Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 200: The whole country is rich and honored, I advise you to stay!


A servant walked over lightly, and gently separated the tassels. After Chu Yang entered, he put them down again, and left quietly. From beginning to end, there was no sound at all.

Chu Yang went in and was stunned.

Directly opposite him, there was a soft chair leaning against a person. It's a bit too much to say it's a human being, it's better to just say it's a skeleton.

The whole body of this person, except for the bones, is believed to weigh no more than half a catty! It can be said that it is completely a layer of crumpled human skin attached to a pair of skeletons.

On his face, there was no trace of blood, the only thing that had some radiance was a pair of cloudy eyes, still shining with the brilliance of life. Only when he opened his eyes would people feel that this was still a living person.

There was a dark aura that belonged to the dead, emanating faintly from this living person.

He was wearing a bright yellow robe. This noble color of clothing could not conceal the man's twilight aura.

At this moment, his eyes were trying to look towards Chu Yang.

Chu Yang couldn't imagine how a person whose body had reached this level could sit up! Although he just lay down and sat.

"You... are Chu Yang?" This man's voice was extremely low, and if he was not careful, he would not have heard it. But the only good thing is that although the enunciation is vague, it can still be understood.

Tie Butian stood behind him, with one hand on the man's shoulder, tears welling up in his eyes, as if they were about to drip down at any moment.

This person is none other than the lord of Iron Cloud Kingdom, Tie Shicheng! Tie Butian's biological father.

He had already fallen into a coma and waking up for a long time. Each time he was in a coma for more than ten hours, but when he woke up, it didn't take more than a quarter of an hour. The most tragic thing is that every time he wakes up, his sanity will remain absolutely clear!

This is the greatest torture for a person whose body has reached this point! It's not as easy as being completely confused! However, when he woke up this time and heard that Du Shiqing was missing, the lord immediately urged Tie Butian to take the Dragon Soul Fragrance for him!

Dragon Soul Incense, also known as Huihun Incense; it can make a dying person appear in a state of extreme excitement for a period of time! Support a dying person, finish what you want to say, and do what you want to do most!

But this period of time is very short. Once this period of time passes, the fire of the soul will be completely extinguished! The whole person is completely dead!

"Yes." Chu Yang replied softly. He really didn't dare to speak forcefully. The appearance of the king made people feel that he would immediately be unable to bear the shock of the air.

"Well, there is no need to be too polite." Tie Shicheng's eyes moved slightly: "Come on, come closer, let me have a look. You stand so far away, I can't see your face clearly."

Chu Yang agreed; he took a few steps forward.

He was only five or six steps away from Tie Shicheng just now, but he couldn't see clearly... The eyes of the king can be said to be almost the same.

"That's right, you really are a man of talent." Tie Shicheng smiled slightly. It's better if he doesn't smile, but this smile is even more terrifying like a ghost coming out.

"Your Majesty appreciates it."

"Butian often talks about you in front of me. Hehe, he thought I couldn't hear you. In fact, I heard it." Tie Shicheng's smile was a little smug, and he sighed: "Today, it's been ten years. I feel the most relaxed day."

Behind him, Tie Butian's face flushed obviously, and then turned pale again.

"During this period of time, I know everything you did." Tie Shicheng's eyes gradually brightened, and gradually became sharper. An aura of a king slowly passed from his body and soul. Volatile from the inside out.

This is the result of the dragon soul fragrance gradually working in his body.

"You did a good job!" Tie Shicheng looked at Chu Yang sharply, and said slowly: "I have told Butian so many times that as a king, you must be ruthless! When it is time to kill, it is your own." Father and children must be killed too! There is nothing that cannot be paid, this is the road of king! The road of king must be a lonely and vicissitudes of life! But he is always a little hesitant on this point."

"Being a king is more tiring than being an ordinary person. Some people know that they should not be killed, but they still want to kill them; As a king, you have to bear all of this, and bear it yourself!"

Although Tie Shicheng looked at Chu Yang, he didn't seem to be speaking to Chu Yang, but Tie Butian.

"The king... what he thinks of must be the world, not himself, let alone his family! This is the king's sorrow. Who in the world has no feelings? Kings also have them, but they can't. Therefore, every king is lonely in his heart, and he cannot It's all pitiful and pathetic. Every king has countless conscience debts in his heart! He tortured himself day and night, so, throughout the dynasties, the lifespan of kings is not long... "

Tie Shicheng sighed, he didn't know what he thought of, and extreme regret and sorrow flashed in his eyes.

Chu Yang didn't know what to say to the dying emperor, so he kept silent without saying a word.

"I was enthroned as emperor at the age of eighteen. Within a few years, my army was strong and strong! Looking at all the heroes in the world, there is no one who can match it! It is because of the iron hoofs that conquered the south and the north, and is invincible; what the soldiers point to, disintegrates and disappears! However, In five years, Tie Yun's territory has expanded by one-third! At that time, I was so ambitious that I always felt that the world was in my hands, and that the world would eventually be unified by me!"

