Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 190: Flooded Throne!


The man in black immediately knew he had been tricked. With a roar, he jumped up and chased after him.

Chu Yang suppressed his laughter and gave an order: "Kill!"


There was a fierce sound of breaking through the air, and the man in black who had just jumped up suddenly turned into a jumping hedgehog in mid-air!

In all directions and in the sky above, there were at least hundreds of iron arrows piercing into his body at the same time!

A firework rushed into the sky!

There was a roar from all directions at the same time: "Kill!"

The entire night sky seemed to tremble violently. Hundreds of people jumped up from all directions at the same time, rushing towards the house. Behind them, there are still densely packed troops advancing slowly and neatly.

Wherever you go, all obstacles don't exist! Walls and houses, all toppled down! In an instant, the house became an isolated island!

Surrounding them were densely packed warriors with swords out of sheath and arrows in their bows, they remained motionless.

Shouts of killing were already heard inside the house, and the sound of knives and guns colliding continued, and then, with a bang, the walls of the four courtyards were knocked down neatly!

Push forward like a forest, and those who block are invincible!

This action is truly thunderous!

It wasn't long before Kong Sad and Yin couldn't hide in the secret room, only a few people were left on guard, and then suddenly there was a loud sound like the sky falling apart, and countless soldiers rushed into the house!


Why is it exposed? It can be said that it has been three turning points for everyone to hide here. Finally, they chose such a safe place, and they were found out so quickly

The two thrones were a little shocked! Even, for the first time in my life, I felt panicked!

But now, most of the people have dispersed, which is the time when their strength is weakest! The enemy happened to attack at this time

Then there was the sound of fierce fighting, it was that the five Wu Zong and three Wu Zun outside had fought with the enemy.

Kong sadly paced back and forth in the secret room, worried.

Beside him was Yin Fu, who had just regained some color. The two of them paid close attention to the movement outside, neither said a word, feeling faintly in their hearts that something might happen in this catastrophe!

"Don't worry, the throne. After this Lord Wang's house was ransacked, his subordinates began to arrange it secretly. They dug it from the ground and blocked it up without touching anything in the mansion. This secret room exists three feet underground. And the location is extremely secretive, there is no entrance at all here. Even if Chu Yan Wang has the ability to reach the sky, he will not search here!" The commander of the iron horse knight said respectfully.

This place was developed by him; even Cheng Yunhe once praised his action, which was unique.

"I hope so." Kong sadly listened to the sound of fighting above, sighed slightly, and said: "The eight brothers above, I'm afraid... that's the end."

"Die for the throne, die with no regrets!" The commander of the iron horse knight looked solemn.

Once the courtyard was knocked down, the eight people inside exploded like bombs, flying from eight directions to break through. But the dense rain of arrows falling from the sky made them suffer a lot.

They thought it was just a small search team, but they didn't expect tens of thousands of troops to be ambushing outside! Directly block the entire area tightly.

In a round of arrow rain, three people were injured. Then the Tie Yun masters who were ambushing on the ground rushed up and fought into a ball.

Chu Yang's black robe was fluttering, standing on a branch of a big tree nearby, watching the crowds of people fighting inside, he couldn't tell the difference between the enemy and his own people. The tide generally rushes outward, spreads, and then is compressed back by the outside...

There are eight such battle circles in total. Before long, there were only five left. Then two more circles ended the fight, leaving only three circles...

Bleeding soldiers were constantly being carried out of the crowd and sent away immediately. Either vomiting blood or missing arms and broken legs, people kept falling from the encirclement, and then they were trampled into mud...

The violent roars inside are almost continuous and overlapped...

Although there were only three enemies left, the ferocity of these three people was beyond anyone's expectations.

Before the action, Chu Yang once said: try to catch alive! But seeing such a fierce battle in front of them, everyone knew clearly: it is basically impossible to capture such an enemy alive!

Even keeping the whole body is a luxury!

The fighting time was very short, only lasted less than a quarter of an hour, but Tie Yun's side paid the price of fifty or sixty people's lives, and nearly a hundred people were injured.

The farthest injured one was fifty feet away!

That Martial Venerable master had been fighting for fifty feet before he was surrounded by the army, and died of helplessness!

"No matter how powerful a person is, he can't fight against the army after all!" Beside Chu Yang, Ji Mo sighed.

"The rivers and lakes are the rivers and lakes, and the army is the army." Chu Yang said: "If the soldiers are also the people of the rivers and lakes, these masters can break through. But the soldiers are not. Therefore, even an emperor-level warrior, as long as he falls into this In the siege, that is sure to die!"

Ji Mo nodded and said, "Not bad."

