Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 202: Highway robbery!


The three-way army was led by three famous generals at the same time; Shenwei General Liu Jian led 80,000 troops and attacked from the left;

The three-way army, three famous generals, dispatched 240,000 troops at one time. Da Zhao's military operation this time can be said to be quite huge. Moreover, it was early winter, and the weather was suddenly severe. Da Zhao's actions could also be said to be crazy!

Tieyun Venus City and Hengyun Pass are in emergency at the same time! Battle reports are coming out frequently!

But this time, because of Tie Shicheng's death, Tie Yun was in mourning, and Da Zhao's military actions sparked a wave of fighting in Tie Yun's country!

The people's desire to fight has turned out to be unprecedentedly enthusiastic!

Tielongcheng sits at the border gate, and can't come back to attend the funeral! Under the great pressure of Da Zhao, he was very busy dispatching troops and generals.

Amidst the boiling public opinion in Tieyun City, the funeral of the monarch Tie Shicheng was ushered in!

Cheng Yunhe can be said to have a feeling: there is no way out, there is no way out, and there is another village.

Tie Shicheng's death shocked Cheng Yunhe, and he was very caught off guard; he knew that Tie Shicheng's death would be a total disruption to Fifth Qingrou's plan, and everything would have to be reorganized. Start deploying.

But there is also one of the biggest benefits, that is: finally you can go out of town!

The blockade in the past few days has caused Cheng Yunhe's hair to turn white. Unable to communicate, unable to go out of the city, watching the time pass day by day, Yin can't stand there like a dead body after taking the dream soul liquid, which makes people feel anxious!

Several times or even ten searches a day made Cheng Yunhe not only dare not act, but in desperation, he also killed the invisible falcon who was summoned. Because... as long as one of their wings vibrates, they can kill the lives of all of them!

Losing contact is better than losing your life!

Now with Tie Shicheng's death, the curfew has finally been relaxed.

Cheng Yunhe finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly applied to leave the city; after coming here, he made a special trip to buy a lot of Tieyun's special products, and specially bought the kind that were stored for a short time and were perishable.

Almost all the officials in Iron Cloud City are busy with the monarch's funeral, so why do they care about such trivial matters? Cheng Yunhe applied to leave the city, and he was approved. Ever since, Cheng Yunhe didn't delay for a moment, immediately gathered all his hands, and escorted a long line of carriages out of the south gate.

It's finally out!

When Cheng Yunhe walked out of Iron Cloud City, he couldn't help raising his face and took a few deep breaths towards the snowflakes still flying in the sky. In Iron Cloud City for the past few days, Cheng Yunhe felt as if he was about to suffocate. I couldn't breathe.

Out of town now, suddenly there is a feeling like a bird has flown out of its cage.

From now on, King Chu Yan will stay in Iron Cloud City for a day, and I will never come again!

Cheng Yunhe secretly swears in his heart!

Fasting is full of wit, but King Chu Yan didn't give him the slightest chance to make full use of it! Immediately block all the roads!

When Cheng Yunhe arrived in Iron Cloud City, the Black Demon Family had already been used by King Chu Yan and left.

One punch hits an empty space. As for finding other officials for connections... Cheng Yunhe didn't even dare to think about it. As soon as he arrived, he could see that all the officials in Iron Cloud City were in danger and fearful. As long as their identities were exposed, they might be torn apart alive by those officials without the order of King Chu Yan. Went to find King Chu Yan with his dead body to receive a reward to confess his feelings...

Cheng Yunhe was extremely sure of this.

It would be nice to be able to bring the remaining manpower back to Dazhao.

Looking at the knights of the Golden Horse Knight Hall around him, Cheng Yunhe felt like crying. Everyone was in high spirits when they came, but now they are all downcast. There were more than forty people when they came, but now there are only a few dozen people left!

And most of them are Wuzong. There are only three Wu Zun!

Everyone else disappeared forever in Iron Cloud City...

Turning back for the last time, taking a look at this sad city, Cheng Yunhe shouted: "Let's go!"

The carriage rolled and trudged away in the snow. The speed is as slow as a tortoise crawling, and it is still in the territory of Tieyun; Cheng Yunhe dare not throw away all the goods. If you throw it away... it will definitely arouse suspicion.

So although it was slow, Cheng Yunhe also recognized it.

In Butian Pavilion, Chu Yang frowned: "That's all?"

Chen Yutong's face was a little sweaty, he grinned and said, "Yes, that's all."

"After the city gate was opened, six groups of people left the city in total? Besides, only two groups of businessmen went south?" Chu Yang was a little surprised: How could there be so few

This period of time should have driven people crazy a lot, it shouldn't be so few.

"There are still many people waiting to leave the city, but they are all from their own country. Now that they are in Iron Cloud City, they naturally want to attend His Majesty's funeral!" Chen Yutong explained cautiously.

"Well, it makes sense." Chu Yang nodded: "It's about the same time. Let's all go to help with the funeral and strictly protect the prince's safety. Nothing can happen; as for this matter, I will handle it myself."

"Yes." Chen Yutong hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Isn't the imperial seat participating... this... a bit disrespectful."

