Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 180: Blowing through the waters of the Nine Heavens and Lakes, only the purple jade flute in my palm!


The method of turning the corner with sword energy has not been explored for a long time. Chu Yanwang is not discouraged, and is still thinking about it anytime and anywhere...

And in the past few days, Gu Duxing urged a few newcomers in Tianbing Pavilion, and it was also in full swing. Everyone feels out of breath several times a day, and Mo Qingwu shouted for cheer while dancing...

Mo Chengyu's injuries also seemed to be getting worse day by day.

In the afternoon, when Wu Qianqian was screening, in order to interrupt Chu Yuzuo's smirk, she deliberately read out some irrelevant news, but Chu Yuzuo stood still like a mountain and turned a deaf ear to it.

But when Wu Qianqian read a very ordinary piece of news, King Chu Yan suddenly straightened his waist, and a terrifying divine light shot out from his eyes! This kind of divine light was unprecedented, and Wu Qianqian was startled, and her heart skipped a beat.

"At the south gate of the city, two people came in just now, one old and one young, with high bearing; the old man is hale and hearty, and the young man is handsome and handsome, holding a purple jade flute in his hand."

The word Ziyuxiao in this news made Chu Yang jump up as if he was electrocuted.

In his memory, Mo Tianji always has a purple jade flute in his hand and never leaves his body; firstly, it can be used for entertainment, and secondly, it can also be used as a unique weapon. Moreover, the flute has its own mechanism, which is very powerful!

This news made Chu Yang think: Could it be that Mo Tianji finally came to Iron Cloud City

Half a year ago, I still hated this name to the bone, but now I hear this name again, but I feel complicated and mixed.

"Find out the whereabouts of these two people with all your strength!" Chu Yang ordered in a hurry.

"What?" Wu Qianqian didn't expect Chu Yang's reaction to be so strong and weird, so she couldn't react for a while.

"The old and the young, the one with the purple jade flute in his hand, find out the whereabouts immediately!" Chu Yang said word by word, with an indescribable light flickering in his eyes.

An hour later, the sky was already dark; Chu Yang came to the door of a "Yuelai Inn" in the city in a plain robe in Qingyi. After asking a question, he went up to the second floor, came to a guest room door, and knocked lightly. knock on the door.

"Who?" A steady voice inside asked very quietly.

"Blowing through the lake water of the Nine Heavens, only the purple jade flute in my palm." Chu Yang said softly: "The secrets of the heavens are unpredictable, but the secrets of the heavens are predictable."

The room suddenly became completely silent. After a long, long time, an elegant voice slowly said: "Interesting! Please come in."

The door opened suddenly, revealing the pale face of an old man, looking at Chu Yang vigilantly. The moment Chu Yang saw the old man, he felt a stabbing pain in his mind, and the scene of being besieged by Fengleitai in the last three days flashed across his mind like lightning!

The old man in front of him is one of the three king-level masters who besieged him!

"You are?" the old man asked suspiciously.

"Friend." Chu Yang said with a smile, "Mo Chengyu is with me."

"Ah? Please come in, please come in!" The old man straightened his face immediately, and the corners of his brows and eyes showed unconcealable joy, and he turned sideways to get out of the way.

Chu Yang took a deep breath and stepped into the door.

Inside the door, a young man in white was tall and tall, with purple light in his hand, and a purple jade flute quietly flowing with magnificent luster. A deep pool with no bottom.

Snow-white, long hair like a waterfall! The face is fair and delicate like a woman. But it is full of a kind of wisdom revealed in the elegance and elegance, but there is also a faint sharpness!

Chu Yang's heart skipped a beat. For a moment, the past and the present seem to overlap for a moment, and then they are mottled and separated in an instant.

Chu Yang was extremely familiar with this face!

The first friend in the previous life! Only friend! But it was the chief culprit who made him die with hatred!

Mo Tianji!

At the moment when Chu Yang was looking at Mo Tianji, Mo Tianji's deep eyes were also looking at Chu Yang's face. There was a hint of inquiry in his eyes, but he smiled gracefully: "Your guest is coming, please sit down."

"Come uninvited, how can you say that you are a distinguished guest?" Chu Yang said indifferently.

"How did you come here for the first time in the next three days? The ones who find me are not only enemies, but distinguished guests." Mo Tianji smiled lightly, and said gently: "And you are obviously not my enemy."

"How do you know that I won't be your enemy?" Chu Yang was aggressive.

"If you were an enemy, I would be dead right now." Mo Tianji smiled slightly, turned around and walked to the table, took out a small package from a small package on the bed, opened it quietly, and picked up the table Put on the teapot, carefully pinch a small handful of tea leaves in the small bag with your hands, put them into the teapot; then pour boiling water into it, block the mouth of the teapot with a clean white towel, pour out the water, then pour in boiling water again, Let go, gently put the teapot on the table, and said calmly: "Old Fang, you go out. I'll have a few words with this friend."

