Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 201: To grow up to be a free-spirited person!


Chu Yang pondered for a moment, weighed in his mind for a long time, and then said, "Mr. Du's disappearance... I know about it."

Tie Butian's complexion changed drastically. He already had this guess and premonition in his heart, but Chu Yang's confession of the knowledge at this moment still shocked him!

Tie Shicheng laughed in satisfaction, and said, "Is it just knowing?"

Chu Yang was silent for a while, and said, "I just knew about it; I didn't expect that Mr. Du would disappear so quickly; or it was such a coincidence."

Chu Yang finally chose to keep it.


"Mr. Du said that staying in Tie Yun is his biggest crisis." Chu Yang said calmly.

"Not bad." Tie Shicheng and Tie Butian behind him nodded slightly at the same time.

Tie Shicheng laughed and said: "Du Shiqing healed my injuries ten years ago, this point, I and Butian both know it clearly; it is indeed a big crisis for him to stay here."

Chu Yang's heart skipped a beat. Looking at Tie Butian; and Tie Butian was also looking at him with complicated eyes.

It turns out that Tie Butian already knew about this matter! But he was able to perfectly control himself when he knew about it, allowing Du Shiqing to heal his father... The pressure he had to bear in his heart was simply unimaginable.

Du Shiqing was able to make the first move, how could he know that he couldn't make the second move

"Continue to talk." Tie Shicheng's spirit was extremely vigorous at this moment.

"Your Majesty's illness can't last long. Mr. Du once said that even if he tried his best, His Majesty can only delay it for another two months... and by then, Du Shiqing will definitely die." Chu Yang said plainly.

"That's right. Whether it's Butian or Wuqingrou, they will never let him go!"

At Tie Shicheng's words, Chu Yang couldn't help but stare at him intently; the king, who was lingering on the sick bed, had already seen the future situation.

"If the prince doesn't kill Du Shiqing, he won't be able to explain to Tie Yun; but if he kills Du Shiqing, the consequences will be unimaginable. Du Shiqing's death can bring a lot of help to Wu Qingrou! This is the network of his lifelong practice of medicine. !"


"Chu has received the news that if His Majesty goes away, the funeral will be the time when Wu Qingrou's huge conspiracy will start. At that time, Tie Yun will be in chaos, and Wu Wu Qingrou will have a great chance to succeed! Even if it doesn't work, Tie Yun can also be seriously injured."

Tie Shicheng pondered for a while, then slowly said: "Yes, at that time, it was indeed Tie Yun's biggest crisis. The only way to solve that crisis was to die early, unfortunately... God said, but he turned a deaf ear."

"Mr. Du is missing now, and everyone is a little caught off guard; although I know it in my heart, I also feel it suddenly." Chu Yang said silently: "However, after the matter passed, Chu found out that we were caught off guard. Qingrou was even more caught off guard!"

"That's right!" Tie Shicheng said appreciatively: "Now, I'm finally completely relieved!" He paused, and said sternly: "Butian, no matter what the future holds, you must not embarrass Queen Chu on this matter. ! Chu Yuzuo has far-reaching thoughts and is definitely your greatest help!"

Tie Butian closed his eyes sadly, and it took a long time before he softly agreed.

"After I was injured, I wanted to solve myself. But at that time, Butian was still young, so I couldn't take it easy; so I insisted on it... Later, I couldn't ask for death!" Tie Shicheng said gratifiedly: "Now there are I'm finally relieved that Chu Yuzuo is here! I've been waiting for this day for more than three years... I've been waiting so hard..."

"I've worked so hard... so hard..." Tie Shicheng's expression darkened, the red light on his face began to fade slowly, and the effect of the Dragon Soul Incense had obviously begun to fade.

Tie Shicheng leaned there like this, his eyes suddenly became confused, there was an indescribable nostalgia and yearning inside, and he murmured: "Queen... I am coming to meet you... These years, have you ever It's my fault..."

"Lian'er, Meng'er, Qing'er..." Tie Shicheng murmured, thinking of the name of his beloved wife and daughter who had been killed by himself, suddenly felt sad, burst into tears, and shouted: "I want to die! I want to die! I want to die..."

Chu Yang sighed in his heart. As a king, everyone has seen his dignity and glory, but who knows how much a king has to bear? The pain in the heart of the king in front of him is probably something ordinary people dare not even think about.

"If there is an afterlife..." The light in Tie Shicheng's eyes is getting weaker and weaker, and he murmured: "...the king's road is full of blood, the country and the country are always in his heart, but the butcher's knife sweeps away with tears, and the beautiful wife and daughter are innocent souls; this life is not far away Huangquan Road, in the next life, let go of your wealth and roots; if you don’t step on Qiongxiao’s colorful road, you will grow up to be a man of mountains and rivers!"

"Hehe..." Tie Shicheng smiled weakly, and said, "Beloved wife...don't leave..."

His eyes suddenly shone with a particularly bright brilliance. He was joyful and elated, as if he saw that on the road to Huangquan, the person he loved was waiting to reunite with him...

