Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 199: The emperor summons!


"You are not me! You can't know how I feel!" Tie Butian gritted his teeth and said, "Although it is painful, as long as there is still a breath, there is hope! Although hope is slim, even ridiculous, but hope exists! I I feel that every day is still full of hope!"

"Seventeen thousand years ago, when we were still drinking blood, the first emperor of the first empire, His Majesty the Emperor of the Oracle Empire, was dying. All the doctors said that it was hopeless, but at the last moment, a strange person came. One Nine Layers Pill, His Majesty the Emperor will recover immediately! His Majesty's injury is much more serious than my father's right now!" Tie Butian grabbed Chu Yang's lapel and hissed : "He is the emperor, and my father is also the emperor! But why didn't my father come to give the nine-fold pill? Why?"

"Nine Layers Pill!" Chu Yang only felt that he was hit hard by a big hammer in his heart!

"That's right! It's the Nine Layers Pill! The truth of this matter has been buried all the time. No one has dared to stand up and say that only in the royal classics of the past dynasties are there records, but it is precisely because of the royal records that there will be no mistakes! " Tie Butian looked up to the sky and screamed angrily: "Why is there no one when my father comes?"

Chu Yang was speechless!

He never knew that there was such a thing!

The Nine Layers Pill actually appeared 17,000 years ago! That is to say, 17,000 years ago, there was once a Nine Tribulations Sword Master! Only the master of the Nine Tribulations Sword can obtain the Nine Layers Pill!

"Everyone knows that it is better to die than to be alive now; but even if I don't speak from the family, but from the political situation, if I let my father die... then am I still human? Who will fight for Tie Yun? Because Tie Yun has such a cold-hearted prince, who is willing to fight for him? What kind of conscience does a person who doesn't even care about his own father have? What right does he have to let others go through life and death for him?"

"I don't want to think about this, it's too cruel, but I can't think about it! Do you think that I, Tie Butian, is willing to be the crown prince? Do you think I really care about this throne? Do you think... I really don't care about the world and the soldiers? Live or die?" Tie Butian glared at Chu Yang angrily: "You were born in a reckless family, how much do you know about such political tricks?"

"You only know what should be and what shouldn't be! But do you know what is the clear line between what should be and what should not be?" Tie Butian roared: "Everything that seems like a golden rule to you, but for me It’s a big mistake to do it! As an emperor, sixty million people are watching me, what should I do or not?”

"I also want to ignore everything and bury my head in a deep sleep, but I can't! I also want to work at sunrise and rest at sunset. You know, that kind of civilian life is something I dream of. But I will never get it !Even if Tieyun Kingdom is destroyed, I can’t get it! Do you understand?”

Tie Butian said heavily: "I'm very tired! I'm so tired every day! But when I think of it, my father is lying there, my father is still there! Still looking at me, looking at his ...Son, I am working hard for Iron Cloud Country! I don't feel tired! Do you understand this feeling?"

"Father's life and death... When I was young, I lost my father... But when I grew up, it was related to the life and death of 60 million people within 13 million miles of Tieyun!"

Tie Butian's voice slowly sank: "Now, with the disappearance of Divine Doctor Du, my father has completely lost hope!"

"I don't want Miracle Doctor Du to disappear, nor do I want something to happen to the emperor." Chu Yang said slowly and self-consciously: "But, there is one thing. As a prince, the actual monarch, even if you are cruel, you must See clearly... this matter is beneficial and harmless to Tie Yun!"

"That's a good statement." Tie Butian's voice was very cold: "Tie Yun has been exercising the power of the monarch for a long time, and it has always been unfair. One country and two monarchs are also a big taboo! Father Huang Xian go , Regarding Tie Yun Chaotang, no matter the military or the government, no matter whether they originally opposed me or agreed with me, they must go further and focus on me! This is indeed beneficial and harmless to Tie Yun!"

"Especially in the current complicated situation where the country can be destroyed at any time, this situation is indeed a good thing!" Tie Butian smiled coldly: "But who would have thought... how I feel?"

"Have you thought about it?" Tie Butian asked directly on Chu Yang's face: "Have you thought about it?"

Chu Yang was speechless.

"I'm not the kind of hero who has more power than the sky!" Tie Butian said quietly. He turned around, his thin shoulders trembling. Prince Butian, who has always been calm and graceful, actually looks so pitiful...

"I'm going to the palace; during this period of time, I will trouble the imperial seat of Chu." Tie Butian took a deep breath and said, "Whether it's the compensation for the soldiers who died in battle, or the search for spies, or in other words, the search for As for the whereabouts of Miracle Doctor Du, I believe that Chu Yuzuo will do a good job."

Tie Butian turned his back, and said softly: "My father, there are only a few days left, no matter what, I want to take care of his old the end of his life!! Even if the country dies because of this, I will...not hesitate!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly walked out, reached the door, but stopped, and said softly: "Chu Yang, if Du Shiqing can't be found... I will hate you! Hate you forever!"

