Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 129: Blue Blood Danxin Chu Yan Wang!


Chu Yang looked at the throne sincerely, and said, "Senior, this... a master of the rivers and lakes is a thousand-dollar promise, and the next official can be trusted. Therefore, I am looking forward to it... and even have some plans for what to do in the future. is a secret between Xiaguan and Butian Pavilion, related to the great war between the two countries...please seniors...keep it a secret."

The master of the throne nodded slowly, and looked at the other one, knowing everything in his heart.

That's right, this is in line with Mo Chengyu's pedantic "a drop of water should be repaid by a spring" kind of stubborn personality...

"You, King of Hell of Chu, can be regarded as honest." Throne said gloomyly: "However, that so-called expert... I'm afraid I can't do anything for you..."

"Why?" Chu Yang said with a smile: "One thousand gold promises, I can tell that that brother is a person who knows how to repay his kindness. Naturally, such a person is the most important..."

"Haha... why?" A dozen or so of the fourteen black-clothed masked men laughed mockingly, and one of them jokingly said: "Because the person you mentioned is about to die under the hands of our throne! What about dead people?" Repay the favor?"

"Ah?" Chu Yang's eyes showed extreme shock, and he said, "This... this... this..."

"Where did they go?" Lord Throne snorted coldly.

"I really don't know about this." King Chu Yan seemed to be immersed in a great loss, and he pleaded: "Uh, senior, can you be merciful to that person...? It would be a pity if such a hero... died unexpectedly." King Chu Yan He stumbled and sighed.

"This, it's not your turn to be a sour secular official!" The throne gave him a cold look; his eyes were cold. Chu Yang shuddered just right and very cooperatively, and then acted like he was trying to be calm...

The two thrones looked at each other, their lips moved slightly, as if they were discussing something.

Although they belonged to the lawless Black Demon Clan in China for three days, they couldn't afford to fight against a secular country. Seeing that there was no result here, of course they had to leave.

Chu Yang opened his mouth nervously, but stopped talking.

"What else do you want to say?" His Excellency the Throne was sensitive to his small movements.

"That's's a little hard for me to talk about..." Chu Yang stammered: "All seniors are masters with supernatural powers... Well, I, Tie Yun, is currently in crisis... Chu is bold!"

King Chu Yan's eyes became righteous and awe-inspiring, and he stood up, gave a deep bow, and said loudly: "Chu has the courage to love you seniors... Can you help me Tie Yun? I am Tie Yun, sixty thousand People, all feel great virtue!"

"Bold? You are really bold!" The black throne almost laughed: "You saved our enemy and helped him escape. I don't kill you, it's already an extra favor, and you still want to recruit us? Huh?"

The words of the throne caused a burst of laughter from all the masters of the Dark Demon Family. Everyone looked at the Chu Yan King with mocking eyes, and they all felt a little unbelievable.

Chu Yang was silent for a while, and said seriously: "Senior, what you said is wrong; before saving someone, this officer didn't know about the grievances between you; what's more, even if he knew..."

"Even if you found out, what would you do?" The black-clothed throne asked coldly.

Chu Yang straightened his chest and said loudly: "Even if I know, as long as he has the slightest chance of being recruited by me and becomes my Tie Yun's helper, I will still save him! Even if it's just a promise!"

These words are resounding! Chu Yang's eyes were fixed on the throne, and he didn't back down for a moment!

In an instant, all the men in black in the hall were stunned by this sentence! Although this Chu Yuzuo was just an ordinary person without any force, the aura he displayed at this moment turned out to be upright and upright!

The courage shown at this moment is also heartbreaking!

The Throne in Black stared at Chu Yang coldly, and finally sighed deeply, saying, "What a King of Chu! What a King of Hell!"

There was actually admiration in the voice.

Immediately, he flicked his sleeves, stood up, and said calmly: "The old man came here today, and he thought that if no one could be found, he would raze this Butian Pavilion to the ground! But... hehehe, he is worthy of being King Chu Yan! "

"I will let you go today, old man!"

"Let's go!" With an order, the thirteen men in black got up at the same time and walked out. No one said a word, with the order of the throne, naturally there was no refutation. On the other hand, these murderous and ruthless executioners were also impressed by Chu Yang!

An ordinary person who doesn't know the slightest bit of force, can actually be calm and talk freely under the pressure of the throne. This demeanor and vibrancy are already evident.

What's more, the chivalry and courage shown by Chu Yuzuo, serving the country and the people, is even more bloody and loyal! Such a loyal and good man is respected no matter where he is!

Even villains respect heroes!

What's more, is it just a misunderstanding

The Throne in Black walked last, fluttered to the door, but turned his head and looked at Chu Yang; there was a hint of warmth in his dark eyes, and said: "Unfortunately, you don't know martial arts... But if Tie Yun To destroy the country... would you like to follow my family?"

