Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 178: Plans are not as big as changes!


On this day, Butian Pavilion was still busy, and the two hall masters were also free after the big cleansing.

Tie Butian was extremely ruthless and uprooted those people and killed them together. On that day, Tie Yun City was full of gloomy clouds and mist, and the sky was full of blood! More than 1,300 people died under the butcher's knife at one time!

That day was also the second day Cheng Yunhe came to Iron Cloud City!

From the arrest of these people to the execution, there were only four days in total. There are also interrogations and confirmations. Tie Butian has invested a huge amount of manpower, material resources and troops, but this speed is still jaw-dropping!

Iron Cloud City fell into an unprecedented shock!

Everyone knows that the only one who can do such a thing and such a big deal is King Chu Yan! All of a sudden, King Chu Yan's reputation was even more vicious, and he really reached the point where he could stop a child from crying at night in Iron Cloud City.

"If you don't obey me again, let King Chu Yan come and arrest you!"


Everyone is threatening with this sentence, but it seems that everyone has not thought that the people who can make Chu Yanwang do it are not simple people!

The power of Butian Pavilion was also due to the rise of King Chu Yan, and more people came to join him.

During this period of time, Cheng Ziang and Chen Yutong, who had just finished their busy work, once again shouldered heavy responsibilities: screening newcomers, training newcomers, and improving the three halls of Butian Pavilion.

These few jobs are the most troublesome for the two of them: if they are done well, there is no credit; but if there is any mistake, the serious consequences will definitely be on their own heads.

Anyone who made a mistake under King Chu Yan's hands can imagine how he would be treated.

The two once jointly protested to King Chu Yan and asked for a job change. Even sneaking into Dazhao to carry out espionage activities is easier than this kind of work. It is best for King Chu Yan to do this himself, so that everyone will be relaxed.

But Chu Yan Wang dismissed the two of them with one word: If I do it myself, what do I want you to do? I also want to do something that can get promoted and make a fortune by sitting down. If you have the opportunity, you might as well introduce me; if you don’t want to do it, you can resign automatically, and then you will be a soldier in the original hall, and naturally you will not be arranged.

Cheng Ziang and Chen Yutong left in despair.

But he was slandering in his heart: Damn, don't you just sit around and get promoted every day to get rich? Brewing a cup of tea every day, reading children's books, admiring the hard work of the old people... you are still talking sarcastic!

Of course, these words cannot be said in front of King Chu Yan.

Wu Qianqian was relatively relaxed during this time, because King Chu Yan was in a daze besides reading children's books. Wu Qianqian only needs to do her duty well every day, and everything will be fine.

But now Wu Qianqian has an extra feeling: every time she passes behind Chu Yan Wang's buttocks, she wants to kick that black-robed butt hard: This bastard boy is really shaking now; How did Li Jianyin be punished at that time...

Also, he scolded me for no reason that day and I haven't settled the account with him, huh...

Time passes smoothly.

In the afternoon, King Yan of Chu was very anxious, and when he was about to flee, it was reported that there was a visitor.

But it was the Dark Demon Knife King who came.

This time, to Chu Yang's surprise, the sword king came to say goodbye.

Soulhook Throne's injury was serious, and he felt ashamed and humiliated, so he didn't want to stay here anymore; while Sword King's injury was even more serious, and he needed to return to Zhongzhong to rest for three days.

Under the great loss of strength, the Mo family still has several masters on the throne for three days. If they come to find them, I am afraid that the whole army of the black demon will be wiped out.

So after the three of them discussed it, they decided to temporarily give up the task of coming to the next three days, and return to the middle three days first, and then come back when there is a chance.

This incident caught Chu Yang by surprise.

According to his guess, although no one from the Golden Horse Knight Hall has been found, those people must still be in Iron Cloud City. There is no doubt about this.

Chu Yang was still thinking about how to make the people of the Black Demon and the people of the Knights of the Golden Horse Hall fight again...

Didn't expect them to leave! Once they leave, I can only rely on the existing power of Butian Pavilion to deal with these Martial Lords and Kings, which is more than ten times more dangerous than before!

"Senior...this...this...this..." Chu Yan Wang really wanted to say: Who should I rely on to take the place of the dead when you leave? But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

"I also know that it means giving up halfway, but... staying here is too dangerous for us." The Dark Demon Sword King was also a little frustrated. After all, some of the big plans discussed with Chu Yan Wang have not yet been implemented.

At this time, he walked away, and it was inevitable that there was some meaning of fleeing. But the situation was compelling, but he had to leave.

"If Master Chu can come to Zhongtian for three days one day, I will definitely greet you with wine." When the Black Demon Rouyun Saber King said this, he was very sincere. This sincerity made King Chu Yan a little ashamed.

"If there is time and this blessing, I will definitely visit Zhongzhong for three days." Now that the other party has decided to go, Chu Yang naturally accepts it calmly.


