Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 232: This is a great gift!


"What happened?" Tie Butian's face sank like water.

"This..." All the kneeling ministers dared not speak, but just kowtowed vigorously: "The minister is guilty! The minister deserves death..."

"Who will tell me! What happened?" Tie Butian slowly sat up from the dragon chair, his gaze was serious.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Tie Yun's old prime minister, Huangfu Mingjing, stroked his beard. He was one of the few people standing, and said calmly, "Your Majesty, it was the imperial seat of Chu who sealed the household department and arrested Lian Cheng. Expensive, moreover, Butian Pavilion is investigating the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts..."

"In this matter, the King of Chu has issued an order from the King of Hades: investigate to the end! Whoever is found, will be arrested! Whoever is caught, will be killed!" The voice of the old prime minister's last few words was serious, obviously gloating. It made the faces of all kneeling people a little paler.

"But... the account of the Ministry of Accounts, what does it matter to them?" Tie Butian looked in shock at the dozens of people kneeling in front of him, and the more than one hundred people who had disappeared today, suddenly his mind became dizzy, The body shook twice.

Inside, there are those from the Ministry of Households, those from the Ministry of Punishments, those from the Ministry of Rites, those from the Ministry of Officials, and those from the Ministry of War...

"Over the years... It seems that everyone is not very well-off, so, cough..." Huangfu Mingjing coughed, and said slowly: "So many officials have the idea of the treasury, and the treasury... is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households, so It seems that everyone's life is suddenly easier. And, afterward, as long as the adults use tricks, ahem, cancel it... everything will be fine... "

Huangfu Mingjing seemed to be very helpless when he said it, but he said it viciously and mercilessly!

"But now, I don't know what's going on, the imperial seat of Chu knows these things..." Huangfu Mingjing said cautiously: "So... well, this, I heard that the imperial seat was furious... Butian Pavilion ransacked thirty-five households in a row last night …”

Tie Butian's face turned pale, and he said, "Could it be that the state treasury...all these people are involved?" Tie Butian's fingers trembled, pointing at the dark crowd of ministers kneeling in front of him.

All the ministers dared not speak, and knelt tremblingly, with their foreheads pressed tightly to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Tie Butian swayed his body again, and suddenly he had a splitting headache and closed his eyes.

He didn't blame Chu Yang, not at all!

But he just felt sad! Very sad!

Chaotang... Where is it? It is the dream of scholars all over the world; some local officials will never stand here in their entire lives, even for a moment!

It can be said that above the Golden Palace is the real pillar of Tie Yun Kingdom!

Here is the foundation of the entire Iron Cloud Kingdom! Here it is said to be rotten, so Tie Yunguo is rotten from the root! And these years were the most difficult time for Tie Yun! They were supposed to tide over the difficulties together, but unexpectedly, they were digging into the corner of the country more fiercely than one another!

The painstaking cultivation has actually cultivated a bunch of moths!

"You... good! Very good! Very good..." Tie Butian gritted his teeth, nodded his head, his face was ashen, and suddenly laughed out of grief and indignation: "Ha... really good! It really is my Tie Yun's Optimus Pillar ! Pillar of talent!"

Regarding the state treasury matter, he has always known that it is very serious; he has always thought about finding a reason after he ascended the throne and looking it up carefully.

No matter how serious it was, it was just a few officials. At most, if a dozen or twenty people are involved, it is already sensational!

No matter what I said, I would never have thought that there were so many people!

After removing these people, there are only thirty or forty people left in the court! Equal to empty!

But... don't go, do you still keep it? Keep the moths

"Kneel here for me!" Tie Butian kicked angrily, knocked over the golden table in front of the dragon chair, and roared: "Immediately send the throne of Chu to the palace!"

Less than half an hour later, the sound of horseshoes came to the front of the Golden Palace!

In normal times, there would have been a lot of people jumping out to criticize the impeachment, but today, no one spoke.

"Report to Your Majesty, Emperor Chu requests an audience."


In the silence, the sound of footsteps sounded slowly, slowly and rhythmically. The next moment, everyone felt their eyes dimmed, and a man in black appeared at the gate of the Golden Palace!

The black robe covered it from head to toe, and the only exposed face was a hideous golden mask!

The moment this person appeared at the entrance of the Golden Palace, it seemed that the temperature in the entire Golden Palace suddenly dropped a few degrees. Especially the ministers who have ghosts in their hearts feel the fear from the bottom of their hearts! It seems that the arrival of this person brought the breath of hell!

"Show the imperial seat for Chu!" Before Chu Yang could speak, Tie Butian spoke first. Tie Butian didn't want all the ministers to know that the current Butian Pavilion was actually not under his control; and Chu Yang was not Tie Yun's subject either.

This is too embarrassing for a king.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Chu Yang could hear Tie Butian's hint, and before sitting down, he thanked him and sat up in a stable manner: "I don't know why Your Majesty summoned you today?"

"Chu Yuzuo, you must have been very busy these two days." Tie Butian said with a smile, "I don't know what Chu Yuzuo intends to do about the state treasury?" Straight to the point.

