Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 198: Chu Yuzuo is roaring!


"So this is the Blazing Fire Saber Sect!" The man in black snorted coldly, the long knife remained unchanged, and it fell with a swipe, and the oncoming fire was split open by this knife! Then he slashed the knife to the ground with a bang!

With the rebound of the tip of the knife, the man in black turned somersaults into the sky!

At this time, the first batch of feathered arrows shot like a waterfall.

The man in black didn't say a word, he swiped his long knife in the air, turned his body in one direction with a swipe, avoided the feathered arrows and fell on the wall, without turning his head, he disappeared in a flash!

Gao Weicheng still maintains the saber-stretching posture, staring fiercely at the front with his eyes, and from his facial features and seven orifices, fire is still continuously spewing out...

Then Lie Huo suddenly disappeared without warning, Gao Weicheng's eyes slowly became lax, and he turned a deaf ear to the people who rushed over to ask him, and did not respond at all.

Immediately, a thin line of blood slowly appeared on his forehead, the blood line slowly spread, and then sprayed out with a bang, Gao Weicheng's standing body suddenly and slowly split into two halves, as if Like a watermelon cut from it, it plopped to the ground.

The whole body maintains complete balance, and is divided into two halves from the top of the head to the crotch according to the absolute average of the golden section point. The two pieces of the body are neatly arranged on the ground to form a "one" character!

The internal organs dripped all over the ground.

There was a burst of exclamation all around, and many sergeants were so frightened that they dropped their swords and fell to the ground, and then turned their heads one by one, vomiting...

Du Shiqing's guards were completely dead, Raging Fire Dao Zong Gao died in battle, and a generation of genius doctor Du Shiqing disappeared!

Moreover, the most ironic thing is that this incident happened right in front of the Imperial Palace of Iron Cloud City! Even, less than a hundred feet away!

This kind of thing is like pouring another spoonful of oil into the already boiling Iron Cloud City!

Completely detonated!

Tie Butian lost his usual composure, flew into a rage, and ordered a search of the whole city!

King Chu Yan lost his usual gloomyness, became furious, and ordered: Even if we turn over all the mouse holes in Iron Cloud City, we must find Miracle Doctor Du!

All the officials of Iron Cloud City were furious, and spontaneously organized the family guards to participate in the search!

Tielong City, which was still on the front line, was furious and ordered the military to search with all their might!

For a moment, Tieyun City shook like the sky falling apart...

Now that there have been mass casualties in the encirclement and suppression of the Throne, Tieyun City has become even worse, and the chaos has reached an indescribable level...

Among them, the craziest one is Chu Yanwang, Chu Yuzuo!

During the mobilization of Butian Pavilion, the eyes behind the mask of King Chu Yan turned blood red, and he stared fiercely at the more than two hundred subordinates below, gritting his teeth word by word: "Mr. Du Shiqing, is a generation of genius doctor , I have a great kindness to this seat!"

"This time, I don't care who captured Mr. Du, in short, I must make him pay... an unbearable price! I want these daring thieves to know that there are some things that cannot be done! Some people cannot Provoked!"

"Now, the biggest suspect is the remnants of the Golden Horse Knights Hall in the city! These bastards must have jumped the wall in a hurry to do such an outrageous thing!"

"Now, I order!"

"Cheng Ziang!" Chu Yuzuo's roar shook the entire beam of the Butian Pavilion, and dust fell from the beams.

"Your subordinate is here!" Hall Master Cheng, who had not recovered from his serious injuries, took a step forward.

"I order!" Chu Yanwang's crazy eyes flashed with hysterical rage and unconcealable murderous intent, which made everyone who saw it shudder a few times: "The blood hall stops new training, everyone Everyone, all out! If you can't find Mr. Du... Cheng Ziang! You can weigh the consequences yourself!"

"Yes!" Cheng Ziang's thin face was dripping with sweat as big as soybeans.

"Chen Yutong!" Chu Yuzuo roared again, and the whole hall trembled three times.

"The subordinate is here!" Chen Yutong came out tremblingly.

"I order! Tianjitang stops new training, and all personnel are dispatched! All intelligence networks, all dispatch! All connections, all use! All... that... all... fuck that! That! And that!..." King Chu Yan patted the table excitedly: "Do you understand?"

"I..." Chen Yutong was dizzy, and the hall master really wanted to ask: Your Majesty, then... what is that... that what

But Chief Chen really didn't have the guts to stand up straight with his feet together, and said imposingly: "Throne! This subordinate fully understands!"

"Okay! If you can't do it, you can weigh the consequences yourself!" Chu Yuzuo pointed with his right hand: "Act now!"

"Yes!" Chen Yutong's face was firm, and he walked out the door with firm steps, thinking that when the anger of the throne subsides, I have to go in again, and ask, what is that... is that...