"Although people in the Jianghu are desperadoes, they know how to avoid evil and save their own lives." Chu Yang said, "But soldiers don't have their own preferences, they only have orders! Only military orders! Once an order is given, they can only step forward, not Retreat! Because once you retreat, you will immediately die at the hands of your own law enforcement team!"

"The so-called military order is like a mountain, that's it!" Ji Mo sighed: "However, this is too cruel for these ordinary soldiers."

"It's cruel; but the cruelty of war is also the mission of soldiers!" Chu Yang sighed deeply.

"Mission..." Ji Mo let out a long sigh.

"Ji Mo, you almost ruined something just now! I haven't settled with you yet!" Chu Yang gave him a cold look, and said, "You are lucky not to be shot to death by random arrows from your own people. If there are such undisciplined actions again, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Ji Mo scratched his head and smiled wryly. Knowing that I am wrong, I dare not speak too much.

"Um, what do you mean by what you said to that guy? Why didn't I understand?" Chu Yang asked. Chu Yang asked himself that he was very knowledgeable, and his previous life experience was rich enough, so he couldn't understand Ji Mo's words, which made Chu Yuzuo very puzzled.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Yang only understood the words 'Enemy Wu, please vomit'. Regarding the others, he could only feel ashamed to express his lack of knowledge.

"What's the point of that..." Ji Mo chuckled dryly: "I'm also quick to get wise, I don't know what I'm talking about, I didn't expect to make that guy dizzy..."

"Pfft..." Chu Yang choked, and said with a wry smile, "Suddenly meeting such a chattering person, I'm afraid anyone's first reaction would be the same... You... You're really good."

Regarding this product, Chu Yuzuo really has nothing to say.

"Report to the imperial seat, eight enemy bandits, all of them must be executed!" An officer in charge of the siege came jogging over, straightened his body, and saluted. On his head, there was a striking blood hole, and the blood flowed down, but his face was cold and motionless, his eyes were cold and sharp.

"Okay! Immediately check the casualties of the brothers; the casualties in this battle do not need to be reported to the military headquarters, but directly to the Butian Pavilion!" Chu Yang returned a solemn salute.

"Yes! I will replace the brothers, thank you, the throne!" The officer's eyes showed joy. Reporting to the military department, it will be a long process until the compensation gold and silver come down, and you can only be killed in battle as usual; but reporting to the Butian Pavilion, the families of these brothers who died in battle can get several times the compensation from the military department !

Since Chu Yuzuo said so, he naturally has a plan in mind!

Cheng Ziang wiped his sweat and came over with a pale face: "Throne, three Martial Venerables and five Martial Sects; none of them have been caught." abducted.

"Find out? There are only so few people? The tallest is Wu Zun?" Chu Yang frowned.

"Yes. And it's only a fifth-level Martial Lord." When Cheng Ziang said this, he couldn't help sweating; during this period of time, he was close to the edge of breaking through, and under the pressure of King Chu Yan, he unexpectedly Broke through the third rank of Wu Zun. At this moment, it is said that the other party is 'only' a fifth-rank Martial Lord... The other party is two levels higher than him...

"There's no one else?" Chu Yang frowned tightly.

"The battlefield has been cleaned, and all places have been searched." Cheng Ziang said, "There are no other traces."

"Where's the secret room?" Chu Yang asked.

"There is no secret room!" Cheng Ziang said: "My subordinates found a lot of experts in mechanism studies, searched it carefully, and there is no trace of a secret room. Besides, this house was originally a family of officials and eunuchs, except for a few cellars. , and there is no secret room.”

"That's wrong." What Chu Yang thought in his mind was that when You Yun reported at that time, he once said the conversation of the man in black: "... the throne is here... no..."

This sentence cannot be fabricated. But now that so many Wu Zun and Wu Zong of the Golden Horse Knight Hall have been discovered, it proves that the news is true. No way!

And surrounded by the army, not even a mouse can get out; then it is certain that there are still people in this house! And it's the throne!

If you can't find it, there must be a problem.

"Don't withdraw the army yet!" Chu Yang pondered, his eyes slowly glowing fiercely, and said, "Keep a tight seal! Then, send someone to bring water over and irrigate the whole yard with water! Even if they become Rats have burrowed into the ground, and I will pour them out too!"

"Yes." Cheng Ziang was a little unhappy, he had already confirmed that there was no secret room, so what's the use of watering it? It's just a lot of work.

But the throne has orders, so how could it not be obeyed.

Turning around, a series of orders. Immediately everyone took action.

"General Li, please also send some soldiers to help, and finish this matter as soon as possible." Chu Yang looked at the young general and said.

"No problem." That General Li saluted, turned around and said, "The third battalion obeys the order: all go to fetch water!"

With a whoosh, more than a thousand soldiers also left immediately.