Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 225: Watch reincarnation with one song!


"But invite her out, what do you use?" Ji Mo scratched his head and said, "Could it be money?"

"It's not wrong at all! It's just money!" Chu Yang nodded.

Ji Mo was dumbfounded for a moment, he thought it was some kind of gifted scholar and beautiful woman who recited poems and prose, and said that using money was the most impossible thing in his opinion, but how could he think that it was really the case

"It's true that this is the place where Qin Jue practiced music, but it's also a place to accumulate wealth!" Chu Yang said in a low voice, "It is said that when Qin Jue first appeared here, the fee to play a song was 10,000 taels of silver! "

"Ten thousand taels?" Luo Kedi's eyes widened: "I'm so sure! Can I be directly promoted to Martial Emperor after listening to this piano sound?"

"Is 10,000 taels still expensive?" Chu Yang glanced at him: "Since then, no one will make a move if it is less than 10,000 taels! But the rich and powerful in Iron Cloud City just enjoy it and even compete with each other... Qin Jue's income is getting higher and higher... What's more, this Jue Se Building is more than just a Qin Jue?"

"After Qin Jue finishes playing the piano, the person with the highest bid can listen to her song alone! This song is called 'Independence'; it is a status symbol. As for the rest, there are too many girls You can choose; although you are a performer but not yourself... But if they are right, this can be discussed..." Chu Yang smiled.

"..." Luo Kedi's eyes widened: "This is right... you need money too?"

"Nonsense!" Chu Yang gave him an angry look.

"It's so clever..." All four gasped. Yes, you don't sell yourself as a performer, but if you are sincere, the beauty will fall in love with you and you can give it away... But how much money you need to spend as a gift... It's really hard to say.

"This zither... can you give it as a gift?" Ji Mo asked.

"This won't work!" Chu Yang shook his head: "This is absolutely impossible, don't even think about it."

"Boss, it seems that you are a veteran of Fengyue." Rui Butong said in admiration.

Chu Yang smiled wryly; he didn't expect that he would become a veteran of Fengyue... Since he had the idea of this stunning building, how could he not inquire about all the rules clearly

While the five people were whispering, someone had already raised a sign.

"Ten thousand taels! Well, Boss Qian offered ten thousand taels."

"Fifteen thousand taels, Mr. Wang has already bid fifteen thousand taels!"


"It's really rich!" Ji Mo stuck out his tongue. Although he is a descendant of a super family and has a deeper background than these people, if he spends 10,000 taels of silver to buy only one song; skinned...

"Young Master Lian has already paid 30,000 taels! Is there any higher bid?" The stage shouted.

Chu Yang blinked his eyes and said, "Look at how grand your brother is!" He suddenly raised the sign and shouted, "One hundred thousand taels!"

A young man sitting in front of the stage was shaking his head and chuckling, talking to the people around him. The 30,000 taels was paid by him, and the price of 30,000 taels is considered very high, and he is already very sure. Unexpectedly, one hundred thousand taels suddenly popped out, and she couldn't help frowning, and turned to look at Chu Yang.

"This gentleman bid one hundred thousand taels! One hundred thousand taels! Is there a higher one?" The graceful woman on the stage was also shocked, but she reacted immediately.

Jumping directly from 30,000 taels to 100,000 taels... This is really... the first time in history!

"One hundred and fifty thousand taels!" Mr. Lian stared at Chu Yang, furious.

"Three hundred thousand taels!" Chu Yang sneered.

The whole hall was silent! Three hundred thousand taels in order to buy a song... This kind of behavior can no longer be described as a prodigal.

Young Master Lian's face darkened, and he glared at Chu Yang fiercely. He turned his head and sat down, and said to himself in a low voice, "Where did this kid come from? Who knows this kid?"

The few young men next to him shook their heads, and one of them said: "It seems that he is an upstart who has a few taels of silver and does not know his surname. Lian Shao, you pinch him is a must!"

Young Master Lian sneered and said, "No one knows?"

Shake your head together.

Young Master Lian smiled coldly.

He has been chasing this Qin Jue for half a year. In the past six months, he didn't know how much money he threw in. This year, the city was closed by heavy snow. He knew that Qin Jue was very happy with the snow, so he must be in a good mood. He wanted to come here a few days ago, but His Majesty the Emperor has passed away and the new Emperor is enthroned. It's just that rumors are tight. How dare he show off at this time? So as soon as things relaxed a bit, he immediately ran over excitedly and eagerly.

But he didn't expect that when he came here, a country bumpkin nouveau riche whom no one knew suddenly appeared and directly stole his limelight!

"In Tieyun City, there are people who dare to compete with me for jealousy! Hey, I want to see, what kind of god is this!" Mr. Lian sneered, turned his head and said: "Look at this kid. Break your leg after you're done. , carry it to me!"

