Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 57: Arrive at Iron Cloud


Looking at Chu Yang's eyes, the masked man who had been by his side smiled triumphantly, and said proudly, "Are my brothers not bad?"

Among this team, due to his special status, even old man Gao and Du Shiqing dare not be rude to him, but Chu Yang is the only one who is not polite to him.

But he actually insisted on following Chu Yang's side, talking to Chu Yang all the way, although sometimes he was smoked by Chu Yang's seven orifices, but he would never go around other people.

He clearly knew that although Chu Yang was rude to him, he was the only one in the whole team who didn't want to die. As for those other people, although they were very polite to him, they wanted to kill him one by one.

In case they stab themselves when they are safe... that is definitely not impossible!

But only Chu Yang can't!

"Good soldier!" Chu Yang looked at the black torrent beside him, and said in a low voice.

"Naturally he is a good soldier!" The big man said proudly: "Otherwise, how could he guard Yang... Uh, I'll fuck you! How dare you take my word for it?"

Chu Yang rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said very weakly: "Do you think I will do such a dirty thing? I still trick you?!" He turned his neck, and said disdainfully: "I want to know something about you. Bao Aphrodisiac knows everything."

The big man shuddered tremblingly, stared at this animal-like young man in a daze, and wisely stopped talking. Because he suddenly remembered what Chu Yang said that day:

"I stripped you naked and dragged you into a group of horses to pose and then fed aphrodisiacs to all the horses!"

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt creepy. If this is the case, then it is really possible for him to succumb...

This morning, I finally saw a big city ahead.

Du Shiqing, old man Gao and the others breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

When we got here, we had already reached the hinterland of Iron Cloud Country, and the crowds began to gather, and the government offices were connected to each other. Basically, when we got here, there was no possibility of being assassinated!

Because once Du Shiqing died in such a place, Tie Butian would definitely be furious! I am afraid that the officials along the way will be unlucky. Therefore, everyone will offer Du Shiqing as their master.

Sure enough, banners were waving at the city gate, and a group of people came out of the city. Obviously, they came to welcome Du Shiqing!

More than a hundred people nearby turned their heads to look at it at the same time, and old man Gao suddenly turned his head, murderous look in his eyes! Killing this big man here, I am afraid that the other party's more than a hundred people have no way to stop it!

The atmosphere between the two parties suddenly became tense and weird.

"Let me go..." The big man clearly sensed the malicious intentions of old man Gao and the others. The body weighing more than two hundred kilograms suddenly flew out.

Old man Gao was a step slower, and couldn't help but glared at Chu Yang and said angrily, "You!"

With a sudden sound, the big man flew seven or eight feet away, and with a whistle, a strong horse rushed over. The warrior on the horse stretched out his hand and caught the big man. With his legs crossed, he sat safely on the horse's back.

More than a hundred black-clothed and masked people cheered at the same time. Suddenly, the big man gave an order, and more than a hundred people stopped at the same time. After that, looking at the murderous eyes, made people feel cold all over.

The iron-colored torrent circled dully, the big man let out a long laugh, and shouted: "You little bastard, we will meet again! Next time, I will strip you naked and feed the aphrodisiacs to the horses!" While speaking, Unexpectedly triumphant, it seems that he is not ashamed of being captured, but rather proud.

Chu Yang couldn't help being a little stunned, feeling ashamed of this guy's thick skin.


As he said that, his eyes slanted, and he glanced at Old Man Gao and the others with malicious intentions, waved his hand, turned the horse's head, clamped his legs, and galloped ahead. The knights behind followed closely one by one, forming an iron stream on the road!

The iron stream was rolling, and the horse galloped, leaving a billowing yellow smoke like an angry dragon on the road, and it quickly went away. Along the way, the big man's heroic laughter kept coming: "His grandma, have the children prepared good wine for me? I have been abused by that guy these days... I haven't changed my clothes these days , I covered my whole body white..."

There was a burst of laughter, followed by whistles and whistles, and there was chaos. Obviously, from top to bottom, this group of people did not regard this arrest as a shame. He didn't have much complaints about not completing the assassination of Du Shiqing.

It seems that it is the best thing in the world for this big man to return! It doesn't matter if the task can't be doesn't matter.

"Why did you let him go?" Old man Gao raised his head and looked at Chu Yang.

"No one can stand without faith!" Chu Yang looked at him coldly, without giving in. "Besides, Mr. Du has kindness to me. I escorted Mr. Du here, and it has nothing to do with you!"

He said slowly and disdainfully: "If you can kill him recklessly when I catch him, I won't say anything, at least I will praise you for your great loyalty. At worst, we will all die together That's all. But you didn't want to kill people until now, hehe, Elder Gao, that's not how you got your name from the Blazing Sword Sect, right?"

When he said this, the remaining four knights blushed and couldn't speak.

Old man Gao nodded slowly, and said: "Good! Good! Good!" He said three good words in succession. The sternness in his eyes became more and more intense.

Chu Yang snorted coldly, and said proudly, "What? Want to cross the river and demolish the bridge? Plan to attack the savior?" He only cares about his ultimate goal now, and Chu Yang doesn't think about what they think.

Gao Weicheng was startled, and finally stared at him for a while, then turned around.

Behind him, Du Shiqing sighed and said, "Old Gao, Chu Yang did nothing wrong in this matter. A man should keep his word."

The crooked figure of the old man Gao who was walking away paused for a moment, then turned around and said, "Yes, my lord taught me the lesson."

Chu Yang was immediately astonished!

It was the first time he saw old man Gao talking to Du Shiqing, and he really didn't expect that old man Gao was so respectful to Du Shiqing. This attitude was almost as respectful as a servant treats his master.

With old man Gao's name of 'Fire Blade Sect', this is a bit too unusual.

Chu Yang put on an indignant look on his face, but he kept thinking... Could it be that Du Shiqing... is there anything special about it

After walking for another two days, they finally arrived at Iron Cloud City. Several counties along the way warmly received Du Shiqing and his party.

However, old man Gao and the others gradually became indifferent to Chu Yang, and later, they even became disgusted. This guy is like a solitary wolf.

Chu Yang didn't think he was disobedient and remained indifferent. Every day I just discuss some medical issues with Du Shiqing. On the contrary, it was very fulfilling along the way. Chu Yang's comprehension is extremely high, and, in some places, his out-of-the-ordinary remarks can give Du Shiqing a refreshing feeling. So the two talked all the way, and they never got tired of it.

Chu Yang even took the opportunity to make up for this field that he didn't understand in his previous life. In the future, no matter whether I am fighting on the battlefield or wandering around the world, these life-saving knowledge will always come in handy!

Du Shiqing's whereabouts were basically reported to Iron Cloud City at the rate of three reports a day. It is said that Tie Butian, Crown Prince Tie Yun, will personally welcome Du Shiqing into the city. Such a courtesy is nothing short of grand!

Thirty miles away from Iron Cloud City!

Tieyun City's banners were unfurled, and they rushed out from the gate of the city, stood in two rows at the gate of the city, and stretched out for a distance of five or six miles. A torrent, let the horse gallop. It didn't stop until ten miles away.

As soon as the line was drawn, a young man in white robes suddenly appeared in the middle. The white horse in white clothes and white robes is like a snowy viburnum suddenly blooming in front of the city gate, ice sculptures and snow sculptures, the wind spirit is like jade, and the heroic posture is heroic!