu Yang was only a warrior, and he was almost powerless to fight back against the assassination of a king-level expert! And the current Butian Pavilion, in front of the opponent's king-level master, is almost useless!

Chu Yang also smiled wryly in his heart.

If this matter is really as I guessed, then there is really no protection around me. Gu Duxing is now going out to recruit soldiers, and it is not certain when he will come back; and Mo Chengyu is seriously injured now, so he probably won't recover so soon; besides, even if he has the strength to fight, he still has to beware of the dark demon...

As for a Dao Zun like Cheng Ziang... Chu Yang guessed that he was just a food delivery material for a king-level master...

If the black devil found here together with the masters of the Knights of the Golden Horse Hall, then more than three king-level masters at the same time would come to trouble him! Such a lineup, even if it was me in the previous life, it would be absolutely impossible to resist, let alone the current warrior cultivation

What's more, besides Wu Wuqing and Hei Mo, there is very likely another Yan family...

This thing is really a bit big.

Chu Yang closed his eyes, thinking deeply, trying to find a way out of this mess... to avoid or resolve this crisis...

"These are just our conjectures, maybe there won't be a king-level master..." Wu Qianqian said weakly.

"It's absolutely impossible. We can all think of it, so how could Wu Wuqingrou not think of it? You know, with Wu Wuqingrou's wily calculations, it can only go farther than we think, and never miss anything!" Chu Yang said softly.

It's a no-brainer. Fifth Qingrou deserves these four words. Even the current Mo Tianji is still a brat, far from being skilled in magic tricks. But Fifth Qingrou has been immersed in this state for many years.

How could he not think of it

Chu Yang thought quietly, and inadvertently frowned tightly. For a long time, I couldn't figure out a clue.

If it was purely wise, Chu Yang would not be so helpless even though he was not as good as Fifth Qingrou in terms of calculation. But in the face of such absolute force, it is really impossible to think of a way.

Hide, there is no way to hide.

It is impossible for Tie Butian to protect himself; according to Chu Yang's estimate, even if there are experts around Tie Butian, there will not be many, at most one or two.

Come to protect yourself, there will be an empty city over there. As for Iron Dragon City, there should also be... but there is no hope there. My own Butian Pavilion is not strong enough...

The only hope now is the Mo family. But... Chu Yang has a deep understanding of the ruthlessness of the Mo family. They may not help themselves because they saved Mo Qingwu.

Besides, Mo Tianji still exists among the people from the Mo family; Chu Yang's feelings towards Mo Tianji are very complicated now; it's like a mess.

But one thing is for sure, even if Mo Tianji wanted to protect himself in order to save her sister, Chu Yang would definitely refuse. This is related to a man's self-esteem, Chu Yang will not accept Mo Tianji's protection.

The only advantage is that Chu Yang himself has been suspicious during this period of time; not many people know his true face. Or, this is the only point that can be used when facing the assassination of a king-level master.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!" Chu Yang couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think about it; he stood up and said, "What can a king-level master do? Maybe he won't die!"

With the Nine Tribulations Sword in hand, as long as you get close and have a chance to make a move, you may not be able to kill a king-level expert!

"By the way, Chu Yang; the Tianwailou sect competition is over, do you want to know the result?" Wu Qianqian tried her best to let Chu Yang relax.

"Oh? How about Tan Tan?" Chu Yang turned his mind back, thinking about what Wu Qianqian said, and suddenly felt that the three words Tianwailou were so far away...Master, junior brother...

"This time the competition is very cruel." Wu Qianqian said: "The disciples of the master uncles have suffered countless casualties... Tan Tan, did not participate..."

"Well, most of the people who died were under the sect of the second, fourth, and sixth senior uncles, right?" Chu Yang smiled.

"Uh, how do you know?" Wu Qianqian opened her dark eyes wide.

"Why don't I know..." Chu Yang smiled wryly in his heart. The traitors in Tianwailou were most likely these three people. Li Jinsong has already made a decision, and the other two are the biggest suspects.

"The rewards for this big competition are much more generous than the previous ones;" Wu Qianqian blinked enviously: "When I first heard about it, I almost ran back to participate in the big competition..."

