Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 153: Spread the big net and wait for the fish to come!


"Well, it's hard to say..." Chu Yang said in a very embarrassing way: "You know, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Iron Cloud City, and among the five major districts, it's easier to say that the aristocratic settlements live there, but the slums are like that. Even if a thousand people go in, it's like a fish returning to the sea, or a tiger entering a deep mountain. If you want to find it out...I'm afraid the whole city will have to be mobilized, the army and civilians will be dispatched separately, and the blanket investigation will require astronomical numbers of manpower and material resources..."

"If you can find this person, on behalf of the Black Demon family, I promise you one thing!" The Sword King interrupted him hastily. Let this Chu Yuzuo go on, even if the whole family of the Black Devil Clan has come to do hard work, they still can't pay off the debt...

"Hey, senior's words are wrong. How can this junior be the kind of person who repays favors?" Chu Yang said in displeasure, "This sentence really underestimates me."

The sword king was angry and said in his heart, you have opened your mouth like a lion, and you are not the one who wants to repay you...

King Chu Yan rolled his eyes, then changed his subject, and immediately put on a business-like face: "However, I, Tie Yun, is currently facing internal and external troubles. With king-level masters in charge, this... is very difficult..."

"You want us to help you deal with the Golden Horse Knights Hall?" Dao Wang was stunned, and said, "This is not possible!" He was a little bitter in his heart; the first sentence of this guy was righteous, and the second sentence continued to complain.

"No, no, no, no." Chu Yuzuo said cunningly: "However, in the near future, the Golden Horse Knights Hall will definitely take action against me, Butian Pavilion, and there will not be many people who come here. There are more than a dozen people, senior only needs to help me and get rid of these people."

"There are only a dozen people... not too bad." The sword king thought for a while, and felt that this matter was feasible. Just killing a dozen secular officials, or ordinary experts; if you can exchange for the life of a Mo family throne, this is a great deal.

"Then, did senior agree?" Chu Yuzuo struck while the iron was hot, and he had to make sure of this matter.

"Agreed!" After thinking about it, Dao Wang finally made a decision.

"Senior is really benevolent and righteous! He saved the people from the misery and turned the tide; Yuntian Gaoyi, chivalrous and courageous, Chu respects it! Tieyun's 60 million people are all grateful!" Chu Yuzuo was a little grateful. Damn, the thing I've been worrying about for so long is finally solved now...

"Well, you can rest assured! Although we can't help you directly deal with the entire Golden Horse Knights Hall, if the Golden Horse Knights Hall sends people here, I can pat my chest and promise: let them come and go! One person will die! One, come two to die!" Dao Wang said generously.

Chu Yang laughed loudly, and said, "That's right! Senior's power is unrivaled. Even if hundreds of people come to the Golden Horse Knight Hall, it will only make hundreds of more spirit cards!"

"Hundreds of people? Didn't you say a dozen people just now?" Dao Wang frowned.

"What I'm talking about is... this group of people..." Chu Yang sighed, "Who knows if they will come one, ten or hundreds... It's hard to calculate."

The sword king is furious! Just now, this guy said that there were "more than a dozen people in the sky", but now it is just a blink of an eye, and he has added ten times as soon as he flipped his lips... and there is still no definite number.

Is this fucking still a human mouth? Turning his lips up and down, he couldn't say anything. One moment it was black, the next moment it was snow white...

No wonder he was able to be an official at a young age, and he was still the throne. Grandma can be a prime minister with just this mouth!

When Sword King left Butian Pavilion, he almost escaped. His face was livid!

After doing this business with King Chu Yan this time, I will never deal with him again! What a scam!

In Chu Yuzuo's mouth, everything is reasonable and legal; he first praised himself as a hero with great benevolence and righteousness; it's him...

I only promised him one thing at first, but later, for some reason, I promised him several things in a roundabout way...

Especially the last sentence: "... Don't worry, Senior Sword King! Although we are weak in this matter! For the sake of Senior Sword King, even if the subordinate officials throw their heads and blood, go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of fire, and stick swords in their ribs. Don't give up! What kind of reward is needed for this? What kind of exchange is needed for this? Saying this not only underestimates myself, but also insults you, senior! Senior, don't you think so? ... who is with whom..."

Thinking of King Chu Yan patting his chest and looking good as brothers, King Dao even had cramps in his calves. Isn't that a quid pro quo

In the end, the words of King Chu Yan made the sword king flee: " the way, there is one more thing that really bothers me..."

Before he finished his sentence, the sword king hurriedly stood up and said goodbye... Damn, you said seven or eight things that made you distressed, and I solved them all for you, and now you still have something is bothering you... you are never finished...

Chu Yang finally let out a long breath of relief.

nailed it!

However, this matter is not over yet. There is still a follow-up; since such a big piece of pie fell from the sky, of course I have to catch it.