"According to His Majesty's previous promise, Butian Pavilion can have the right to kill first and then act later." Chu Yang said indifferently: "So, after such a big case happened last night, some of the moths who have been verified have copied it in the whole family in Xishi this morning. Cut! A total of more than 300 mouthfuls!"

After saying this, the ministers kneeling on the ground trembled even more.

"Then what about the rest?" Tie Butian let out a long breath.

"This... requires His Majesty's sanction." Chu Yang said casually: "However, according to our Butian Pavilion's intention, it is best to kill them all! After all, the brothers have paid a lot for an investigation, and it is very tiring."

kill them all...

Some people have fainted, and some are crying softly.

The old Prime Minister Huangfu Mingjing couldn't help but rolled his eyes, killing them all? That's tens of thousands of people... The old man feels more and more wrong now. Before Chu Yang came, Tie Butian was furious, but after Chu Yang came, the atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

Rather than saying that the monarch and his ministers are asking and answering, it is better to say that they are playing a double reed.

One is a white face and the other is a black face.

"Killing...isn't advisable?" Tie Butian frowned: "You must know, if the whole family copied and beheaded, there would be tens of thousands of people..."

"Your Majesty is overthinking!" Chu Yang said peacefully, "Tie Yun has been fighting for years! Eight million young men have died in the flames of war! There are only tens of thousands of people, and I, Tie Yun, can afford to lose them!"

"This... the throne, can you be lenient?" Tie Butian said with a smile.

"Well, since His Majesty begged for mercy...then naturally we can deal with it according to the seriousness of the circumstances..." Chu Yang said: "As for the investigation results, I will send them to Your Majesty; Your Majesty can be dictatorial!"

Tie Butian snorted twice, and said, "Forget it."

Chu Yang clearly stabbed himself in this sentence, how could Tie Butian not hear it. dictatorship? What is dictatorship? snort!

However, Chu Yang was a thorn, but also a reminder. As for what to remind... that's unknown.

So far, the oboe singing between the two is over.

"Chu Yuzuo, can you tell me a story?" Tie Butian smiled.

"I'm afraid to disturb His Majesty's purity." Chu Yang said lightly.

"Come here, let's drive the Golden Tower." Tie Butian smiled.

"This is a great gift from you to His Majesty." Chu Yang said softly: "Today's foundation is turbulent and slaughtered everywhere, but it will be a long-term peace and stability in the future! Your Majesty ascended the throne, but in the next moment, he was negligent and forgot to give a gift... just for this Let's balance things out."

Chu Yuzuo's words made His Majesty Tie Butian's eyes almost pop out of their sockets, he was angry and funny, and finally he just let out a long sigh.

The two talked for a long time in the palace, and no one knew when Chu Yuzuo left; but everyone's hearts were also relieved. At least... he won't die right away. With a little breathing time...

A few days later, Tie Butian issued an imperial decree: Anyone who is greedy for less than 50,000 taels of silver will hand over his money and make meritorious deeds; he will stay in his original position temporarily; anyone who is corrupt for less than 100,000 taels of silver will hand over his money and be dismissed from office. Cut the nobility and demote to common people. Anyone who corrupts more than 500,000 taels of silver will be beheaded as a public display, and his family members will be exiled...

As for more than one million, the whole family will copy and chop...

This decision seemed to be loose, but the head of Tie Yun City was also stained red with blood; thousands of heads were cut off in such a gorgeous way!

The law does not blame the public, this principle still counts at this time. If everyone is cut off, I am afraid that Tie Yun Chaotang will collapse immediately. Tie Butian can only deal with it slowly... But one thing is for sure, if one day these people behave badly, then this old account will be turned over immediately...

But Chu Yang provoked this incident, not only to build up power for Butian Pavilion, but also to become a villain himself; moreover, he let Tie Butian win over most of the people's hearts. This matter will directly pass through the short running-in period of Tie Butian's enthronement as emperor, and will directly and forcibly make the court regime in the hands of Tie Butian enter a mature period!

Although the hall is half empty...

After this incident, at least for a long period of time, the officials of Iron Cloud City will take on a completely new look!

This is a great gift from Chu Yang to Tie Butian! As a congratulatory...

As for the cause of the incident, Chu Yuzuo did not say. If he said it, it was because of the rivalry and jealousy in Jue Se Lou... It is estimated that His Majesty the new emperor could be fainted by his anger!

After this incident, King Chu Yan's fierce reputation directly frightened Jiu Chongtian! The cruelty of Chu Yanwang made everyone who heard it amazed!

In the hearts of the officials, Chu Yanwang's already stinking reputation was even more serious, and it was even better! But among the people, the prestige of King Chu Yan has skyrocketed to the sky...

With everyone in Iron Cloud City in danger, no matter what they do, although the number of officials has decreased a lot, the efficiency has actually improved a lot!

Cheng Yunhe finally led his people, and after nearly a month of long journey, he finally returned to Zhongzhou, the capital of Great Zhao, exhausted! It's only one day away from the expiration date of the Dream Soul Liquid...

I don't know how Fifth Qingrou will react when she finds out about these things...