Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 32: Baptism


Chu Yang is just a breakthrough warrior, how could he force out the impurities in the meridians

What kind of monstrous apprentice did I accept? Meng Chaoran was completely stunned! To shock Meng Chaoran, who has always been calm and careless, to this point, this is definitely the first time in Tianwailou!

If Wu Yunliang and the others found out, they might lose their eyes!

A general warrior's breakthrough is to force out some impurities in the body, and these impurities are acquired, called "incarnation". The nine-level warrior, from the first level to the peak warrior, basically removes almost all the impurities on the body surface.

Then there is the martial artist; the martial artist's breakthrough is also to force out the body's impurities step by step, making the body more suitable for cultivation, and the impurities forced out by the martial artist's cultivation base are the inside of the body, including the five internal organs; these are also acquired impurities! This step is called "transformation".

After that, the impurities that Wu Zong forced out during his breakthrough were the impurities in the meridians, and such impurities were also acquired. At this point, it is considered that you have really reached the middle stage of cultivation. This step is called "washing".

Above Wu Zong, Wu Zun's realm is the time to force out the deepest impurities in the body, the factors that are not conducive to cultivation in the bone marrow. This step is called "cutting marrow"! Cutting the marrow is also the last step of body training!

Now, Chu Yang just broke through as a warrior, but he has actually reached the realm of washing scriptures. How could Meng Chaoran not be surprised? You know, the current Meng Chaoran has only reached the late stage of baptism!

Chu Yang often let out a sigh of relief, and finally broke through to the warrior! That is to say, now as long as you get the first section of the Nine Tribulations Sword, you can immediately practice the Nine Tribulations and Nine Layers Heavenly Divine Skill!

Meng Chaoran was surprised, but Chu Yang was not surprised at all. The set of movements he insists on doing every morning is to eliminate body impurities all the time. The body surface impurities, muscle impurities, and bone impurities have almost been eliminated long ago.

That is the miraculous movement from the Nine Tribulations Sword, which directly points to the mysteries of the human body. Although it is only one movement, it can move the whole body from the inside to the outside at the same time, and at the same time generate several times the force of squeezing to get rid of impurities !

It's just this set of seemingly ordinary movements, but it's hard to find, and it's a treasure for warriors!

Chu Yang stood up, his feet nailed to the ground like nails, his upper body leaned back slowly, his waist seemed to be broken, his head was bent between his legs, and then his hands went under his crotch and hugged his chin , and then as soon as he exerted force, his body suddenly bounced off the ground in the shape of such a ball. Twirling in the air.

Meng Chaoran noticed that while he was turning in the air, every part of his body was still moving in this posture, from the head and neck to the toes, and at the same time, there were crackling sounds of joints, one after another.

Meng Chaoran was horrified. Although he didn't know the effect of this movement, he knew that it was extremely difficult. If it were him, if he did it for the first time, he would never be able to do it!

Chu Yang spun seven or eight times in the air before landing on the ground, rolling back and forth on the ground in a circle shape, and then suddenly stretched his body, like a chick breaking out of an egg shell. The sound from the joints of the body became more intense.

After that, he stood up slowly, his body was in a posture almost like a toddler, his legs trembled thousands of times while standing up, and every tremor was accompanied by a crisp sound deep in the bones.

In the end, when the body stood firm, the sound of the joints of the body weakened, but the two arms slowly stretched in a strange posture, and another burst of joints sounded like popping beans from the arms!

clap clap...

Meng Chaoran was almost stunned, and he finally understood the meaning of this set of movements. But thinking about it this way is terrifying!

This set of movements is clearly the trajectory of life!

Every movement seems weird and incomprehensible, but it is full of traces of the Dao!

From nothing, into an egg, conceive, break the shell, stand up...

This is the life trajectory of birds!

Chu Yang made four movements and stopped.

This is also a set of movements contained in the Nine Tribulations Sword. You can only practice after you enter the realm of warriors. If you practice this set of movements in the realm of warriors, I am afraid that you will break all the bones in your body piece by piece.

Practicing this set of movements, the pain you have to bear is almost not much lighter than a broken bone, and it is a continuous pain that penetrates into the bone marrow. But from the beginning to the end, Chu Yang didn't even say a word.