Chu Yang secretly laughed in his heart. First throw out the temptation of huge profits, and then promise the status of the sect; lure these disciples to kill each other... With Wu Yunliang's skills, it is not difficult at all to do this.

It seems that Wu Yunliang is already cleaning up the Tianwailou. And Tan Tan did not participate, probably out of a desire to protect him.

When the sect was almost cleaned up, it was time for Wu Yunliang to come to Tie Yun. At that time, it will be the beginning of the biggest trap and the biggest crisis of Tianwailou...

I hope... the time will be delayed a little longer. Chu Yang thought silently in his heart, recently, he was really not sure at all...

"I'll go and arrest Tang Xinsheng first!" Chu Yang sighed, Shi Shiran went out, his brows were still frowning a moment ago, but once he let go of his mind, his cloud suddenly became calm...

Only Wu Qianqian was frowning in the room, thinking hard; how can Chu Yang escape this catastrophe

Thinking that Chu Yang might die, Wu Qianqian's heart ached suddenly.

She didn't know why Chu Yang was expelled from the gate wall; she didn't know why he came to Tie Yun again after being expelled from the gate wall. But she knew that Chu Yang would not be sorry for Tianwailou! Chu Yang's status in Tie Yun is the greatest blessing for Tianwailou!

Chu Yang cannot die!

Or, there are other thoughts in it, Wu Qianqian doesn't know what she is thinking and is impatient, she is just thinking hard, her eyes keep rolling...


Wu Qianqian's eyes were fixed on the hideous mask and black robe that Chu Yang placed in the room, which represented the signature of "Chu Yan Wang", she did not move for a long time...

When Chu Yang came out, he had returned to his usual real appearance. Swagger all the way through the city.

Tang Xinsheng lives in Iron Cloud City, a very inconspicuous official residence; from the outside, it looks like an ordinary residence, and it is not at all obvious that this is the residence of a court official.

Only at the entrance, there was a big red plaque with the word "Tang Mansion" written on it, showing the unusual identities of the people in this courtyard.

This is a big house with three entrances. Located on the edge of the house, the entrance is a north-south road, and there is a three-way intersection from the gate.

The houses of general officials would not be chosen in this kind of place, because there are noisy voices and mixed fish and dragons. Firstly, it is messy and everyone likes to be quiet, and secondly, it is dangerous.

On the street to the right of the house, there are several residences of other officials, and they are not close to each other. If we only look at the residences of officials, Tang Xinsheng's Tang residence is basically hanging outside alone.

Behind the house, it was evident that there was still a woods sprawling out.

Looking at the structure and location of the house, Chu Yang couldn't help but sigh. This house is clearly built on purpose, so that it is easy to escape, it is also convenient to do things in private, and it is easier to communicate with outsiders...

It's just that the houses of officials are usually bestowed by the imperial court. What method did Tang Xinsheng use to get here

At the intersection of the three forks, a ragged old man was setting up a small stall with a few catties of melon seeds on it. Under a big tree not far from him, two old men were playing chess attentively, seemingly indifferent to the hustle and bustle of the downtown.

Chu Yang strolled over, reached out and grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and tossed them in his hands. His expression and movements were full of frivolity, and he asked with crooked eyebrows, "Old man, are you benevolent in melon seeds?"

The old man hurriedly nodded and bowed, and said: "Young master, how can you sell melon seeds without benevolence? Isn't the little old man a scam?"

"Look, this one is empty..." Chu Yang stretched out his hand and pinched it. With a bang, one was squeezed open.

"It's just that Ren is a little younger, hehe..." The old man smiled awkwardly, and said: "Young master can choose watermelon seeds, this one is really strong, young master try to squeeze it... This white melon seed hasn't grown up yet, cough cough..."

"Oh..." Chu Yang grabbed a handful and dropped a few copper coins. This old man was exactly Cheng Ziang's disguise. Chu Yang's question just now was to ask him about his recent situation; and the fact that the melon seeds were empty was an agreed code word.

Watermelon seeds can be squeezed and tried... That is to say, the house on the west side can be visited; but there is no guarantee...