Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 196: Forcing Tie Butian!


Chu Yang closed his eyes tiredly, and said calmly, "Master Chen, you go out first. Qianqian, you go out too."

The two looked at Chu Yang worriedly, and finally walked out step by step, knowing that Chu Yang wanted to talk to Tie Butian alone. And this conversation, I'm afraid it will not be pleasant!

Watching the two leave, Chu Yang remained silent for a long time.

"Gu is listening." Tie Butian said softly.

"I actually don't want to say anything, but after thinking about it for a long time, I still want to say it." Chu Yang said in a sharp voice, "In your opinion, the emperor is critically ill, and you, the prince, should be by his side as a matter of course. "

"Even, from the minister's point of view, the life and death of the emperor also determines Tie Yun's national destiny, and the prince needs to be present even more. It is even more necessary to use the greatest strength to heal the emperor!"

"It's quite right; as a child, it is understandable for anyone to make such a decision!" Chu Yang said quietly, "But you must never forget that you are still a king!"

"The reasons just now can be explained very well and can be understood everywhere, but only in the army, no!" Chu Yang said seriously.

Tie Butian suddenly raised his head; he wanted to say something; but Chu Yang didn't give him a chance to speak, and quickly cut in: "The army respects orders! Soldiers in the army, even if their parents are lying on the bed There is only one breath left, but as soon as the order to summon the army is issued, we must set off immediately and rush to the battlefield! If you are a moment late, your head will fall to the ground!"

"Military law is ruthless! Military law doesn't give any reason. Whether it's the father's serious illness or the mother's serious illness, they can only obey orders!" Chu Yang said lightly: "It was exactly like this last night. With one order, nearly four thousand people sent their Your life is here!"

"May I ask His Royal Highness, what compensation can you give them?" Chu Yang asked sharply: "Is there any compensation that can make up for the pain of a mother who lost her son, and a wife who lost her husband?"

"War is ruthless, and sacrifice is inevitable! Over the years, millions of men have died in battle, and no one will say anything! This is a necessary sacrifice!" Chu Yang said: "However, unnecessary sacrifice, completely avoidable sacrifice When it happened, any regrets, any compensations will be useless!"

Tie Butian stood quietly, listening to Chu Yang's words; he knew that Chu Yang was a little excited today. So he didn't say anything...

"Chu Yuzuo, is it a bit heavy for you to say that?" A shadow guard appeared and said coldly.

"I'm not Tie Butian's subordinate!" Chu Yang also said coldly: "I'm helping, and so many of us are protecting the country of the Tie family! If Tie Butian doesn't care about it himself, we can even more Don't care!"

He squinted his eyes, looked at the shadow coldly, and said: "If the honest words are against your ears, then His Royal Highness can choose not to listen! You can also choose to expel me!"

Tie Butian let out a long sigh, waved his hand to stop the words of the shadow, and said: "Chu Yuzuo is still recovering from his wounds today, what happened today, there is...something wrong! When the day comes, I will come to ask the throne again!"

After speaking, he stood up and said, "Chu Yuzuo has a good rest."

When he walked to the door, Chu Yang said coldly: "The soldiers who died in battle, their bones are still cold! The remnants of the Golden Horse Knight Hall have not yet been punished! Your Royal Highness, don't let the hearts of the soldiers be cold!"

Tie Butian paused at the door, wanted to say something, but he didn't; he sighed and walked out.

Chu Yang lay heavily back on the bed, squinting his eyes, thinking about something.

What happened today, Chu Yang was a little impulsive. He also wanted to control, but the moment he saw Tie Butian, he suddenly decided not to control anymore!

Tie Butian is a king!

But such a mistake is something a king cannot make!

Of course, he has a valid reason, but a valid reason does not necessarily represent a reason that can be accepted! If in the future, when the situation is getting worse and worse, Tie Butian still insists on this filial piety that is praised by the whole world, it may cause Tie Yun's unprecedented riot! Catastrophe!

Because Tie Shicheng will not live long!

Whether Tie Butian is willing or unable to accept it, he must learn to accept it from now on!

It would be cold-blooded to use such an extreme method to force a filial son to transform into a qualified king; but Chu Yang has no choice!

Because if Tie Butian couldn't reverse this kind of thinking, then Chu Yang would not see any hope of victory in this ancient battle with Wu Qingrou!

"Send someone to guard the palace. As soon as Mr. Du has time, ask him to come here immediately!" Chu Yang ordered coldly: "Also, Qianqian, you go to Tianbing Pavilion immediately, please come here with Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang .”

Chu Yang wants a strong medicine! And now, he thought it was the most suitable opportunity!

After half an hour, Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang appeared in front of Chu Yang.

"How is your injury?" Gu Duxing asked with concern.

"I still can't die." Chu Yang smiled, and then his expression became serious, and said: "Walking alone, without injury, there is one thing that I wanted to do after a while, but now it seems that it must be resolved immediately You two can help me with this matter."