If you make a sound, you will vent your vitality, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

After being reborn, Chu Yang had already made up his mind, either not to do it, or to do it to the best of his ability!

Taking a breath, the sweat all over his body came out violently at this time. On the ground, a piece of ground was quickly soaked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Master, these four movements are named 'The Way of the Universe'. There are too many mysteries in it, and I don't understand it very well. Please correct me, Master!" Chu Yang said calmly without turning his head.

He knew that his master must be protecting the law for him. Although he didn't realize it, Meng Chaoran was definitely there. Because I didn't know it until four years later in my previous life. Although Meng Chaoran was indifferent on the surface, he was more concerned than himself and others every time his three brothers made breakthroughs! Every time, you must be fully alert to protect the Dharma in the dark.

If I wait for others to break through, I just need to work hard, but the master has to suffer in the dark for several days.

But Meng Chaoran never said it. He is a man who does not talk. By the time Chu Yang understood Master's good intentions, it was already too late.

In this life, how could he miss it

Meng Chaoran chuckled, walked out of the purple bamboo forest, and asked, "How do you know I'm here?"

Chu Yang smiled, with deep emotion in his eyes, and said, "Which time did the disciples break through without the master? Our practice has never been disturbed. When we broke through, there were not even a bug or mosquito around us. It was absolutely quiet and even more so." Don't talk about other snakes, insects and rats, wouldn't it be surprising in this purple bamboo forest full of these things?"

Meng Chaoran smiled gratifiedly, and said: "You work hard on your own. Breakthroughs are your own ability. As a teacher, you just watch secretly."

Meng Chaoran didn't say anything, but he was very moved in his heart. He knew that Chu Yang's set of movements was done on purpose for himself to see. The purpose is to allow myself to practice and improve my self-protection ability.

Such a set of movements full of traces of Dao will definitely be of great benefit to oneself in comprehending martial arts. He didn't say anything, but he secretly remembered it in his heart.

This set of movements is definitely a treasure. I really don't know where Chu Yang learned it; but Meng Chaoran didn't ask. Everyone has their own secrets, and when Chu Yang doesn't want to take the initiative to tell them, he won't ask them. He respects the freedom of his apprentices.

Chu Yang is my apprentice. Knowing this is enough!

Meng Chaoran stood for a while, then went back. Chu Yang was on the verge of a breakthrough these days, how could he not know? He observed Chu Yang's movements every day, and was mentally exhausted for several days.

But Chu Yang just broke through, but he didn't feel sleepy.

It was late at night, and Chu Yang sat alone on the top of the mountain with his knees hugged. Looking at the dark night, his heart fluttered.

Qing Wu, I've arrived at the Samurai! Soon you will be able to cultivate the Nine Tribulations and Nine Heavens, and have the power to protect you and take care of you. I will never let you suffer any harm.

Where are you at this moment

At this moment, Qing Wu is only ten years old, right? Thinking about it, Chu Yang couldn't help but smile gently, wondering what Qing Wu looks like at this time? Still a chick? With pigtails

In her previous life, she met Mo Qingwu nine years later. At that time Mo Qingwu was nineteen years old. I am twenty-five years old.

Thinking of Mo Qingwu at that time, Chu Yang's mind became far away, and he still remembered that Mo Qingwu also liked purple bamboo, and because of the warmth of his childhood, when he chose a place to practice and retreat, he would always find such a piece of Xiaoxiang purple bamboo.

So, in the purple bamboo forest on the Tianwu Peak of Nirvana Mountain, he and Mo Qingwu met for the first time.

In the end, Mo Qingwu was attacked near the Purple Bamboo Forest in Tianwu Peak. Inside, there are several bamboo houses built by Mo Qingwu herself...

There were a few young bamboos, Mo Qingwu carefully planted them one by one on his way to greet him. I remember that Mo Qingwu once said at that time: Chu Yang, if one day I die, please burn my body to ashes, sprinkle it on this road, and plant my heart and soul on this road. On the road, just to let you step on me when you walk from here, I would rather let you trample on all of me, even if you are not here to see me, just to see these purple bamboos... But please let me feel that you come That's it.

Light dance, light dance...

With a sour call in Chu Yang's heart, he smiled gently, his eyes full of anticipation!