Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 176: Brother Chu Yang, do you feel it?


A knife cannot be bent, but a knife's energy can be bent... Just this sentence breaks through the biggest misunderstanding of sword practice in the entire Nine Heavens Continent!

After this battle, the entire Iron Cloud City was also quiet for a while.

The Golden Horse Knights Hall is completely honest, there are two thrones in total, two of them are seriously injured, ten of the nineteen people died, and the remaining nine are also seriously injured, no matter how arrogant they want to be, they can't be arrogant, instead they have to worry about the encirclement and suppression of Butian Pavilion at any time. It was the most frightening time.

But the Black Devils were even more depressed. The three thrones were all injured.

The Soul Hook Knife King stayed in Butian Pavilion for a long time, and felt that his face was dull and gloomy, so he went back to the Cloud Gate Inn to recuperate in embarrassment; Immersed in the intoxication of my "peerless wisdom", secondly... After all, the other party is already higher than myself.

In the next three days, Chu Yang tried his best to purge Tang Xinsheng's line, including the specific personnel and family, and this time they arrested more than 700 people at once!

The entire Butian Pavilion was busy.

Chu Yuzuo arranged everything and became the hands-off shopkeeper himself.

During this period of time, Chu Yang didn't even go out to challenge again, but just stayed alone for nothing, frowning, thinking hard; then he gestured twice with his hands.

Even in the Tianbing Pavilion, he didn't continue his efforts to break through the limit, except for teasing Mo Qingwu every day, he just sat so quietly. Quiet enlightenment!

How to transform the qi in the dantian into saber qi, inject it into the blade, and then release it with a little bit, but it can produce various effects. Bendable, winding, loopable...

This is a huge breakthrough!

The general sword qi and sword qi are all in the direction of the tip of the sword. Although the power is great, it is indomitable. As long as it's avoided, it's fine.

But if...

Chu Yang has been thinking about this for the past few days. Because of this incident, he spent more time looking for Dong Wushang.

"No wound, how does the saber energy form?"

"The saber qi... is the killing aura on the saber body; if you turn the murderous aura of the whole body into gong power and chop it out with the saber, the saber aura will form naturally..."

"That is to say, only after the saber qi passes through the saber will it turn into saber aura?"

This question stunned Dong Wushang. Without passing through the body of the sword, what is the Qi of the sword? Could this boss be confused

"In other words, when the saber energy is emitted, it is unconsciously emitted, right?"

"In other words, saber energy..."

"Hey, don't go away..."

The issue of sword qi directly collapsed Dong Wushang; Boss Chu began to delve into sword qi again, anyway, they all come from the same root...

"Done, how do you say the sword energy is formed?"


"Is this sword energy..."


"This sword energy..."


"Hey, don't go away... Fuck!"

Conversations like this made the five brothers dumbfounded. This boss grabs someone every day with this pensive expression, and then asks these words like a dream. Ask these questions more than once that all warriors in the entire continent know...

Take the trouble!

Later, Boss Chu set his mind on Mo Chengyu.

"Senior Mo, please aim at the lake water."

"What are you doing?"

"You shoot the knife at the lake in front of you, and I'll see if your knife energy can hit the tree on your right."

"… You are sick!"

Mo Chengyu also went on strike.

Striking the saber in front, but the aura of the saber wants to hit the tree on the right? This is saber energy, not a hidden weapon! It's not vitality either!

In the end, there was really no other way, so Chu Yang had to experiment by himself; but after swinging the sword thousands of times, there was no result. At this moment, Brother Chu's eyes lit up, and he discovered an excellent talent: Mo Qingwu!

Little Loli loves Xingmeng Qingwu Knife so much now that she sleeps in her arms; when she is free, especially when there are many people, she always takes it out and swings it twice.

Every time it was taken out, the eyes of Ji Mo and the others almost protruded. Especially Dong Wushang, every time he saw this knife, his eyes turned into searchlights, shining brightly.

And Mo Qingwu enjoyed this gaze very much.

"Brother Wushang, do you like it?" Little Lolita blinked innocently and cutely.

"I like it." Dong Wushang swallowed.

"I won't give it to you if I like it! Hehehe..." Little Lolita smiled triumphantly.

"Brother Ji Mo, do you like it?" She blinked innocently and cutely.

"I don't like it!" Ji Mo said with a straight face.

"Why don't you like it? Why don't you like it? Such a good knife, you can't help but like it!" Little Lolita refused to let go, her eyes watered.

"Okay, I like it." Ji Mo had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender.

"If you like it, I won't give it to you! Hee hee..." Little Lolita smiled triumphantly.

"..." Ji Mo wanted to cry.

"Brother Lonely, do you like it?"


Gu Duxing fled in despair...

Finally, Big Brother Chu found Mo Qingwu, a little loli who wouldn't get bored with him. This is an excellent object.

"Xiao Wu, come."

