Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 235: Toxic plot serial!


"King Chu Yan?" Gao Sheng's eyes widened: "No way!"

"First, Yunhe's luck is so good? At such a crisis-ridden moment, how many children from aristocratic families met robbery when he went out? And how many children from the middle and three-day family." Fifth smiled lightly.

"This is almost equivalent to making a special trip to inform: we are going to Zhongzhou! You have to be prepared!" Wu Wuqingrou's eyes flashed coldly: "This...isn't it justified?"

"Or they said it unintentionally, but Mr. Cheng just remembered it on purpose." Gao Sheng was thinking, and the eyebrows on his handsome face slowly frowned.

"Or so, but, the second point, they claimed to be robbing, but they didn't rob anything in the end? It's hard, they were waiting for the heavy snowstorm, just to have some fun in the wilderness?" Fifth smiled softly: "As for the reason why they are looking for the throne of Yin, it is even more absurd!"

"How can a child of the Zhongtian family be so boring?"

"Third, I don't believe such a coincidence at all!" Fifth said lightly and softly: "Just this one is enough!"

"So, among these few people, there must be Chu Yanwang!" Wu Wu softly snorted, and said: "And this encounter shows that Chu Yanwang is very likely to come to Dazhao to make troubles! And they If you come to Dazhao, then it is very likely that you will contact Yunhe!"

Gao Sheng thought for a long time before slowly nodding his head and said, "What Xiangye said, there is indeed some possibility!"

"If this is the case, if we really can't see it, they really came, and Yunhe personally covered them, it is almost equivalent to the Golden Horse Knights Hall escorting them... Undoubtedly, in Dazhao The safest..." Han Buchu gasped as he thought this.

"But now that Master Xiang has figured it out, we can just open the big net and wait for the fish to come!" Gao Sheng sneered and said, "If King Chu Yan really came, he would really be in a trap. No effort!"

"Not necessarily!" Fifth Qingrou pondered, and said, "It is impossible for King Chu Yan to use such a naive trick! There must be a deep meaning in it!"

He stood up, paced back and forth, and said to himself: "One is the Luo family, the other is the Ji family, and the other is the Gu family... the three major families in the three days... hum; , at that time, he will definitely come with them! From this, it can be inferred that he followed the young masters of several families and has a lot of friendship... "

"And King Chu Yan has no strength now. If he wants to deal with us, he has to borrow strength... Speaking of borrowing strength, well, since they have a good relationship, these few people should help him; but those who are in the third day are not allowed to interfere For the next three days, none of them will be able to help openly... But if we provoke them, it's a different matter... "

"... If King Chu Yan, with their cooperation, pushes the flames and sows dissension again... Then, it means that our Golden Horse Knights Hall just had a fight with the Black Demon Family, but turned around and confronted the three major families... This may be King Chu Yan borrowed his strength again?"

Wu Wuqingrou gently rubbed his forehead with his hands, and murmured: "Is this another great trap of King Chu Yan?"

He thought about it, his eyes gradually revealed a sharp color, and said: "If we face these three families at the same time... our Golden Horse Knights Hall will be really dangerous..."

Han Buchu, Cheng Yunhe, Gao Sheng, Jing Menghun, and Yin Wutian listened quietly to Wu Wuqingrou's analysis, until now the dangerous situation that would destroy the Golden Horse Knights Hall every now and then. cold sweat.

If this is really Chu Yanwang's plan, then it can be said that one ring is surrounded by another, and the rings are intertwined, which is extremely sinister! If he really thinks he has caught Chu Yanwang's loophole, and surrounds him excitedly... then it is almost foreseeable that the big scene of going against the three major families will come immediately!

"Now that we've been informed, it's not scary." Han Buchu pondered, "We can contact the high-level officials of the three major families now to let them know about this matter. We can't borrow their strength, They may not be willing to be used by King Chu Yan."

"That's right." Fifth Qingrou said: "Let's leave this matter to Gao Sheng, how about it?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiang, there will be no mistakes in this matter!" Gao Sheng said confidently. Knowing the other party's intention, if you can't destroy it, then you are really a fool.

"Well, Gao Sheng, you have to seize the time." Fifth Qingrou said lightly: "If King Chu Yan wants to come, let him come first! Before that, keep in touch with these families and know where they are. But, wait until King Chu Yan arrives, and then inform them about this matter..."

Gao Sheng lifted his spirits and said, "Yes!"

"Well, this is the first thing." Wu Wu sighed softly, and said a little lonely: "Tie Shicheng, the king of Tieyun, has fought with me for several years, and he can be said to be a generation of heroes! I have always wanted to keep him , to make great use of it; I didn’t die in this kind of weather like this...I have prepared a plan for several years, but it has no use at all!"