"Tie Yun is stable, Da Zhao realized the threat of Tie Yun, and sent troops to attack! I was in the prime of life at the time, ambitious, and I went to the army personally! Tie Yun is the sharpest soldier, unparalleled in the world! He has won even battles; even though Da Zhao has the fifth gentleness Sitting in the town, but it is difficult to stop the strength of my soldiers!"

"At that time, Tie Yun had an army of 500,000 troops with a battalion of 400 li! He was facing off against Da Zhao's Fifth Qingrou's army of 400,000 at Shuanglong Mountain! I straddled Ma Xiongchi, and with absolute confidence, I defeated Fifth Qingrou's army in one fell swoop. Then, with the force of destruction, go straight into the hinterland of Great Zhao! Destroy Great Zhao, and then with the power of thunder, swallow the Wuji Kingdom in one fell swoop! Complete the next three days of supremacy!"

Tie Shicheng's voice gradually changed from hoarse to passionate, his face gradually flushed red, and his eyes suddenly became domineering and majestic, as if recalling the time when he led an army of millions to sweep the world time!

"But just at the beginning of the decisive battle, we were suddenly attacked by dead soldiers! Thirty martial venerables sneaked into the camp and attacked desperately, trying to assassinate me. But these were not enough. There was even a magical archer who was a hundred feet away. Shoot me with an arrow!" Tie Shicheng's eyes revealed powerless resentment: "It was that arrow that dragged my life from the peak moment to hell!"

"The arrow is highly poisonous, and there is no medicine to cure it; in that battle, the army was defeated without a leader; the tortoise retreated back to Iron Cloud City, and lingered on until now." Speaking of this, Tie Shicheng's voice gradually became low.

"Ten years ago, I deserved to die. I didn't die until now. It really made them... wait too long!" Tie Shicheng sighed, closing his eyes slightly, and two streams of tears flowed quietly from his face. tumble.

Chu Yang said quietly: "Is there anything unfinished, Your Majesty?" Now, it is not only inappropriate, but rather stupid to say something like 'Your Majesty will be in good health and relaxed in mind'. Chu Yang knew that since Tie Shicheng wanted to see him, he definitely didn't want to express a few words of emotion.

If he wants to express his emotions, so many courtiers can express his emotions, so why bother to express his emotions to a person he met for the first time

"Unfinished business... too much! Too much..." Tie Shicheng's body trembled suddenly, and his voice showed extreme melancholy and regret that his ambition was unfulfilled.

"The unfinished business is Tie Yun..." Tie Shicheng sighed, and suddenly asked: "Chu Yuzuo, as a dying person, I ask you to stay in Tie Yun, is it okay?"

Chu Yang was startled, and raised his head to look at him.

"This kid, Butian, has a heart and a heart that can be a king, but he has more than enough strategy and not enough ruthlessness!" Tie Shicheng looked deeply at Chu Yang with his skull-like eyes: "And Chu Yuzuo is decisive in killing and attacking, clean and neat, But it can perfectly make up for the lack of mending the sky!"

"The two of you are together, you are simply a pair made by heaven... partners!" Tie Shicheng's voice was a little weird.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay." Chu Yang was silent for a while, and replied apologetically.

"If you stay, I... I can make the decision now and betroth my only daughter to you!" Tie Shicheng stared at Chu Yang, and said, "Don't rush to refuse... You married my daughter, and you will be married to me from now on." The Regent of the Iron Cloud Kingdom! He holds all the power and is at the pinnacle of power, just watch the situation with a smile!"

Behind him, Tie Butian lowered his head deeply, biting his lips lightly, and said: "Father..."

"Chu Yuzuo, my daughter, but this Tieyun country is the most beautiful!" Tie Shicheng ignored Tie Butian; he just looked at Chu Yang: "There is more power at the top, and the whole country is rich as a dowry! Would you like to stay?" ?”

"The number one beauty, the pinnacle of power, the wealth of the whole country..." Chu Yang smiled wryly: "This is indeed an irresistible temptation, but... Chu has his own heart, and... the wish of this life is not in This is three days."

Chu Yang smiled: "Your Majesty's kindness, Chu can only appreciate it."

Tie Shicheng's sunken eye sockets suddenly shot out two sharp rays of light, and after a long time, he said weakly: "Good! Good! As expected of King Chu Yan!"

He coughed twice tiredly, and said lightly: "Chu Yuzuo, I asked you something, and you have to answer it truthfully."

Chu Yang said: "Please speak, Your Majesty."

"Du Shiqing's sudden disappearance, what does this matter have to do with Chu Yuzuo?" Tie Shicheng asked solemnly. Tie Butian behind him suddenly raised his head. She looked at Chu Yang with sharp eyes.