Then the light in his eyes suddenly went out...

The king still maintained his original posture, but there was no life in his body.

The Lord of Tieyun Kingdom, Tie Shicheng, passed away today, at this time!

"Father! ~~~ Don't leave me behind!" Tie Butian screamed, his pupils suddenly dilated in despair, he hugged Tie Shicheng's thin body tightly, and rubbed his face desperately The royal father's face seemed to pass on the temperature of his body to his father...

Then, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell down limply, with his eyes closed tightly, unconscious...

Chu Yang sighed dejectedly. Seeing the emperor walking his entire life in front of his eyes, Chu Yang didn't know what it felt like.

Recalling what Tie Shicheng said just now: "... I became emperor at the age of eighteen, and within ten years, I will have a strong army and a strong army!" Looking at all the heroes in the world, there is nothing that can match it! It is due to the battle from the south to the north, caused by iron hoofs, and it is invincible; what the soldiers point to, disintegrates and disappears! In just five years, Tie Yun's territory has expanded by one-third! At that time, I was very ambitious and always felt that this world was in my hands, and this world would eventually be unified by me! '

Caused by the iron hoof, it is invincible; what the soldiers point to, disintegrates and disappears!

What kind of prestige is this? How domineering! Looking at the thin body with only a handful of bones left in front of him, this kind of strong contrast can't help but make people's heart ache.

This king, the deepest pain in his heart, maybe he killed his own queen and his own daughter with his own hands? Until his death, he never forgot.

But why did he strike so hard at that time? For this reason, he didn't say anything until he died! If this is a secret, then Tie Shicheng undoubtedly took this secret to his grave!

This life is not far from Huangquan Road, and in the next life, we will abandon our roots of wealth and honor; if we don’t step on Qiongxiao’s colorful road, we will grow up to be a man of mountains and rivers!

The words left by a monarch before his death are "become a man of mountains and rivers"! This has to make people sigh deeply. I don't know how many people in the world want to sit on this throne in their dreams, but the one who actually sat on it left behind such emotions and wishes before dying!

Isn't this a great irony!

The monarch of this country, when he was dying, did not call the ministers of the court to take care of Gu. Obviously, he was very relieved of Tie Butian. Moreover, he didn't do this, which also gave Tie Butian an extremely clear hint...

From now on, it's your world!

Chu Yang retreated quietly. No one stopped him along the way. He knew that Tie Butian desperately needed someone to accompany and comfort him, but this person couldn't be himself!

It's too late for Tie Butian to hate himself!

We can only wait until he has survived the pain of this period of time.

But no matter what, Tie Shicheng died at this time, half a year earlier than in his previous life! Moreover, the severe winter is about to come, and the border will be stable for a while.

And in this kind of weather, Wu Wuqingrou couldn't do anything in time, that is to say, Tie Yun's greatest crisis has passed without a sound.

But walking on the road, Chu Yang felt that his heart was as heavy as lead, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of joy.

Walking out of the palace, Chu Yang was so preoccupied that he suddenly felt a icy coolness on his face.

"It's snowing! It's snowing..." A cry of surprise came from nowhere.

Chu Yang looked up and saw the fluttering snowflakes falling gently, and in an instant, the sky and the earth were blurred.

It's just past the end of autumn, and only two days into the beginning of winter, the first snow in Iron Cloud City fell on the ground so early.

Chu Yang walked quietly on the road. His body gradually became snow-white, and the ground was also covered with a layer of white. The snowflakes that fell first melted quickly, but the snowflakes that fell last also scrambled to cover up the snowflakes. The traces of melting gradually turned silvery white.

Between heaven and earth, within half an hour, it became covered in silver.

Breathing the icy cold air, Chu Yang felt that his nearly ossified thoughts became active in an instant. He looked back at the majestic imperial city, which stood quietly in the white snow, speechless. It seems to be silently mourning the passing of a king.

"No matter what, this world has finally entered a new era!" Chu Yang said silently in his heart, and then he took a big step and walked towards Tianbing Pavilion...

As the snow fell, Chu Yang's thoughts became clear, as if his heart was also melting into the endless sky along with the dancing snowflakes.

There was a creaking sound under her feet, and Chu Yang suddenly remembered: Qingwu in her previous life used to like snow the most. Every time it snowed, she would always hold an umbrella quietly and stand in the snow dressed in red, Stand still. At that time, it was also the most peaceful and beautiful memory in Chu Yang's heart.

That kind of style, that kind of beautiful demeanor; every time Chu Yang thinks about it, he always feels his heart tremble.

Qing Wu, I don't know what you are doing now

Chu Yang's figure finally disappeared into the wind and snow...

Although Tie Shicheng had been ill for many years, and the people of Tie Yun were already prepared for his death, his death still shocked Tie Yun.

Just at this moment, as if it was an appointment, the news came from the front line, Dong Fu, the commander of the Dazhao army, gave an order, and the three armies attacked at the same time to attack Tie Yun!