Next, Chu Yang went to the prison; the security of the prison was the highest in history since the founding of Tie Yun! But Chu Yang still felt that it was not enough.

Going in with a frown, Chu Yuzuo was furious after seeing the layout of some traps. He grabbed a few people in charge here and cursed: "This is also called a trap? Even if you go to be hunters and catch rabbits, you are not competent." !"

After scolding several Wu Zun masters, everyone who scolded them grinned and their veins twitched violently.

In the eyes of King Chu Yan, these traps can be seen at a glance, and they cannot be deceived at all, and their power is too small to trap masters... In short, there are problems everywhere.

One of the guys was seconded from the Prince's Mansion, and he actually said: "We can't arrange it well, why don't you come? Don't do anything, just talk, who can't?"

Chu Yang gave him a cold look and said, "Look!"

Just do what you say, and then do it yourself, deal with the trap, remove the camouflage on the top, keep the knife edge below it, but smear it with poison, then pour it into water, so that only the tip of the knife is exposed; After spraying the medicine, with a sound of swiping, he pulled a few branches, propped up the surface, brought over a few fallen leaves, waved his hand, rolled up a piece of floating soil, covered it lightly, and slowly stretched his feet up , shallowly imprinted a very inconspicuous footprint...

Then a hidden device was placed in the sky to ensure that when people stepped on the trap, the roof above their heads, which looked safe and sound, would suddenly collapse, and the inside would be covered with *smoke*, powdered powder, etc. Not enough, actually placed ten powerful crossbow arrow mechanisms on the roof...

There are also a lot of vicious designs added in all directions from east to west, north and south. All in all, this trap is almost a collection of all viciousness from ancient times to the present!

The most outrageous thing is that it is full of aphrodisiacs everywhere...

According to Chu Yuzuo's explanation: Once the skill reaches the level of Wu Zun and above, things like Sangong powder and medicine will not be very effective, but aphrodisiacs can't be solved even by emperor-level masters...

Everyone shuddered when they thought of the battle scenes of those enemies who fell into the trap with puffy lower bodies, flushed faces, and eager eyes.

In the end, King Chu Yan said regretfully: "Oh, unfortunately, the time cannot be determined, otherwise, we can arrange a few barrels of boiling oil, and the weather is cold, otherwise we can arrange for a few poisonous snakes and insects..."

Let's crash together!

In this way, everyone already felt that it was too much, and it was not perfect in the eyes of King Chu Yan...

After everything was over, Chu Yang asked lightly: "How is it? Are you satisfied with this trap?"

"Satisfied, simply too satisfied." A group of masters nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and looked at this Chu Yuzuo with eyes full of fear. More than satisfaction? It's just creepy!

Don't fall into the hands of this guy, otherwise, life would be worse than death...

"What's your name?" Chu Yang stared at the Wu Zun master who was still somewhat dissatisfied.

"Qu Shaobo!" The Martial Venerable said indifferently, "What advice does the Emperor Chu have?"

"I don't dare to be a teacher, but you can go back to the prince." Chu Yang said coldly: "By the way, help me tell His Highness the prince that I can't afford to use his subordinates."

"What?" Qu Shaobo was startled.

"You heard it very clearly, you didn't hear me wrong." Chu Yang said coldly, "I don't want to see you again! That's how it is."

"Why? You have to give me a reason?" Qu Shaobo asked with staring eyes. He was a little anxious, if he was sent back like this, there would definitely be nothing good for Tie Butian.

"I want to employ people, and what I want is obedience! I will never tolerate those who don't agree with me!" Chu Yang said indifferently: "And you, dare to contradict me and question me! Then, I don't need you!"

"Could it be that you would rather have some submissive pigs than a master?" Qu Shaobo was furious and couldn't choose what to say. As soon as this sentence was finished, there were angry eyes all around.

"Wrong, I would rather have some mediocre people than a pig with a thorny head!" Chu Yang said mercilessly, "Now, get the hell out of me right now! If you dare to say a word, kill me!" No pardon!"

Qu Shaobo's chest couldn't stop rising and falling, and his eyes gradually turned red. He knew very well that as soon as he left, his future in Tie Yun would be over!

"You... Chu Yan Wang, don't bully others too much!" Qu Shaobo stared at Chu Yang: "Don't regret it!"

"Kill!" Chu Yang ordered without hesitation, "Those who flinch from the former will be punished for the same crime, and the whole family will be imprisoned!" People, I, King Chu Yan, said to kill, then kill!

Who will dare to be disobedient in the future? This is the role model! Besides, at this critical moment, anyone's attitude is related to the success or failure of this big event, how could Chu Yang let such a person stay here

You can't keep it, you can't let it go, you can only kill it!

Although Chu Yang sometimes softened his heart, he never softened his hands!