Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 211: The brothers finally take shape


The pupils of the man in Tsing Yi on the opposite side shrank, and there was a hint of envy in the depths of his eyes. For him, the strength of these young men is worse than that of ants! But the kind of friendship between them that is proud and satisfied for each other is enviable and enviable!

The people in Tsing Yi clearly had a feeling: before he arrived, these six teenagers were not a whole! Even, among them, there are some alienation. However, when I came in front of them and put some tentative pressure on them, they completely integrated into a whole in an extremely fast time!

Now, to deal with any of them, they will face a seamless combination of six people!

For such six people, unless they are all killed, but even if they die, these six people will die at the same time. There will be no precedence!

The man in Tsing Yi sighed, feeling a little emotional for a moment. He clearly knew what kind of mysterious thing happened at this moment just now!

These six people, before they came here, were clearly still at an important stage of getting in touch. Their tempers and personalities had just begun to blend together, and there was still a long way to go before they could become real partners and brothers!

And this distance is their difference. If their enemies take advantage of this distance, they can successfully divide them and defeat them!

However, it was such a coincidence. I happened to appear at this moment, and my supreme divine skill, at this moment, whether intentionally or not, naturally produced a fatal oppression on them!

When the man in Tsing Yi heard Chu Yang's words from a distance, he developed a kind of appreciation for the person who said such words, so he became interested, so he came to show himself.

And after seeing it, with his excellent eyesight, he can naturally see that no matter which one of the six teenagers in front of him has a good foundation! So, subconsciously, he wanted to try the strength of these little guys.

This is purely a subconscious reaction of a master when he sees the same kind.

His primordial skills have reached the point where the movement of the mind produces force, and the movement of the mind produces aura! At the moment when the mind moves, a huge aura is generated! Facing the six teenagers on the opposite side, they formed a super powerful oppression!

But under their own oppression, in the face of the biggest crisis they have faced in their lives, it is equivalent to completing the running-in between them in one step!

On the contrary, I made an extremely important promotion!

And the most critical person is the middle one among the three teenagers who stood up at the first time! This one, also looks the youngest. But the role he played in this is irreplaceable by anyone!

In fact, even Chu Yang himself didn't know the cause and effect of this wonderful thing. As for Gu Duxing and the others, they were even more confused.

But it was the well-informed man in Tsing Yi who saw the biggest mystery in it.

The six people seem to have responded almost in no particular order, but there is still a gap!

Gu Duxing, Chu Yang, and Dong Wushang felt tremendous pressure at the same time and spoke at the same time; then the first to move, the first to take a step forward was Chu Yang!

As soon as Chu Yang's foot moved, the moment he lifted it, Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang raised their heels at the same time!

This subtle movement made the people in Tsing Yi see how terrifying Chu Yang was!

Because Chu Yang stepped forward without thinking, he only had one thought in his heart: I will block first!

It was only a tiny bit earlier, but it clearly expressed this idea! And in the face of such a master, the first to react like this is tantamount to disregarding life and death!

This step by Chu Yang showed determination!

If he really fights, it will create vitality for the brothers behind him because of his step! Although it was slim, it was, after all, a chance to breathe or escape!

But it was precisely because of his determination and lack of hesitation that Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang had a clear feeling, so at this moment, the two would never allow their boss to face the enemy alone! So the two followed without hesitation!

At the moment when they lifted their feet, Chu Yang also clearly felt the existence of his brothers and their movements, so he subconsciously slowed down his feet and waited!

And this time, the feet of the three of them landed on the ground at the same time! At that moment, these three people are an absolutely inseparable whole! The fusion of six people is half done!

However, the reason why the three of them took this step was firstly to prevent their brother from facing a powerful enemy alone, and secondly, it meant to live and die together; although the time was short, they had no time to think so, but they subconsciously The action, but it is doing so!

So the aura of the three of them immediately gave a clear hint to the remaining three: Let's block! you go!

The same decision of the three people resonated! Luo Kedi, Ji Mo and Rui Butong were also at the age when their blood was boiling. When they received such information, they almost didn't think about it at all, and followed up!

Live together, be brothers!

Die, be together, be brothers!

If you can do all this for me, I can sacrifice my life for you!

So the three of them followed closely. The moment the six people stood side by side, an emotion called "brother" began to form naturally!

From a plate of loose sand to an impenetrable fortress!

And all of this, although it is wordy to explain, is all done subconsciously! They didn't even have time to think about it!

It is because there is no time to think about it, so it is the most real, so this group is formed!

If any one of them realized this at the time, once he was distracted, he would be completely rejected by the other five people, and he would never enter this group again for the rest of his life. Chance! But they didn't think about it, they just did it subconsciously!