Tie Butian is not a fool after all, how could he not doubt that Du Shiqing disappeared after walking out from Chu Yang's place? But what he said was "hate you" instead of "kill you!" This is a bit intriguing.

After saying this, Tie Butian's figure disappeared from the door.

Chu Yang stood at the door in a daze, looking outside; if anyone could see the expression on his face behind the mask, they would be able to see that his face was struggling violently!

Tie Shicheng already felt that life would be worse than death, and it would be a relief for Tie Shicheng to die sooner. And, a favor! Everyone knows this.

Forcibly dragging him to prevent him from dying is really too cruel for this once mighty monarch! This point is also well known!

And at this time, letting Tie Shicheng die was not a sadness for Tie Yun's entire country, but a relief. Moreover, Tie Yun's regime will become more stable, and Tie Butian's position will finally be justified! For the war between the two countries, it is a great good thing that there is no such hidden worry!

Moreover, Chu Yang's choice to make Du Shiqing disappear at this time is also killing three birds with one stone. First, Du Shiqing was preserved; second, Iron Cloud City is now in chaos, and there are still remnants of the Golden Horse Knights Hall, so we can increase the search; especially the most important point is: at this time, the The strength of the Knights Hall is greatly damaged!

Of the two thrones, one died and the other was seriously injured and dying; the three BMW knights were all killed in battle! The power of the Golden Horse Knights Hall in Tie Yun has been weakened to the freezing point in history! Moreover, it has not been long since Tang Xinsheng and other spies found out, and the Golden Horse Knights Hall has not had time to redecorate.

Tie Shicheng's death at this time was definitely beyond Wu Wuqingrou's expectations! In Chu Yang's guess, Wu Wuqingrou was still in doubt before he could react in time.

Because the people in the Golden Horse Knights Hall in Iron Cloud City absolutely dare not contact Da Zhaotong, so Wu Qingrou's eyes will be closed invisibly! As long as he didn't know, or it was too late; then, he would be able to get through the huge turmoil when Tie Shicheng died in the previous life without any surprises!

Silently and silently eliminate the huge crisis of Tie Yun, which is second only to Tie Butian's assassination!

It's a good thing for Tie Shicheng, the person involved, it's a good thing for Tie Yunguo, and it's a great thing for the 600 million people! There are so many good things, so many benefits, but only Chu Yang didn't think of Tie Butian!

Did not consider this issue from the perspective of Tie Butian.

Or he thought about it, but ignored it. But Tie Butian's reaction now made Chu Yang feel guilty. Let him start thinking about right and wrong.

Your decision is right.

However, the starting point is to reflect.

No matter what, this caused some damage to Tie Butian. Regardless of whether his starting point is benevolence or selfish desire, at least if he says he feels guilty, then he is sorry for Tie Butian!

Extending from here, Chu Yang suddenly had a feeling: If he wants to change his destiny and change the world, is he thinking too much from a selfish point of view

Thinking of this, Chu Yang became a little vigilant.

He doesn't regret today's decision, but he has established a principle for himself: in the future, when making a certain decision, he should think as much as possible.

The reason is that I am afraid that I will regret it in the future! Or, when you think of a certain thing at a certain moment, your conscience is disturbed.

Chu Yang deeply knew that this kind of mental torture was the greatest torture in the world! That kind of conscience can completely torture a person into a life-and-death dilemma!

Chu Yang didn't want to owe such a debt of conscience in his life!

In the afternoon, there was no news from Search Yin and others. When Chu Yang was about to go back to Tianbing Pavilion, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him: "The emperor wants to see you!"

"The emperor wants to see me?" Chu Yang was stunned for a moment: "The emperor?"

"It's the current emperor!" Shadow explained in a very dull manner, "Let's go."

Before Chu Yang could reply in the future, the shadow suddenly grabbed him. Immediately afterwards, Chu Yang felt that he walked out of the door, and then walked out of the gate, and came to the palace...

Chu Yang was speechless for a while.

Even if you want to take me still have to say something first, right? Especially... you take me away, before you show up, people all over the street will see me floating like a ghost...

This feeling is really depressing!

"The vitality in your body is very strange!" When Shadow put him down, he said strangely, frowned, shook his head, and said, "I've never seen it before."

Then, before Chu Yang could reply, he disappeared.

Chu Yang took a look, he had already arrived in the palace, outside a hall, the air was filled with a strong smell of medicine. Through the tassels, one could vaguely see that Tie Butian was standing inside very carefully, as if he was bending over to say something, but his voice was extremely low.

Pausing for a while, Tie Butian turned his head to look outside the door, and said in a low voice, "Is Chu Yuzuo here?"

Chu Yang said, "It's exactly Chu Yang."

"Please come in." Tie Butian's voice was full of sorrow: "Father has long wanted to see you."