Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 217: The nightmare begins!


But now, Mo Qingwu's small body is curled up in the corner of her room, her face is full of tears, her mouth is flattened, she wants to cry but dare not, she just keeps calling in her heart: Brother Chu Yang , I'm so pitiful, they all bully me... Come quickly... Woo...

In the past few days, Mo Qingwu has sensitively felt that even the attitude of the maid beside her is obviously different from before...

Every time my mother sees herself these days, she always hugs and cries, and sheds tears once. Full of grief and helplessness...

Mo Qingwu faintly felt that something bad was about to happen to her...

This is an ominous premonition!

But she couldn't do anything, she stared blankly at these changes with wide terrified eyes, as if the only thing that could give her a sense of security was the knife in her hand... the knife given by brother Chu Yang!

The family meeting of the Mo family has finally begun!

When Mo Tianji walked into this hall, his heart sank suddenly!

In the hall, cigarettes were lingering, and the ancestral memorial tablet was invited out, and it was placed squarely on the incense table at the top; on the seat directly opposite, his father Mo Xingchen was sitting upright with a serious face.

On both sides, there are four chairs on each side, on which sits a hale and hearty figure, some with gray temples, some with white hair, and some with black hair and childlike face; but Mo Tianji knows that these people's They are all about the same age, and there is nothing that can be seen from the outside.

Because, this is the eight elders of the Mo family!

The two middle-aged people who are closest to the father's seat are actually the two ancestors with the highest cultivation and the most prestige in the family.

The eldest brother, Mo Tianyun, was dressed in white clothes like snow, and was sitting on the front left. Opposite him, there was an empty seat, undoubtedly his own.

Under the two of them, there were seven or eight chairs, on which were the members of the main family of the Mo family and important masters.

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere was oppressive.

Mo Tianji's heart sank to the bottom: Even the ancestral tablet was invited out! Obviously, today is a big decision to make! And this decision is probably definitely related to Mo Qingwu!

The little girl hasn't come yet.

With a gloomy face, Mo Tianji walked in slowly. He straightened his back and fixed his eyes on his father's face. sister's warmth.

Mo Tianji was finally disappointed. There was no expression on Mo Xingchen's face, only a gloomy gloomy flashed across his eyes just when he met his son.

Mo Tianji sensitively caught this trace of sadness. He stopped immediately and stopped in front of his seat. Turning around slowly, he faced Mo Tianyun, the closest person he had with his younger sister, whose blood was thicker than water!

In Mo Tianyun's eyes, there was a gleam of joy; in Mo Tianji's eyes, a gleam of coldness. You are neither benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Mo Tianji didn't say anything, and slowly sat down on his own seat.

The hall was full of people, only Mo Tianji and Mo Tianyun were dressed in Shengxue's white clothes. The two sat opposite each other, calm on the surface, but at the moment Mo Tianji sat down, everyone in the hall clearly felt an aura of rivalry. Agitation between the two brothers.

"Everyone is called here today because there is an important family event to be announced." Mo Xingchen's three-strand long beard moved without wind, his lips trembled a little, and then he shouted softly: "Bring Mo Qingwu up!"

Mo Tianji's pupils shrank sharply.

At the door, led by two servants, Mo Qingwu walked in fearfully and timidly, with a pale face.

In her arms, she held a tattered knife. She hugged her so hard, it seemed that this knife was her only comfort.

She just stood alone in the middle, looking at her father pitifully, and then timidly left and right, and finally, a strong look for help fell on the second brother's face, and her small lips trembled like trembling in the wind grass.

Mo Tianji felt a sharp pain in his heart, and couldn't bear to see the little girl's pitiful appearance, so he lowered his eyes sadly.

There were tears in Mo Qingwu's eyes, she stared at Mo Tianji for a while, and finally lowered her head. When Mo Tianji was about to say something, he realized that the little girl had lowered her head, her soft hair covering her face. looking so helpless...

Mo Tianji didn't know that he lowered his head today because he couldn't bear to see his little sister look pitiful, not because he didn't want to help her. But he ignored that Mo Qingwu was at her most vulnerable now, and she already knew the fate she was about to face.

This lowering of Mo Tianji's head is tantamount to completely ruining the last hope in Mo Qingwu's heart! This made Mo Qingwu stubbornly believe that for a long period of time in the future, no one in the entire Mo family, except her mother, treats her well!

Even the second brother who is usually closest to me doesn't help me anymore...

This incident left a serious shadow in Mo Qingwu's heart!

If Mo Tianji knew that Mo Qingwu would have such a misunderstanding, he would probably hold his sister in his arms even if he died now. But he doesn't know!

Mo Qingwu's head hung down, she just stared at the knife in her arms; it seemed that the warmth of Chu Yang vaguely existed on the knife.

She couldn't even hear what everyone else was saying.