A man in black behind him gave Chu Yang a cold look, with a cruel smile on his lips, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, my lord."

How could Chu Yang not know that this Qin Jue was the real person in charge of this Jue Se Building. This meeting is related to Chu Yang's future plans! Chu Yang was determined to win this meeting; he didn't care how much taels of silver he paid. It's not my own anyway; I just paid in advance. This Mr. Lian's family is so rich, Chu Yuzuo would never mind going to his house at night.

He naturally doesn't care who he offended for this...

Tie Yuncheng's surname is Lian, a wealthy son, there is only one such family: the family of Lian Chenggui, Minister of the Household Department. This boy, it seems, should be Lian Chenggui's son.

A minister of the household department... His son was able to spend 150,000 taels of silver just to listen to a piece of music, so one can imagine how wealthy the family is... But where did the money come from? The salary of the Minister of the Household Department is only a few hundred taels of silver per year...

Chu Yuzuo has not acted for a long time. In such a snowy weather, I want to have some fun for the officials and people of Tieyun City. By the way, I would like to remind everyone: "Even if the dynasty changes, Butian Pavilion is still Butian Pavilion! King Chu Yan He is still King Chu Yan!"

Moreover, Chu Yang also needs to take a big action to tell Fifth Qingrou: King Chu Yan is still in the midst of Tie Yun's great violence...

Chu Yang was very happy that Mr. Lian hit the gun at this time!

"This young man bids 300,000 taels! Who else..." the middle-aged lady on the stage shouted halfway, then stopped herself. Buy a song for 300,000 taels... Except for this dude, there is probably no one who is so stupid.

He smiled and said, "My lord, what's your surname?"

Chu Yang smiled: "My surname is Chu." As he spoke, he took out a thick stack of bank notes and patted them in his hands. On the top one, the words "ten thousand taels" were impressively written!

"My young master came here because he has a heart for Jue Se Lou; even if Miss Xiaolu doesn't play the piano, the money is still from Jue Se Lou!" Chu Yang smiled lightly, and handed over the thick stack of bank notes The girl in white beside her said, "Don't count, these 300,000 taels are a lot, please come out, Miss Xiaolu."

The hand of the girl in white to receive the bank note trembled. It was the first time in my life that I received such a large amount of bank notes, and I was inevitably a little excited. Take it and send it in.

That Young Master Lian looked at him coldly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "It's really a rich man. My favorite... is the rich man."

The young men around him felt a little regretful: How could such a good fat sheep have offended Lian Fanlei? Why can't he mess with himself? If that's the case... wouldn't the silver be all his own

He took out hundreds of thousands of taels of silver bills at random, how fat this fat sheep must be... What a pity!

After a long while, suddenly there was a puff on the side of the table in the hall, and a faint white smoke rose from six corners at the same time, and the smoke suddenly rose and enveloped the table.

Then, a thin veil slowly descended from above, gently covering the platform.

Huanpei Dingdong, a tall, slim and graceful figure, appeared ethereal and unreal in the center of the platform, and sat down. In the haze, it seemed that this Qin Jue looked up at Chu Yang.

The veil is lightly closed, and under the smog, it is impossible to see the face clearly, only a pair of eyes are cold and clear, like a cold pool of autumn water, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

Immediately, a faint sandalwood fragrance slowly diffused out...

There was silence in the hall; everyone's eyes were quietly watching the seemingly illusory figure; in front of the piano stage, an infinitely beautiful figure was sitting upright...

With a sound of "Ding...", the strings of the piano were plucked slowly, and a distant sound of the piano sounded quietly.

This sound of the zither sounded as if it came from outside the sky, subtle, but holy and noble; it seemed that it was just such a light slap of the zither sound, the troubles in the heart, the vicissitudes of the world, and the things in the world, all became fleeting clouds, and everything became ethereal .

The sound of the piano resounded thinly, and slowly diffused, like light smoke, slowly drifting out, but gradually filled the entire hall.

Chu Yang closed his eyes slightly, and his mind was involuntarily immersed in the beautiful music of the piano. Before coming here, Chu Yang never thought that a piece of music would have such a great magic power, but now he believed it.

It was just a prelude, and it seemed to have infinite magic power, which made his heart flutter.

Gently, a voice came from the stage, vague and uncertain, and said lightly: "This song is called "Reincarnation"!"

The faint sound of the piano suddenly disappeared, but it still seemed to be revolving in the dark. In an instant, the sound of the piano sounded more subtly, and slowly spread again... This time, it was a completely different feeling from the previous one!

Chu Yang seemed to see himself emerging from nothing, appearing in this world, holding himself in a gentle hand; and the next moment, he was in the ice and snow again... The scenes of the previous life, just like this from the bottom of his heart. flashed...

A boundless wave of thoughts swept over Chu Yang's body and mind in an instant.

reincarnation! This piece of music seemed to bring Chu Yang back again...