Otherwise, I've made it clear... If I can't finish the game, then I'm really... so what...

"Pass my order!" The King of Hell of Chu's thunderous roar came from the hall again: "The Imperial Guard Office, the Garrison Office, the Guard Office, the Public Security Yamen, the Metropolitan Yamen, all the personnel of the Criminal Department, the capital... Let me dispatch all of them! Even if these bastards have turned into bedbugs, I will dig them out and tear them into pieces!"

This murderous look... this momentum... this...

Chen Yutong wiped the sweat off his face, and walked out quickly: I'd better hide first...

Tie Butian is rushing to Butian Pavilion.

This matter, Tie Butian intuitively has something to do with King Chu Yan. But I can't tell you what it feels like...

As soon as I arrived at the gate of Butian Pavilion, I happened to see a group of people wiped their sweat tremblingly and came out in a file. Everyone was pale and sweating.

"What's wrong?" the prince asked.

Before the words fell, there was a crash inside, and suddenly, a tattered table flew out, fell to the yard, and fell apart!

Immediately, a furious voice shouted: "Bastard! Bastard! It's a big joke! Before the imperial city, the genius doctor was robbed! What are you all doing for food? The state salary supports you all, Sibai Da... Fat, paralyzed people who just take money and do nothing?! This iron cloud must be cleaned up! It must be rectified seriously!"

Everyone was shocked!

Need to clean up? You almost killed all...

"This Butian Pavilion! It must be cleaned up! Moths, one by one! Squeeze to death!" Chu Yuzuo's furious voice came from inside, accompanied by the sound of smashing things.

Everyone trembled and rushed out...

To rectify the officialdom, those who are not serious will be imprisoned, but to rectify Butian Pavilion... is a dead end! Go to work now...

"What! Grass!" King Chu Yan was still cursing.

Tie Butian listened for a while with a sullen face, and finally walked in.

"Your Majesty, pause the wrath of Thunder!"

"Fart! How can I calm down when something like this happens?! Do you know that you have lost your life... er, Your Highness the Crown Prince?" Chu Yuzuo yelled furiously halfway, only to realize that the target of his yelling was actually the current Crown Prince. Embarrassingly speechless.

Tie Butian stood quietly, looked at Chu Yang for a long time, and said slowly, "Your Majesty, what do you think about the disappearance of Miracle Doctor Du?"

"I'm furious!" Chu Yang said, "It's shocking that such a thing happened in the most important place in Iron Cloud City!" Chu Yang said with a heavy tone.

"Well, if Mr. Du can't be found, I'm afraid my father's illness... has no hope." Tie Butian's voice was trying to control his excitement, but the grief and powerlessness in it were clear.

Chu Yang sighed, lowered his head, then raised his head, looking straight at Tie Butian: "Mr. Du is missing, I am very angry. But... if it comes to the emperor's condition, please forgive me, I have a different view." .”

Tie Butian remained silent, looking into Chu Yang's eyes for a moment, and said, "Oh?"

"In the past few days, Mr. Du came here, and I have talked to him about the emperor's condition." Chu Yang sighed, "Mr. Du once said that the current condition of the emperor is really exhausted." Every time I take a breath, I have to suffer great torture! And Mr. Du's treatment for the emperor is no longer treating, but trying to stimulate the emperor's pain as much as possible, so that this pain can maintain his Breathing continuously, sane…”

Chu Yang said indifferently: "Mr. Du once said that when the emperor was conscious, he begged Mr. Du countless times not to treat him, but to let him die as soon as possible! At this point, it would be a waste to live any longer. The greatest torture in the world! At this time, if you forcefully save his life for the sake of filial piety, it is no longer performing filial piety, but making him unable to live or die!"

"Stop talking!" Tie Butian suddenly closed his eyes tightly, and roared sharply.

His chest was heaving sharply, and for a long time, clear tears flowed from his eyes, slid across his cheeks, and dripped to the ground, but he didn't wipe them off.

"I don't know what you said? Every time I see my father struggling in pain, how can I feel better?" Tie Butian murmured: "Don't I know that my father's life is worse than death now? Do I Don't know that he desires to end his life immediately?"

"Father was originally a hero of the world! But now, he doesn't even have the strength to kill his own life! How sad is this for a hero?" Tie Butian wiped away his tears fiercely, and suddenly hissed He said in a low voice: "But have you ever thought about me?!"

"What should I do? Although I am a prince, I have no relatives! I will be the son of a man first, and then the prince of a country! If the emperor still breathes, then I will have a father! I am not an orphan!" Tie Bu Tian choked up and said, "Why don't I know that every day my father lives is another day of torture? But I have always been imagining, looking forward... As long as I persist, there will always be a chance! Or... a miracle will appear one day... Or, Miracle Doctor Du thought of a way... Or, someone suddenly discovered some kind of genius treasure that can make Father recover overnight... "