Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 231: King Chu Yan strikes again!


Watching Chu Yang go out, Jun Lulu sighed softly from upstairs, and said: "This Lian Fanlei is really unlucky. At such a critical moment, he provokes King Chu Yan. Isn't he courting death? Originally, King Chu Yan People are almost killed. During this period of time, the new emperor ascended the throne, and the silence for a while is considered to be a face for the new emperor. Now the critical moment has passed, and he is looking for someone to stand up, but he can't find it, or he is not sure who he is looking for. Fortunately, I sent my head directly to the butcher's knife of King Chu Yan."

"That's right. Since King Chu Yan is going to Dazhao Zhongzhou, then in order to confuse Wu Wuqingrou, he must first create a huge disturbance in Tieyun City, making Wu Wuqingrou think that he is still in Tieyun. Zhao's actions will be safer! It's just a Lian family, and it can't reach such a weight, there must be others."

The other voice was elegant and low-pitched.

"Well, yes." Jun Lulu turned around, walked back into the room, and said, "Young Master Wei, in your opinion, this King of Chu Yan... how about it?"

"It can be regarded as the No. 1 person." The voice of Mr. Wei who never showed up was low: "However, this person is very dangerous!"

"Very dangerous?" Jun Lulu frowned.

"There is a dangerous aura about him." Mr. Wei said lightly, "However, his current strength is low, and he can't threaten us yet."

"About going to Dazhao Zhongzhou?" Jun Lulu asked.

"Just prepare three people for him." Mr. Wei said casually: "Three young musicians, two men and one woman, one of them is surnamed Chu, that's fine. That's all. It's something."

"it is good!"

"However, our Jue Se Building can't be used by him for nothing! When he comes back, he must pay something." Mr. Wei whispered: "I heard that he has a few magical weapons, ah, you might as well take one Come and play."

"Shenbing..." Jun Lulu showed a look of astonishment, and suddenly smiled coquettishly: "Brother Wei... Do you think..." I was just doing someone a favor by the way, a magic soldier who wanted his life to be precious? Mr. Wei's words are very strange.

"Cough... I'm going to practice." Mr. Wei fell silent.

A resentment appeared on Jun Lulu's face, and he murmured: "It's like this every time, when it reaches a certain point, he runs away..."

Mr. Lian Chenggui, as the Minister of the Household Department, was very busy during this time; he finally finished his official duties, straightened his waist, and hurriedly came out and drove home in a sedan chair.

Frowning along the way, full of thoughts.

The deficit of this household department is a big hole. Although I have done it seamlessly over the years, but the new emperor has just ascended the throne, I have to cheer up. If I am caught, the whole family will be ruined.

Fortunately, the emperor still has a lot of trust in him until now. Well, in the next period of time, he has to make a fuss about the accounts and make up for some omissions. Make some achievements...

When he got home, before he could sit still, his son Lian Fanlei hurried in, choking himself to death with a single sentence: "Father, I want to use some hidden guards!"

"What do you want to do?" Lian Chenggui staggered, the secret guard, did that move casually? That's protecting the state coffers!

"There is a boy who doesn't have eyes, I have to abolish him!" Lian Fanlei gritted his teeth.

"Someone offended you?" Lian Chenggui was so angry that his lungs exploded, but he still held back his anger and asked in detail. You have to know first, no matter who offends whom, who is this person

"It's in Jue Se Lou! A man surnamed Chu..." Lian Fanlei jumped up and down angrily, and quickly explained the matter.

Lian Chenggui almost fainted from anger! He knew that his son was an idiot, but he didn't expect that the idiot had reached such a level! It's nothing more than being jealous with others in the brothel, but they actually have to send out secret guards for this matter!

Lao Tzu is now in danger day by day, almost out of breath with fright, for fear that there will be a loophole there and someone will catch him, and he will become the target of the new emperor's prestige. Even if he didn't dare to say a word, his son actually provoked one and the other outside, and forced himself to dispatch secret guards to help him fight for the wind...

"Slap!" With a loud slap on the face, Lian Chenggui roared furiously: "Bastard, who told you to go to Jue Se Lou? Can't you be more peaceful? Huh?"

"Father!" Lian Fanlei was stunned, covering his burning face. I never dreamed that my father would beat me, and it was so hard! This kind of thing has happened before, and my father never reacted like this!

The sound of horseshoes rolled, and there was a high-pitched roar: "Butian Pavilion is doing business! Idlers avoid it!"

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, it seemed to be coming towards me

Lian Chenggui's face turned pale, he didn't care to teach his son a lesson, and rushed out of the gate in two steps, and was immediately dumbfounded!

On the street in front of the gate, dozens of tall horses were covered in pitch black, carrying dozens of expressionless black-clothed men slowly coming, and the one at the front was the master of Chengzi Angcheng of Butian Pavilion!

Lian Chenggui's mind went blank.

When he came to the gate of Lianfu, Cheng Ziang waved his hand, and all the killers in Butian Pavilion dispersed with a bang, and the entire Lianfu was surrounded by water!