When he did all this, his expression was focused, and every movement was methodical and full of rhythm. It doesn't make people feel cumbersome at all, but instead makes people feel that his every movement is elegant and moving, full of aristocratic breath overflowing from his bones.

"Second Young Master..." the old man called out in embarrassment.

"He came to look for me; moreover, he fought with me as soon as he came in, but didn't talk about business; I was busy making tea, but he was not in a hurry, but was waiting quietly; this self-restraint proves that He is not the kind of impatient person, which does not match the aggressiveness of what he said. After he came in, he only looked at me and only asked me, obviously he wanted to tell me something, and he didn't want a third person to hear it."

Mo Tianji smiled slightly and said, "So, you go out; don't eavesdrop." When he said this, his eyes were flat and his tone was gentle and natural, but invisibly he was full of a kind of power to control everything!

This is Mo Tianji!

Chu Yang sighed in his heart; just listen to his words, look at his actions, and look at his looks, and you will know that this second young master of the Mo family is now far beyond his peers!

Including Gu Duxing, Dong Wushang and others who will be as famous as him in the future, if they are compared with him at this moment, they are far behind. Chu Yang also knew the reason for this.

The current Gu Duxing and others haven't experienced Mo Tianji's experience, so they are not very mature. Moreover, these people are all concubines, and after being deprived of their inheritance rights, they will not feel a lot of pressure.

But now Mo Tianji is of the same lineage as his elder brother Mo Tianyun, and he is equally outstanding. The competition between the two brothers has reached a fever pitch.

The current Mo Tianji has been tempered and honed, showing the demeanor of a general in his own right in every move he makes.

The old man agreed and walked out backwards. He only heard the sound of pedaling footsteps, and went downstairs.

"Please sit down, may I ask your name?" Mo Tianji still did not raise his head. He covered the teapot with his right hand and shook it gently. Every time he shook, he was full of strange rhythms.

"Chu, Chu Yang!" Chu Yang walked in slowly, and sat across from him, sitting down firmly, without treating himself as an outsider at all.

What annoyed me the most in my previous life was Mo Tianji's lukewarm look that never cared about everything. Whenever I saw him like this, I wanted to grab my scalp and beat him up...

Didn't expect to see it again today...

"Be safe and don't be impatient, let me make tea for you." Mo Tianji explained gently.

Chu Yang chuckled, and quietly watched the steam of tea rising from the teapot, without saying a word.

"You are the Lord of the Throne of Butian Pavilion, King Chu Yan?" Mo Tianji still did not raise his head, and looked at the teapot intently, his eyes were full of profoundness: "I really didn't expect that the name will shake the world." The King of Hell of Chu is so young!"

"Oh?" Chu Yang asked with interest, "How can you tell?"

"Brother Chu once said a word when he entered the door just now: Mo Chengyu is with me." Mo Tianji smiled softly, and said, "Just based on this sentence, I can determine your identity."

"I would like to hear the details." Chu Yang tilted his head and said quietly. What I used to like and enjoy the most was listening to Mo Tianji's analysis of a completely unreasonable matter, and it was close to the truth.

Since I was reborn, I can say that my behavior and work have been greatly influenced by Mo Tianji.

"We were separated by the sudden attack of the black devil; the black devil's people will definitely kill the grass and roots. But my little sister is the weakest side, and the little sister is also responsible for the three yin veins. The development potential is huge, so the black devil I will definitely choose to cut off the little sister first."

Mo Tianji said indifferently: "In the situation at that time, if Mo Chengyu wanted to protect the little sister, he couldn't do it without paying a certain heavy price. So in the end, the best result is to escape."

"And in the process of fleeing, manpower will eventually run out. The Black Demons are numerous and powerful. If there is no one to help them, they can escape for a while, but they will eventually fall into the hands of the Dark Demons."

"Since Mo Chengyu is with you, then my younger sister must be there too. If my younger sister is not here, Mo Chengyu must have been gone long ago." Mo Tianji smiled and explained without waiting for Chu Yang to ask.

"In the face of the black demons' pursuit and interception, those who can help them at this time must be powerful people! At least in this Iron Cloud City, they can cover the sky with one hand." Mo Tianji said quietly: "And this person has to be very smart. , in order to save the two of them under impossible circumstances."

"Because the black devil doesn't care about your worldly influence. Even if you are a powerful person, if you can't come up with a convincing explanation, you can only offend them and cause blood to flow in rivers. Therefore, this person must be very smart. "

Chu Yang nodded and said, "It makes sense."

"In Iron Cloud City, there are three such characters. One of them is Tie Butian; the second is Iron Dragon City, and the third is you, King Chu Yan." Mo Tianji smiled lightly.

"Tie Butian and Tielongcheng will not cause such big troubles, they dare not take risks. Because the whole Tieyun rests on their shoulders." Mo Tianji said plainly.

"But how can you be sure that King Chu Yan will definitely take risks?" Chu Yang challenged.

"Hehehe..." Mo Tianji laughed lightly: "During this period, there have been many rumors about King Chu Yan; everything clearly shows that King Chu Yan is taking risks."