Therefore, this brotherhood will finally take shape from now on!

The interaction between people is very strange. Between men, sometimes a look can make a lifelong and eternal enemy! Sometimes one action can build a lifetime of brotherhood in an instant!

Some love and hatred are mysterious and unexplainable.

The people in Tsing Yi sighed infinitely, never in their dreams would they have imagined that their unconscious temptation would lead to such a strange combination!

But he himself didn't think about his identity. With his cultivation, not to mention the next three days, even the middle three days, he is also a rare master. He just appeared out of nowhere and started to release the pressure without saying a word...

It would be really strange if Chu Yang and the others didn't respond!

But now the focus of the people in Tsing Yi shifted to Chu Yang because of this. Because he felt that Chu Yang seemed to be the core figure in this six-member team!

When his indifferent eyes came into contact with Chu Yang's suddenly, Chu Yang felt a sudden top-heavy feeling in his whole body. It seems that the other party's eyes contain an endless universe, and he has been sucked in, tumbling and wandering in it completely weightless...

Chu Yang knew clearly in his heart that this was the reason why his spirit was completely intimidated by the other party. As long as he moved his eyes or closed them, everything would return to normal!

But when he wanted to do this, he found that there seemed to be a strong adhesive force in the eyes of the other party, 'sticking' to his own eyes, and he couldn't move them away or close them!

I can only let my eyes be attracted by the other party, and then drift powerlessly in the vast spiritual power of the other party...

Chu Yang only felt that he would fall down anytime and anywhere, but in his consciousness, he had already rolled countless somersaults in the opponent's mental power...

But at this moment, the man in Tsing Yi suddenly let out a "huh", and the next moment, Chu Yang immediately felt that his mind suddenly returned to his body, and his eyes finally broke away from the other party's spiritual power come out.

At this moment, Gu Duxing, Dong Wushang, Luo Kedi, Ji Mo, and Rui Butong roared at the same time, and all five people attacked the man in Tsing Yi at the same time! Never back!

They all realized Chu Yang's crisis!

In the face of such a powerful enemy, taking the initiative to attack is tantamount to seeking death; but the five people did not hesitate to move at the same time!

"Stop!" Chu Yang yelled as soon as he regained his sanity!

But it was too late, Gu Duxing and others knew that the opponent was powerful, so they used all their strength in this blow! They are all fit to attack, and they are indomitable. At this moment, they are too late to stop!

The man in Tsing Yi still kept his gaze fixed on Chu Yang's face, but he lost that palpitating attraction. He waved his left hand casually and said, "Go!"

Suddenly, there was a sudden heavy snow!

The blizzard in the sky, the snow on the ground, and the snow in the forest flew up at the same time, and several big trees were uprooted, and suddenly formed a snow wall that seemed to be solidified, covering Gu Duxing and the five people who were far away. Throw it away.

"Senior, show mercy!" Chu Yang roared, then stomped his foot suddenly, and stretched out his sleeve with his right hand! Silently, invisible, and invisible, the tip of the Nine Tribulations Sword had already appeared on his finger!

"Don't worry, they won't die." The man in Tsing Yi's voice was a little excited, as if he was holding back forcefully, and said lightly: "It's just that the naked one will suffer a little bit..."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yang stared closely at the man in Tsing Yi. At this moment, he suddenly stopped avoiding him. If the other party said that Gu Duxing and the others were dead, Chu Yang would immediately run away with all his strength, even if the secret of the Nine Tribulations Sword was revealed, he would do so with all his strength!

It's not fear, but to avenge my brother, I must live first!

The enemy does not die, I do not die!

Then he fled to the mountains and forests, and when his martial arts were perfect, the family of the man in Tsing Yi would suffer his unending revenge!

But at this moment when he heard that Gu Duxing and the others were fine, Chu Yang was finally relieved, and immediately took back the Nine Tribulations Sword.

The man in Tsing Yi floated, took a few steps forward, carefully looked at Chu Yang's face, and asked, "What's your last name?"

"Chu!" Chu Yang replied casually, but his ears were pricked up, listening to the movement of Gu Duxing and the others, until now, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded, but it was already far away...

Immediately, there was a cry of pain in the wind and snow, followed by an angry curse: "Damn it, I lost my clothes again... ouch... my ass..." It was Luo Kedi's voice.

Chu Yang finally felt relieved. Rock's enemy skill is considered weak, he is fine, and of course the others are fine.

"Your surname is Chu?" The man in Tsing Yi suddenly flushed with excitement, "What's your name?"

Chu Yang was relieved, and then he began to deal with the weird man in front of him with all his strength, rolled his eyes and said, "What are you doing?"