Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 121: remind


Chu Yang was dizzy and dizzy from the anger, and he gritted his teeth and pointed at Cheng Ziang's nose, furiously: "Tell me about tell me about are asked to monitor and deal with the enemy, but you are unconscious Under such circumstances, I was used as a trap against me! And you are still complacent!"

"You, you, you..." Chu Yang's fingers trembled, panting with anger, "You know, how did the pig's grandma die?"

Cheng Ziang was so scolded that he was dizzy and embarrassed, and when he heard a question suddenly, he couldn't help asking in a reflexive confusion: "How did you die?"

"Stupid! Fuck!" Chu Yang yelled, unable to contain his anger, "How dare you come here to ask for credit with an IQ like yours? Are you still complacent? You still think you are smart? You still laugh at others arrogantly How could you... How could you! How could you be so thick-skinned!"

"Hahahaha..." Chen Yutong finally couldn't help it, and squatted on the ground with his stomach in his arms, tears streaming out, and he slapped the ground, out of breath, and his whole body was convulsed.

No, even if my head is beheaded next, I still have to laugh...

After a burst of thunder and fury, King Chu Yan finally vented his anger and said coldly, "What else do you have to say?"

Both Chen Yutong and Cheng Ziang were a little dejected: "No more." Chen Yutong was better, but Cheng Ziang was like an eggplant beaten by frost, with embarrassing eyebrows and shame...

"What are you still doing here? Do you think you two are so handsome? Do you want me to find you a wife? Huh?!" Chu Yang slapped the table and shouted like a thunderbolt: "Hurry up Go and invite the prince over here? Do you need me to teach you this kind of thing?! Isn’t it cool to be scolded? Ah?!”

The two of them immediately hated their parents for losing two legs, and disappeared from the hall without a trace with a bang.

In the small room inside, Wu Qianqian was holding a pen, she was already out of breath from laughing, she kept rubbing her belly, covering her mouth, her shoulders kept trembling...

It was the first time that Chu Yang was so furious. But Chu Yang's really can make people die laughing...

Naturally, the object of anger is never amusing.

After a while, Chu Yang came in with a teacup, Wu Qianqian was still laughing like hell, and kept twitching; Chu Yang was stunned: "Is it so funny?"

Wu Qianqian called her mother, almost broke her stomach with laughter at this sentence, she held back after a long time, but she still twitched her shoulders from time to time.

"Chu Yang... puchi..." Wu Qianqian tried her best to say, "If you scold me like this, will it... arouse resentment?"

"Absolutely not!" Chu Yang said confidently, " have to strike a balance. Now the two of them gloat at each other's misfortune and sympathize with each other. The balance is very good. Besides, the mistakes the two of them made today are truly unforgivable. If you don’t beat it well, sooner or later something big will happen.”

After saying that, Chu Yang sighed, feeling a little lost.

Wu Qianqian laughed again, and said, "However, you lost your temper this time."

"I have to." Chu Yang sighed: "The current Butian Pavilion is far from forming a real combat power. If you want to pull it out to compete with Wu Qingrou, these people can't even compare to a single hair of others. ;Only when you find a mistake, beat it hard once, and knock it out slowly. Only then can you barely fight!"

"If you talk softly every day... I'm afraid they will still have such an irresponsible attitude when Wu Wuqingrou calls in..." Chu Yang took a breath and said, "If you scold them more now, we will suffer less in the future..."

"You have to remember that the iron-blooded army spirit and sturdy morale are not cultivated, they are beaten and scolded!" Chu Yang said slowly.

Wu Qianqian hummed, carefully thinking about the meaning of Chu Yang's words, and couldn't help but think deeply.

Not long after, the sound of fast horses sounded like a shower, and then stopped suddenly outside Butian Pavilion, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps, Tie Butian strode in striding in wearing a snow-white cloak. White robe and golden crown, with a cold face and lightning-like eyes!

Behind him, the two followed suit.

Chu Yang greeted him with a smile, and suddenly felt something in his heart, and his eyes flashed. These two people are very unusual...

They just followed behind Tie Butian and appeared in broad daylight, but it still gave Chu Yang a ghostly and ethereal feeling, as if what he saw were two shadows, not flesh and blood. .

When these two people walked, one step of the left leg and the other step of the right leg seemed to be messy, but they were in perfect harmony, perfectly making up for any flaws in each other's body. Moreover, when these two people stand together, anyone who looks at them will involuntarily feel: these two people are one person!

Moreover, these two people seem to be walking very slowly, but when you look closely, you will find that often they only take one step, and they will drift a distance of several feet, and this distance is enough for others to take seven or eight steps...