The sword king was very reluctant to leave, and Chu Yang also had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

The Black Demon family is equivalent to a huge family of killers; moreover, they are full of ambitions, and everyone is vicious, cruel and ruthless. Chu Yang had never had a good impression of them. Ever since he knew that Mo Qingwu had been permanently injured because of them, Chu Yang had silently made up his mind: he must eradicate the Black Demon Clan by the roots!

Especially these people who are now in Iron Cloud City, can even one of them go away! If sowing discord and putting blame on them can't make them die, Chu Yang is ready to do it himself.

Although the sword king is a man of temperament, it is also true that his nature is cruel.

But after this period of cooperation, Chu Yang dismissed the idea.

He could see Mo Chengyu's melancholy during this time. He also knew what Mo Chengyu was worried about: Mo Qingwu's situation after returning to the family was still not optimistic.

On this point, Chu Yang could not change the decision of the Mo family. That is to say, sooner or later, there will be intersection; or conflict with the Mo family.

But now that he has no foundation, at that time, maybe he will rely on today's friendship to borrow the power of the Black Demon Family again

This is Chu Yang's long-term plan...

The Black Devils left Iron Cloud City that day. As soon as they left, Chu Yanwang's face became even uglier. A feeling of oppression also weighed on the hearts of everyone in Butian Pavilion.

Chu Yang also knew that one should not blindly rely on external forces for everything, only relying on one's own strength, relying on one's own influence, is the right way. But, the problem is... there is no power at the moment.

This Butian Pavilion, until now, can only be regarded as an empty shelf. It is more than enough to deal with ordinary people and ordinary officials. But it is far from enough to deal with the masters of the Golden Horse Knight Hall.

This situation, which was far from enough for the superior and more than enough for the inferior, made Chu Yuzuo frown.

Butian Pavilion has now greatly expanded its staff to nearly four hundred people. Most of the new recruits are warriors, and a small number of them are warriors. As for Wu Zong, there is only one poor one. Above Wu Zong, there is not even one.

Facing the powerful and wealthy man dispatched by the Golden Horse Knights Hall, the lowest being Wu Zong, King Chu Yan was helpless.

In desperation, Chu Yang also became cruel: within three days, he must find out the hiding place of the Knights of the Golden Horse Hall here! Now, the two thrones of the Golden Horse Knights Hall are seriously injured, and they can only take advantage of his illness to kill him. Cut the mess with a sharp knife!

If after three days, the two thrones can recover some combat power, then it will be difficult. As soon as the Black Demon left, his Butian Pavilion was in the hands of the two thrones, and he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

For this matter, Chu Yanwang even "kindly" met with the leaders of the three big gangs in Iron Cloud City; they were said to be big gangs, but they were actually the places where local snakes and green-skinned gangsters gathered.

The names are louder than the other, one is called 'Golden Dragon Gang', one is called 'Supernatural Power Sect', and the other is actually called 'Yunxiaomen'...

Now, the three big gang leaders are sitting in the main hall of the Butian Pavilion in an orderly manner like elementary school students, their faces are pale, their eyes are full of fear, and their hands, feet, and thighs occasionally tremble involuntarily...

You have to panic, the opposite is the most murderous man in the history of Tie Yun Kingdom! King Chu Yan!

Looking at the terrifying mask, the ghostly black robe, the cold eyes, the ruthless aura of the killer, and the power of life and death in their hands, the three of them couldn't help but feel their hearts tremble. Cool off.

This kind of gang is not small, and there are more than a thousand rogues and hooligans under each of them; but... everyone knows that as long as King Chu Yan says a word, more than a thousand people in this gang will all become wall-hanging gangsters. head on! This point, no one dares to doubt.

Chu Yan Wang just rectified the officialdom some time ago, is it now starting to rectify the underworld? Otherwise, what would such a big shot in the sky summon his three gangsters for

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became, and the three of them trembled more and more, especially since King Chu Yan came out, he was silent and didn't say a word, just looking at himself with cold and murderous eyes, this feeling It's even more terrifying...

Unconsciously, the two legs of the leader of the Golden Dragon Gang started to play the pipa, the head of the Avatar Sect was sweating profusely on his forehead, and his eyes were blurred; The troops lined up and fought fiercely. Kakaka's voice kept coming out of his mouth. The more he wanted to grit his teeth not to tremble, the louder the Kakaka sounded...

In fact, Chu Yang just looked at them casually, and then thought about how to speak in his heart, but he didn't expect to scare the three of them into such a state...

"You three, do you know what I am looking for you to do?" King Chu Yan's voice was very calm, even warm.

But when the three of them heard this, their buttocks, which were only slightly attached to the corners of the chairs, slid down from the top and fell to the ground with three popping sounds. , but it was deafening to the ears of the three of them...