Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 21: Otherwise, let me help you?


As Shi Qianshan's master, Meng Chaoran, how could he not take a look at this kind of thing? But now, he is full of disappointment.

Meng Chaoran has always had a principle to teach his apprentices: to do their own things. I can help you if you can't do it, but you can't do it. This is Meng Chaoran's principle.

Today, if Shi Qianshan has a little bit of backbone, a little bit of manly blood, and can really fight with the other party, it would be a good idea. Meng Chaoran would immediately stand up and stand up for his disciples.

Meng Chaoran could even hit the second senior brother's door directly. Your son needs to find a place for being beaten. Does it mean that my apprentice was beaten for nothing

Meng Chaoran was ready.

But seeing that Shi Qianshan was so slippery, in order to save his life, he would rather be beaten than rise up and resist! So bloodless, even if he is deeply scheming, so what? If one day a strong enemy strikes, wouldn't he bend his knees and surrender to the enemy

There is a limit to bearing the burden of humiliation!

I can stand up for you, but you must have the value to let me stand up for you. I can protect you for a while, but I can't protect you forever. Everything, you still need to go out and take care of yourself! This is the method and philosophy of Meng Chaoran teaching his apprentices. Although he is ruthless, it is suitable for this... arena!

Bloody, courage! Although these two qualities are often said to be the way to death for young people who are young, it is undeniable that without these two qualities, it is impossible to become a strong man after living for ten thousand years!

Although blood and courage are lacking, they are indispensable conditions for becoming a generation of powerhouses!

For Shi Qianshan, a disciple, Meng Chaoran suddenly felt extremely disappointed. Simply don't ask...

In the purple bamboo forest, on the opposite side to Meng Chaoran, there were also two people watching the farce with gloomy expressions. These two people turned out to be... Wu Yunliang, the lord of Tianwailou, and Kong Jingfeng, the lord of Mengyun Peak? ! How are they here? And watching a gang of juniors fight with relish

If Chu Yang knew that these two were here, he would be very surprised!

Seeing Shi Qianshan lying on the ground like mud, covered in blood and unconscious, Qu Ping and Liu Yunyan suddenly felt very boring. I thought that Shi Qianshan was so arrogant that he dared to fight Li Jianyin, it must have been a fierce battle.

Unexpectedly, everyone came here with great fanfare, but they met such a coward, and they beat them up without fighting back!

Worried that it would be difficult to explain if he was beaten to death, he prepared to leave.

Turning around, when he was about to go back, a voice suddenly said slowly: "Hey, what, I said you just left?"

Liu Yunyan and the others paused.

I only heard the man say again: "Ahem, eight of you brothers, one against Shi Qianshan, but you have suffered such a big loss... It's not appropriate to leave like this?"

Liu Yunyan suddenly turned around, stared at the speaker with cold eyes, and said gloomyly: "Do you... have an opinion?"

The other seven people also turned around, looking at this young man who appeared suddenly, all of them were a little astonished. He didn't make a sound when he flattened Shi Qianshan madly in front of him just now, why did he come out now that the matter was over

Do you also want to be beaten

Chu Yang smiled softly, and said: "Senior Brother Qu came to my Purple Bamboo Garden, but suffered such a big loss, I feel very sorry..."

On his usually indifferent face, suddenly there was such a friendly smile like spring breeze turning into rain, which made him look like jade. Tan Tan on one side opened his mouth wide, looking at Chu Yang's smiling face, as if he had seen a ghost.

God, my brother has been with me for more than ten years, and I saw Chu Yang smile today... This life is not in vain... Tan Tan's heart is full of emotions, and at this moment, I have an urge to compose a poem...

But Liu Yunyan and the others held their breath for a while.

Just now, these eight people beat Shi Qianshan severely, until he was half dead, but they were all clamoring that they had suffered a disadvantage, it seemed that Shi Qianshan beat them all by himself. Now that Chu Yang, as a member of Zizhuyuan, is talking nonsense with his eyes open, turning black and white, and following their words, it makes them feel extremely depressed!

When Chu Yang stood up, he was naturally not standing up for Shi Qianshan. If this incident happened in other places, he would just stand on the sidelines and leave with a pat on the butt. However, what happened in Zizhu Garden, Chu Yang couldn't let them go!

This is the master's place, Meng Chaoran's face!

The disciples of Juyunfeng beat Meng Chaoran's eldest disciple in the Purple Bamboo Garden, and then left as if nothing had happened... If this incident gets out, one can imagine the blow to Meng Chaoran's reputation.

Of course, Meng Chaoran never cared about these things, but Chu Yang couldn't help it!

In the previous and present lives, Meng Chaoran was always the person Chu Yang respected the most.

Since Shi Qianshan had already been severely beaten according to his plan, it was time for him to fight back! These people came to Zizhuyuan to beat people, and they must pay the price!

From Chu Yang's point of view, this is completely different from their hitting Shi Qianshan.

I don't know if I'm killing a donkey like this? Chu Yang asked himself this way in his heart, feeling that he was a bit out of place, so he couldn't help touching his nose...

Alas, it's not authentic... it's not authentic, it's just a bunch of donkeys to kill donkeys...

