Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 204: Something is wrong!


Chu Yang looked at Rui Butong intentionally or unintentionally, and without any surprise, he found a frenzy on this girl's face, and her tongue was still unconsciously licking her lips... Well, it seems that this guy is really good at robbery Congenital love...

"Luo Kedi is already crazy." Ji Mo folded his hands in his sleeves, sucking in the air-conditioning hissingly; gloating: "I don't think these people are weak. To be beaten into a pig's head."

"It's okay." Dong Wushang looked at Luo Kedi who was happily fighting in the arena with great interest, and said: "We beat this wolf every day, and if he doesn't bother us, it's good to let others beat him up. "

Gu Duxing nodded deeply, and said: "Be careful, just don't let people beat you to death. For the rest... let Second Young Master Luo suffer a little. Otherwise, he won't have a long memory."

Gu Er Ge's words decided Luo Er Shao's fate. Rui Butong nodded his head fiercely, and said happily: "This bastard persimmon is only picky, and he bullies me every day! This is retribution!"

Ever since, a group of brothers watched the fun with their arms folded and smiling.

As for Boss Chu, he just arrived with a thoughtful expression on his face. This cavalry seems to be... something is wrong...

When I rode my horse and rushed past the cavalry, at that moment, the tip of the Nine Tribulations Sword in my dantian suddenly jumped violently!

A beating similar to sudden heart palpitations!

This throbbing was the first time since Chu Yang got the tip of the Nine Tribulations Sword in this life!

This filled Chu Yang with doubts! Why did the Nine Tribulations Sword appear abnormal? Could it be that there is something in this convoy that could interest Nine Tribulation Sword

Thinking in my heart, my eyes turned to the convoy.

Naturally, he looked at it with the eyes of an ordinary caravan; before he was sure that the other party was a spy, Chu Yang would never have any prejudice in his heart.

But this careful inspection made him discover too many things that were wrong. At this moment, Gu Duxing came to his side on horseback, and said indifferently: "Boss, they are very strange."

"Strange? What's strange?" Chu Yang asked with a half-smile.

"There are masters in the team... It's not surprising." Gu Duxing said: "After all, it would be unexpected if this kind of multinational business group does not have masters, but they are... too calm. If it is an ordinary business group, it would be a surprise if they encountered such a group. In such a situation, even if the masters can remain calm, ordinary people will panic."

"But these people are very calm from top to bottom. It seems that they are used to this kind of big scene..." Gu Duxing said: "Ordinary troops can't be so calm!"

"Well, that's true." Chu Yang nodded: "What else?"

"Three Martial Masters, moreover, the strength is very average!" Gu Duxing said: "Among the remaining people, most of them are warrior warriors, there are more than a dozen martial masters, and there are four Martial Masters! For a caravan , this kind of power is too huge."

"Well, is there anything else?"

"The other thing is... Since you have such a powerful force, why do you have to swallow your anger? Facing a single-handed young robber, you would rather hand over five hundred taels of white money to calm things down... This is too useless."

"Well, is there anything else?"

"Casually hand over five hundred taels of silver just to find a way to go, and the strength is higher than the other party... Unless it is the kind of wealthy upstart business group, and this transaction is a huge profit, it is possible to do so. But right now These people are so calm and calm, they don't look like nouveau riche, and I don't think their goods have such a large profit! On the contrary, they are more likely to lose money..." Gu Duxing said: "This is abnormal. "

"Well, is there anything else?"

"'s gone." Gu Duxing stared.

"If my guess is correct, these people should be members of the Golden Horse Knights Hall!" Chu Yang said deeply: "Now, our main task is... to find another injured throne! Kill! As for these People, let them go back and report to Fifth Qingrou."


"Yes, report the news; we have caused such a big incident on Tie Yun's side, it is impossible for Fifth Qingrou not to know. If his entire army is wiped out, and his plan to use Tie Shicheng and Du Shiqing is completely If he goes bankrupt, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it." Chu Yang chuckled.

What Chu Yang really meant, of course, was not that he was afraid that Diwu Qingrou would not be able to take it anymore. For Chu Yang, it would be best if Digi Qingrou went crazy and died of anger. Why would he worry about him

His real purpose is to let these people go back, and then combined with the phenomenon of Tie Yun City, let these people send a message to Wu Qingrou: Now Tie Yun is doing his best to attack the internal affairs!

During this period of time, from the initial clean-up of internal traitors to the subsequent clean-up of spies, a message has been clearly conveyed: If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside! The key strategic goal of Tie Butian and King Chu Yan is in the country!