They don't walk by walking, but by floating

With just these two people following Tie Butian, Chu Yang suddenly felt that Tie Butian's front, back, left, and right sides seemed to be covered with copper walls and iron walls, which couldn't be pierced by needles or splashed by water!

When Chu Yang looked at each other, these two people were also looking at him calmly. Chu Yang only felt a chill and a tightness all over his body, and even the hairs on his back and spine exploded. This feeling... It's like being stared at by a ghost. And there are countless ghosts!

Chu Yang finally looked away. But I was thinking in my heart: these two people... tsk tsk, it's really a big girl taking off her pants-it's not easy, it's not easy.

It seems that these two people are Tie Butian's last cards? It is also the biggest scruples of Fifth Qingrou about assassinating Tie Butian, right

Just as he was thinking, Tie Butian had already arrived in front of him, and hurriedly asked: "Chu Yuzuo, has that person been caught?"

Excited, Tie Butian leaned very close. As soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Yang instinctively felt a sweet fragrance rushing towards his face. He couldn't help but twitched his brows, showing a strange expression in his eyes.

Tie Butian seemed to be aware of it, and took half a step back calmly.

"I caught it." Chu Yang rolled his eyes: "I almost lost my old life. This guy, who has never shown himself, is actually a ninth-rank Martial Venerable... really amazing!"

Tie Butian's expression became solemn: "How about Butian Pavilion's casualties?" Hearing that the opponent was so strong, he took it for granted that Butian Pavilion must have suffered serious losses.

"No casualties, ahem... I used poison." Chu Yang coughed twice and said in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of those two shadowy figures looking at Chu Yang were filled with contempt. This disdain is so obvious that anyone can see it.

Chu Yang's heart moved, and he raised his head to look at the two people: "Do the two seniors think that using poison to fight against such a high-level warrior is a desecration of martial arts?"

The two didn't answer, but the four cold eyes looked at Chu Yang.

"None of us is his opponent. And behind us are Tieyun's 60 million subjects; a head-on confrontation is just to deliver food; it is definitely not his opponent! If you don't use poison to catch him, he will be able to stir up Tieyun City The world is turned upside down! No poison... okay?"

Chu Yang said slowly.

There was a hint of thought in the eyes of those two people, but the look of contempt was mostly gone.

"I said this not to explain to you, but to let you understand..." Chu Yang's eyes were like knives, and he said slowly: "You two protect the prince, and the enemy's methods are endless, if you still hold that noble Martial arts spirit, if the opponent's ghost tricks succeed, then you will be the sinners who killed the prince in the future!"

"You must be responsible! All responsible!"

Chu Yang's words meant something. Although Chu Yang's skill is not high, his spirit is extremely strong; he has the imprint of his previous life, and is backed by the real Nine Heavens Divine Art in this life. , but felt completely suppressed!

Comprehensive suppression of mental momentum!

Then, these two people are at least king-level masters! Moreover, in the king class, the rank should not be low!

With these two people by his side, and the cooperation of other masters, Tie Butian is as stable as Mount Tai! In these three days, no matter whether it was an assassination or a frontal fight, absolutely no force could hurt Tie Butian!

Even if Wu Qingrou's four masters of the Golden Horse Knights Hall attacked at the same time, Tie Butian was safe and sound! Even though these two were defeated, they were sure to protect Tie Butian and escape!

But Tie Butian was assassinated in the previous life; then, the only reason is that the enemy used a conspiracy, and these two people, from the look that Chu Yang despised him, knew that these two guys are the kind of warriors with very traditional thinking ! This, perhaps, is the biggest weakness of these two people, or, it is the biggest weakness of Tie Butian's protection ring!

Such a person can't cope with the enemy's sophisticated plot! I can see it, how can Wu Wuqingrou not see it? What's more, that is a hero who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal!

Chu Yang felt that he had to remind him. Because the trajectory of this life has changed, who knows if Fifth Qingrou will act in advance

"You did a good job." The master on the left suddenly said a word, his voice was dry, as if he hadn't spoken for a whole year: "But we will never do this."

After saying this, he closed his mouth, tightly.

Tie Butian looked back at him in astonishment, since he could remember, he had never seen these two shadows speak to anyone else, even his second uncle Tie Longcheng did not pretend at all, never thought that He actually talked to Chu Yang today, and even praised him.

What's more outrageous is that there is also a slight apology of admitting mistakes.

This is really strange.

Chu Yang nodded, but he was thinking in his heart that the views of these two people would never be reversed so easily. For myself, what else do I need to do...

"Where is that man? Take me to have a look. You must ask him yourself!" Tie Butian's face was covered with frost. The entire Tie Yun has been deceived by this person for ten years! Including Tie Butian himself!

This is undoubtedly a great shame for Tie Butian!