"What's the matter? You just say it!" Gu Duxing and the two were very straightforward, and their bones were aching from idleness. Ji Mo was injured and went back, but he bragged about it a lot. When everyone heard that he followed Chu Yang to do such a big event, they were extremely envious, and wished they could go out to fight.

"I need you to help me kill a few people!" Chu Yang said slowly with a cold brilliance in his eyes. Or, now is the best opportunity!

Chu Yang has been wondering why Tie Shicheng, the leader of the Tieyun Kingdom, has been in such a protracted condition. He didn't get worse sooner or later, but suddenly worsened at this critical moment? And it has deteriorated to the point where two king-level masters need to use their vitality to continue their lives

This... too coincidental!

If it was said that Du Shiqing was not involved, he wouldn't believe Chu Yang even if he killed him!

And doing these things takes time. Even in a hurry, Du Shiqing couldn't be so precise.

According to the time calculation, it should be some time after Kong was sad and injured; then the black demon withdrew from Iron Cloud City, and he started the city search.

It was when the city-wide search continued, or the head of the Golden Horse Knights Hall in Tie Yun City realized that the crisis was serious, and in order to divert Tie Yun's attention, they used their brains on Tie Shicheng.

At least, if Tie Shicheng did something like this, he could completely contain Tie Butian and the two king-level masters beside him! In this way, for the already injured Kong Sad and Yin Can't, it is undoubtedly the two biggest threats...

It was precisely because of this thought that Chu Yang was very dissatisfied with Tie Butian's absence from the palace for a long time. With Tie Butian's intelligence, he shouldn't have fallen into the enemy's trap, but he didn't seem to think about it at all, and went to the palace!

This made Chu Yang discover Tie Butian's biggest weakness: Although Tie Butian is wise and wise, and he is decisive and ruthless in his actions, there is one thing that makes people feel uncomfortable: he is very emotional!

Sensuality... This kind of thing may be cute on a woman, but it is very uncomfortable to find this kind of trait in a man, and he is the prince of a country, the future king...

If you want to influence Du should you influence him

Du Shiqing himself would not do such a thing, nor would he contact Fifth Qingrou, Chu Yang was sure of this. Du Shiqing's hatred for Fifth Qingrou is definitely not fake; so... the people around him

"The person I want you to kill is..." Chu Yang said seriously, "Don't reveal your whereabouts."

"Don't worry! This matter is too simple!" Dong Wushang laughed, quite expectantly.

Gu Duxing nodded lightly, a sharp murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes...

Standing in front of the window, Cheng Yunhe felt cold all over his body!

Last night, after he finished making arrangements, he left there immediately. But just an hour later, a large-scale battle broke out there! The sound of the fierce battle can be clearly heard in the inn that is several miles away!

But at that time, he was powerless! I can only try my best to control the impulse of my subordinates to go to support, and wait silently.

Kong Sadly's "Don't let me die in peace!" that shocked Nine Cities almost woke up the entire Tie Yun City from its deep sleep!

At that moment, Cheng Yunhe felt clearly: Kong's heart is over!

Afterwards, not long after, Yin Fu's body covered in cuts and bruises like a broken sack suddenly came in, only twitched a few times, and fell into a deep coma after saying a word!

"Go... save my second brother!"

At that moment, Cheng Yunhe experienced vicissitudes and changes in an instant, almost losing control!

He immediately arranged for people to send Yin Can't away and wiped away all traces. He knew that the pursuing army would arrive immediately! Sure enough, after a short while, the search team came in wave after wave, and almost even the quilt was taken apart and searched...

When it finally calmed down, it was already dawn.

Yin Bang's injuries were extremely severe, and his life would be in danger at any time, but he had already taken the Lingyu Ginseng once, and it was useless to take it again; Cheng Yunhe had no choice but to take the Dream Soul Liquid for him. Then start immediately to arrange the retreat!

The dream soul liquid can only be guaranteed for one month; if you can't return to Dazhao within one month, Yin will definitely die!

But now, Tieyun City is full of turmoil, the most turbulent, and the four doors are closed to search for spies, how can they get out

Cheng Yunhe is now frowning every day because of this matter. I found a lot of officials and wanted to leave the city by doing business, but all the answers I got were apologetic.

Cheng Yunhe thought for a long time, but there was no safe and secure way to escape!

Even, from this day on, he didn't even dare to release the invisible falcon that was summoned. Because there are people watching the sky day and night, it takes a short time for the invisible falcon to fly into the sky before it melts into the void. And during that time, with the current strict monitoring, I am afraid that someone will definitely be discovered!

Once discovered, it will be a disaster!

Unable to contact, Cheng Yunhe was even more anxious.

If Master Wu Wuqingrou knew what happened during this period, how would he react