Cheng Ziang got off his horse, walked over, and nodded, "Lord Lian, what a coincidence that we meet again."

Lian Chenggui felt like crying. what a coincidence You are the last thing I want to see in the entire capital! Seeing you, Cheng Ziang, is absolutely nothing good!

"Cheng...Master Cheng..." Lian Chenggui's voice trembled, he bowed, and asked tentatively: "This is..."

"Under the order of the throne, I will lead the whole family to investigate and investigate." Cheng Ziang said kindly: "It's just an investigation, and I hope Sir Lian will cooperate."

"Investigate..." Lian Chenggui felt dizzy, and Cheng Ziang said the same thing when he arrested the dozens of officials.

"What crime did I commit?" Lian Chenggui was still making the last effort: "I want to see the emperor! I want to see the emperor! I am an important minister of the court, and you, Butian Pavilion, have no right to arrest me!"

"The throne said that his target was not you, Mr. Lian; it's just that there was one thing that aroused the curiosity of the throne..." Cheng Ziang sighed.

"What's the matter? Curious?" Lian Chenggui was puzzled. What can I do to arouse Chu Yan Wang's curiosity? I... Although I am the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, I really don't think I have such a big face...

"Well, it's nothing." Cheng Ziang said peacefully: "I heard that Mr. Ling gave away 150,000 taels of silver in Jue Se Lou, and bought a beauty to listen to... Even my lord, this is the matter that made the throne curious." gone."

"Not only the throne, but I'm also curious. Your lord is really rich, tsk, one hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver, just to listen to a song... As far as I know, even your lord's monthly salary is eighty taels of silver! Annual salary, one thousand taels, right?" Cheng Ziang said, "Your Excellency, let your son listen to a piece of music, but you have to fight for it for two hundred years..."

"This is slander!" Lian Chenggui's body was cold and his eyes were blurred, but he tried his best to deny: "How could such a thing happen!"

"Master Lian, did Young Master Ling tell you?" Cheng Ziang blinked mysteriously: "The person who was jealous of Young Master Ling in Jue Se Lou..." He lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "...his surname is Chu!"

"His surname is Chu..." Lian Chenggui murmured, and suddenly remembered the person his son had just said he would dispatch hidden guards to deal with: "A man surnamed Chu..."

With hope in case, Lian Chenggui said tremblingly: "Could it be... Your Majesty the Throne?"

Cheng Ziang nodded approvingly, "You are very smart".

"Oh ho... woo... oh ho..." Lian Chenggui didn't know whether he was crying or laughing, and a strange sound came out of his mouth. The next moment, Lord Lian Chenggui closed his eyes, fell on his back, and passed out undisputedly. past...

Before the coma, the only thought was: how funny! A person who couldn't hide in time, his own son actually rushed to compete with others to be jealous, and spent 150,000 taels of silver to listen to a song in front of King Chu Yan

This is too funny!

Lian Fanlei, who came out behind him, stood there in a daze, completely unable to believe what he had thought of... So... So that person is King Chu Yan!

No wonder the people he brought were so dissatisfied with him slandering King Chu Yan...

The next moment, Young Master Lian burst into tears, crying, "I... I really don't know who he is..."

"The imperial seat ordered: take away all the family members! Seal all accounts of the household department! Check the accounts carefully!" Cheng Ziang's order shocked Nine Cities! Close the account of the account department and check the account carefully? How many people must be unlucky

The space in Iron Cloud City vibrated! Last time, it was to investigate spies, but this time, it was to investigate corruption and bribery. The source of the huge property is unknown...

Be sure to believe that no matter what dynasty it is in, the number of corrupt officials is much greater than the number of spies! As for the unknown origin of the huge fortune... think for yourself.

These officials, don't those asses have shit on them

The prison of the Ministry of Punishment was requisitioned by Butian Pavilion again! Some time ago, the new emperor ascended the throne, and the world was amnesty; all the prisoners in Nine Cities were released; it was time to enrich...

The next morning, when Tie Butian went to court, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why are there so many less civil and military officials below? Originally there were hundreds of people in the court hall; now it seems that there are not even half of them.

"What's going on? Is everyone on vacation?" His Majesty Tie Butian was a little displeased.

"Help, Your Majesty!" Even if someone gave the order, it was not so orderly. Nearly half of the civil and military officials knelt down, and they couldn't afford to kneel, and they burst into tears.

This time kneeling, there were no more than thirty people standing in the courtroom except for some bigwigs... But the rest of the people, no matter whether they were high officials or small, had their backs straightened at this moment, their faces All proud!

When you wash out the yellow sand, you will see gold! Although the amount of gold is less...

"What's going on? Where are the others?" Tie Butian was also surprised.

All the ministers looked at each other, and no one dared to speak. After a long time, an official kneeling at the very front said tremblingly: "Everyone else... was taken away by King Chu Yan... Even us... too, too... Your Majesty! Woo..." The official burst into tears: " Outside the Golden Palace, people from Butian Pavilion are waiting to arrest us..."

Tie Butian was stunned and instantly petrified!