In this way, Fifth Qingrou will definitely put his eyes on Tie Yun and watch closely. And there is an advantage to doing this: too far away! What happened to Tie Yun was known to Wuwuqingrou, and the shortest period of time was one day and one night, and when it was reported back, it would take at least three days!

And these three days are enough to do a lot of things!

But now Chu Yang has a new plan: If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. This sentence is absolutely true! But at the same time that I am in Anne... I want to make you feel uncomfortable again!

Anyway, it's snowing heavily now, even if you think about it, you won't be able to make it through!

Wait until next year when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom... Wouldn't it be a different situation

Let the tiger go back to the mountain? Chu Yang looked at the horse team and smiled faintly in his heart, not necessarily! Among them, there is no tiger! What's more, it can leave an extremely important foreshadowing...

There was nothing wrong with Chu Yang's plan in this place, and everything was for the future; however, he made an unknowing mistake.

All along, the actions of the Golden Horse Knights Hall are top secret; and the actions of the Golden Horse Knights Hall are generally the responsibility of the Golden Horse Knights Hall itself. Therefore, Chu Yang took it for granted that these two thrones were leading the series of actions of the Golden Horse Knights Hall!

As long as these two thrones are killed, everything will be over!

And now one is dead, and the other should be dying.

So Chu Yang took it for granted that there would no longer be any important figures in the cavalry.

But he didn't know the existence of Cheng Yunhe. If he knew of Cheng Yunhe's existence, he would never let anyone go. In this kind of war between the two countries, the role of a wise man like Cheng Yunhe is far greater than that of a king!

Although Kong's sad actions made Cheng Yunhe return depressed before he had completed an inch of work; but he also saved Cheng Yunhe by mistake!

If you wait for Cheng Yunhe to arrive before you act, then Cheng Yunhe will be exposed directly to the Black Demon, which is equivalent to being exposed to King Chu Yan. Tang Xinsheng's big fish

Due to all kinds of mistakes and scheming and fighting, Cheng Yunhe is now safe.

Since Luo Kedi came out to Jiedao, Cheng Yunhe has been carefully observing the front, back, left, and right sides. Chu Yang and the others appeared all of a sudden. Know immediately: These guys are all in the same gang!

There were only a few people on the other side who faced their huge convoy without fear, pointing and calm. I am afraid that none of these people is weak.

If I want to walk through here today, I'm going to bleed a little.

Of course, until now, Cheng Yunhe did not think that these people were sent by King Chu Yan. The monarch died, and King Chu Yan, as an important minister of Tie Yun, how could he appear here like this? I'm afraid it's justified to be so busy now!

So now Cheng Yunhe is only a little worried, but not afraid.

Luo Kedi, who was in the midst of the fierce battle, was already in a panic. Although he is a descendant of a family, after all, there is a big gap with the other party. The opponent is a fourth-rank Wu Zun, but he is only a sixth-rank Wu Zong. There is a difference of seven or eight levels, and it is not easy to support it until now.

Now he is completely using exquisite moves to make up for his lack of skill, and using exquisite steps to avoid the opponent's fierce attack.

If he could have a magic weapon now, I believe the situation of the battle would be changed; but his sword is an ordinary sword, and it was cut off by Mo Qingwu by Ji Mo...

Second Young Master Luo was a little embarrassed.

From the high spirits just now to the current embarrassment, the time was extremely short, and Luo Kedi gradually couldn't let go of his hands and feet. The enemy's pressure was increasing, and Rock's opponent was in a hurry, and suddenly got angry, and with a swipe, he pulled out his belt!

After a while, Luo Kedi's belt flew forward like a swimming dragon. It turned out that his belt turned out to be a special soft whip!

"Wow! Luo Kedi has come up with a secret weapon!" Ji Mo exclaimed, and shouted as if discovering the New World: "It turned out to be a whip! Tsk tsk, it's still red..."

"Wow! Luo Kedi's whip is actually red wow..." Rui Butong exclaimed, and then wondered: "Then what color is his other whip?"

"Wow! So Luo Kedi has two whips..." Dong Wushang exclaimed, "Would he use them both?"

"If he had used all of it... he would have won..." Chu Yang couldn't help but said, "This thick skin alone is enough to withstand all attacks."

"Wow... Hahahahaha..." The five of them burst out laughing, Gu Duxing, a cold-faced person, almost burst into tears this time.

In the midst of the fierce battle, Luo Kedi's nose turned out of anger!

Seeing Gu Duxing and others catching up, Luo Kedi was still counting on them to help him, but he didn't expect that instead of coming to help, these companions stood still at a distance, and then began to comment cheerfully. Pointing and pointing, beaming.