Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 209: Fresh and hot third brother


In an instant, everyone was irritated! Gu Duxing just said that he wanted to break through, and Dong Wushang also said that he wanted to break through. Although Luo Kedi and Rui Butong didn't say anything, it was obvious that they were full of ambition. Obviously breaking through a level this month, until now In this way, there will be no problem for everyone.

But only Ji Mo didn't say anything, but only Ji Mo broke through!

In an instant, the four of them stood here in a daze like ducks struck dumb by lightning, not knowing what to say for a while.

Chu Yang's consecutive breakthroughs have had a great impact on everyone, but if he breaks through again, he will only be the boss, and there will be no changes! And during this period of time, the golden rule of "brothers, rank seats in order of breakthrough" has been firmly wedged into the hearts of everyone!

Gu Duxing's skills are originally the highest, and his breakthrough is also the fastest, occupying the position of the second brother, everyone has nothing to say!

Among the top three, two have already gone; everyone is rushing towards the position of "Third Brother". During this period of time, everyone is fighting for it on the surface, but they are also secretly competing!

Everyone thinks that this "third brother" position is what I want to win!

Especially Dong Wushang, who had already sat on the throne of "Third Brother" with half of his buttocks, but unexpectedly today, a branch suddenly grew, and the cooked duck... flew away!

"It doesn't make sense... It doesn't make sense..." Dong Wushang muttered in despair, Luo Kedi and Rui Butong looked at him with sympathy.

Although they were also fighting, they knew that they were not as good as Dong Wushang, but now that Ji Mo stepped out of nowhere and overwhelmed Dong Wushang, although the two of them were also full of depression, seeing Dong Wushang like this, I can't help but feel that my mood is getting better!

Others ride horses, I ride donkeys, and there are beggars behind!

"Uh... Wushang..." Luo Kedi tried his best to make a painful expression, and patted Dong Wushang on the shoulder: "Let's look at it... Hey, things in this world are so unpredictable and unpredictable. , the predecessors once said: Seventy-eight out of ten unsatisfactory things in the world; well, this, Ji Mo is also very strong. With him as the third child, I also feel very... "

Dong Wushang panted heavily, frowned and lowered his head without speaking.

Luo Kedi was originally secretly refreshed, and seeing Dong Fufu's expression at this moment made him even happier. Originally, what he said was fine, but he added a sentence recklessly: "Although Ji Mo this time You just broke through the seventh rank, and you are about to break through the eighth rank, which is one level higher than Ji Mo, but this thing, that is to say, this thing, hey... puff... wow... ow... "

Halfway through the speech, I really couldn't help the gloating joy in my heart, I actually beat my chest and laughed loudly, the splattered saliva really sprayed Dong Wushang all over the face...

Laughing loudly twice, Luo Kedi suddenly remembered: Damn it! Now is not a good time to gloat, I'm afraid this bastard with an ink knife is going to make trouble for himself... He stopped laughing immediately, his little face turned pale.

"It's funny, isn't it? Very happy, isn't it? Do you feel very happy?" Dong Wushang leaned over dangerously, his originally dark complexion became like a piece of iron now, his expression was calm, and there was a dangerous look in his eyes. extremely look.

"Oh no! It's not funny! Not happy!" Rock's enemy shook his head like a wave drum, and even the flesh on his cheeks shook, and said repeatedly: "Unhappy! Really unhappy!"

"Unhappy? Then I will make you happy now!" Dong Wushang roared, and grabbed Luo Kedi by the collar. At the muzzle of the gun, it seemed like a violent beating, and he was desperately trying to get out!

One desperately pulled forward, and the other desperately struggled backward; both of them had great strength, and when they worked together, they immediately produced an unexpected effect——

"Tear it..." With a sound, a white body drew a graceful arc in the air, and landed on the same white snow. Luo Kedi roared in grief and anger: "Dong Wushang! You can kill a thousand swords! Bitch! I'm going to fight with you..."

He talked about fighting hard, but he suddenly squatted down, covering one side with his hands and blocking the other, in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Dong Wushang was also dumbfounded, holding the torn clothes in two, he suddenly laughed wildly.

It turned out that the two of them tore several layers of Luo Kedi's clothes in half from the inside to the outside! The current Luo Kedi is as pure and clean as a newborn baby!

The two people who watched the excitement around were stunned for a moment, then choked neatly, and then laughed wildly.

"Beautiful!" Rui Butong gloated, today is definitely the happiest day for Rui Butong, seeing Luo Kedi deflated first, then seeing Dong Wushang deflated, and then seeing Luo Kedi deflated again: "Wow... I saw one of Luo Kedi's whips just now, but I didn't expect to see another one now..."

"Yeah, it's just that this one is shorter..." Gu Duxing felt that he had never been so happy before, and said tremblingly: "No wonder Ji Mo kept admiring Luo Kedi's butt, it turned out to be really attractive..."

Dong Wushang also forgot to ask Luo Kedi to settle the score, and twitched while hugging a big tree: "Second Young Master Luo, you are really worthy of your surname, and you are actually "naked"..."