"There's something strange about this matter." Fifth Qingrou said lightly: "Tie Shicheng has always lived well, why did he die at this time? And Du Shiqing also disappeared at this time; It doesn't matter to King Chu Yan, I don't believe it."

"Ling is still in Tie Yuncheng's secret work, and immediately spread rumors; it is said that King Chu Yan killed Tie Yuncheng. This point, the process, I don't know, you write a story and spread it out! If Tie Butian Doubt is the best, even if Tie Butian doesn't believe it, there will always be someone who will."

"Yes, Mr. Xiang."

"Well, what's more, after Tie Shicheng died, Tie Butian came to the throne; everyone knows that a country cannot live without a king, but... there is still something to do! Another rumor is that Tie Butian did not hesitate to kill his father for the throne. ! And father's bones were not cold, he hurriedly sat on the throne, cold nature, ruthless, unfaithful, unfilial, the world can punish you! This matter is unknown, and you are still in charge of fabricating it."


"Thirdly, when Tie Shicheng died, it was our army that attacked! Iron Dragon City was at the border at that time, and we couldn't leave. Heh, we all knew that we couldn't leave, but Iron Dragon City didn't go back to attend the funeral, but fact!"

Fifth Qingju said: "Therefore, there are rumors. One is that Tielongcheng is embracing its own strength, refusing to accept the new emperor, and intends to rebel! The second is that Tielongcheng thinks that his brother's death is unclear, so he dare not Go back, but when I go back to Iron Dragon City, I will ask Tie Butian for an explanation, Tie Yun's internal strife is imminent... "

"These things, don't know, are all yours to do."


"Also, although Du Shiqing is missing, he can make a big fuss. Let's say that Du Shiqing was killed by Tie Butian in order to seize the throne and let his father die as soon as possible! This rumor must be clever. Moreover, it must be passed on naturally to those... aristocratic families or sects that have contacts with Du Shiqing... In this regard, Du Shiqing's son can help."

"Yes." Han Buchu's expression became more and more admirable. Although these schemes of Fifth Qingrou are just rumors, they are extremely vicious. As long as they are controlled properly, they will have a great effect!

The most terrifying thing in the world is the mouth of the people in the world. As long as the common people think it is true...then, with word of mouth, the false will become true.

"For the sake of securing the throne, Tie Butian asked King Chu Yan to massacre the heroes and veterans who were loyal to Tie Shicheng... Even Tang Xinsheng, the sage of Tie Yun, turned into a spy... This is a big joke in the world... Hmm ,understand?"


"Hurry up and do it!" Wu Wu smiled softly and murmured: "Although King Chu Yan destroyed one of my big plans, how can... how can you be so satisfied?"

Gao Sheng said: "Master Xiang, since this is the case, is it possible for the soldiers to relax when the border is closed? After all, it is freezing cold now, and many soldiers have frostbite, and some even died of freezing..."

Fifth Qingrou frowned, pondered for a while, and said, "Try your best to send cotton clothes to the border; but the military oppression will still continue! We are not feeling well, and Tie Yun's side is even more uncomfortable than us! More What's more, when such rumors are spreading, we can't let Iron Dragon City go back!"


"Golden Horse Knights Hall should rectify properly during this period; Yin Throne's injury, take a good rest!" Fifth Gentle and Gentle said: "Under the cold weather, Golden Horse Knights Hall, please don't move out for the time being. Take care of Kong Throne At that time, I will go there in person to see off King Kong..."

"Yes." Jing Menghun and Yin Wutian agreed at the same time, mentioning Kong's sadness, both of them had sore noses, and said with a sob: "Thank you, Mr. Xiang."

"About sects... we must make King Chu Yan feel bad! The action of Tianwailou was carried out under the freezing weather. Let those sects attack Tianwailou... they can't be wiped out, but they want to kill him! Die as many as possible." Fifth Qingrou said indifferently: "I heard that Chu Yanwang's master is called Meng Chaoran? If his master dies, I wonder if Chu Yanwang will be sad?"

"Even if Chu Yanwang is inhumane, I'm afraid he will shed a few tears." Gao Sheng laughed. In the depths of his eyes, a chill was quietly hidden.

Yes, Wu Wuqingrou's series of methods... is simply a combination of insidiousness and viciousness! If it were me who was right with Fifth Qingrou, I can imagine how devastated I am now.

Now, everything has been accepted by King Chu Yan and Tie Butian, the feelings of these two people must not be too wonderful...

"Master Xiang..." Cheng Yunhe reached into his bosom, took out a jade box, and said shamelessly: "... these two pieces of spiritual jade ginseng were originally told by Master Xiang to do something important; but after passing, I realized that number one was dead. And the Throne of the Black Demon Clan fought against Throne Kong before he had time to make friends with me... It was useless at all, and he failed the Prime Minister's expectations. Now, the original is returned. Please also accept it!"