"What are you doing? Brother Chu Yang?"

"Do you like that knife?"


"Do you want to know how to use it?"


"Okay then, you pull out your knife and strike at the lake in front of you. I'll see if you feel anything on your right side..."

brush... brush...

"Do you feel it? Brother Chu Yang?"

"I don't feel it, um, maybe you didn't practice correctly, um, try this way."

brush... brush...

"Do you feel it? Brother Chu Yang?"

"I still don't feel it, try this again... first spiral in the dantian, then circle around the meridians... and then send out..."

brush... brush... brush...

"Do you feel it?"

"Still not... you do this again..."

swipe swipe...

"Why don't you feel it? Why don't you feel it? Woohoo...why don't you feel it..."

"Don't worry, try this again..."

swipe... swipe...

"Do you feel it?"

"No… "

"My arms are sore... Huh, you still don't feel it..."

"Then take a break."

"No, you have to feel it!"

swipe... swipe...

"Do you feel it?"

"Do you feel it?"

"Do you feel it?"

"Do you feel it?"

Chu Yang collapsed...

Three days later, Cheng Yunhe, who arrived slowly, entered Iron Cloud City under the cover of a business group. Iron Cloud City at this moment is in a time of crisis and chaos.

Even, even at the city gate, it seemed that there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

After going through all kinds of hardships to contact Kong Sad, Cheng Yunhe was shocked!

This lord of the throne, who came only three days earlier than himself, now looks like a consumptive ghost. His complexion was sallow, and he started to cough after not being able to sit for a while, and spit out a mouthful of blood after coughing for a while...

Yin couldn't help but also coughed on the side, but he seemed to be recovering gradually.

Didn't it mean that only the Yin Throne was seriously injured? How come even Kong Sad has become like this now

"The Prime Minister's deduction is probably wrong." Kong sighed sadly: "That Chu Yan Wang is indeed the throne cultivation level, and it is the eighth-rank throne!"

Cheng Yunhe was directly shocked by this sentence.

Yin couldn't be said to be the throne, everyone concluded after analysis and deduction that this matter was not true; now, Kong Xin, who believed in Wu Qingrou's deduction before coming here, unexpectedly changed his tune immediately when he came here.

One Throne says yes; another says yes... well, that's something to think about.

"Have you ever fought with King Chu Yan?" Cheng Yunhe asked seriously, and suddenly found that there were a lot fewer people, so he couldn't help asking: "Where are the others? Are you scattered?"

"Cough cough...cough cough..." Kong coughed sadly twice, a little guilty, his face was ugly, and he didn't know what to say.

The plan that was drawn up at the beginning was to wait until Cheng Yunhe arrived before he could act, but as soon as he arrived here, he couldn't wait to start the action. Not only did he suffer such a serious injury, but he also took the lives of ten masters!

How should I say this

Seeing Kong's sad expression, Cheng Yunhe felt a chill in his heart. His face also turned pale immediately, and he asked tentatively, "You and King Chu Yan have fought?"

"I didn't do anything..." Kong said sadly, "Are you blind? Where did the injuries on my body come from when I didn't do anything?"

Cheng Yunhe was stifled, and stared at him for a long while, Kong looked at him sadly without showing any weakness; after a long while, Cheng Yunhe sighed: "It's over, it's over..."

"Hmph!" Kong grunted sadly, and said, "What's wrong?"

"Those people, did you also take action? Where are the people?" Cheng Yunhe was still holding on to his last hope.

"Dead." Kong became sad and anxious, and said: "If people are not dead, can they come out when you come? Do you have to let me explain this kind of thing? Your head was kicked by a donkey?"

Cheng Yunhe was dumbfounded, no matter how good his temper was, he couldn't help it. He said angrily: "You acted without authorization, ruined the master's plan, and ruined the lives of so many masters, do you still have reason?"

"Fart!" Kong was furious and said with red eyes, "You think I'm willing to lose? You think I'm willing to be hurt? They're dead, and they're all my brothers! Do you think I'm not uncomfortable?"

"You're making too much sense!" Cheng Yunhe said sternly.

Yin couldn't lie on one side, so he sat up vigorously at this moment, and said, "Second Brother, Mr. Cheng, don't even say a word. The key now is, what should we do in the future?"

"What should we do in the future? What else can we do now?" Cheng Yunhe said angrily, "Now your second brother has messed everything up!"

Cheng Yunhe has always acted slowly, rarely in a hurry, no matter what it is, he is methodical; he would rather have no merit than no fault.

Regarding Cheng Yunhe, Fifth Qingrou once commented in this way: "Struggling for supremacy in troubled times, opening up borders and expanding territory are not enough; but in a prosperous and stable world, peace within the universe, you can be the talent of the prime minister!"

Such an evaluation is not low. And Cheng Yunhe can get such a high evaluation from a person like Fifth Qingrou, his own ability is indeed beyond doubt.