Chu Yang was taken aback, he never expected that his performance would attract the favor of Mo Qingwu, his great enemy? !

"Your official is a man of Tie Yun, and he is a ghost of Tie Yun when he dies. If Tie Yun destroys the country, then the official must have turned into a cloud of dry bones long before the country is destroyed! The kindness of the senior, the official has no choice but to appreciate it."

Chu Yanwang said heroically.

His words are not false, if Tie Yun destroys the country, it means that Chu Yang's action against the sky to change his fate has completely failed, then the master will still die, the brothers will still die, and Qing Wu will definitely not survive. Then Chu Yang would feel meaningless if he lived any longer...

"Good man! It's a pity! It's a pity!" His Excellency the Throne said a few words in a row, then he flew out and disappeared in the night sky.

A faint voice came: "Search Tie Yun's other places carefully, he was seriously injured, how far can he go..."

After they left, above the main hall, a shadow-like figure flew up silently, and disappeared in a flash...

Even the two masters of the throne, including the Black Demon, didn't realize when this person came...

Finally gone! Chu Yang sat down on the ground, feeling weak all over. After today, Qing Wu's threat from the Dark Demon family should have been eliminated a lot, right

Just now I got the right answer, and I relied entirely on the strength of my body to support it, but now once I relax, I feel exhausted all over my body, to the point where I can't get any more tired!

The aura of a master of the throne is actually so easy to endure

Chu Yang took a deep breath and tried his best to mobilize the remaining vitality in his dantian. After a long time, he felt his dantian slowly move...

Controlling the inner breath, after running for three cycles, there was a sudden bang, a large amount of vitality gushed out from the meridians of the body, directly poured into the meridians, and merged with the breath of the Nine Tribulations Sword in the dantian , and then the seven-yin cold air absorbed by the Nine Tribulations Sword suddenly gushed out, wrapping this part of vitality in it...

The zhenqi ascends in a mighty manner, reaching the bottleneck of the martial artist with the force of a broken bamboo, just like a hundred feet of raging waves hitting the vulnerable dam, it will pass by without stopping! Then it continued to surge, sweeping through the meridians!

The bottleneck that has not been broken through for a long time, unexpectedly broke through without any hindrance at this moment!

Chu Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, closed his eyes, and guided the strong current in his body to rush through the pass. At the same time, he sank his mind into the sea of consciousness, and tried to direct the soft water power he had just comprehended towards the surging strong current. penetrating through...

In an instant, he entered into the oblivion of things and me.

He had already exhausted all his vitality and mental strength, but he was still holding on, confronting two king-level masters and twelve martial arts masters, and he had to control his mind to not be in a mess, and he had to deceive the other party...

Even if he is in his heyday and at the peak of his physical strength and spirit, he still can't bear this kind of huge psychological pressure! But he relied on his supreme willpower and pure physical strength to carry them all down abruptly!

Although he was calm on the surface, in fact, his mental nerves were so tense that he almost reached the breaking point! Moreover, when his mental tension reached its peak, the other party suddenly left.

This feeling of going from tens of times the pressure beyond the limit to the sudden complete relaxation directly wiped out his bottleneck! Once he recovers, he will automatically enter the realm of a martial artist without any impact!

Although he had been stuck in this bottleneck for several days, Chu Yang was overjoyed to break through so easily!

Chu Yang was practicing in the main hall, while Wu Qianqian stood quietly outside the door.

Ever since Chu Yang entered the hall, the words spoken inside did not deliberately lower their voices, including Wu Qianqian, Cheng Ziang on the other side, and Chen Yutong, all heard Chu Yang's words clearly.

The three people have different tastes in their hearts.

Chen Ziang and Chen Yutong are roughly the same. What kind of people are those people inside? Both of them know it well! I'm afraid that the weakest one among them is about the same as the two of them!

It can be said that the people inside only need to cough hard, and Chu Yuzuo will be shocked to death!

But Chu Yang was neither humble nor overbearing, and calmly faced it. Although his tone was gentle when he spoke, he never backed down!

Who else could do it? I'm afraid it's just to face it, and the shit is already frightened!

In the end, he even said, "Life is a man of Tie Yun, and death is a ghost of Tie Yun; if Tie Yun destroys the country, then the subordinate officials must have turned into dry bones and smoke long before the country is destroyed!"

Its righteousness is awe-inspiring, its majesty, its loyalty and courage, its green blood and loyalty... are all clearly visible!

Even, in the end, even these hostile people, who were originally looking for trouble, were subdued by Chu Yuzuo's iron bones! What's more, Cheng Ziang and Chen Yutong who have been listening in

At that moment, the two almost burst into tears!