At this moment, Ji Mo woke up from his meditation. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a human-shaped object, with one hand covering his crotch, jumping up and down, and kept yelling: "Master...give me a piece of clothing." what… "

When this person walked up to Gu Duxing, Gu Duxing disappeared; when he ran to Rui Butong, Rui Butong disappeared, and when he rushed to Dong Wushang, Dong Wushang climbed up the tree with a whoosh.

Ever since, all I saw was this guy with his bare butt covering his vitals, jumping around in a hurry with his face flushed.

Ji Mo took a closer look, and this person turned out to be Luo Kedi! Second Young Master Luo! I couldn't help opening my eyes wide, and shouted: "I said Second Young Master Luo, what's the matter? The weather is still so hot now?"

"Oh...Ji Mo, third brother! Third brother..." Luo Kedi immediately found the savior, and called third brother sweetly all the way: "Third brother, hey third brother, give me some clothes to wear first."

Ji Mo immediately felt refreshed from Tianling Gai to the soles of his feet! The position of the third child, he finally sat firmly on his buttocks!

Without even thinking about it, he took off the cloak from his body, was about to pass it on, but stopped again, then remembered to ask: "What's going on?"

" give it to me quickly!" Luo Kedi snatched the cloak over and quickly put it on himself, covering it from top to bottom, with both hands tightly grasping the corners of the skirt, only then did he feel safe some.

Looking at the people around him, Luo Kedi shuddered, and said in an attempt to cover up: "Hey, the weather is really cold..."

He is already the sixth rank of Wu Zong, and in such an icy and snowy place, even if he stays naked for half a month, he will not feel cold, but now that he said this sentence, everyone fell to the ground neatly with laughter.

"It's very cold, the second young master Luo is so cold!" Dong Wushang laughed loudly.

"Dong Wushang!" Luo Kedi roared angrily, "You are responsible!"

"I am absolutely responsible!" Dong Wushang laughed and cupped his hands together: "Everyone, it seems that Dong Wushang's life-long matter has been resolved, and Second Young Master Luo has decided to marry me..."

"what… "

Ji Mo laughed for a while, then remembered his happy event, stopped laughing hastily, and coughed seriously: "Cough! Cough...everyone!"

Everyone stopped messing around and looked at him.

"Second brother, please be respected by third brother!" Ji Mo walked up to Gu Duxing respectfully, and bowed seriously.

Gu Duxing was stunned, and said involuntarily: "Third brother, please get up." He reached out to help, but it was empty.

"Then what! It's your turn!" After Ji Mo saluted, he couldn't wait to wait for Gu Duxing to be polite, and turned around impatiently, with a proud face of a villain, and said triumphantly: "Hurry up! Meet the third brother Ben?"

Dong Wushang's laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes seemed to spew fire.

"Dong Wushang, what's the matter? Are you not convinced?" Ji Mo asked with his nostrils upturned: "You are faster than me? Then I will call you third brother, okay?"

Dong Wushang was gasping for breath, his eyes were ferocious.

"What? You're going to betray your promise? You're going to abandon your glory? You're going to..." Ji Mo snorted twice, with a high air.

"Three..." Dong Wushang closed his eyes.

"Three what three? Three what three?" Ji Mo leaned on one ear and tapped it with his fingers...

"Third brother..." Dong Wushang was in grief and anger, as if he was forced to call his husband aggrieved after being raped.

"Hey..." Ji Mo dragged out his voice, showing off his vital capacity as if singing an opera. The sense of satisfaction in my heart was like rushing upwards, breaking through the limit and reaching a new height in a short while.

"And you two?" Ji Mo raised his nose: "It's your turn, hurry up!"

"Third... brother..." Luo Kedi and Rui Butong called out reluctantly like ducks with their noses pinched.

"Hey! Ga..." Ji Mo said with great vigor and earnestness: "You three little brothers, you have to work hard, please... If the time comes, you can't break through... Brother Ben can't help you... Note, eat Bitter bitterness is the only way to become obscene; there is a saying that... the sharp edge of a sword emerges from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Hey, Bu hiss, a sail is sweating, and Nalai, Meihua, puff must ring..."

Dong Wushang and the three of them gritted their teeth, looking at this triumphant 'third brother', all three of them had the urge to stuff the stinky socks into his mouth.

"Third brother...cough..." Dong Wushang said with a dark face, "I don't understand something during the cultivation, and I want to verify it with you, third brother..."

Ji Mo was dumbfounded for a moment, and said with tongue-tied words: "You can verify with your second brother..."

"Second brother and I have verified it." Dong Wushang opened his hands, and the air made a crackling sound: "You are the third brother, so the younger brother will naturally ask you to verify, verify; ask, ask!"

Ji Mo's eyeballs rolled wildly, and while he kept retreating, Dong Wushang had already rushed forward with a roar, and all the poisonous air he had suffered just now was reflected in this "discussion"...