Mo Xingchen sighed, and said: "The Mo family's trial, Mo Qingwu's child's heart, insisted on following... but this caused a catastrophe!"

Everyone in the hall watched their hearts, listened quietly without saying a word.

"The Black Demon family designed an ambush, causing Mo Qingwu to be seriously injured, and the Black Demon Sword King hit the palace with a sword, which caused a serious consequence!" Mo Xingchen let out a dull breath, and said, "Mo Qingwu's three yin veins... were completely destroyed. Already!"

Undoubtedly, this is the result of the unified inspection by the elders of the Mo family.

Suddenly someone whispered in the court. Many people already know about this matter, but some people still don't.

"In the middle three days, the weak and the strong prey on the strong; only with strong force can we survive! My Mo family has built a family with martial arts, and I also value this very much. The competition among young disciples in the family is almost cruel. But only Such cruel competition can guarantee the long-term succession of my Mo family!"

Mo Xingchen's voice was very heavy: "So, for some talented children, whether they are male or female, our family will spare no effort in nurturing them! We will spare no effort to improve their strength at all costs!"

"Mo Qingwu has three yin veins, and is valued by the whole family! All training materials are given priority; no matter food, clothing, housing, or transportation, they are superior to their peers! For this reason, the family has devoted seven years!" Mo Xingchen's voice A little hoarse, he said: "However... now Mo Qingwu's three yin veins have been abolished... so, the family decided to cancel Mo Qingwu's... former status!"

"We will avenge the Black Demon family's revenge! However, the three yin veins are destroyed, and the lifetime achievements will stop at Wu Zun! It is a waste to pile up a lot of resources..."

Mo Xingchen closed his eyes, looked at his daughter, and a trace of unbearableness flashed in his eyes: "After the joint study and decision of the family and the elders..."

"Slow!" Mo Tianji raised his hand calmly, interrupting him: "Father, I have something to say!"

"What do you want to interrupt father's announcement?" Mo Tianyun sat across from him, and said slowly, "Second brother, I beg you for my brother, in front of the ancestral memorial tablet in such a large audience... I hope that you will be in front of the ancestral tablet..." Before you speak, think about saving some face for our father!"

"Mo Tianyun, you are so poisonous!" Mo Tianji completely gave up on this elder brother at this moment! Mo Tianyun's words were neither too fast nor too slow, but they pushed himself into the most embarrassing position. Moreover, with this sentence in front, under the preconceived notion, no matter what I say, it will be greatly discounted!

"What? Say it." Mo Xingchen's face darkened.

"Little sister's injury is not hopeless!" Mo Tianji said, "In the next three days, I met a stranger who once said that if you give him a year, he will be able to prepare all the medicines for my little sister. Continuing the three yin veins! I can swear with my life that it is not false!"

"An alien in the next three days?" Mo Xingchen's voice was a little weird. In the hall, many people had mocking smiles on their faces.

"Did you know that the two elders and I went to visit for three days?" Mo Xingchen was a little sullen, and was very dissatisfied with his youngest son's nonsense: "We found Senior Medicine God, Senior Medicine God heard that Sanyin The pulse was abolished, but all the gifts we gave were returned!"

Medicine God!

The number one genius doctor in the three days of Jiuchongtian; his medical skills are superb; but there is a strange rule: within a day, he only sees one person's illness! But even so, Medicine God Valley is still full of people!

Everyone was shocked! Everyone was even a little surprised: the Patriarch actually found the God of Medicine for his daughter's injury! How much will this cost

Everyone knows what it means for the God of Medicine to return the gift. That's because the God of Medicine is powerless to deal with Mo Qingwu's injury! Even the god of medicine can't do it... Can you find a "foreigner" who can cure you in the next three days

You're just talking nonsense, but you actually put your own life on the line! This was what dissatisfied Mo Xingchen the most.

"I also know this, it's hard to be trusted; but... father, please believe me once!" Mo Tianji straightened his body and said decisively.

Mo Xingchen fell silent.

"Heh... Second brother, my little sister was injured, each of us is very anxious; everyone's mood is very painful. Do you think you are the only one who is sad?" Mo Tianyun sighed: "But, the truth It's the truth! The God of Medicine and other old people can't do anything about it... But you say that a grass-headed doctor can do it for three days? Second brother, this is a family meeting! You... don't make trouble for no reason!"

A flush suddenly rose on Mo Tianji's handsome face! At this moment, the last bit of brotherhood in his heart disappeared! He wished he could strangle Mo Tianyun to death immediately!

It's so insidious!

To my own brothers and sisters... to act like this!

"Okay, you don't need to say anything." Mo Xingchen snorted. Mo Tianji still wanted to speak, but the old man in black robe on the top slowly raised his eyelids and looked at Mo Tianji: "Tianji, one more word, there will be no place for you here!"

Mo Tianji suffocated suddenly, his chest almost exploded with anger!