Besides, I can use Shi Qianshan to ward off disasters, but the current situation is that I must get the tip of the Nine Tribulations Sword in the shortest possible time! Then you must step on these people to the top!

Since you have to step on it sooner or later, what's the problem if you step on it a moment earlier

"What do you mean?" Liu Yunyan waved his hand to stop the movements of his juniors and looked at Chu Yang with disdain. The kid in front of him is only at the second or third level of martial arts at most, which is not enough! What kind of tricks can such a person play? Don't worry about it at all.

"What I mean is, this is Purple Bamboo Garden! It's not... Suoyun Peak!" Chu Yang smiled warmly, but his eyes shone like a blade.

"It's Purple Bamboo Garden... so what?" Liu Yunyan snorted.

"You are from Suoyunfeng. Although you all belong to the same sect, Suoyunfeng is Suoyunfeng, Zizhuyuan is Zizhuyuan!" Chu Yang said indifferently: "When you come to Zizhuyuan to make such a disturbance, the elders of the master sect can Has anyone ever allowed it?"

"What do you mean by causing trouble?" Qu Ping stared, and said, "We are just here to compete with Junior Brother Shi Qianshan. Isn't it normal for fellow disciples to compete with each other?"

"Yes, it's a discussion! It's just a discussion." The rest of the people shouted, the word 'provoking' must not be put on their heads.

"Discussion... The law of Tianwailou stipulates that the elders of the same sect must be present in the same sect. Since it is a sparring, where are the elders of the sect?" Chu Yang sneered: "The Tianwailou stipulates that disciples of the same sect must compete. In order to motivate disciples to work hard, they must There is an elder holding a ranking list and changing the ranking on the spot; where is the ranking list? Tianwailou stipulates that if the same clan and different sects compete, there must be a contract, where is the contract?"

"You..." Qu Ping was speechless.

They came this time because they knew that Meng Chaoran was in the Purple Bamboo Garden. At that time, all you need to do is report to Meng Chaoran and ask for a discussion, and it will be considered as having an elder present. Everything will be a matter of course.

Moreover, it can also earn Suo Yunfeng a generous reputation: Look, although we are competing in name, we are actually venting our anger for the younger brother, but the location is chosen in the Purple Bamboo Garden, and the only elder who is watching, It was Uncle Meng. Everything is going on under the eyes of his old man... open and aboveboard!

And Li Jianyin went back after suffering such a big loss, if Suo Yunfeng didn't respond, it would be abnormal.

But when they came here, they found that only Chu Yang and the other three were present. In a few or two sentences, he said that he froze and moved his hands. Now that the fight is over, the other party stands up and demands that everything be done according to the rules...

Now, without the presence of the elders, this matter cannot be justified anyway.

"Nonsense! What happened today was that Shi Qianshan took the initiative to provoke me and beat me, Senior Brother Qu. Senior Brother Qu fought back in self-defense, and that's why..." One of the teenagers rolled his eyes and shouted arrogantly.

Chu Yang looked at him coldly, and said, "In that case, is Senior Brother Qu injured? Is the injury serious?"

"Of course!" The young man blushed, but he said forcefully, "Look, Senior Brother Qu has a wound on his waist and a wound on his chest. His whole body is covered in cuts and bruises..."

"Oh? So... isn't today a competition?" Chu Yang tilted his head amusedly: "You're so blushing. What did you do wrong?"

"Naturally... naturally it's not a sparring..." Qu Ping bit the bullet and said stammeringly.

The group of them clamored in unison just now that this was a sparring session, but under Chu Yang's knife-like words, they immediately regretted it and turned it into not a sparring session...

"So, that's what you said when you went back?" Chu Yang asked with a smile.

"That's natural, tell the truth! The teacher's kindness to us is as great as a mountain, how can we lie." Tian Poor saw that when Qu Ping said this, his face finally couldn't help but blush.

"But this is not very suitable. Look, you have suffered such a big loss, but you don't have any injuries on your body. Isn't it justified?" Chu Yang said sincerely, "Senior Brother Qu, how about I help you?"

"Help me?" Qu Ping's pupils shrank, "How can you help me?"

"I can help you with a few wounds on your body." Chu Yang smiled sincerely: "Senior Brother Qu, I am thinking of you. When you go back and tell the elders that you have no injuries, they will definitely believe what you said. It's a lie. If so, you must be punished, why not let me cut a few swords, lightly punch a few times, and gently kick a few times... What do you think?"

"Hahaha..." Qu Ping laughed loudly, squinting at Chu Yang with disdain: "You are Chu Yang, right? When we arrived, Junior Brother Li had repeatedly told us that we can deal with Shi Qianshan, but we must Chu Yang left it to himself. Hehe, that's why I let you go... Now, you actually want to help me? Hehe, with your little effort, how can you help me?"

"Whether you can help me or not, you have to try it." Chu Yang said kindly, "Maybe Brother Qu, you suddenly have a psychosis, and you stand still and let me beat you... Isn't that easy?"

Qu Ping laughed gloomyly, and said slowly: "My Tianwailou, the 796 male and female disciples in the Eight Peaks First Garden, are ranked every year. Although I am not talented, Qu Ping is also ranked in the ranked nineteenth. And you, Chu Yang, may I ask where you are ranked?"