"I'd better hide. If the prince saw me, it would be really disrespectful." Chu Yang smiled wryly. Tie Butian lost his temper when he saw him these days, and yesterday he pounced on him and punched him. Kicking and kicking, Chu Yang slipped fast so he missed. At this critical moment, where would Chu Yang go to make fun of himself? As long as you can't delay the day of the national funeral, it's fine. At other times, you can avoid the limelight if you can...

Even if it's okay, Chu Yuzuo is going to sneak out these few days, let alone for a legitimate reason

The corners of Chen Yutong's mouth twitched, even though he knew he shouldn't laugh when the emperor died, he couldn't help it.

The relationship between Tie Butian and Chu Yang is really weird. If Tie Butian was really dissatisfied, he only needed a decree to dismiss the throne, but he refused to do so desperately. To teach Chu Yanwang a lesson...

That looks like a fit of anger!

After Chu Yang explained a few words, he left in a hurry. Back at Tianbing Pavilion, there are still a few people who don't care about the death of Tie Yun, and Ji Mo has almost recovered from his injuries. After Chu Yang said a few words, the five of them happily changed their clothes and followed Chu Yang out of the city.

A few days ago, Ji Mo showed his face, making the other people envious; now it's finally his turn to wait for others to come out to let the wind out, and it's such a beautiful weather with heavy snow...

Six people, riding six white horses, all wearing snow-white clothes, roared out of Tieyunmen Gate. Just as the soldiers guarding the gate were about to interrogate him, a sign representing King Chu Yan fell down in front of him, shivering tremblingly, and hurriedly opened the gate to let him through.

Six horses rushed out with a splash.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" sang excitedly. In the past few days, Young Master Luo has been living in darkness, Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang came to him to discuss each other when they had nothing to do, and he was not an opponent, so he could only stand up and get beaten.

He had to suffer an average of two meals almost every day, and Master Luo was completely furious. This morning, without waiting for Gu Duxing to come, he got up and looked for it first, and challenged Rui Butong by name. First pick a soft pinch...

Who would have imagined that Rui Butong would actually throw a strange punch, Young Master Luo was caught off guard, both eyes were hit at the same time, and he turned into a giant panda with a scream.

Now that he finally came out to let the wind go, Young Master Luo decided to relax. At the same time, I made an oath in my heart: When my young master and I achieve great feats, the first person I want to take revenge on is Gu Duxing: beat him ten times a day! No, twenty tons!

The second one, of course, is Chu Yang! Because Rui Butong's set of strange punches was actually taught by Chu Yang! It is simply intolerable.

The third one, of course, is Dong Wushang!

Young master Luo is gnashing his teeth every day, and falls asleep with aching bones and fantasies every night. If it weren't for this person to still have a fantasy function... then this day will really be impossible...

Ji Mo and the others laughed heartily, even Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang, the two well-known cold-faced people, laughed heartily. It has to be said that these guys fight and fight together every day. Although some people have bruises and swollen faces every day, the relationship between them is getting deeper and deeper.

Six people and six riders rolled up pieces of snowflakes in the wind and snow, followed the imprints on the ground that had not disappeared, and chased them all the way without any concealment.

Chu Yang was very sure.

Although the few people I brought with me are all Wu Zong, each of them represents the unique knowledge of a big family. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are not weaker than ordinary Wu Zun, even those of the second and third ranks. If you fight, you are still very sure.

The members of the Golden Horse Knights Hall are almost cut off by the experts now, even if they meet head-on, Chu Yang is not afraid! What's more, he still has the super killer weapon of Nine Tribulations Sword in his hand!

So Chu Yang boldly chased after him at ease.

The journey was left behind section by section, and after running for thirty or forty miles, I saw a long team of horses in front of me, moving quickly in the snow.

Gu Duxing snorted coldly, waved his hand and said, "Luo Kedi, come on!"

"Why me?" Luo Kedi said dissatisfiedly, "So many people are idle."

"You mean let me go?" Dong Wushang turned his head with dangerous eyes.

"" Roque stuttered.

"Then you want me to go?" Ji Mo asked fiercely.

"Anyway, I'm not going." Rui Butong raised his nose.

"Should I go by myself?" Gu Duxing looked at Luo Kedi solemnly: "Or let the boss go? Do you dare to say that?"

Luo Kedi stared at him, feeling angry, and after a long while, he said dejectedly: "I'll go." For a while, his head was depressed, and he didn't know where the high-spirited spirit just flew away.

Since it was impossible not to go, Young Master Luo was very angry; however, the object of his anger was the long motorcade in front!

It's all because of you! Master, I have to lose face! You will pay the price!

Clamping the white horse between his legs, Luo Kedi jumped out like a gust of wind, yelling impatiently all the way: "Drive! Drive!" "Drive!"

Po Jiji rushed to the front of the horse team more than ten feet away, turned the horse's head in a circle, turned around, and just rode on the horse, with a wave of silver light in his hand, a big tree on the side of the road slammed It fell down and just blocked the road!

"Hey! Aww... I opened this road, and I planted this tree; if you want to live on from now on, stay and buy road money!" Young Master Luo roared, his voice was so loud that the snowflakes in the air were suddenly shattered. . A strong second child's energy spread out in such a ostentatious way.