Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 173: Two snakes came out of the hole at the same time!


"This junior also thought about it. With the strength of the seniors, they may not be afraid of them, but the problem is... there is a senior sword king here. The senior sword king was seriously injured... Well, if the enemy finds this place..." Chu Yang is concerned Said: "Something is wrong."

The Soulhook Throne was terrified, and said, "Yes, you are very thoughtful."

He suddenly remembered that the Sword King is half dead now, not to mention fighting, even a strong shock can shake him to death...

This king of Chu Yan was completely thinking of his own side, and Throne of the Soul Hook couldn't help being a little ashamed that he was angry with him just now.

"Seniors, prepare for it. If you have the right way, you will be prepared." Chu Yang said sincerely, "As long as you don't suffer any harm, the lower officials will feel at ease."

"It's hard for you to have a heart." Soulhook Throne said kindly.

"Well, I'll take my leave." Chu Yang nodded, stopped in front of the door, and said calmly, "Although you seniors don't care about such clowns, I think it's better to solve it as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, he paused hesitantly to speak, shook his head, and said, "Farewell." He was about to step out the door. My heart is constantly calling: keep me! Keep me! Hurry up and save me...

"Chu Yuzuo wait a moment." The words of Soul Hook Throne made a stone fall from Chu Yanwang's heart. But he still turned around in a 'confused' manner, as if hesitating: "What instructions does Senior Soulhook have?"

"Why don't we want to get rid of these things as soon as possible, but the question is how to get rid of them? What good solution does the Chu Emperor have? You must know that if these people are not removed, they will be like maggots on the tarsus, with thorns on their backs!" King Chu Yan was hesitant to speak just now. , how can you hide from this old Jiang Hu Throne of the Soul Hook

"This..." Chu Yanwang hesitated in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, there are no outsiders here, just say it. It doesn't matter even if you say something wrong." Soulhook Throne encouraged.

"Then... the next official will just say it straight." Chu Yang said embarrassingly.

"Go ahead."

"The lower officials thought that the only way they could deal with our high-level officials was to assassinate them; but with the crown prince, they dared not move. They were not sure, so there were only two targets left, me or you."


"From this point forward, because of your residence, I will directly seal the password, so now the easiest target for them to find is me. Or, the easiest target to kill is also me." Chu Yang said frankly.

"That's right." The two thrones nodded together. , Xin Dao, this guy still has self-knowledge, he actually knows that he is the most useless...

"So, they will only ambush in the Butian Pavilion area; as soon as I show up, they will attack immediately!" Chu Yang sighed.


"That's why I dare not show up." King Chu Yan said discouragedly.

"Don't dare to show up?" The two thrones fainted at the same time. You talked for a long time, just tell us that you dare not show up

"Of course, if senior really wants to take action, there is a way. Only I will take some risks." Chu Yang sighed deeply, and said, "If you use me as bait to lure snakes out of their holes...they will definitely appear..."

"This... is also a way." The sword king nodded slowly.

"But there is another problem with this." King Chu Yan rolled his eyes and cursed calmly in his heart, and said, "Because the cultivation level of the subordinate officials is too low, even if it is used as bait... I am afraid it will be difficult. "

"That's not bad, your kung fu is really frighteningly weak!" The Throne of the Soul Hook looked at Chu Yang with hatred: "If you are really a king-level assassin, if you are a bait, you will be caught for nothing. Because you can't even stand a single attack from the enemy, the enemy can kill you in one blow the moment you appear, and then run away... It's too easy to kill you, and there is no challenge... "

In Chu Yang's heart, he has already turned over the eighteen generations of this guy's ancestors. What kind of bastard are you talking about? Can you say anything worse about me

In the end, he sighed and said: "Senior said that although the subordinate feels a little uncomfortable and unwilling to admit it, it is also true."

"Well... this matter is really difficult." The two thrones frowned together. Can't help but look at the king of Chu Yan with hatred: What's the use of you? You're incompetent as bait! What are you talking about leading snakes out of their holes

"So now the lower officials have to sneak in and out, life is really difficult." Chu Yanwang sighed, and said: "Fortunately, the younger generation always wears a mask when I am in Butian Pavilion. No one has seen my real face. Otherwise, I'm afraid I've already become a ghost under the sword..."

"Wait..." At this moment, in the reminder of Chu Yanwang's self-pity and self-pity, the sword king's superb wisdom once again played a role: "What did you just say? You are just wearing a mask, no one knows your true face, yes no?"

"Yes." Chu Yuzuo opened his eyes in confusion, and asked in a daze, "Is there any problem?"

