Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 27: Make up the prince


"You only see the advantages, but not the disadvantages. Before the school was cleaned up, there were too many traitors. If the news leaked, it would not be our practice. I am afraid that our unique skills will become the enemy's sharp weapon against us." Wu Yun Liang said indifferently: "Until the dust settles... don't let it out. You'd better make him another set of plausible footwork to confuse him..."

"Yes." Meng Chaoran felt awe-inspiring. Wu Yunliang's ability to say this sentence shows that the situation in Tianwailou has become extremely serious. This is enough to prove that my previous guess is still a bit too optimistic.

To confuse, to confuse who? Now outsiders don't know about it, only a few disciples of the second senior brother. But still confused...

"Also, how did Chu Yang's Qiyin Absolute Divine Palm... develop the cathode cold energy? This matter is surprising. But don't let him relax." Wu Yunliang pondered, and slowly said: " When he reaches a certain level of cultivation, let him enter the place where the seven Yins gather to improve his cultivation!"

"Although you are a talented disciple, your current skill is still too low to be useful for the time being. You have to know it well."

Meng Chaoran agreed, thoughtfully.

"Junior Brother Meng, I had a plan before, and Shi Qianshan is a suitable candidate in view of your deep scheming. But now, it seems that Shi Qianshan is really useless. But Chu Yang..." Wu Yunliang smiled : "I have great use."

"Useful?" Meng Chaoran raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Even in Tie Yun, we have no foundation. The school needs someone to enter Tie Yun's interior as a person in the dark." Wu Yunliang said solemnly: "Chu Yang, judging by his performance today, he will undoubtedly be a suitable candidate. Just How about using him as a dark chess piece?"

Meng Chaoran was stunned for a moment, and did not speak for a long time. After a long while, he said: "This will undoubtedly be a good opportunity, but it is also extremely dangerous. Each of these countries is full of experts. Once discovered, it will be a disaster. After all, Chu Yang is young, and it is still hopeful." Brother, think carefully about it..."

"How can you become a talent without going through wind and rain?" Wu Yunliang said: "If you always fight with your back and don't take big risks, how can you have the greatest harvest. So you can rest assured that other disciples can be exposed, but Chu Yang will not be exposed of!"

After Wu Yunliang finished speaking, he greeted Kong Jingfeng, and the two bid farewell to Meng Chaoran.

The long figure slowly disappeared. Meng Chaoran stood in front of the Purple Bamboo Garden in a daze. The figures of the three of them all looked a little heavy.

Meng Chaoran let out a long sigh, his eyes were worried, and he murmured: "Senior brother, there are some things... that cannot be accomplished by the power of Tianwailou alone. Between the two countries, what can a mere Tianwailou... help?" What? Taking a risk is a helpless move, and fighting with your back is a life-and-death taboo. If you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces... Just don't be self-defeating, Tianwailou, now can't bear such a big turmoil... "

Meng Chaoran faintly felt that in this world, a huge vortex was being set off, and Tianwailou was right in the center of this vortex, and could perish at any moment...

And this vortex, but Tianwailou itself is also fueling the flames, even sparing no effort...

In the next three days, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, three countries will stand together. Anything farther away is far from the scope of this struggle.

Among these three countries, among them, the Great Zhao Empire is worthy of the name of an empire, with the largest territory. The country is huge, and the population is relatively rich. It dominates one side, and is gradually encroaching on the surrounding areas. There is a faint momentum to dominate the world.

The other two countries are Iron Cloud Country and Promise Country. Although the strength of these two countries can be considered strong, compared with Da Zhao, they are much inferior. The targets that Da Zhao devoured were also them.

Territory disputes broke out frequently on the border of the three countries.

At this moment, in the capital city of Tieyun Kingdom, under Tieyun City, there are four people standing still on four horses. A middle-aged man, two young people, and a young girl with a black veil.

There were bloodstains on all four of them.

Glancing at each other, the middle-aged man let out a long breath and said, "It's finally here. Qianqian, how are you doing?" There was a sense of relief in his voice.

"I'm fine." Wu Qianqian shook her head with tiredness in her eyes.

"When we came out this time, there were too many interceptions along the way. Our whereabouts should be kept secret. This should not have happened. It's a little abnormal." Lord, violent thunder.

Bao, this is a relatively rare surname.

Baokuanglei is a courageous and resourceful figure among Wu Yunliang's generation of disciples. He behaves steadily, dares to fight and fight hard, and handles things seamlessly. His personality does not match the explosiveness of his name at all.

"No matter what, it's finally here." Wu Qianqian smiled. The four of them looked at each other, and there was something tacitly understood: there must be traitors in the sect! Moreover, I am afraid that the status is not low!

"Let's go into the city." Bao Kuang Lei's expression darkened, and then he cheered up and waved his hand.

As the flow of people entered the city, they went round and round, and they had already arrived at a palace. On the door plaque made of silver, three golden characters shone brightly: Qianqiu Mansion.

Qianqiu Mansion is the Crown Prince's Mansion of Tie Yun Kingdom! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Tieyun Kingdom lives here.

After the notification, the four entered the Qianqiu Mansion, and under the guidance of the servants, they came to the lobby.

In the middle, on a comfortable seat, a handsome young man, dressed in a soft yellow robe, was reclining on it, holding a book, as if he was studying hard. Long eyebrows drawn into the temples, face like a jade crown, a crown of purple jade, black hair rolled up.

This young man is a little thin, and looks a little fragile, even a little weak. His wrist holding the book is a little slender, dry, but stable.

His face is full of gentle breath, it looks very peaceful, very reassuring, even weak, people can't help but want to take care of him, but once he gets close to him, he will feel that this weak and quiet boy is just sitting flat It also makes people feel like nine days and a bright moon, unattainable!

It seems that the power of life and death in the whole world is held in those thin but dry hands!

After the servant informed, the young man put down the book in his hand, turned his head slowly, looked at the four of them, with a smile like a spring breeze thawing on his face, and said gently: "The four of you have worked hard from afar, please sit down."

Kuanglei cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Prince, for your seat." He took Wu Qianqian and the three of them and sat down.

This young man is none other than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Tie Yun Kingdom. Iron Butian.

At this moment, his eyes flicked over the four of them, he suddenly smiled slightly, raised his eyebrows, and imperceptibly, there was an atmosphere of desolation, and he said lightly: "Is this journey not peaceful?"

"Yes, intercept all the way, every step is dangerous." Baokuanglei sat calmly. They are members of the sect and do not belong to the imperial court. When they see the prince of a country, they don't need to pay homage or anything.

But Xue Yemeng and Qin Mushang on one side were somewhat nervous.

"Hehe... It seems that someone is operating in secret." Tie Butian smiled faintly, his eyes slowly shrank a little in the laughter, stood up with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "But the four Please rest assured, such a thing, I guarantee that it will not happen in this country of Tie Yun, even once!"

Although he was thin and not very tall, but he stood with his hands behind his back, raised his eyebrows, and swept his eyes calmly, but he had an awe-inspiring demeanor of ruling the world! It seems that at this stop, the entire sky and earth are underfoot!

Kuang Lei was shocked. He finally understood the elder brother's decision. Just judging by the demeanor of this prince of Tieyun Kingdom, he is definitely a hero for a lifetime!