Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 44: Spirit-absorbing Holy Fish!


After bidding farewell to Wu Yunliang and walking all the way back to Zizhu Garden, Meng Chaoran fell silent again.

Chu Yang knew that Meng Chaoran was worried about him, but he didn't know how to resolve it. He wanted to say something, but felt that no matter what he said, it would be so feeble, and it would never dispel Meng Chaoran's worry, so he had to keep silent.

As soon as he walked to the gate of Zizhu Garden, he heard Tan Tan's penetrating shout from inside: "Don't run! If you run again, I'll make soup for you."

The two were startled at the same time. Hurriedly entering the door, I saw Tan Tan pouted by the pool, splashing water everywhere. Then with a cheer, he grabbed a fish and jumped up. Hold it above your head, laughing loudly, overjoyed.

Meng Chaoran was taken aback for a moment, and rushed forward.

Chu Yang was also surprised! Unexpectedly, Tan Tan caught this good thing!

It was a strange fish with a black body and no scales. Its head was round and without eyes. It turned out to be a blind fish! It is not big, and it looks like it weighs less than half a catty.

"Tan Tan, put it down." Meng Chaoran's voice was urgent: "Don't kill it!"

Tan Tan turned his head in confusion, and then exclaimed excitedly: "Master, Chu Yang, look, I caught a strange fish." As he was speaking, the fish wrenched violently, and even pulled away from his hand. It came out, drew a graceful arc in the air, and was about to fall back into the water.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Meng Chaoran jumped out and grabbed the fish before it fell back into the water. Then he turned back directly, had already grabbed a water basin in his hand, returned to the pool almost without stopping, scooped up half of the basin of water, and put the fish in it.

Then he wiped off the splashed water on his face, and handed the water basin to Tan Tan with a smile: "Put it in your room and take a good look at it. This fish is very precious, don't raise it to death." .”

Tan Tan said confusedly: "Master, what kind of fish is this? It's so's not enough to make soup."

"Make soup?! You just know how to eat it!" Meng Chaoran patted him on the head angrily and funny, and reprimanded him: "This is a priceless treasure! Wouldn't it be a pity to eat it?"

"Priceless treasure?" Tan Tan touched his head and looked at the fish curiously. Look left and right, it's just a fish. Even though it looks weird, it's not a dragon...

"This is the holy spirit-absorbing fish." Chu Yang also squatted down and looked at the fish, "Unexpectedly, Tan Tan found such a treasure! Really lucky."

"Spirit-absorbing holy fish?"

"That's right, the Spirit-absorbing Holy Fish, according to long-standing legends, is the treasure of the Three-Star Saint Clan. This kind of fish doesn't grow up big, its meat isn't tasty, and it doesn't have any powerful skills. But put this fish in a fish tank and keep it in In my own room, it can absorb the aura of the surrounding world to the greatest extent and gather here! For the cultivation of warriors, it can achieve twice the result with half the effort! It can be said to be the treasure that warriors dream of!"

Chu Yang said softly.

"That's right, and one of the biggest advantages is that with this fish around, the aura of heaven and earth absorbed from the surroundings is pure aura of heaven and earth. This is the most rare thing. The existence of this fish has become a legend, and it has been known for many years. It just exists in the classics, no one has seen it. Tan Tan, how did you find out?" Meng Chaoran looked at Tan Tan in surprise.

"Just now. Just now I was fetching water by the pool, and suddenly it was completely dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. I was very scared, so I didn't dare to move by the pool. After half an hour, the genius lit up, and then I just noticed that the soil under the pool was constantly churning, as if something was about to come out, and then I kept watching..." Tan Tan spread his hands: "Then this guy got out of the soil... I saw it grow Strange, I caught it."

"It's getting dark all of a sudden?" Meng Chaoran frowned suddenly. When the sky change happened, both he and Wu Yunliang were in the stone room and didn't know it at all. Hearing what Tan Tan Yi said at this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"It's been dark for half an hour? Then this fish came out of the soil?" Meng Chaoran looked up at the sky, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes: "It's been a long time since the things of the Holy Race have appeared in this world." .Why did this spirit-absorbing holy fish suddenly appear? It was morning, and suddenly it was dark, why is this?"

"Could it be that this day, it's going to fail?" Meng Chaoran was thinking hard. After a while, he finally gave up, but from the look of his eyebrows, it seemed that he had added something to his mind.

Chu Yang also blinked in confusion. He also didn't know that he had obtained the tip of the Nine Tribulations Sword. After the fusion, such an earth-shattering feat would happen.

"Tan Tan, since you discovered this fish, then you should make a fish tank and keep it in your own room." Meng Chaoran's expression returned to calm.

"Yes, Master. Chu Yang and I have been in the same room; in this way, both of us can make use of it, haha." Tan Tan smiled happily.

"From today on, Chu Yang will sleep separately from you!" Meng Chaoran's face darkened.

"Why?" Tan Tan cried out in disappointment.

"No reason, Chu Yang has other important matters."

"Then...then put this fish in Chu Yang's room." Tan Tan said with a mournful face, extremely reluctant to let go: "Although I need it very much, but Chu Yang is about to go out to perform a dangerous mission. He is more serious than me." Necessary. Even if it can only be improved a little bit, it’s good. Well, it’s best for Chu Yang to take it with him when he goes out, so that he can absorb the aura of heaven and earth anytime and anywhere.”

Chu Yang's heart was shocked, and he turned his head to look at Tan Tan, feeling a rush of heat in his heart. Even for a long time did not speak.

The benefits of absorbing the holy fish have been clearly stated by Meng Chaoran just now. Although Tan Tan was a little out of tune, he was by no means a fool. He won't fail to understand. But such a priceless treasure, he never thought of monopolizing it! Even, without blinking an eyelid, I will give it to myself!

Even though he was reluctant, he still wanted to give it to himself!

"Why?" Meng Chaoran's eyes were full of relief.

"I am here, by Master's side, and there is no danger." Tan Tan said seriously, "Chu Yang needs it more than me."

"Silly boy." Meng Chaoran stretched out his hand, stroked Tan Tan's head, and said, "If you want to protect Chu Yang, you must improve your own strength first, and only when your brother needs your help can you make the biggest move." Strength. When Chu Yang is out of the house, carrying this thing will easily lead to death. Do you understand?"

Tan Tan suddenly opened his mouth wide, and hurriedly said: "Then... that's better to stay." As he said that, he looked at Chu Yang with some embarrassment: "Chu Yang, I... I'm not being stingy and denying you; this, this... "

"I understand." Chu Yang hugged his shoulders and said deeply, "Good brother!"

"Tan Tan, how did you know I was going out?" Chu Yang asked.

"You've been making preparations for the past few days, but you didn't tell me; I'm not stupid... We've been together for more than ten years, and anything you don't let me know is usually very dangerous." Tan Tan hummed: "And In the past few days, Master has obviously been with you a lot, if I don't know, I will be a fool."

Chu Yang laughed out loud.

Tan Tan snorted, and suddenly said seriously: "Chu Yang, I don't know where you are going; but, I will definitely practice hard and I will help you in the future."

"Okay! I'll be waiting for you. At that time, let us brothers unite and turn the world around!" Chu Yang was so proud that he let out a long roar. I just felt a wave of belief in victory welling up in my heart.

With such a good brother, how can I not work hard? It must be known that this reversal is to change Tan Tan's fate together!

Such a brother, how can I be willing to let him die? !