"It's a big problem! Ahahaha..." Dao Wang laughed excitedly, turned around to present the treasure and said, "Third brother, look, how simple this matter is, you just need to put on his clothes and bring his clothes with you." The mask... It’s okay? Anyway, those guys just recognize the mask... "

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, your grandma, the two of you finally figured out this trick. If you ask me to pretend to be confused again, I will directly pretend to be an idiot...

"Well, this plan is feasible." Throne of the Soul Hook nodded deeply, still thinking about it.

"Does it mean that as long as I put on your clothes and mask, and go to Butian Pavilion for a walk?" Soulhook Throne asked.

"It's hard to say, but such a big thing happened last night. Of course, we can't bear it, but nineteen of them came and ten died. This kind of loss is also huge for them! It's still unbearable Yes." Chu Yang said with a smile: "So, if they intend to assassinate me, today is the time of war and chaos, and they will not let it go."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Throne of the Soulhook immediately stood up.

The sword king laughed and said: "Finally, I will see the third brother make a move again. At that time, the younger brother must stand by the side to see the glory of the third brother, and try to figure out a few moves by the way."

"You can only flatter." Throne of the Soul Hook snorted and said, "This time, I'll give you an advantage! However, it's rare for this old man to make a move, so don't meddle casually, as it will ruin my interest!"

"Of course, with the strength of the third brother, how can there be any opponent here for three days?" The sword king laughed.

"Is it only three days?" Throne of the Soul Hook smiled proudly, and said softly: "Even if it is three days, how many people can stop me?"

King Chu Yan lowered his head, curled his lips secretly where no one was looking, and said in his heart: You are a bird! He is really a master at bragging himself!

The sword king laughed, stroked his chin resourcefully and asked, "Lord Chu, since you thought about it just now, why did you hesitate to speak?"

Chu Yang smiled embarrassedly, and said: "After all, they are dealing with me now. If I say so, it is inevitable that I will be suspected of taking advantage of my seniors and being greedy for life and fear of death."

Frank enough!

When he said this extremely frankly, even the Soulhook Throne took a deep look at him, and said, "It's human nature to be greedy for life and fear death, so what's the point of shame? It's understandable to use the strong to ward off disasters." The matter is explained clearly, but the old man dare not underestimate you."

After finishing speaking, he laughed loudly.

Chu Yang thanked him tearfully, and said in his heart, I knew all of you old fellows had such a bad temper! Don't drive away and pull the mule's temper when it retreats! I beg you to do something but don't do it, and when I don't beg you, I lick my old face and post it...

He couldn't wait to take the mask from King Chu Yan's hands, and immediately put the Soul Hook Throne on his face. As for the black robe, he didn't need any special preparations. The black robe of the black demon and the black robe of King Chu Yan had the same style...

"It's not too late, kill it early and be quick, let's go!" Soulhook Throne walked out boldly. It seems that the head of the throne of the Knights of the Golden Horse Hall is already there, and everything is done when the old man stretches out his hand...

Chu Yang and the Sword King followed closely behind.

It was a very coincidental thing to lead the snake out of the hole; King Kong's idea was also to lead the snake out of the hole, and Chu Yuzuo's idea was also to lead the snake out of the hole, but two snakes came out of the hole at the same time... one of the snakes became a fisherman.

The move of the Soulhook Throne, no matter in posture or demeanor, is much more majestic than King Chu Yan.

I saw him striding forward, with a cold mask, cold eyes, and fluttering black robe, walking on the road, everyone who saw him could not help but feel a breath of hell coming towards them.

Especially the two legs, as if they were suffering from a hernia, they were trying their best to turn their horoscopes, which made the king even more domineering. King Chu Yan kept frowning: It's too damaging to Lao Tzu's image of being wise and martial...

"This... seems a bit inappropriate." Chu Yang said, "Senior Soul Hook, this, your momentum needs to be restrained."

"Restrain?" Throne of the Soul Hook frowned.

"Yes, you just go out like this. You are majestic, a hero, you are a hero, you walk like a dragon and a tiger, and you are a king-level master, and you are a high-ranking throne!" Chu Yang smiled wryly: " If the killer saw it, how dare he make a move? Maybe he would just run away, then wouldn't we just... "

"That's right." The Throne of the Soul Hook smiled and nodded, and then calmly restrained the aura of the throne on his body.

In the blink of an eye, he changed from a super master temperament who ruled the world to a high-ranking person who holds the power of life and death in the secular world!

Anyone who sees him will not doubt the power of this person who can slaughter tens of millions of people with his casual orders!

"It really looks like it!" Chu Yang wasn't flattering this time, this guy actually imitated his aura when he was in Butian Pavilion.

Now, even if Cheng Ziang and Chen Yutong were in front of them, they would have to bend down and call for the throne.

"Let's go." Throne of the Soulhook was very anxious, afraid that the killer would leave if he was late, he couldn't wait more than a beggar who had been starving for three days to participate in a free delicious meal...